39,388 Topics
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I am trying to collect my form inputs into a csv file and for some reason the csv file records some of the styling and does not display numbers (phone number and date). I am not sure where I got it wrong. Here is what I have so far. <?php … | |
Hello to all readers, I see many examples of report printing through xml-rpc for OpenERP 6 for the pyhton language but I can't seem to find any for PHP. Anyone can help with this? I run a payroll system based with PHP and I do everything through xml-rpc to talk … | |
Hello everyone, I was looking for a code like to store iframe's id in javascript's variable inside different divs. <div id="player"> <iframe id="SAR7KmiCHto" width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/SAR7KmiCHto?enablejsapi=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> <div id="player2"> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/9P9JSgZwrjc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen id="9P9JSgZwrjc"></iframe> </div> In above code there are two div ids i.e player and … | |
Hello, I am working on PHPExcel But in there calculation 0.625 we want to coming by dynamical from database. bellow brief description. They all used to be 62.5% of the delivery fees as seen below: `setCellValue('G'.($start_row+2), (($total_delivery/11)*10)*0.625);` all the drivers can have different percentages assigned to them and we need … | |
I have an xml structure : <Articles> <Article ID="111"> <author>Peter Paul</author> <pubDate>01/01/2015</pubDate> <Translations> <lang1>English</lang1> <lang2>French</lang2> <lang3>Arab</lang3> <lang3>Chinese</lang3> </Translations> </Article> <Article ID="222"> <author>Monkey Rice</author> <pubDate>01/01/2016</pubDate> <Translations> <lang1>English</lang1> </Translations> </Article> <Article ID="333"> <author>John Silas</author> <pubDate>01/01/2017</pubDate> <Translations> <lang1>English</lang1> <lang2>French</lang2> <lang3>Arab</lang3> <lang3>Chinese</lang3> </Translations> </Article> </Articles> i created a method AddRecordByInfoMatch() that attempts to add … | |
Hello im not too sure how is this called but i will try to explain.. I want to make the form to get updated on every "Status Update" so for ex. like Facebook when you are posting a new status it gets updated the "body" of the page with new … | |
Hi, I am new to web development so please bear with me, i am looking to create statistic calculators like f test etc. In order to do that, i need to provide input fields to enter multiple numbers in input area along with providing ability to copy paste data from … | |
This is my index page <html> <head> <title>Login - FLATY Admin</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/flaty.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/flaty-responsive.css"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/login.png"> <script type="text/javascript"> function loginFunction() {//alert('kjo8iyh78i'); var username = document.getElementById("username").value; var password = document.getElementById("password").value; if(username == "") { alert('Enetr User Name'); } else if(password … | |
Hi guys, i need selected option value of a drop down list will refresh index page and change data with row by ID from Database which user choose. It is test for imagine. hint: number of id = number of question look at DB - [Click Here](http://uploads.im/WXxZu.png) i have some … | |
This is my index page: <html> <head> <title>Login - FLATY Admin</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/flaty.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/flaty-responsive.css"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/login.png"> </head> <body class="login-page"> <div class="login-wrapper"> <form action="welcome.php" method="get"><!-- id="form-login"--> <h3>Login to your account</h3> <hr/> <div class="form-group"> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="username" value="username" /><!--placeholder="username",,,class="form-control"--> … | |
Dear Friend, I create a dropdown list and want to retrieve data(company name list) from MYSQL to this dropdown list ,please, help me.no error but data does not show. code is bellow Company Name: <?php include "conn.php"; $sql="SELECT * FROM login1 "; $result=$conn->query($sql); echo "<select name=cn value=''>Company Name</option>"; // list … | |
Can any one help me to get or understand clear structure about ht access in php as i am beginner to php | |
hi - i read other threads but don't think i have found the answer (or maybe just don't know how to implement it...) for this. i have a mysql table with columns for an item size, amongst other things. the user fills in a form in which mulitple sizes may … | |
