39,388 Topics
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Hi friends, My name is Arjun and i am new to php .My doubt is if we uploading image or any file in online at that time if any of error is accured means i like to display check internet connection...Friends Please tell me that how to display like that.thank … | |
Hi, I'm using PHP, I am trying to develop: 1. a login page in HTML, once user enter the correct username and password, this will be directed to the User page. 2. In User page, there will be some text fields of the user (eg. name and address), all these … | |
I'm studying the Swift Mailer, and wondered if there is someone in here that is familiar enough with the way it works, that you could give me a little guidance. I have a form that I created that allows someone to enter their information as required, and that works just … ![]() | |
I need help with creating a "user account" website (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc). I have a home page set up, i just need to have the it jump to the "user's profile page" once they login their credentials (username, password). I know it has something to do with MySQL/PHP. Can … | |
Hi Everyone, i need urgent help from you.iam trying to send mail using php mail() functions.iam using XAMPP server.if i run above code iam getting "succesfuuly sent" message as a output but iam not getting any mail in my inbox address.please help methis is my code. <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $name=$_POST['name']; … | |
Hello Everybody, My previous discussion is about php function with no argument.My present discussion will be highlighted about the function that uses argumwnt when we call a function like Function newFunction(), we can write any agrgument in this area(). Now we will set a viriable as argument and later assaign … | |
hello, I am having a problem opening my database. Before this I could directly go to phpmyadmin after logging in to cpanel without entering username/password. Today, I was directed to a page to enter username/password before going to the database so I did but I got this warning: Warning in … ![]() | |
Hello Everybody, Today I will discuss about the user defined function of PHP.Basically there are two catagories of PHP function one is built in function and another is user defined function.PHP has about 1000 built in function that we can use when we make any application.on the other hand any … | |
Hi guys, recently im faceng one problem. i need to nake a queries from external link. The good example is: The website www.example1.com sell some products, and this website have reseller guy called www.example2.com so reseller he want all weeks get updated about prices from suply using queries like www.example1.com?id=1234, … | |
Hi All, I am looking to build a dynamic web page for a website I am working on. Let me give a little background here and please give your suggestion how can I get started on this, useful links, etc. I am not a pro but I learn and work … | |
Hi, I am a new web developer. I am now doing with PHP MVC (CodeIgnitor). Could anyone give me the example of how to get data from database to form, then save back to database? | |
Hello, my Wordpress is using now LayerSlider. However, for the image layer content (not image background slider), how I can apply the hover effect?  And, these are the code using now by LayerSlider: <a alt="" data-ls="offsetxin:0;delayin:3500;easingin:linear;fadein:false;offsetxout:0;easingout:linear;fadeout:false;" style="top: 400px; left: 141.5px; display: block; margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; transform-origin: 50% … | |
Hey guys. I am having a hard time getting this started. I need to have a page where a user can select or de-select (check boxes, radio doesnt matter) pdfs and then have the selected pdfs merged into a single pdf. I have used [PDF Merger](http://pdfmerger.codeplex.com/) in the past but … ![]() | |
Hello, just making an update link using pop up box but dont know how would i be able to get the id though here is my code <?php $get_query = "SELECT * FROM shortenedurls WHERE uid=".$id; $query = mysqli_query($connection, $get_query); while($record = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) { $url = $record['url']; $longurl = $record['longurl']; … ![]() | |
Which one provides more secuity, And mostly used in companies.Please Suggest 1.laravel 2.Zend 3.YII ![]() | |
Hi there, How to change the status automatically without controller when the date crossed closing date in codeigniter? sorry for my terrible english... | |
Hello, I have tried to create a simple paggigation and now i am facing a problem, I am unable to show the number of pages i.e 1 2 3 2 when i click on last page the next button is still coming up can anyone help me out . <?php … | |
Hi, I tried to create four dropdown lists as main category and sub categories which depends on the above list I tried to run it on my local host and it works fine but when i want to insert the value of the second list in my database it doesn't … ![]() | |
Are there any advantages in using ASP.net or (any other language, for that matter) over PHP? | |
I have 4 local database and 1 server. How to synchronize that 4 local database to server automatically in perticular time interval. Is there any code please update me.. Advance thanks for any suggessions/code. ![]() | |
Trying from localhost but not getting $client->setRedirectUri('http://localhost:9080/getdetailsgoogleplus/oauth2callback'); any body help me | |
Hii.. i want to learn mvc for php,can anybody please help me??? | |
how to get facebook id and name using php any body help me while clicking facebook image on my website | |
Hello, Worked on PDO everything as far as i see is correct why i am getting an error ) Fatal error: Call to undefined method mysqli::insert_id() $result = "INSERT INTO users(unique_id, firstname, lastname, email, username, encrypted_password, salt, created_at) VALUES('$uuid', '$fname', '$lname', '$email', '$uname', '$encrypted_password', '$salt', NOW())"; $connection->query($result); // check for … | |
Hello, I am trying to connect with the database but the file contains OOP programing that is little bit unfimiliar for me if anyone help me out in connecting with the database. Db_connect.php <?php class DB_Connect { var $dbuser; var $dbpass; var $dbname; var $dbhost; // constructor function __construct() { … ![]() | |
i wanna know how to make this kind of section in wordpress . Eg http://www.quicksprout.com/university/ Niel patel blog has uiversity section where all video are arranged ...can anyone show me the way to make this kind of stuff on my blog | |
Hi all, i am making a web based php subscription system i know there are paid systems like authorize.net and strip that charge per successful transaction but i wanted a free open source system that i can integrate in my system please help me any kind of help will be … ![]() | |
I wasn’t sure which forum to put this under so I just selected web development. I have run into an issue that ironically I have solved before but thanks to my wonderful drop-box the changes I made were not saved and when I changed them again on another computer, the … | |
<?php if (!$connection) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } $urlinput=mysqli_real_escape_string($connection, $_POST['url']); $id=rand(10000,99999); $shorturl=base_convert($id,20,36); $link = "https://goo.gl/$shorturl"; $sql = "insert into shortenedurls (id, url, shortened, uid) values ('$id', '$urlinput', '$shorturl', '$idnew')"; mysqli_query($connection, $sql); echo "<input type='text' class='txt-box' value='https://goo.gl/$shorturl' readonly />"; mysqli_close($connection); ?> i tried to create a link shortner … | |
Hope this is the correct forum to place this question. How would i run a php script in a javascript file? I have a php script named connection.php, it accesses a mysql database and runs queries. I would like to run the php script from a javascript file named initializeMap.js. … |
The End.