39,388 Topics
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I am using a sms site's api to provide free sms to my site's visitors, as this site has provided me http api and based on that i developed these 2 following pages. freesms.html [CODE]<html> <head><title>Send Free Sms</title> <script language="Javascript"> function validate() { var valid = true; if (document.formvalidate.FieldData1.value == … | |
I'm using [URL="http://colorpowered.com/colorbox/"]colorBox[/URL] to show up a dynamically populated Image. I need to show one image as the Thumbnail & when this thumbnail is clicked a lightbox opens and a group of images slide inside it.. ColorBox uses rel tag to group the images that are displayed, I need to … | |
I have a set of 4 HTML list items and I'd like to shuffle the order they appear in once a week. I have found the following which could be used - but at the moment, it only returns one list item - how could I modify it to show … | |
My doubts are: when the code of functions.php (wordpress) will be executed? can I declare there global variables to use them in other functions? I'm trying to understand the code of a function which initialize some parameters and start with this code: [CODE]if ( $_GET['page'] == basename(__FILE__) ) { ...}[/CODE] … | |
Hello Everyone I have a simple form posting to mysql database. I set one of the fields to be Text Area. I have and HTML Link Code that needs to be in that field. When I upload he data to the db, my " gets hashed out a \ gets … | |
I have one server with zend application and for that application I want to create CMS (using drupal). So problem is how can I put both drupal & zend source. [url]www.domainname.com[/url] (which working into zend framework). Now I want to create CMS for this [url]www.domainname.com[/url] & zend application run which … | |
What is the best book to learn ,PHP,Javascript,DHTML, and AJAX? | |
hi, i need to subtract one date form the other and take the difference in minutes or seconds.. i'm getting the first date from the data base in 'Y-m-d H:i:s' format and second date is the current date (same format). and i want to know the difference between them in … | |
I wanna create subdomains dynamically than manually I've got this script but can't make it work...I've got my website hosted on a server..Can anybody tell me that is it [B]possible[/B] to achieve that... [CODE]<?php ############################################################### # cPanel Subdomains Creator 1.1 ############################################################### # Visit [url]http://www.zubrag.com/scripts/[/url] for updates ############################################################### # # Can … | |
I am fairly new in this world and I still have a lot to learn. I am making a dynamic page where I have to load 7 images for the database and I'm not even getting if anyone can help me. thanks <?php require_once('../Connections/ligacao.php'); ?> <?php if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) { function … | |
Alright, I have a members area, area.php, and I used mysql to find the userlevel and display content depending on the userlevel, 1 for user, 2 for admin. I made it, but it displays both the user and admin for 1, and 2. [CODE]<?php // Members Area // session_start(); $usernamee … | |
Hi, I am uploading multiple file acc. to the limit enter in the textbox. Suppose in a text box if i enter 2,then two browse button can upload two different file having different format 1st file=only jpg 2nd file=only text file I completed all the validation part of both file.what … | |
Hello, I have a code that only add an image in my database and I want to add more, but only one form. Can anyone give me some ideas how to do this? thanks | |
I created a program using php that will attach a file if you click "attach" button. the problem is that i always receive this message when i try to attach a file even though I didn't create an error message that states this "attachment failed. this may be due to … | |
I have the following codes: [CODE] <?php // a) function fnTripple($a) { $a = $a * $a; return 3; } echo fnTripple(4); // b) $a = 5; $b = 5; // c) $b = $b + $a; // d) $d = $d + $b; $e = $e + $b; // … | |
Hi. I'm looking for a script (in either JavaScript, PHP or both) where you enter the amount of servings you want for a recipe, and it'll calculate the recipe. I can't find a script anywhere! Can anyone help me? To see an example, go to [URL="http://tastykitchen.com/recipes/breads/plain-bagels/"]http://tastykitchen.com/recipes/breads/plain-bagels/[/URL] Thanks! | |
Hi. I'm trying to multiply fractions. How can I take '1 1/2' and multiply it to get 3? (is there some special format like '1-1/2' that I need to use to multiply it?) Thanks | |
Hello, I'm trying to display a table in PHP that uses multiple MySQL tables with some repeated field names. [U]Master table field names:[/U] Name, Student Major, Course Major, Course #, Credits, Course Name This is what I have so far...but the variables in the loop are not working and I'm … ![]() | |
I want to learn a server side scripting language like php. But I don't know where to get started... Even getting started I could not understand where I should run a php file... I am good at html, css, and javascript... Can anyone say me how to get started with … | |
Hello. I'm not sure if anyone will be able to help me with this, because I've been unable to find a straight answer on the internet, and I thought it would be something that loads of people would want to do. Let me make it clear I DO NOT WANT … | |
Hi, folks. As you may have gathered from a previous post, I know next to nothing about PHP, so I have a very basic question: How do I force an exit from PHP? I have gone through a few books and come across the "die" and "exit" commands; however, they … | |
Recalling the history of Web development, Web development language used more and more simple, rich. This CGI from the previous C-class, the development of ASP, PHP, ASP.NET, JAVA, we can more easily develop more complex applications, coupled with the development of the IDE, you say you can make a Web … | |
I am a newbie to php, i occasionally find a problem, I open the page "index.php" on a chrome browser, then I left for lunch, then I come back and click the link in page "index.php", it did head to "login.php", but laterly I find a record in my database. … | |
how can i pass value of textbox into code iginator controller after submit. i get Disallowed Key Characters message. i have array of controls. or if you could provide some tips on how to get the posted values in controllers . in view [CODE] <form method="post"> <input type="text" name="Insert['name']"/> <input … ![]() | |
Hi, I want a Jquery based Ajax solution for Uploading, Cropping and Saving Images... I have been trying to find it for 3 4 days but I am only finding tutorials and solutions with postbacks when cropping images. Please help. thanks | |
How can I install PHP 5 on Apache Tomcat 5.5 :?: Please reply ASAP :!: | |
I just uploaded my php files on my webhost, and begi editing the links in my index.php. And when I tried viewing my site, i receive the following errors. [CODE] Warning: include() [function.include]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /home/a4478641/public_html/index.php on line 3 Warning: include(http://abelingaw.site90.com/phavi/common.php) [function.include]: failed … | |
![]() | Hi everyone. I watched Alex's PayPal IPN series and I was testing it on the PayPal IPN Sandbox and it won't work. Here is my code. [b]verify.php[/b] [CODE]<br />To verify your account click the button below.<br /><br /> <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="upgrade@megainstrumentals.co.uk"> <input … ![]() |
The End.