39,388 Topics
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hi there i have a website develop in codeigniter framework i have upload the website in subdomain but the the problem with url rewrite. the website home page works fine oes.techpawer.com but when i open the login page or any other page it will not work like to open login … ![]() | |
I have got wamp server installed i was running perfectly but now suddenly it is nt starting it is showing loading process. I have uninstalled it and again installed still same problem... plz help me | |
Good Morning, I am trying to create a dealer order form for products which occasionally have a sub selection for color available. It is always limited to 2 colors if there is an option, and the number of items is very limited (max of 8) What I would like to … | |
Hello Guys. i need ur help. I want to compute the grades in php. This is My code. <?php mysql_connect("localhost","root","")or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("collegestudent") or die(mysql_error()); $id = $_POST['id']; $prelim = $_POST['prelim']; $midterm = $_POST['midterm']; $prefinal = $_POST['prefinal']; $final = $_POST['final']; $a = (int) $prelim + 50 * .20; $b=(int) $midterm + … ![]() | |
I have created an online PHP code executor at http://web.guru99.com Though I have checked all security aspects … do you experts see any major flaw that I need to care of? | |
I want to do in French (By default) & seconadry option is English. I have a *two image flag* on login.php page. It should **ALWAYS** visible in the site. I created two files lang_FR.php and lang_EN.php. *How one set French as default language and translate it according user choice ?* … ![]() | |
Hi all, I'm new to codeigniter, and i want to know how to approach or a small example as to how to get the following: 1) If I have a form, and it has fields say asking for number of some category for example: first in a drop down we … ![]() | |
I want to create a login system with "**remember me**" option, but am afraid to use cookies because I don't know how to handle the security for it, so I prefer to use session instead, but all session will be destroyed after 30 minutes or when user close the browser, … | |
I need to pass a js variable to a php variable. I know this can't be done directly and I have been trying to do it with ajax but I just can't figure it out. <form name="menu"> <div> <select name="list1" size="1" onchange="setOptions(document.menu.list1.options [document.menu.list1.selectedIndex].value,document.menu.list2,document.menu.list3);"> <option value=" " selected></option> <option value="one">item1</option> <option … | |
This code doesnt get into the if statements to check the conditions. Please help me find what is wrong with it. <?php $info=""; if (isset($_POST['RegButton'])) { $FirstName= $_POST['Fname']; $LastName= $_POST['Lname']; $Email= $_POST['Email']; $Phone= $_POST['Phone']; $userPass= $_POST['password']; $repass= $_POST['repassword']; //For password encryption $slt= time(); $salt= $slt; $harshed= sha1($userPass.$salt); if (empty($_POST['Fname'])){ $info= … | |
Hi could someone help me out here. I have a frm that has multiple entries. Each entry has 'artist' 'linl' and 'link text'. link and linktext are optional. My code at the minute needs all to be filled in, if I leave link and link trext blank I get errors. … | |
Hi, I have been working on trying to figure out, how to call a php function in javascript, for about two weeks. PS: I don't have code to post because I really don't know how to implement this. ![]() | |
Hi I have an issue where by I have lots of products in a field which are comma delimited I want to replace those product words with a id number that I have in a different table. I currently use FIND INSET to replace a tab to the comma but … | |
hello guys, i have 2 tables - tblproduct and tblretprod. prod_id is common in both. i am retrieving records from the tables to display with edit and delete options beside each record displayed. i created an update.php and updprod.php (for edit). update.php <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> … | |
I have two forms the first one is as follows:  In the first one, I enter the customer details and the type of house he wants, and the number of rooms he has, and I have set a session once I hit the next button. This is spanning … | |
Hey , I tried to send some data to different page and want to use it response ... But the problem i face is the code is working properly on my local host but when i put it over web it always gave me an error ... catalog_no=$('#srno').val(); //alert(catalog_no); query="select … | |
can you help me to uploade image file to folder using php | |
Better way to find String in PHP ! instead of substring and other php function , This function takes Start and End , and it will return the String in between in another variable ! you can call it easily :) ![]() | |
l am trying to do a facebook autopost. Everything works fine if l supply my userid. However l need to get the id of the currently logged in user. $faceboook->getUser() returns 0 every time. l know the code is configured properly coz l can post to my own profile ![]() | |
Hi Daniwebbers, I've created a web form and code in order to reset/clear the form with a button. However, in a specific circumstance, the form only resets properly if I go to a separate page then come back to the form and reset it. It only happens directly after I … | |
I have an interesting problem and have searched the internet, but haven't yet found an answer. Consider the following function: function get_setting_values_from_file( $parameter ) { exec("/usr/var/binary --options $parameter", $output, $return); $settings = file( $output[0] ); } I need to unit test a similar function. I am currently using phpUnit for … | |
I had saved files in folder "uploads".I want to display uploaded filename in the table. There are two files. london.jpeg & usa.pdf Table: no Name File 1 abc london 2 xyz usa When one click on london or usa, one should able to see the file. I need urngent help. … | |
hi all i have this api but can not figure out for the life of me how to echo specific data from the api i am new-ish to php so any help would be great thanks in advance <?php /* Examples // Setup API $API = new LodestoneAPI(); // Search … ![]() | |
Hello, Just making a plan for new website of wordpress. I am wondring about RSS feed and sitemap.xml of website. How we can create in wordpress. Also let me know when we make RSS feed in html or core php there we can use tool for Rss creation and sitemap. … | |
I'm Anil kumar i want to build a dynamic mega drop down menu using PHP. how to create table structure? how to write the code for doing this? please help me. | |
<?php include("DBconnect.php"); //Retrieving data from html form $username =$_POST[ 'username' ]; $email =$_POST [ 'email' ] ; $status='verify'; // A salt is randomly generated here to protect again brute force attacks // and rainbow table attacks. The following statement generates a hex // representation of an 8 byte salt. Representing … | |
have 2 problem in my index page issue 1 have created a menu header - It is confirmed valid and can be use but the thing is, when ever i go back to home link - index page from other page, all the links is disable to be click but … | |
Hello. I have a form with captcha element. The text field displays on the right of the image. How can I make it displaying below the image? $path = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getBaseUrl(); $captcha = new Zend_Form_Element_Captcha( 'captcha', array( 'label' => 'Type the characters you see in the image below:', 'attribs' => array('id' … ![]() | |
Hello I have almost completed the code for pdf_labels. However, I am stuck on the fronts. First, the format is not exactly as it should be. Please follow the following URL to see what I am talking about. [URL="http://www.weststreet.org.uk/MembersDBLive/reports/labelTest.php"]http://www.weststreet.org.uk/MembersDBLive/reports/labelTest.php[/URL] As you can see, it starts with label 5 instead of … ![]() | |
Hello, I created an XBAP web application which I already implemented on my website but I am wondering if it would be possible to pass PHP variables like session etc. to the app itself? I know it's possible with ASP.net, but I am not sure for this one. For example, … ![]() |
The End.