39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for afaaro

Hi guys I need help with redirecting from post?id=11111 to index.php?page=post&title=title&id=11111 Solved and got solution from this link https://www.daniweb.com/web-development/php/threads/489469/how-to-redirect-dynamic-url-using-php $curPageURL="http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $url="http://abc.com/gallery.php?id=1"; if($curPageURL == $url) { header("Location: http://abc.com/error404"); }

Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I am looking for a visitor counter that could record: Visitor Counter Online 1 Today 4 Yesterday 8 Week 4 Month 32 Year 32 Total 2637 Where can I find it?

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for thernandez

Hi good day; Im working with Ignited Datatables and Im trying to add a callback on edit_column but it's no working it's not making the call just print the 3 parameter : $this->datatables->edit_column('value','$1','callback_esNulo(value,id)'); and this the function callback function esNulo($value,$id){ $result= is_null($value) ? "0" : "1"; echo $result; } I …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Priti_P

Hello, I want expression for not acception string with specials characters. So I was with expression /^[ A-Za-z0-9_@.#&,()-]*$/ But it is accepting only special chars also. How can I restrict it for not acceptiong only special chars? like my string should contain atleast one character.

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Osagie_1

i have an xml structure: <root> ... <B ID="444"> <C></C> <D>Anything</D> <E> <child1 /*expected outcome came in here*/> /*sometimes here*/ </child1> <child2>data2 <!-instead of here-></child2> <child3>data3</child3> <child4>data4 /* and also here instead*/</child4> </E> </B> ... </root> i made an xpath query to fetch //*B, where child2==data2 and child4==data4 like this: …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for John Abdul

I want to write a code that is able to go to a specific domain name(website). It would then log-in with the details i provide. It should then be able to post the details i provide at specific times or periodically. It should be able to post url and pictures. …

Member Avatar for iveto89

Hi everybody! I'm trying to create 2 image buttons (like,dislike). When they are submitted, it should be run a query for like/dislike a definite song. My code is: <?php $table = mysqli_query($mysqli,"SELECT song_id, song_name, janr_name, singers.names FROM `songs` INNER JOIN `singers` ON songs.singer_id = singers.singer_id INNER JOIN `janr_songs` WHERE janr_songs.janr_id …

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Member Avatar for FarrisFahad

I am trying to paginate through a set of results. I know how to do a simple pagination, but I have a lot of records in the database. So the problem is that when I have a lot of pages, the number of links are also high, therefore breaking the …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan

I want to add photos to the user after they logged in , in their user profile . Will it possible? how?

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for Osagie_1

i'am testing an xml structure: <Articles> ... <Article ID="333"> <author>Paul</author> <title>i hate xpath </title> <child1>bla</child1> <child2>blabla <subchild> <subsubchild DEEP = "Attribute"></subsubchild> //this is my nightmare </subchild> </child2> <child3>testing</child3> </Article> ... </Articles> what xpath expression will fetch and update the subsubchild attrib value ? i am mostly concerned with fetching and …

Member Avatar for Osagie_1
Member Avatar for davy_yg

dashboard2.php if (isset($_POST['ok'])){ if (empty($_GET['class_id'])) { $class = $_SESSION['class']; $sqlstr = "INSERT INTO material2(`subject`, `title`, `content`) VALUES('".$class."', '".$title."','".$content."')"; echo $sqlstr; } else { $class = $_SESSION['class']; //echo $class; $sqlstr = "UPDATE material2 SET subject='".$class."', title='".$title."', content='".$content."' WHERE class_id=".$_GET['class_id']; echo $sqlstr; } $result = mysql_query($sqlstr) or die(mysql_error()); //Jika mode edit, maka …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for OsaMasw

Hello guys, I know there is a ton of webmail scripts and works with cPanel, but no one I found that support register new users like : Google,Yahoo,etc.... I need php webmail so new users can register and using my doamin as there mail service. best regards .

Member Avatar for prachi123

I have some code help. <?php error_reporting(0); //$cat = $_POST['cat']; $uri = 'http://ventureburn.com/feed/'; $xml = simplexml_load_file($uri); $namespaces = $xml->getNamespaces(true); $i = 0; $data = ''; //echo '<pre>'; //print_r($xml); //echo '</pre>'; // exit; $string = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $string); $string = preg_replace('/\[.*\]/U', '', $string); $string = preg_replace('/&(amp;)?#?[a-z0-9]+;/i', '-', $string); $string = …

Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for suncica2222

I have association table in mysql that I want to translate into doctrine yaml mappings. List_id and user_id are at the same time composite primary and foreign keys. I'm confused weather I should have in listUserTb entity class both $userId and $user ($listId, $list) fields? Or can id_str from users_tb …

Member Avatar for iveto89

Hello! I'm trying to do a query from SQL in PHP table. My code is: <?php $table = mysqli_query($mysqli,"SELECT song_id, song_name, janr_name, singers.names FROM `songs` INNER JOIN `singers` ON songs.singer_id = singers.singer_id INNER JOIN `janr_songs` WHERE janr_songs.janr_id = songs.janr_id "); $row = mysqli_fetch_array($table); { echo "<table border='1' >"; echo "<tr><th>№</th><th>Song</th><th>Artist</th><th>Song …

Member Avatar for iveto89
Member Avatar for anmol.raghuvanshi1

this is my create and read.php files problem is that in read.php file image is not being displayed only its file name is displaying // crate.php <div class="control-group <?php echo !empty($imgError)?'error':'';?>"> <label class="control-label">Image Upload</label> <div class="controls"> <input name="image" type="file" placeholder="image" value="<?php echo !empty($image)?$image:'';?>"> <?php if (!empty($imgError)): ?> <span class="help-inline"><?php echo …

