39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for klemme

Hi all, I have a project where I need to improve a search function on a webshop, which is using data from CNet. I am really struggling to find some usefull examples or tuturials explaining the way CNet SKU search is/can be build. The webshop is made in PHP - …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for eburlea

Hi. I am using Zend Framework Models. I have 2 tables: 'results' and 'resources'. Table 'results' has the columns: 'results_id', 'resource_id_team1', 'resource_id_team2', 'match_result'. Table 'resources' has the columns: 'resource_id', 'resource_name'. I want to retrieve the results from the table 'results' and I want to join 2 times the table 'resources', …

Member Avatar for eburlea
Member Avatar for nerdynewf

I have code to upload a image to a folder (storing location and image info in a mysql database) with a separate page to display the images in albums on a website. Can I change this existing code to allow me to upload multiple images at once? here is the …

Member Avatar for nerdynewf
Member Avatar for kg2989

hi, i need a parser script of php that stores information like name, dob, address, contact no., education from the resume. the resume can be of .doc,.txt format thanks in advance

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Syed Nasir ali

Hi when i run php file on local host it directly go to download folder it not come in run condition Please help me i am new in php thank

Member Avatar for pzuurveen
Member Avatar for aspertrace

<?php $username = $_SESSION['username']; $result = 'sample'; $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } $sql = "Select FirstName from Person Where LoginID = (Select LoginID from UserLogin Where Username = '$username')"; $result = mysql_query($sql,$con); echo $result; ?> I'm kinda new to this server-side scripting …

Member Avatar for aspertrace
Member Avatar for Rahul47

Hello folks, I am completely new to php. I wish to develop php programs and execute them. What should I do to run php programs using Apache Web Server Under Windows ?

Member Avatar for Rahul47
Member Avatar for turpentyne

I've just run into a problem, when pulling location data using a link table. There can be two entries in the link table, like so: item_id | contentent | country | state ------------------------------------- 123 | 1 | 2 | 20 123 | 1 | 2 | 21 When I echo …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for sanbhu2105

hey guys, i have created a page called prod_det.php. the page displays the details of the product. below is the code. but it is not working. error message being received when i click the details button is Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean <?php session_start(); ?> <!DOCTYPE …

Member Avatar for sanbhu2105
Member Avatar for eburlea

Hello. I need to create an array dynamically from a string value. Please advise how is it possible to retrieve the array values by keys. $mystring = 'myarray'; $myarray = ['a','b','c']; echo '<pre>'; print_r($$mystring); // it works properly echo '</pre>'; echo $$mystring[0]; // returns error

Member Avatar for eburlea
Member Avatar for kiLLer.zoh_1

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /opt/lampp/htdocs/pbook/inc/login.in.php on line 12 <?php include 'contacts.php'; if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST'&& $_POST['submit']=='Login') { $lname = isset($_POST['lname']) ? trim($_POST['lname']):NULL; $lpwd = isset($_POST['lpwd']) ? trim($_POST['lpwd']):NULL; if(($lname!=NULL)&&($lpwd!=NULL)) { $lobj=new DB_Action(); $l=$lobj->disp("Select * From members where memname= '$lname'and mempass='$lpwd'"); foreach ($l as $result) { $aid =$result['memid']; $_SESSION['_ENTER'] =1; header("location:address-book.php?l=$aid"); exit; …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for L-D

Hi, I'm getting errors on http://www.universal-abundance.com Deprecated: Function session_register() is deprecated in /home/content/13/11394913/html/login.php on line 3 Dark bg so highlight top of page. (Still got images to work on) Thanks L-D

Member Avatar for L-D
Member Avatar for erik216

I need to expend the coding developed by another programmer. The original script only can show five page with no extra notice pdf. So I need to base on his coding to extend. Now I am facing a problem about how can I put line break in multicell. I try …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Rizi004

hi there i have a website develop in codeigniter framework i have upload the website in subdomain but the the problem with url rewrite. the website home page works fine oes.techpawer.com but when i open the login page or any other page it will not work like to open login …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for snadboy6371

