39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for Jiby_1

Is it possible to upload a file in php without form tag browse button and upload button. if particular file exist in folder i want to upload that file to server..how it is possible

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for ajs1351

hello, im trying to do some php , and sql, to grab the next or previous record when pressed one of the buttons, and display on page. the thing is that will display the next row from the db, but then it wont execute again, when i click on next …

Member Avatar for Stefce

Here is the error it gives me Warning: mysqli::query(): Couldn't fetch mysqli in C:\xampp\htdocs\bootstrap\tickets_info.php on line 27 db problem. Warning: main(): Couldn't fetch mysqli in C:\xampp\htdocs\bootstrap\tickets_info.php on line 31 Fatal error: Wrong SQL: SELECT `Uplata`, `Dobivka`, `Date`, `sharedTime`, `match1`, `match2`, `match3`, `match4`, `match5`, `match6`, `match7`, `match8`, `match9`, `match10`, `match11`, `match12`, …

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Member Avatar for Albert Pinto

Hi People; I've got issue in uploading image in cake php. Thing is that, I have a form, where i have input type="file". I need to upload a file in a directory and save its path in database. In "view" its like... <tr><td> <?php echo $this->Form->input('field', array( 'type' => 'file', …

Member Avatar for mandeep_2
Member Avatar for slowlearner2010

Hi guys, I need to put data that i get it from db2 and display it into each text boxes (Name, Address and Postcode). What i got now, its displayed Name's data that i got from db2 into all text boxes (Name, Address and Postcode) . All i want is …

Member Avatar for slowlearner2010
Member Avatar for Ayuni_1

Hai. i'm beginner in php. Can someone help me to insert the calculated value into database. I'm trying to insert calculated value into database but it doesn't work. This is my code. <?php $ic=$_SESSION['ic']; $query=" SELECT * FROM form WHERE ic='$ic'"; $result=mysql_query($query); $record=mysql_fetch_array($result); $query1=" SELECT * FROM login WHERE userIC='$ic'"; …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for Jiby_1

$image = file_get_contents('http://4rapiddev.com/wp-content/themes/4rapiddev/images/authors/hoanhuynh.png'); file_put_contents('/home/jiby/Downloads/image.jpg', $image); //Where to save the image on your server

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for spud91

Im working on a small website and im a little confused on one step. I'm following a very simple mvc pattern, ive currently got one controller that creates a session array that holds all the posted data IF the form has been submitted, This data is coming from several different …

Member Avatar for spud91
Member Avatar for RahulAdmane
Member Avatar for malatamil

Hi all, can anyone help me to do the arrangements. if the URL is like example.com?mr3=50,50,50,50,50&mr2=90,70,70,70,70&mr1=90,90,90,90,90 then i want to arrange in the order ?mr1=90,90,90,90,90&mr2=90,70,70,70,70&mr3=50,50,50,50,50 Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for uttar14

I have this Image code and I want to resize it using CSS.. <div id="TA_selfserveprop634" class="TA_selfserveprop"><ul id="FkGjsTFbWr" class="TA_links aICFqBWnArX"><li id="v65BTuNt" class="Id2gL5m3F1"><a target="_blank" href="https://www.tripadvisor.com/"><img src="https://www.tripadvisor.com/img/cdsi/img2/branding/150_logo-11900-2.png" alt="TripAdvisor"/></a></li></ul></div><script src="https://www.jscache.com/wejs?wtype=selfserveprop&amp;uniq=634&amp;locationId=307103&amp;lang=en_US&amp;rating=true&amp;nreviews=5&amp;writereviewlink=true&amp;popIdx=true&amp;iswide=false&amp;border=true&amp;display_version=2"></script> </div> have tested on CSS however it does not have any effect .TA_selfserveprop{ width:10%; height:10%; } Please can any one points it to me …

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for panduranga_1

I am new to php frameworks, it is said that php frameworks provide reusable code, more than code written in flat php, but in most php frameworks we write code in 3 sections like models, views, controller etc. How that code is reusable, in another projects? In flat php, we …

Member Avatar for vps9.net
Member Avatar for spud91

SEEMS AS IF MY ARTICLE HAS BEEN SUBMITTED TWICE. I DO APOLOGISE FOR THAT Hi guys, I'm working on a small website and I'm currently stuck on a small issue. Ive got a set of dropdown boxes created and populated in HTML, for example: <select name="heatingType" id="heatingType" required> <option value="" …

Member Avatar for spud91
Member Avatar for RudyM

Hi all, I'll be working on a project that basically takes a UID and displays basic user info like courses taken. Seems simple, but I'd like to read suggestions as to how to best tackle this. I would like to protect against possible XSS attacks and SQL injections. Any suggestions? …

