39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for mehargags

I'm using [URL="http://colorpowered.com/colorbox/"]colorBox[/URL] to show up a dynamically populated Image. I need to show one image as the Thumbnail & when this thumbnail is clicked a lightbox opens and a group of images slide inside it.. ColorBox uses rel tag to group the images that are displayed, I need to …

Member Avatar for KickingHorse
Member Avatar for alexstanhope

I have a set of 4 HTML list items and I'd like to shuffle the order they appear in once a week. I have found the following which could be used - but at the moment, it only returns one list item - how could I modify it to show …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for KIM333

My doubts are: when the code of functions.php (wordpress) will be executed? can I declare there global variables to use them in other functions? I'm trying to understand the code of a function which initialize some parameters and start with this code: [CODE]if ( $_GET['page'] == basename(__FILE__) ) { ...}[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for ptermourra

Hello Everyone I have a simple form posting to mysql database. I set one of the fields to be Text Area. I have and HTML Link Code that needs to be in that field. When I upload he data to the db, my " gets hashed out a \ gets …

Member Avatar for didier_m
Member Avatar for kanchana Mala
Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for HemantPHP

I have one server with zend application and for that application I want to create CMS (using drupal). So problem is how can I put both drupal & zend source. [url]www.domainname.com[/url] (which working into zend framework). Now I want to create CMS for this [url]www.domainname.com[/url] & zend application run which …

Member Avatar for chiiqui
Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for Virangya

hi, i need to subtract one date form the other and take the difference in minutes or seconds.. i'm getting the first date from the data base in 'Y-m-d H:i:s' format and second date is the current date (same format). and i want to know the difference between them in …

Member Avatar for lyrico
Member Avatar for himanjim

I wanna create subdomains dynamically than manually I've got this script but can't make it work...I've got my website hosted on a server..Can anybody tell me that is it [B]possible[/B] to achieve that... [CODE]<?php ############################################################### # cPanel Subdomains Creator 1.1 ############################################################### # Visit [url]http://www.zubrag.com/scripts/[/url] for updates ############################################################### # # Can …

Member Avatar for stewart2011
Member Avatar for jollywood

I am fairly new in this world and I still have a lot to learn. I am making a dynamic page where I have to load 7 images for the database and I'm not even getting if anyone can help me. thanks <?php require_once('../Connections/ligacao.php'); ?> <?php if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) { function …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for TheHaxx0r1215

Alright, I have a members area, area.php, and I used mysql to find the userlevel and display content depending on the userlevel, 1 for user, 2 for admin. I made it, but it displays both the user and admin for 1, and 2. [CODE]<?php // Members Area // session_start(); $usernamee …

Member Avatar for kanchana Mala
Member Avatar for jacob21

Hi, I am uploading multiple file acc. to the limit enter in the textbox. Suppose in a text box if i enter 2,then two browse button can upload two different file having different format 1st file=only jpg 2nd file=only text file I completed all the validation part of both file.what …

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Member Avatar for grozadani2007

Hello, I have a code that only add an image in my database and I want to add more, but only one form. Can anyone give me some ideas how to do this? thanks

Member Avatar for sl_bart
Member Avatar for decade

I created a program using php that will attach a file if you click "attach" button. the problem is that i always receive this message when i try to attach a file even though I didn't create an error message that states this "attachment failed. this may be due to …

Member Avatar for davy_yg

I have the following codes: [CODE] <?php // a) function fnTripple($a) { $a = $a * $a; return 3; } echo fnTripple(4); // b) $a = 5; $b = 5; // c) $b = $b + $a; // d) $d = $d + $b; $e = $e + $b; // …

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for calebcook

Hi. I'm looking for a script (in either JavaScript, PHP or both) where you enter the amount of servings you want for a recipe, and it'll calculate the recipe. I can't find a script anywhere! Can anyone help me? To see an example, go to [URL="http://tastykitchen.com/recipes/breads/plain-bagels/"]http://tastykitchen.com/recipes/breads/plain-bagels/[/URL] Thanks!

Member Avatar for calebcook
Member Avatar for calebcook

Hi. I'm trying to multiply fractions. How can I take '1 1/2' and multiply it to get 3? (is there some special format like '1-1/2' that I need to use to multiply it?) Thanks

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Member Avatar for kiwikarma

Hello, I'm trying to display a table in PHP that uses multiple MySQL tables with some repeated field names. [U]Master table field names:[/U] Name, Student Major, Course Major, Course #, Credits, Course Name This is what I have so far...but the variables in the loop are not working and I'm …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for kittu.kishore

I want to learn a server side scripting language like php. But I don't know where to get started... Even getting started I could not understand where I should run a php file... I am good at html, css, and javascript... Can anyone say me how to get started with …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for Dredgy

Hello. I'm not sure if anyone will be able to help me with this, because I've been unable to find a straight answer on the internet, and I thought it would be something that loads of people would want to do. Let me make it clear I DO NOT WANT …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for DavidB

Hi, folks. As you may have gathered from a previous post, I know next to nothing about PHP, so I have a very basic question: How do I force an exit from PHP? I have gone through a few books and come across the "die" and "exit" commands; however, they …

Member Avatar for Thomas.Fischer
Member Avatar for wlayy999

Recalling the history of Web development, Web development language used more and more simple, rich. This CGI from the previous C-class, the development of ASP, PHP, ASP.NET, JAVA, we can more easily develop more complex applications, coupled with the development of the IDE, you say you can make a Web …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for SmallCucumber

I am a newbie to php, i occasionally find a problem, I open the page "index.php" on a chrome browser, then I left for lunch, then I come back and click the link in page "index.php", it did head to "login.php", but laterly I find a record in my database. …

Member Avatar for SmallCucumber
Member Avatar for sayedkhalid

how can i pass value of textbox into code iginator controller after submit. i get Disallowed Key Characters message. i have array of controls. or if you could provide some tips on how to get the posted values in controllers . in view [CODE] <form method="post"> <input type="text" name="Insert['name']"/> <input …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for vidjin

Hi, I want a Jquery based Ajax solution for Uploading, Cropping and Saving Images... I have been trying to find it for 3 4 days but I am only finding tutorials and solutions with postbacks when cropping images. Please help. thanks

Member Avatar for vidjin
Member Avatar for dimkasmir
Member Avatar for m00ky
Member Avatar for abelingaw

I just uploaded my php files on my webhost, and begi editing the links in my index.php. And when I tried viewing my site, i receive the following errors. [CODE] Warning: include() [function.include]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /home/a4478641/public_html/index.php on line 3 Warning: include(http://abelingaw.site90.com/phavi/common.php) [function.include]: failed …

Member Avatar for jogesh_p
Member Avatar for vanzpaticawen
Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for doctorphp

Hi everyone. I watched Alex's PayPal IPN series and I was testing it on the PayPal IPN Sandbox and it won't work. Here is my code. [b]verify.php[/b] [CODE]<br />To verify your account click the button below.<br /><br /> <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="upgrade@megainstrumentals.co.uk"> <input …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for httpgal

I have a bit of code I'm using to generate a report from my MySQL database - what I want to do is email it out to multiple recipients (whose email addresses are also stored in the database). The email addresses (up to 12 of them) are located in fields …

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The End.