<?php header("Content-Type: image/jpeg"); $im = imagecreatefromjpeg('000.jpg'); // get the image size $w = imagesx($im); $h = imagesy($im); // place some text (top, left) imagettftext($im, 60, 0, 300, 100, 0xFFFFFF, 'vani.ttf', 'వాసి'); imageJpeg($im, "001.jpg", 85); imagepng($im, $save); imagedestroy($im); ?> Above i the code what i did? But its not giving proper … | |
Hi guys, I'm trying to connect my new project with PDO, and for simple reason witch i don't know and i've no idea i'm getting connection failedSQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user 'www-data'@'localhost' (using password: NO) I tried everything was in my mind, i tried log to mySql by terminal, … | |
I created a form a long time ago (roughly 2 years ago) and I stumbled onto a problem. I know how to record a contact form input when it comes to them typing in whatever they have to say (such as their name) but how do I get it so … | |
I'm trying to calculate the number of days a particular property is vacant. From this query... SELECT Properties.PropId, Tenants.TenantId, Tenants.PropertyID, Tenants.TenantAdress, Tenants.MoveIn, Tenants.MoveOut, Properties.P_GpNo FROM Properties, Tenants WHERE Tenants.PropertyID=Properties.PropId AND Properties.P_GpNo ="3" AND TenantAdress = "5" ORDER BY Tenants.TenantId It returns.. MoveIn MoveOut 5 4 005 5 2012-12-28 2013-04-13 3 … | |
I want to stop direct access for dynamic url. If someone tries to access next link **http://abc.com/gallery.php?id=1** then redirect to **error404** page Value of **id=1** is dynamic and changes frequently. How to redirect if **id=2** or any other value (0 to **∞**)? **php redirect code** $curPageURL="http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $url="http://abc.com/gallery.php?id=1"; if($curPageURL == $url) … | |
Hello, Im having a spot of bother with the below function.Its been a year or two since I looked at any php so I thought I would try and make a noughts and crosses game to refreash my memory while I was off over Christmas "just for fun" and Ive … ![]() | |
Hey everyone. I am looking to be pointed in the right direction here, tutorial, wordpress plugin..etc Im working on a site for my friend and he wants a "matching" system. Think tinder dating app almost. Two people "like" eachother based on their picture and they match. Hes looking more for … | |
I have a very simple php curl application where below is my codes I used to send header and body to server. <?php $xml_data = "<Request><NewOrder>"; $URL = "http://localhost/rece1.php"; $header =""; // Build header as array for cURL option $header = "HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $header.= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; //$header.= "Content-type: application/PTI46\r\n"; $header.= "Content-length: … | |
Hello, I am new to php and here i have index.php with two portions. 1.portion: with two textbox with search button 2.portion: with three textbox with search buttons again. when i click one search button it's filling the data. but when i click the second button,1.portion textbox's values are not … ![]() | |
Hello Developers, How to Delete And Update particular row of CSV file in php. <a href="http://screenshot.ru/upload/images/2014/12/26/update625ff.png"></a> Thanks & Regards, Dinesh Thakur | |
I am creating the pdf report and when I am running the script than I am facing the below error. I search about same error over here and I find one thread too but with the help of it I get in more trouble. So any body here can help … | |
Here is the Table i Created in database... CREATE TABLE `a1878876_uonrm`.`saveproposal` ( `ID` INT( 20 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `PI` VARCHAR( 500 ) NOT NULL , `Email` VARCHAR( 200 ) NOT NULL , `RTitle` VARCHAR( 500 ) NOT NULL , `Coauthors` VARCHAR( 500 ) NOT NULL , `ExSummary` VARCHAR( … | |
how to admin and user to login in the same interface but after login admin will go to page register staff. while the user will go to search page staff who have been on the list by admin. what are the steps that need to be placed and coding for … | |
Hey guys, I'm having the most toughest time of my life to figure out a way to upload video files using PHP. I am able to upload images but not video files or zip files. I haven't put any file extension check right now. Here is my code, will you … | |
hello there. i want to send email but i use localhost. the mail() function does't seems working as it says something is wrong with the port etc. <?php $sendmail = (mail('sample@yahoo.com','sample email','sample content','From: from@gmail.com')); if($sendmail) {echo "success"; } else {echo "unsuccess";} ?> even the simple email as above cannot be … | |
Hello, Suppose I have resume. On upload of resume, I want my form fields get filled with values like (atleast) mobile number,email id,address (etc) Is there any avilable script which can fetch details like this? |
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