Member Avatar for jacks009
Member Avatar for masimies

Hello, Another issue came up, when needed to run mass-functions. archiveinv.php is generating html-file with result of query function. This part is working fine. And launched from form-link "archiveinv.php?offerid=$offerid" does it's job. But, when i need to launch many of them in same time, with array result, it's harder to …

Member Avatar for masimies
Member Avatar for TexWiller

I have to execute a very long time script in php, during the execution the browser still waiting. There is any way to "tell" the browser to stop waiting as the page was completed ? but obviously the sript must continue

Member Avatar for TexWiller
Member Avatar for Marco_4

Hello, I'm using a function for uploading images on the server and database. The only problem is that I can not properly put to the various alerts for required fields or missing and with happened insertion message. For the moment my code, obviously wrong, is so: include_once 'function/upload.php'; if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { …

Member Avatar for TexWiller
Member Avatar for Niels_1

I'm learning the ways off writing code in OOP, but i have a file where i do not know how to change it in oop. I have written php code before, but dont know how to convert this file in OOP cant somebody help me with a example of my …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for hrushi9

I'm Using **AdminLTE-2.3.0** template, **jquery.imgareaselect.js** I'm using bootstrap modal to submit form via ajax. Inside Modal I have preview of image before upload. And **imgareaselect** is not working well that I proceed further with image cropping. **ScreenShot of error is attached.** **Please help.** **Thanks.** **imgareaselect-animated.css** .imgareaselect-border1 { background: url(images/border-anim-v.gif) repeat-y …

Member Avatar for Marco_4

Hello, I'm having trouble uploading all the various data to the database, can you help? The code is this, I have done some testing but the original image and thumbnail are loaded properly in the directory, but all the data are not passed to the database. What is the correct …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for Marco_4

Hello, just I ask for help because I can not find solution, despite my tests. How can I get the final image file should be alone **rand + original file name + extension** instead of the **rand + extension**. <?php // ************************************************************************* // **** Setup the variables for your script …

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for shashigowda

Hi, i need urgent help.. iam working on leave management system(LMS).if the employee apply for the leaves means,one message go to HR inbox (internal application inbox). iam designing inbox for this..it has two parts(2 coloums).in the first coloumn iam displaying messages with employe name,id nd subject(just like preview of the …

Member Avatar for shashigowda
Member Avatar for hrushi9

How to create image of receipt using **file_put_contents** or **imagecreatefromstring** , **imagejpeg**? I have following code, which generates corrupted images, when I open images it shows **invalid image** And how to email generated image ? ( *optional* ) Thanks in advance. $html_code = ' <div class=confirmation-wrapper id=test> <div class=container> <div …

Member Avatar for hrushi9
Member Avatar for uttar14

I am creating a dynamic Form, which is like a registration form on my website.The text fields needs to accept and allow multiple entries .since i am a beginner and i am not sure on how to start ..i already created my html code and form has working fine for …

Member Avatar for uttar14
Member Avatar for Praveen_15

Hi everyone i need help in getting value from 3 depenedable dropdown menu and after selecting option from 3 dropdown menu the data showed be shown in textbox eg. First value **package1** Second Value **car1** Third value **Type** and textbox value **Rate1** **Rate2** **Rate3** Please help me in this Thanks …

Member Avatar for Praveen_15
Member Avatar for sukesh55555

HI.... im new to php, i ve a doubt. i want source code in php for the requirement as traited below. im creating a registration form with two image file uploading system. I need a source code in such way that, the inputs NAME, AGE, MOBILE NUMBER, image upload(ONE), image …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for ribrahim

Dear All, I'm developing a php system which contains over 50000 images in a directory. Is there any tools which help me to do a search script to find a similar images in that directory. What I'm looking for is the user can upload the image and the script retreive …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for masimies

Hello, Simple is not so simple i see, Trying to save file in html-format from server to local disk. <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $file = $_POST['file']; file_get_contents('files/$file'); file_put_contents('download/$file'); } ?> <form method="post" action=""> <select name="getfile" id="getfile"> <option value="">Select file...</option> <?php $dir_open = opendir('files/'); while(false !== ($filename = readdir($dir_open))){ if($filename != "." …

Member Avatar for masimies
Member Avatar for Marco_4

Hello, simple information. I was creating the connection to the database files with various functions, such as: "Get One, getAll". I wondered if their syntax was safe against sql attacks, though in fact could be improved with the inclusion of the bind, but do not know how to make them …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for godfreysseki

Hello, Help with the php code to select things from the database, put them in ckeck boxes and use the checkbox to select what will return in another table in the database. Thank you.

Member Avatar for cereal

The End.