39,388 Topics
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Hi guys I need help with redirecting from post?id=11111 to index.php?page=post&title=title&id=11111 Solved and got solution from this link https://www.daniweb.com/web-development/php/threads/489469/how-to-redirect-dynamic-url-using-php $curPageURL="http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $url="http://abc.com/gallery.php?id=1"; if($curPageURL == $url) { header("Location: http://abc.com/error404"); } | |
Hello, I am looking for a visitor counter that could record: Visitor Counter Online 1 Today 4 Yesterday 8 Week 4 Month 32 Year 32 Total 2637 Where can I find it? ![]() | |
Hi good day; Im working with Ignited Datatables and Im trying to add a callback on edit_column but it's no working it's not making the call just print the 3 parameter : $this->datatables->edit_column('value','$1','callback_esNulo(value,id)'); and this the function callback function esNulo($value,$id){ $result= is_null($value) ? "0" : "1"; echo $result; } I … | |
Hello, I want expression for not acception string with specials characters. So I was with expression /^[ A-Za-z0-9_@.#&,()-]*$/ But it is accepting only special chars also. How can I restrict it for not acceptiong only special chars? like my string should contain atleast one character. | |
i have an xml structure: <root> ... <B ID="444"> <C></C> <D>Anything</D> <E> <child1 /*expected outcome came in here*/> /*sometimes here*/ </child1> <child2>data2 <!-instead of here-></child2> <child3>data3</child3> <child4>data4 /* and also here instead*/</child4> </E> </B> ... </root> i made an xpath query to fetch //*B, where child2==data2 and child4==data4 like this: … | |
I want to write a code that is able to go to a specific domain name(website). It would then log-in with the details i provide. It should then be able to post the details i provide at specific times or periodically. It should be able to post url and pictures. … | |
Hi everybody! I'm trying to create 2 image buttons (like,dislike). When they are submitted, it should be run a query for like/dislike a definite song. My code is: <?php $table = mysqli_query($mysqli,"SELECT song_id, song_name, janr_name, singers.names FROM `songs` INNER JOIN `singers` ON songs.singer_id = singers.singer_id INNER JOIN `janr_songs` WHERE janr_songs.janr_id … | |
I am trying to paginate through a set of results. I know how to do a simple pagination, but I have a lot of records in the database. So the problem is that when I have a lot of pages, the number of links are also high, therefore breaking the … | |
I want to add photos to the user after they logged in , in their user profile . Will it possible? how? | |
i'am testing an xml structure: <Articles> ... <Article ID="333"> <author>Paul</author> <title>i hate xpath </title> <child1>bla</child1> <child2>blabla <subchild> <subsubchild DEEP = "Attribute"></subsubchild> //this is my nightmare </subchild> </child2> <child3>testing</child3> </Article> ... </Articles> what xpath expression will fetch and update the subsubchild attrib value ? i am mostly concerned with fetching and … | |
dashboard2.php if (isset($_POST['ok'])){ if (empty($_GET['class_id'])) { $class = $_SESSION['class']; $sqlstr = "INSERT INTO material2(`subject`, `title`, `content`) VALUES('".$class."', '".$title."','".$content."')"; echo $sqlstr; } else { $class = $_SESSION['class']; //echo $class; $sqlstr = "UPDATE material2 SET subject='".$class."', title='".$title."', content='".$content."' WHERE class_id=".$_GET['class_id']; echo $sqlstr; } $result = mysql_query($sqlstr) or die(mysql_error()); //Jika mode edit, maka … | |
Hello guys, I know there is a ton of webmail scripts and works with cPanel, but no one I found that support register new users like : Google,Yahoo,etc.... I need php webmail so new users can register and using my doamin as there mail service. best regards . | |
I have some code help. <?php error_reporting(0); //$cat = $_POST['cat']; $uri = 'http://ventureburn.com/feed/'; $xml = simplexml_load_file($uri); $namespaces = $xml->getNamespaces(true); $i = 0; $data = ''; //echo '<pre>'; //print_r($xml); //echo '</pre>'; // exit; $string = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $string); $string = preg_replace('/\[.*\]/U', '', $string); $string = preg_replace('/&(amp;)?#?[a-z0-9]+;/i', '-', $string); $string = … | |
I have association table in mysql that I want to translate into doctrine yaml mappings. List_id and user_id are at the same time composite primary and foreign keys. I'm confused weather I should have in listUserTb entity class both $userId and $user ($listId, $list) fields? Or can id_str from users_tb … | |
Hello! I'm trying to do a query from SQL in PHP table. My code is: <?php $table = mysqli_query($mysqli,"SELECT song_id, song_name, janr_name, singers.names FROM `songs` INNER JOIN `singers` ON songs.singer_id = singers.singer_id INNER JOIN `janr_songs` WHERE janr_songs.janr_id = songs.janr_id "); $row = mysqli_fetch_array($table); { echo "<table border='1' >"; echo "<tr><th>№</th><th>Song</th><th>Artist</th><th>Song … | |
![]() | this is my create and read.php files problem is that in read.php file image is not being displayed only its file name is displaying // crate.php <div class="control-group <?php echo !empty($imgError)?'error':'';?>"> <label class="control-label">Image Upload</label> <div class="controls"> <input name="image" type="file" placeholder="image" value="<?php echo !empty($image)?$image:'';?>"> <?php if (!empty($imgError)): ?> <span class="help-inline"><?php echo … ![]() |
