39,387 Topics
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I am creating a dynamic Form, which is like a registration form on my website.The text fields needs to accept and allow multiple entries .since i am a beginner and i am not sure on how to start ..i already created my html code and form has working fine for … | |
Hi everyone i need help in getting value from 3 depenedable dropdown menu and after selecting option from 3 dropdown menu the data showed be shown in textbox eg. First value **package1** Second Value **car1** Third value **Type** and textbox value **Rate1** **Rate2** **Rate3** Please help me in this Thanks … | |
HI.... im new to php, i ve a doubt. i want source code in php for the requirement as traited below. im creating a registration form with two image file uploading system. I need a source code in such way that, the inputs NAME, AGE, MOBILE NUMBER, image upload(ONE), image … | |
Dear All, I'm developing a php system which contains over 50000 images in a directory. Is there any tools which help me to do a search script to find a similar images in that directory. What I'm looking for is the user can upload the image and the script retreive … | |
Hello, Simple is not so simple i see, Trying to save file in html-format from server to local disk. <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $file = $_POST['file']; file_get_contents('files/$file'); file_put_contents('download/$file'); } ?> <form method="post" action=""> <select name="getfile" id="getfile"> <option value="">Select file...</option> <?php $dir_open = opendir('files/'); while(false !== ($filename = readdir($dir_open))){ if($filename != "." … | |
Hello, simple information. I was creating the connection to the database files with various functions, such as: "Get One, getAll". I wondered if their syntax was safe against sql attacks, though in fact could be improved with the inclusion of the bind, but do not know how to make them … | |
![]() | Hello, Help with the php code to select things from the database, put them in ckeck boxes and use the checkbox to select what will return in another table in the database. Thank you. |
Hello, I have a php script which devide the emails in groups so that each group can send separately. Servers can look it as spam if the group is too big. Now how can I add the correct email address of each person in this script below (cfr '. $ … | |
Hello, kindly ask your help regarding a function to upload images in two folders, one original image and the "Thumb" folder for thumbnails. Well, I entered the rand code to rename the file name. Loading is performed properly in the root folder (Original image) but not in the thumb folder. … | |
Hi, how to pass variable value inside js. i want to add **Days** value to **From** date and dispaly it as **To** date here is my code,please go through it,i have explained in comments HTML days:<input type="text" id="capped_days">//manual i/p From:<input id="dt1" type="text">//date picker1 To:<input id="dt2" type="text">//datepicker2 javaScript $("#dt1").datepicker({ dateFormat: "dd-M-yy", … | |
By this script you can remotely login into facebook account with your password and username and fetch/send data. | |
XML - <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <Form name='Demo' id='DemoID' searchname='Demo' search='Demo' org='Yes' > <Field name='IdentificationNumber' datatype='String' control='InputText' length='10' search='Yes' /> <Field name='Country' datatype='String' control='InputText' length='50' search='Yes' /> </Form> PHP - <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <?php $xml=simplexml_load_file("Demo.xml") or die("Error: Cannot create object"); echo $xml->FIELD . "<br>"; ?> </body> </html> | |
Hi i am trying to display the username with their daily activity with count. i am getting the output for the last row reset is showing 0 in all the name. please help me to resolve. **connection.php** <?php class Database{ //specify your own databse credentials private $host = "odbc:DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=servername;DATABASE=DB"; … | |
I need help to increase font size of table values in mPDF | |
The system basically work in this series: a new registration is made in the database, the system sends me an e-mail notifcando a new record. | |
Hello, I ask your help in order to use this class. I need your explicit example is the code and form to use it properly. http://www.phpclasses.org/package/9683-PHP-Validate-and-add-watermark-to-uploaded-image-files.html#view_files $upload = new ImageOperations(); ext and the correct form. Thank you in advance for your help. | |
hi all im in the middle of following a tutorial online for a rating system and im encountering a problem when i click a number of 1/5 to rate a topic the rating is not going into the database can someone check the code to see what going off sql … | |
Hello everyone i have facing problem in creating a array of sub categories. below is my html code,where user can add category name crossponding this he can add any number of sub category its image and detail by adding on add-more sub category,(form is duplicated by clicking button) <input type="text" … | |
hello all i have following $_POST array array(5) { ["addcatagory"]=> string(8) "CATEGORY" ["reg_admin_id"]=> string(2) "25" ["subcatagory"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(9) "SUB CAT 1" [1]=> string(9) "sub cat 2" } ["subCat_Detais"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(9) "AAAAAAAAA" [1]=> string(8) "BBBBBBBB" } ["submit"]=> string(15) "Submit Catagory" } now what i want to achieve … | |
this is my code $line = trim(fgets(STDIN)); echo $line; what browser shows: Warning: fgets() expects parameter 1 to be resource, string given in /storage/emulated/0/coding/mobilephp | |
platform: IIS + Apache + mysql + php (please dont justdge me on the platform it was not my choice) I have this weird bug that seems to be directly related to my sessions on my web based app. when i travel between links, if i give the previous page … | |
Hi all, wondering if the following is possible. A MS Exchange server is connected to an Outlook client. Would it be possible to capture sent/recieved emails and add them to a database using PHP. I would like to investigate whether I could use this functionality to create a small email … | |
Hi, I need to have passwords encrypted whenever a user signs up. How can I attain that? Any ideas? Thanx in advance. | |
Hello, I am using this very basic form of the dom scraper to scrape image urls from tumblr webpage, it kinda does what i am looking for but i am facing two issues. 1. Its scraping all links, i want it to scrape only links that contain "media.tumblr.com" 2. I … | |
guys, i got an error while saving or updating bank account number. first, everything is ocay when i set my account into bigint (16) data type. but, i changed it into varchar(16) however,when i try to change it back to bigint suddenly the account number that i save before this … | |
Hello guys, Here i am having another error. Error is undefined index on my products.php page i tried everything i can to define it but if i define it code doesn't work so here's the code products.php: <?php require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/Online Store/core/init.php'; //Including database path stored in init.php include 'includes/head.php'; //Including … | |
Hello Daniweb Community, I've been looking around online for help with this but I can't seem to find a way to get a query to do what I want. The image below should pretty much say what kind of result I'd like to get, it's pretty much merging the tables … | |
How can I insert select list value's(dropdown) name and id into database ? Help will be appreciated. | |
hi im not sure if come into the right section but im looking at adding a chatroom to my site for my users to use and im wanting it where they dont have to log in or register to chatroom instead they login on site and the username is same … |
The End.