39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for FarrisFahad

So I want to remove space between tags. The tags are seperated by comma. But I don't want to remove space between words just right after the commas. So this: cats, funny cats, cute cats, funny To this: cats,funny cats,cute cats,funny I want them ready for insertion into database. This …

Member Avatar for FarrisFahad
Member Avatar for Nospor Kumam

<?php session_start(); $username=$_POST['username']; $password=$_POST['password']; if($username&&$password) { mysqli_select_db("user",$myconnection) or die("couldn't find db"); $sqlcommand="SELECT * FROM users where username='$username'"; $query= mysqli_query($myconnection,$sqlcommand); $numrows= mysqli_num_rows($query); if($numrows!==0) { while($row= mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) { $dbusername=$row['username']; $dbpassword=$row['password']; } if($username==$dbusername&&md5($password)==$dbpassword) { echo "you are logged in!"; $_SESSION['username']=$username; } else echo"your password is incorrect!"; } else die("that user doesn't exits"); } …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for showman13

Using PHP / MySql... I have a transaction table and a record is automatically inserted when someone Initiates a transaction, and then is updated later in the process, based on the recID. I want / need to keep the recIDs filled with completed transactions without any skips in the ID …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Bernard_3

<?php require('config.php'); if (!isset($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'])) { echo ""; }else{ $file=$_FILES['image']['tmp_name']; $image = $_FILES["image"] ["name"]; $image_name= addslashes($_FILES['image']['name']); $size = $_FILES["image"] ["size"]; $error = $_FILES["image"] ["error"]; if ($error > 0){ die("Error uploading file! Code $error."); }else{ if($size > 10000000) //conditions for the file { die("Format is not allowed or file size is too …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for 555ppp

here i am having a form like this .i am having multiple checkboxes that are coming from database and i have given a field with every checkbox...now suppose 10 checkboxes are coming from database..now i want to insert values in database only of those checkboxes which are checked along with …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for Harmeet_2

Hi i m new with codeigniter Kindly help me how i display data in dropbox from database and save into datbase.

Member Avatar for Ajay Gokhale
Member Avatar for london-G

Hi Guys, Hope you are enjoying the summer! I am having some trouble with the code below. It is feeding blog posts from another website and linking them to a website. The code works fine. However I need to change the hyperlink(uri) to another domain. <li><a href="<?php echo $feed[$i]->uri; ?>" …

Member Avatar for SirMahlon

my update is choosing a different column which i don't have in my table. Please i need assistance SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Champ 'companyprofiles.id' inconnu dans where clause (SQL: select * from `companyprofiles` where `companyprofiles`.`id` = 2 limit 1) what i have is user_id thus what i need to …

Member Avatar for Sikander Nasar
Member Avatar for LRNPHP

Hi guys, I'm working on a project and wanted to know if there is a good / trusted way to break a string apart into words. I want to get all the words in a string that will be used in a mysql query. I tested with str_word_count but it …

Member Avatar for navichawla92
Member Avatar for blueguy777

Getting the follwoing error message. How to fix this? **Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in** Actual Code: <?php session_start(); include("connection.php"); $sqlsettings = "SELECT * from admin"; $resultsettings = mysql_query($sqlsettings); $rowsettings = mysql_fetch_array($resultsettings); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <title><?php echo $rowsettings['ScriptName']; ?> …

Member Avatar for blueguy777
Member Avatar for shandoo1997

Hi, I have a raspberry pi in which I use kweb in kiosk mode. To display a webpage. What I am trying to do is to be able to navigate through the webpage using my phone. What I am struggling with is how can I make this kind of connection …

Member Avatar for shandoo1997
Member Avatar for shashigowda

Hi iam working on one scenario.. employe A send a Requesting mail to Project manager B, project manager B approves a request from employee and send the mail to project manager C for further process,after approving from project manager C it will go to department head like this... so here …

Member Avatar for Zagga
Member Avatar for Laura_7

This is my code for a user login. It allows the user to login fine. What do i need to add to the code to allow admin users to be able to login and then be redirected to another page? In the database I have assigned 0 to the normal …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Ayuni_1

Hi. I want to auto calculate some fields in database without any button submit but i'm only know how to calculate using button submit. I want that user enter the value then the user will get the calculate value automatically without click on button submit. I'm doing my final year …

Member Avatar for red.peugeot
Member Avatar for rowen_1

I am new to php. I encountered the following errors. Warning: require_once(/dbtest/db_connect.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\dbtest\connect.php on line 2 Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'dbtest/db_connect.php' (include_path='C:\xampp\php\PEAR') in C:\xampp\htdocs\dbtest\connect.php on line 2 I am very sure I have db_connect.php file inside my dbtest …

