39,388 Topics
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Hi i have created an static table having from,subject,date etc and i am just able to display i have created inbox in the front end how to link.....these table to inbox...i have this code but what is this fuction getdata.....how to proceed just help me pls...... [code] <? function getdata($tble,$field,$whr) … | |
Hi guys. I have this problem, i have a script which is handling file uploads. when running it on my local machine (WAMP--Apache 2.0; PHP 5.1.4) the script works well and all files are uploaded well. However on using the script on my server (LAMP -- Apache 2.0; PHP 5.1.4) … | |
hi guys, I found a simple whois script and intregrated it completely into my site before testing it on IE (oooops!) and it only works on firefox and safari. On IE the result text that should be written as a result of the below section of the code: [CODE]if (eregi('No … | |
Sumbody please let me know bout this.... | |
Hi Everybody, I have problem with unicode data in SQL server. I could not show data that fileds are nvarchar,nchar,ntext properly on front end. [code] $myServer ='servername\SQLEXPRESS,1433'; $myUser = 'odysseous'; $myPass = 'ody1'; $myDB = "eSQL"; // connection to the database $dbhandle = mssql_connect($myServer, $myUser, $myPass) or die("Couldn't connect to … | |
I run my php script and all I get is a blank screen (I dont mind waiting 10-30minutes even) and then I get an out of memory error. Now can I increase the memory used by php to unlimited? and even so will I still get the out of memory … | |
hi everyone, i am working on forums and i found something very useful to those who develop forums i attached files and may it will help somebody. i included one style sheet which is in txt format change that into .css thanku | |
HI Can anyone tell me what is mean by ERP project Thanks Punithapary | |
Hi all In my Application i have wrote an update query but its not working..Anybody plz help me here am including my code... [code] $head=$_GET['val']; $date=$_REQUEST['txtdate']; $headline=$_REQUEST['txthead']; $update="Update tbl_circular SET date='$date',headline='$headline',description='$des' where headline like '$head')"; $update1=mysql_query($update) or die("Could not Update"); [/code] 'val' is the querystring am passing to the page.. … | |
Hello friends, How can we place templates in a blog and code for templates in a blog will any one tell please Rakesh Nagekar | |
Hi..........now i want to create an mailbox......i have this code........but i really dont know how to proceed with this. now just i want to create an static table containing from,to,subject,contents. so with this i should be possible to create an inbox......as soon as i click on inbox i should be … | |
Hello friends, can u please explain the code Login page using sessions Rakesh Nagekar | |
Dear all, I'm a newbie for PHP and TCPDF ,I have to change the URL to PDF, so I used FPDF , But it cannot convert most of the advanced HTML tags. So explored again and found TCPDF , it can do most of the tag but I cannot found … | |
Hi,,,,,just tell me whats wrong with this code.......it will display the session values but storing it to the db its storing empty values......only it is storing a1,b1,c1 values rest of all are blank.. table structure and all everything is fine........... | |
Hi, I need some help from u all.In a table i created 2 fields one is name and second one is age.I stored all the name data into database.In that field i want to show all name one by one in drop down box.Can anyone tell me how to do … | |
Hi I have a promblom: I wrote <a href="edit.php?P_id=<?=$row['P_id'];?>">ویرایش اطلاعات </a> in a php file and want when I click the link I dont see P_id on the addressbar. what must I do ? | |
Hi i want the values which are selected should be stored in a session. here i have stored all the values which are available how to do it.......pls give me solution............. [code=php]<?php include('database.php'); $stype=$_POST['category']; if($stype=="service_category") { $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM service_category "); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { ?><input type="Checkbox" name="a[]" … | |
hi all.... using javascript i want to add 01+1 and my desired output is 02. my code is var t=01; var t2=t+1; alert(t2); the alert value is 2. I want 02....what will i do? thanks in advance.... | |
Hey Guys, I am new to PHP and know nothing of java scripts. I have to build a web page where user enters login information at the time of registration. I have taken help of a PHP tool to generate the required scripts. Now in that I have to incorporate … | |
hi..... we have two modules in our project one is customer and another service provider....... the customer based on services that the service provider is providing he will select and send a quote ......actually now customer is able to see the services and can send a quote.....if the customer sees … | |
I mentioned a few weeks ago about a memory problem that could not be solved due to the programming taking alot of memory. Now what am I to do? Anyway to expand the use of the memory or should I just use java? but will it have the same problem? … | |
Hi.......all...... here i will give whole of my code just go through the code and give me the solution i have 3 pages........in the first page collecting the user information and storing in a session and in the second page just selecting the main option and in the third page … | |
Hi here the the values which are from the table will be stored in an session....before that which is displayed with an checkbox.......but what i want to do here is i want those values which are clicked should be stored in a session and i want to display them in … | |
Hi is this correct syntax......i want the values which are displayed from the table should be stored in an array ....... [code=php] <?php include('database.php'); $stype=$_POST['category']; if($stype=="service_category") { $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM service_category "); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { ?> <input type="Checkbox" id="a[]" value="servicec"><?echo $row['servicec']; echo "<br />"; for($i=0;$i<6;$i++) { $a[i]=$row['servicec']; … | |
Hi, this is my first thread and I am new to the whole web design business. How could I make a pure PHP search engine to search the site that I am making? I don't want to use mysql just PHP, HTML and if I have to text files. I … | |
In PHP i have made one website back end as mysql,In this website i am displaying the datas in a table.I want to restrict the datas in fixed count and next should see wen we are clicking on the link below given...anybody plz give me with the solution.. | |
I have a form with a button that preforms multiple queries on a database. Problem is only one of those queries are preformed when the button is clicked. If I break them up into seperate buttons they both work. This means 1 button = 1 query? That dosent sound right. … | |
Hi: I have developed a website using php with a mysql database running on an Apache 2.2.8 server on a Windows machine running XP Professional. I now want to make this website available on the WWW using my own machine as the host server. Can anyone point me to the … | |
Hi i have kept the array of values in a session so how to retrieve those values from the session in the next page .........can anybody help me [code=php] $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM services "); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { ?><input type="Checkbox" id="c[]" value="servicess"> <?echo $row['servicess']; echo "<br />"; $c[i]=$row['servicess']; … |
The End.