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Member Avatar for newbie14

I am working on a small as2 message passing. Below are my codes. First is the host which will send the header and data to the server. Then the server is suppose to form a reply in this format http://www.edidev.net/edidev-ca/help/Using/Using_AS2/Using_MDN/MDNRequestFromAs2SubjMsg.htm <?php $header = "HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $header.= "CONNECTION: Keep-Alive \r\n\r\n"; // Here …

Member Avatar for Simon_4

I have the follow code, with checkboxes. Tried to do an array. I send these checkboxes to my mail-process file. How I do, that I only get these values, from these checkboxes, they are checked? <div class="cpt-item four columns"> <div class="thumb-wrapper"> <img src="/assets/images/custom/bigb002.jpg" alt="The Big Buddha Temple"> </div> <div class="cpt-detail"> …

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Member Avatar for Sikander Nasar

# Security for Wordpress and Codeigniter # I want to integrate wordpress and codeigniter and I am confuse about security.My admin panel will be in codeigniter and frontend in wordpress.what type of security is there.

Member Avatar for mangel.murti
Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen

Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone's had experience with the WordPress Importer tool. I'm having trouble importing my WXR file through the tool. It works well for the most part, but when I get to the author assignment section, there are some issues. Under Assign Authors I only see `Import …

Member Avatar for irfanmodan
Member Avatar for ravi142

Hello. I am working on wordpress **plugin.php** file Add one sub menu and working on but when i call ajax function but its not given proper output. <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery(".downloadpdf").click(function () { var goat_id = jQuery(this).attr('id'); //Alert got id e.g 218 jQuery.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "<?php echo admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' …

Member Avatar for irfanmodan
Member Avatar for Osagie_1

<Articles> <Article ID="111"> <author>Peter Paul</author> <pubDate>01/01/2015</pubDate> <Translations> <lang1>English</lang1> <lang2>French</lang2> <lang3>Arab</lang3> <lang3>Chinese</lang3> </Translations> </Article> <Article ID="222"> <author>Monkey Rice</author> <pubDate>01/01/2016</pubDate> <Translations> <lang1>English</lang1> </Translations> </Article> <Article ID="333"> <author>John Silas</author> <pubDate>01/01/2017</pubDate> <Translations> <lang1 country="england">English</lang1> <lang2 country="france">French</lang2> <lang3 country="china">Chinese</lang3> </Translations> </Article> </Articles> I want to select any attribute in the entire document (no matter the …

Member Avatar for mangel.murti
Member Avatar for Osagie_1

<Articles> <Article ID="111"> <author>Peter Paul</author> <pubDate>01/01/2015</pubDate> <Translations> <lang1>English</lang1> <lang2>French</lang2> <lang3>Arab</lang3> <lang3>Chinese</lang3> </Translations> </Article> <Article ID="222"> <author>Monkey Rice</author> <pubDate>01/01/2016</pubDate> <Translations> <lang1>English</lang1> </Translations> </Article> <Article ID="333"> <author>John Silas</author> <pubDate>01/01/2017</pubDate> <Translations> <lang1 country="england">English</lang1> <lang2 country="france">French</lang2> <lang3 country="china">Chinese</lang3> </Translations> </Article> </Articles> i want to update attribute value "england", as in: ... <Translations> ... <lang1 …

Member Avatar for JoeSarayuth

i have start learning Bootstrap to design my first Searching Website and i use dropdown list for filter topic what user need to search and input text box for key word (like this pic http://upic.me/i/zl/9aaaa.jpg) This below is my code <!-- Search Container--> <div class="container" id="searchBar"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-8 …

Member Avatar for FarrisFahad

Hi, I build websites using five basic languages. html, css, js, php, and mysql. I have build a lot of websites, but my problem is that everytime I start a new project I start with a blank page. It's time consuming. I wonder if any of you guys have a …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for zzmrzz

Hello fellow coders, can anyone make me a working login system, like login, register, and send all files + the Database file (Test DB file)? Please be kind, it doesn't take long to made... Thanks - Martin

Member Avatar for imti321
Member Avatar for davy_yg

hallo, I would like to create session system: page1.php <?php session_start(); ?> <p><div style="margin: 50px 0 0 240px;"><img src="../../images/<?php echo $_SESSION['$banner']; ?>"></div></p> It already works! After I click the page2.php through the navigation, then: I wonder why the banner that appears different from page1.php, I thought it suppose to be …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Ventech_IT

Hi guys, Could someone please help me with a small problem i am having? I want to display a message if there are no entry's in a table but for some reason i cant get this right. Here is my Controller: ----------------------- <?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script …

Member Avatar for Ventech_IT
Member Avatar for Aamit

How to read clean data from .docx or .doc file? $file_url="http://www.abc.com/upload/test.docx"; $doc_data = file_get_contents($file_url); it's gives out put like  �T�a�b�l�e� �N�o�r�m�a�l����ö��4Ö� l�4Ö���aö��� ���(�k ôÿÁ�(�� ������0�N�o� �L�i�s�t���� �����PK�����!�‚Š¼ú��������[Content_Types].xml how to get clean data like text file??

Member Avatar for Muzammil_2
Member Avatar for imti321

<?php $height = 100; for ($i=0; $i<$height; $i++){echo str_repeat(' ',($height-$i)).str_repeat('*',$i).'<br />';} ?> May you Daniweb people Grow Like this one.

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The End.