I have got wamp server installed i was running perfectly but now suddenly it is nt starting it is showing loading process. I have uninstalled it and again installed still same problem... plz help me

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for showman13

Good Morning, I am trying to create a dealer order form for products which occasionally have a sub selection for color available. It is always limited to 2 colors if there is an option, and the number of items is very limited (max of 8) What I would like to …

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Member Avatar for jovstudios

Hello Guys. i need ur help. I want to compute the grades in php. This is My code. <?php mysql_connect("localhost","root","")or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("collegestudent") or die(mysql_error()); $id = $_POST['id']; $prelim = $_POST['prelim']; $midterm = $_POST['midterm']; $prefinal = $_POST['prefinal']; $final = $_POST['final']; $a = (int) $prelim + 50 * .20; $b=(int) $midterm + …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for sharma.chiragfaith

I have created an online PHP code executor at http://web.guru99.com Though I have checked all security aspects … do you experts see any major flaw that I need to care of?

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for PriteshP23

I want to do in French (By default) & seconadry option is English. I have a *two image flag* on login.php page. It should **ALWAYS** visible in the site. I created two files lang_FR.php and lang_EN.php. *How one set French as default language and translate it according user choice ?* …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for kantigniter

Hi all, I'm new to codeigniter, and i want to know how to approach or a small example as to how to get the following: 1) If I have a form, and it has fields say asking for number of some category for example: first in a drop down we …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for OsaMasw

I want to create a login system with "**remember me**" option, but am afraid to use cookies because I don't know how to handle the security for it, so I prefer to use session instead, but all session will be destroyed after 30 minutes or when user close the browser, …

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Member Avatar for highlite

I need to pass a js variable to a php variable. I know this can't be done directly and I have been trying to do it with ajax but I just can't figure it out. <form name="menu"> <div> <select name="list1" size="1" onchange="setOptions(document.menu.list1.options [document.menu.list1.selectedIndex].value,document.menu.list2,document.menu.list3);"> <option value=" " selected></option> <option value="one">item1</option> <option …

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Member Avatar for shelexelex

This code doesnt get into the if statements to check the conditions. Please help me find what is wrong with it. <?php $info=""; if (isset($_POST['RegButton'])) { $FirstName= $_POST['Fname']; $LastName= $_POST['Lname']; $Email= $_POST['Email']; $Phone= $_POST['Phone']; $userPass= $_POST['password']; $repass= $_POST['repassword']; //For password encryption $slt= time(); $salt= $slt; $harshed= sha1($userPass.$salt); if (empty($_POST['Fname'])){ $info= …

Member Avatar for shelexelex
Member Avatar for GlenRogers

Hi could someone help me out here. I have a frm that has multiple entries. Each entry has 'artist' 'linl' and 'link text'. link and linktext are optional. My code at the minute needs all to be filled in, if I leave link and link trext blank I get errors. …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for sree jith

Hi, I have been working on trying to figure out, how to call a php function in javascript, for about two weeks. PS: I don't have code to post because I really don't know how to implement this.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mpc123

Hi I have an issue where by I have lots of products in a field which are comma delimited I want to replace those product words with a id number that I have in a different table. I currently use FIND INSET to replace a tab to the comma but …

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Member Avatar for sanbhu2105

hello guys, i have 2 tables - tblproduct and tblretprod. prod_id is common in both. i am retrieving records from the tables to display with edit and delete options beside each record displayed. i created an update.php and updprod.php (for edit). update.php <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> …

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Member Avatar for kantigniter

I have two forms the first one is as follows: ![5364b88b6acff4f96bf8734c448984c4](/attachments/large/4/5364b88b6acff4f96bf8734c448984c4.jpg "5364b88b6acff4f96bf8734c448984c4") In the first one, I enter the customer details and the type of house he wants, and the number of rooms he has, and I have set a session once I hit the next button. This is spanning …

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Member Avatar for pawan768

Hey , I tried to send some data to different page and want to use it response ... But the problem i face is the code is working properly on my local host but when i put it over web it always gave me an error ... catalog_no=$('#srno').val(); //alert(catalog_no); query="select …

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The End.