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98 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for opjjuly

As far as i know, some servers trigger .htaccess when you ask them, instead of automatically, you could try asking them, or... move to another host :) (i'm sorry, were there supposed to be quotation marks there?) anyway, if all else fails, you could just make 1 page with a …

Member Avatar for mervin_2
Member Avatar for LutherVespers

if you want to check your cpu heat during the windows install, you'll probably need some sort of hardware to read out the sensors, but if you want to check it out in windows, use speedfan, and try doing something system-intensive. You could also use prime95 to stress-test your processor, …

Member Avatar for Young1cby
Member Avatar for phoenix_2000

Heya all, First of all, sorry if this is the wrong part of the forum to post on, i was doubting between the networking and OS forums. Currently, i have a freecom [silverstore-2-NAS]( but i feel the software is rather restrictive to me. So what i'd like to do is …

Member Avatar for Shabbir_2
Member Avatar for rkara924

same for me, flawless. I guess you should reinstall your browser, it can't be code-side

Member Avatar for rkara924
Member Avatar for phoenix_2000

Heya all, I have a VPS with centOs 7 on it, that has a bit of an issue. Whenever i try to access my VPS from a browser using httpS://, it gives me the following error: Secure Connection Failed An error occurred during a connection to SSL received a …

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for phoenix_2000

Hey all, Im working on a website that has to be capable of viewing youtube video's without having to browse to youtube itself. I followed the tutorials from both video.js and video.js' youtube plugin, but when the page loads, it gives me: Uncaught ReferenceError: videojs is not defined ( line …

Member Avatar for phoenix_2000
Member Avatar for phoenix_2000

Heya all, I'm trying to render a histogram of relative frequencies using D3 in combination with AJAX. Now i'm getting all my data correctly, but when i try to draw my chart, the first 2 bars are missing. The only error i'm getting on both firefox's and chrome's javascript console …

Member Avatar for phoenix_2000
Member Avatar for phoenix_2000

Heya all, I'm working on a small 'file browser', where the list of files is printed in a console (for now), but where the user inserts the file's path in a GUI. My gui is rather simple: one frame and one panel containing a JTextField and a JButton. I want …

Member Avatar for phoenix_2000
Member Avatar for phoenix_2000

Heya all, Right now, i'm working on a small, text-based game, but i'm a bit confused about how to get my coupeling right. at the moment, i have 5 classes: an Item class, an inventory, a player, a room and a 'game' class that loads the game. The game class …

Member Avatar for phoenix_2000
Member Avatar for AleXHB

welcome Alex, I've looked through the tutorial rather quick, but i might have some plans to achieve your goals. Just to start with the easy one, album covers. When you create a database, you could add another field, like coverSrc, containing the link to the right cover In your HTMl, …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for phoenix_2000

Heya all, I'm using a special cakePHP plugin for displaying a fully fledged calendar. ([CakePHP full calendar plugin]( By clicking on an appointment in the calendar, the user is redirected to an edit screen, where he or she can change the date, time and a lot of other related data. …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Wailintun

Hello Wallintun, please try to be a bit more descriptive: what is going wrong, what error message do you get? also, what is it you're trying to achieve here, what do you mean by 'multi-step'? and just as diafol said, try narrowing down your code. i'm seeing hunderds of lines …

Member Avatar for Wailintun
Member Avatar for surajdgiri

try watching your indentation a bit, it makes errors like this way easier to find. I copied your code in netbeans, did an auto-indent and i didn't find any unclosed accolades or php tags, so it's probably going wrong in one of your includes.