Member Avatar for RudyM
Member Avatar for panduranga_1

Sorry, recently i have came across working with testers, previously i have tested website my self. When testers do web User Interface Testing, they find silly ui bugs that users can't find and force devlopers (me) to solve those bugs. They can't find important bugs which is related to backend …

Member Avatar for RudyM
Member Avatar for arctushar

Hi I m developing a mobile apps which will fetch json data from my server. My server address is http://need4engineer.com/api.php this is not working. But same data from another server https://randomuser.me/api/?results=5 is working well. Both the cases header is same. Please help me

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Laura_7

this is my login code which works fine when someone registers and then logs in. What im trying to do is allow access for certain users to different pages as they're classed as admin users. However the username and password for them will already be set and they dont need …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Stefce

Hello guys i want to make inputbox which will autocomplete the started word so you know what i mean like google, facebook who have autocomplete but i have a little problem i have searched and found some plugins and tutorials but actually none of them work i dont know why, …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Stefce

I have two questions does its possible to encrypt get parameter same like the passwords are? If NO whats the best method to do it i have simple parameter `articleID=1`, i want to encrypt the number which user is not able to see it or hack it so should look …

Member Avatar for Stefce
Member Avatar for dravos

I am using phpmailer for sending emails, but I want to make a custom header for my company, by adding a textarea field that contain any custom header for example using a header like this one: Subject: __Subject From: __From Reply-to: <__Reply-To> To: __To Date: __smtpDate or any other header …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Ricardo_1

I'm trying to delete a database in phpMyAdmin which is in localhost of Windows 7 Professional 64bit system. Since I am not an IT or database professional, I'd appreaciate any help with non-techy steps. :-) When I attempt to delete the database I receive the error: DROP DATABASE 'enfold-2016' #1010 …

Member Avatar for Ricardo_1
Member Avatar for deedels

html code: <tr> <td id="qn1" name="qn1">1</td> <td>Presentation of course overview and relevant references</td> <td> <select class="form-control" name="select"> <option value="very good">Very Good</option> <option value="good">Good</option> <option value="average">Average</option> <option value="poor">Poor</option> <option value="very poor">Very Poor</option> </select> </td> </tr> php code: <?php $servername = "localhost"; $username = "root"; $password =""; $dbname = "surveyproject"; //establish connection …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Can anyone help me find a good system that creates newsletter that I could email mass to my clients? Like I would like to create a newsletter and send each newsletter to many clients. Should I create the program myself. Or is there any other alternative? Thanks

Member Avatar for madCoder
Member Avatar for sahilmohile15

Hello friends, I am having a confusion in my script please explain me what is it doing i don't know what it is i don't understand sessions very well, so please explain it if (isset($_SESSION['SBUser'])) { $user_id =*** $_SESSION['SBUser']***; $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '$user_id'"); $user_data …

Member Avatar for madCoder
Member Avatar for ray101

PLEASE HOW DO I ADD EMAIL ADDRESS TO MY PHP TO ALLOW SUBMITTED FORM COME TO MY EMAIL? SEE CODE BELOW... $em = $_POST["em"]; $nm = $_POST["us"]; $cu = $_POST["ps"]; $sch = $_POST["nm"]; $sub = $_POST["sub"]; $CONNECT = mysql_connect ("localhost", "webkoko", "ment1$"); if(!($CONNECT)) {die ("error");}; mysql_select_db("webkoko"); $k2l = "insert into …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Espanhol

[CODE]<? $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "your_username","your_password") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db('your_database', $conn) or die(mysql_error()); ?> [/CODE] this is the code i have on database.php, when i run register page i get a erro. [QUOTE]Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'your_username'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /home/a4595523/public_html/database.php on line 2 Access denied for user …

Member Avatar for ray101
Member Avatar for Prateek_2

I want to set cron job using codeigniter, in godaddy shared hosting i used the following code to execute `movies` controller's `cool` method. /web/cgi-bin/php5 "$HOME/html/MOVIESDOM.COM/index.php" movies cool Problem is it always execute default controller. Pls tell me how to execute `movies` controller's `cool` method

Member Avatar for Arfan_1
Member Avatar for SpottyBlue

I've updated the attendance.sql and the attendance form (index.php) by adding the time in and time out of the attendance. The time in and time out values are still blank even it is assigned in the database. (Lines 65 - 66) And when I tried to update the values (e.g. …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Aeonix

This is essentially a really long question **If I were to create a function without calling it's execution. Does PHP initialize it anyhow or is the entire function ignored entirely without even bothering to read it?** Another way to put it: **Is there any execution difference between code that does …

Member Avatar for ryantroop

The End.