I am working on a small as2 message passing. Below are my codes. First is the host which will send the header and data to the server. Then the server is suppose to form a reply in this format http://www.edidev.net/edidev-ca/help/Using/Using_AS2/Using_MDN/MDNRequestFromAs2SubjMsg.htm <?php $header = "HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $header.= "CONNECTION: Keep-Alive \r\n\r\n"; // Here … | |
I have the follow code, with checkboxes. Tried to do an array. I send these checkboxes to my mail-process file. How I do, that I only get these values, from these checkboxes, they are checked? <div class="cpt-item four columns"> <div class="thumb-wrapper"> <img src="/assets/images/custom/bigb002.jpg" alt="The Big Buddha Temple"> </div> <div class="cpt-detail"> … | |
# Security for Wordpress and Codeigniter # I want to integrate wordpress and codeigniter and I am confuse about security.My admin panel will be in codeigniter and frontend in wordpress.what type of security is there. | |
Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone's had experience with the WordPress Importer tool. I'm having trouble importing my WXR file through the tool. It works well for the most part, but when I get to the author assignment section, there are some issues. Under Assign Authors I only see `Import … | |
Hello. I am working on wordpress **plugin.php** file Add one sub menu and working on but when i call ajax function but its not given proper output. <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery(".downloadpdf").click(function () { var goat_id = jQuery(this).attr('id'); //Alert got id e.g 218 jQuery.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "<?php echo admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' … | |
<Articles> <Article ID="111"> <author>Peter Paul</author> <pubDate>01/01/2015</pubDate> <Translations> <lang1>English</lang1> <lang2>French</lang2> <lang3>Arab</lang3> <lang3>Chinese</lang3> </Translations> </Article> <Article ID="222"> <author>Monkey Rice</author> <pubDate>01/01/2016</pubDate> <Translations> <lang1>English</lang1> </Translations> </Article> <Article ID="333"> <author>John Silas</author> <pubDate>01/01/2017</pubDate> <Translations> <lang1 country="england">English</lang1> <lang2 country="france">French</lang2> <lang3 country="china">Chinese</lang3> </Translations> </Article> </Articles> I want to select any attribute in the entire document (no matter the … | |
<Articles> <Article ID="111"> <author>Peter Paul</author> <pubDate>01/01/2015</pubDate> <Translations> <lang1>English</lang1> <lang2>French</lang2> <lang3>Arab</lang3> <lang3>Chinese</lang3> </Translations> </Article> <Article ID="222"> <author>Monkey Rice</author> <pubDate>01/01/2016</pubDate> <Translations> <lang1>English</lang1> </Translations> </Article> <Article ID="333"> <author>John Silas</author> <pubDate>01/01/2017</pubDate> <Translations> <lang1 country="england">English</lang1> <lang2 country="france">French</lang2> <lang3 country="china">Chinese</lang3> </Translations> </Article> </Articles> i want to update attribute value "england", as in: ... <Translations> ... <lang1 … | |
i have start learning Bootstrap to design my first Searching Website and i use dropdown list for filter topic what user need to search and input text box for key word (like this pic http://upic.me/i/zl/9aaaa.jpg) This below is my code <!-- Search Container--> <div class="container" id="searchBar"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-8 … | |
Hi, I build websites using five basic languages. html, css, js, php, and mysql. I have build a lot of websites, but my problem is that everytime I start a new project I start with a blank page. It's time consuming. I wonder if any of you guys have a … | |
Hello fellow coders, can anyone make me a working login system, like login, register, and send all files + the Database file (Test DB file)? Please be kind, it doesn't take long to made... Thanks - Martin | |
hallo, I would like to create session system: page1.php <?php session_start(); ?> <p><div style="margin: 50px 0 0 240px;"><img src="../../images/<?php echo $_SESSION['$banner']; ?>"></div></p> It already works! After I click the page2.php through the navigation, then: I wonder why the banner that appears different from page1.php, I thought it suppose to be … | |
Hi guys, Could someone please help me with a small problem i am having? I want to display a message if there are no entry's in a table but for some reason i cant get this right. Here is my Controller: ----------------------- <?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script … | |
How to read clean data from .docx or .doc file? $file_url="http://www.abc.com/upload/test.docx"; $doc_data = file_get_contents($file_url); it's gives out put like �T�a�b�l�e� �N�o�r�m�a�l����ö��4Ö� l�4Ö���aö��� ���(�k ôÿÁ�(�� ������0�N�o� �L�i�s�t���� �����PK�����!�‚Š¼ú��������[Content_Types].xml how to get clean data like text file?? | |
<?php $height = 100; for ($i=0; $i<$height; $i++){echo str_repeat(' ',($height-$i)).str_repeat('*',$i).'<br />';} ?> May you Daniweb people Grow Like this one. |
The End.