39,388 Topics
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Hi All, I am a beginner in php and working on admin side of a small website. I have attached a PHP CKEDITOR to the admin page so that the admin may edit the pages text. Here, i am a bit confused about one thing and that is about how … | |
This is really a spoon feeding request. I'm in the process of learning regex, which will take time to perfect, but as of now I'm in immediate need of help to work on regex expression. Suppose I've a string like $str = "asggasdg46%dgeoweg5.3%sdgeoge4%kge"; In the above string, I need to … | |
<?php include("DBconnect.php"); $u="select count(username) as 'COUNTUSER' from users where username='shikha verma'"; $result = mysql_query($u); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo $row[COUNTUSER]; } /*if ($value[0]>0) { die("email already exist"); }*/ ?> the code inside the comment is not working please give me suggetions | |
hi everyone im having issues with some results i need, basically i have a view page that needs to output results based on earnings per month. all results are collected and outputted in rows, is there anyway in php i can group all the results by the earning month instead … | |
I have inserted a rich text editor to an textarea, but I get the following error after submitting my form: [CODE] Notice: Undefined index: msgpost in C:\wamp\www\mycms\administrator\page_new_parse.php on line 15 [/CODE] I have changed the textarea name, and the id to "msgpost" as explained on their website. I have also … | |
[B]insert.php[/B] [CODE]<?php $dbun = "$_POST[dbun]"; $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("my_db", $con); $sql="INSERT INTO $dbun (sn, date, particular, dr, cr) VALUES ('$_POST[sn]','$_POST[date]','$_POST[ptr]','$_POST[dr]','$_POST[cr]')"; if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } echo "1 record added"; mysql_close($con) ?> [/CODE] [B]DB name = my_db[/B] [B]user.php[/B] … | |
I need to store the values of a textarea tag using a form to submit the value and finally store to a mysql database table. Here is what I have, I am sure its something dumb, but its been a while since I have used php. [CODE] <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ $con … | |
Hey Everyone Im having a lil trouble rightnow making this script work. What im trying to do is make a script that will change the bgcolor color to red if the Serving time is less than or equal to 1 hr left which is working now but in the long … | |
Kill me now! I have two tables in my DB. One has a list of certifications and one has a list of exam boards. I need to list the exam boards in a foreach loop giving each one an accordion. The certifications must be listed under their correct exam board. … | |
hi, i am new to mysql and also to php, i am trying to add a feature to a webpage, for showing some latest records from a mysql databse. i managed to show records from mysql database, but the problem is i only trying to show the first four records … | |
MVC Design Question Hello, I would like to move an web application to MVC Laravel 4 (not sure yet). The challenge is that the application is used by many customers and each customer have its own website/front-end but they all use the same backend/admin. The strucutre is something like this... … | |
Hi, I am trying to learn how to use a data base to store photos and such, I can now get info into the base and can get all the records to display , this is not what I had planed, So that lead me on a surch for answers … | |
Hi, In Virtual Box I've installed Fedora 17 and setup LAMP development environment. I've set the static ip to access the localhost and the applicaions/projects. Now I would like to configure it as to access them using the static IP from the host machine (Windows 7 OS). How can I … | |
Hello everyone! I have a question .. i have a js file (script.js) and a php file (script.php) , in the php file i have a code that verify a user and in the script js i have this: var uname = name.val(); $.post('HERE IS THE QUESTION' , {names:uname} , … | |
Attached is the code for my RSS dashboard, using the DaniWeb API. It's an improved version of the mashup I posted earlier, using jQuery to get all feeds asynchronously. The part which initially loads the forums is shown below. It creates an API object, and a Parser object. The first … | |
Hi all, I've been playing around with this for 30 odd minutes now and basically been making a right fool of myself... I want to make a function called `userInfo()` that uses the users email address, stored in `$_SESSION['auth'];`, to get any information required from sql. I'm using **MySQLi** and … | |
how it possible to create grid layout with 3 or 4 or 5 items per row in php something like this :  I have this solution, do you think its effecient <? $count = 0; $num_images = mysql_num_rows($rs); while($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { if ($count == 0 || ($count … | |
Hey, i am just starting php project and i am fresher in php so i want some good examples of cms in php language that how to create cms in php language. Please send me some good example of classes and cms. | |
hi po.. iam so interested about PHP thats why i joined, i except to learn more and help others.. | |
Hi there, This question relates to data structures, performance and approach to a problem. It is best explained with example so bear with me. For the record, I will be using a combination of PHP, MySQL and Apache server on a dedicated Linux server. The problem is how we would … | |
I get the following error message in Wordpress when try clicking on all users. Any idea how to fix it? Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting T_VARIABLE or '$' in /home/content/50/10679250/html/krinspired.com/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-users-list-table.php on line 59 | |
I am trying to convert some webcode and am having trouble. I have a website with an admin section allowing me to upload images one at a time and am trying to change it to allow me to upload multiple images at once. I must have something out of place … | |
hi, i am new to this php scripting language. can any one tell me step by step process to run a simple "hello world" program. and tell me ..what are the software packages that i need to do this. thanks in advance. sanjay | |
Hello everyone, I have a search form that i am working on, and I have a huge array of checkboxes that I am using so people can refine the search down to just 1 or 2 things if they want to. In the search.php page, i have an implode function … | |
HELLO FRIENDS!, i have problem here, i try to show mysql data using dreamweaver, now i already change the sql statement to show data when user choose the data from select list/view and click submit, so thats mean i add 'where my_column = $_POST' and its work, but the problem … | |
I created a banner to my website with 3 images moving dynamically. I want to update the images from an admin pannel. Please help me. Thank You. ![]() | |
Hello, what is tpl extension file and what is it for ? I once open a php web script and saw *.tpl extension there. Thanks before. ![]() | |
Hello, I have a project to sent messages to HODs in an organization and I have developed a HTML/PHP/MySql app that sends the messages. What i need help now is: How to notify userB on his computer that he has a message when userA sends him a message. Any urgent … | |
Hello everybody, I want to deveop an online mobile recharge website for my recharge business. I can develop websites and have developed a few php applications. Now, I don't even know how and where to start from. So, please guide me on how can I develop such a website. Thanks … | |
I am trying to interact with my wqordpress database. I need to upload a csv file to my database but it will not run any query, no matter which way I try using the WordPress codex, I cannot get it to do what I need to. So from my Admin … |
The End.