Member Avatar for phoenix_2000
Member Avatar for naphets

You've got most of it right, but one comment isn't complete yet. //this is defining the array name as $stuff while($stuff = mysql_fetch_array($query)) Mysql_fetch_array is a function that returns 1 entry from the database (that was found with the query you just executed). Every time you call that function, it …

Member Avatar for naphets
Member Avatar for shaqib
Member Avatar for OsaMasw

Hello OsaMasw, I haven't worked a lot with mod_security, but it seems it puts some limits on the uploaded files. If i were you, i'd try and see what you can edit in mod_security: max file size, upload time, etc. When the limit is reached, mod_security throws an error 500 …

Member Avatar for OsaMasw
Member Avatar for phoenix_2000

Hello all, Im looking for a tool that allows me to visualise a single entry in a database, so i can see that entry, and all entries that have a foreign key to it, and foreign keys to those etc. Im not talking about an ERD, but more like a …

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for peter_budo

What problems do you have playing the blu-ray disks in VLC? If there's some sort of copy-protection on it that vlc can't handle, you could try using a BR-ripping program to make a personal backup, and strip the security with that. From my experience this should increase you speed because: …

Member Avatar for abbotbass
Member Avatar for phoenix_2000

hey people, I've been experimenting with some new (for me) java techniques, like keybindings. i've got a small app, where the bindings work fine, untill i press a JButton with actionListener. the actionListener doesn't do anything at all, but keybindings fail after i press one of them. here's my code …

Member Avatar for phoenix_2000
Member Avatar for phoenix_2000

Hello people, First of all, sorry if this is the wrong forum to post in. I've got what i think is a rather specific question, related to web-development. about six months ago, i spend a few months developing an internal application for my internship, about 1 week before i left, …

Member Avatar for phoenix_2000
Member Avatar for phoenix_2000

Hello people, First of all, i'm not an experienced ASP coder at all, i usually do php/java so i'm still kinda puzzled by this language. For my current project, i need to update a piece of an intranet, written completely in ASP. since it can't be reached from my position, …

Member Avatar for phoenix_2000
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

your email confirmation sounds like a good way, but i don't really get the google analytics thing. i do know some bots take them into account thouh, here's a few (possible) methods. - during registration, ask the user a random simple question, and in your submit check if the answer …

Member Avatar for Venom Rush
Member Avatar for mits28

Did you read all the doocumentation for those 2 products? javaMail needs a mailserver, and the installation instructions can be found in the readme.txt that comes with the download. you'll also need to install some additional stuff (according to the manual). Oracle provides a samplle code at . i …

Member Avatar for godzab
Member Avatar for code739

Try and watch your opening posts a bit more, it's very hard to read without dots and enters at the right place. also, if your 'endindex' file seems empty, try to echo $index one rule in front of it, see what that gives you. try using multiple echoes in your …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for yup790

I'm no expert on this area, but if you really intend on creating an engine, it should either be a compiled piece of code which functions get called in your level file, or if you don't mind your users compiling it themselves, release it as a library. making a complete …

Member Avatar for Akill10
Member Avatar for sphe_g

depends on what you mean with 'stress', if you'd like to see how the system behaves when a lot of resources are used, use a stress-test program like furmark for your graphics card. if you want to test your database, maybe write a script that inserts thousands of values (using …

Member Avatar for phoenix_2000
Member Avatar for ehpratah

it's not that hard, you'll need a 'onkeyup' or something in that direction on your textfield, make it point to a javascript function that goed like document.getElementById('yourtextfieldID').innerHTML = strtoupper(document.getElementById('yourtextfieldID').innerHTML; don't litteraly copy/paste it, i wrote this out of the top of my head.

Member Avatar for designershiv
Member Avatar for coolstorybro

it seems the IP you gave is the external IP for your router (the IP anyone on the outside would use to connect with it), but you can't connect to your router's external IP while you are on the same network as that router. (some professional routers do have that …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for phoenix_2000

Hello, For my current project i'm working with a lot of nested arrays and objects. i'd like to be able to see all their values just as vardump does, but that function doesn't go as deep as i'd like. I already tried the krumo library, but it didn't show me …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for kunaldinde googled 'excel files in java', this was the third hit

Member Avatar for Jaisu_jas

The End.