39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for Nhật Sơn

Hi guys, i'm a college student in the networking major, and i'm learning php this semester. i have the basic knowledge in HTML and CSS already and i want to move up to PHP, but i'm struggling to figure out how to edit the content of a php website, i …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

I have an array having two fields, total minutes and cost of teacher (I have teacher id) and clients. I am showing my data in tabular form. If there are more than 1 records of same teacher then I have to add new array element of sum of total minutes …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Vijaysurya

Hai every body, i need help in how to import this xml file into database using php i tried this way only one record only inserted, any body plz help me. $comment = $this->filepath."\\".$file ; $content = file_get_contents($plan); // Break it into an array.... ! $content_x = explode("<comment>", $content); reset($content_x); …

Member Avatar for Varadharaj_1
Member Avatar for Lloyd_4

Hi Everyone, I have the following script / select that is displaying all fields from my database - But only if i use {$row->field_name} in the output while loop - $stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM tbl ORDER BY id DESC"); $stmt->execute(); $total = $stmt->rowCount(); while ($row = $stmt->fetchObject()) { //$opvar …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for diafol

Just a question to seasoned PHPers, who have been working with 5- for a while. Has 7 made any difference to the way you code? Are you using any of the new features, and if so, which ones? Are they massive time savers (coding-wise or run-wise) or is it all …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Yasaswi_1

Hello guys! This is my first question on codeproject. Please forgive me if I had not provided all the necessary details in my question. I'm working on my college project which is a chrome extension. We've already stored the name of the website, username, and password in MySQL data type. …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Mhecha

**I can't update inserted data via GUI, Its working well on inserting records before I modify it, and when am trying to modify in order to update inserted data its not update as I expect to happen. I can display inserted data well by echo them to GUI Below is …

Member Avatar for Mhecha
Member Avatar for happygeek

OK, so in [this thread](https://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/microsoft-windows/threads/507918/presentation-loads-with-error) I offered advice to visit the Microsoft troubleshooter here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/927477/how-to-troubleshoot-a-damaged-presentation-in-powerpoint-2007-and-powerpoint-2010 and DaniWeb broke the link and struck a line through it to say it didn't exist, when it quite clearly does. It may well break again here, let's see. I suspect that DaniWeb isn't handling …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for Owais_1

i need a help in implementing a php, javascript stop watch for 4 pages the total time for stopwatch is 30 minutes when it starts on the next page it should start from the time remaining from previous page and so forth even if it returns to the previous page …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Azer_1

I would like to create token based authentification login system with pure PHP. I have own MVC framework (not laravel or anythink else). Who can help me what to do step by step. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Kathy_4
Member Avatar for patk570

Guys, i am getting an unexpected T_While Error on my code, I cannot figure it out. can you help? ` <?php` $sql = "SELECT id, u_name, u_email, subj, phone FROM tb_cform "; $result = $conn->query($sql); echo '<table><tr><th>Name</th><th>Email</th><th>Subjec</th><th>Phone</th></tr>'; if ($result->num_rows > 0) { while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { echo "<tr><td>".$row["u_name"]."</td><td>".$row["u_email"]."</td><td>".$row["subj"]."</td><td>".$row["phone"]."</td></tr>"; …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Stefce

How do i get the name of the image without the extension at the end ex. (.jpg) i got this code **functions.php** function get_image($id="1") { ?> <img class="img-responsive img-portfolio img-hover" name="picture" src="images/gallery/<?= urldecode(base64_decode($id)); ?>" alt=""> <?php } **pictures.php** <center> <form action="" method="POST"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <?php get_image($imageID); // $imageID is read …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for reminem

Hello everybody, I'm stuck with this and I hope there is somebody who can help me. I have a Form <html> <form action="" method="POST"> <input type="text" name="credentials[firstname]"> <input type="text" name="credentials[lastname]"> <input type="text" name="credentials[email]"> <input type="text" name="game[points]"> <input type="text" name="game[wins]"> <input type="submit" name="submit"> </form> </html> and I want to post the …

Member Avatar for Isaac_4
Member Avatar for Tony_20

Hello ladies and gents, i hope you are all well! Just recently joined this site looks great and easy to use. I am just getting into php and msql i have managed to create a table that spits out the data but i am looking for a really simple way …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Latrell_vie

My code works with echo but if I use return it wount display the wanted data, but i want to use code with return so the data will display wherever the shortcode is inserted and not just at the top as it is with echo. So here are the codes …

Member Avatar for Latrell_vie
Member Avatar for ridoy

i need soluton about this problem. My problem is here , i submitted my code to codeforces , they expected the result could be ".t.r," but they found my code's result is ".t.r." my code is here so please fix the problem <?php for($t=1;$t<=3;$t++){ $yourString = fgets(fopen("php://stdin","r")); $vowels = array("a", …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for athanas_1

Guys,I have my table data ,I want to retrieve them to pdf file using php,The problem is,when I use 'where condition' in a select statement, I do not receive any data,but when I do not use ,I get data from one row from the database table.Any help please!! <?php session_start(); …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for iamthwee

I'm beginning to wonder... I hope someone can clarify my doubts. First let me explain. So I've been using codeigniter's session library without much thought. I assumed the code was just some wrapper for PHP native sessions. So I assumed it was stored server side so encryption and all that …

Member Avatar for owlowl076
Member Avatar for pallen

I am trying out a function from a book for the first time. I could use some help. It goes: [CODE] function sanitizeString($var) { $var = stripslashes($var); $var = htmlentities($var); $var = strip_tags($var)' return $var; } [/CODE] I have two simple forms. One that asks for an email address and …

Member Avatar for owlowl076
Member Avatar for Sumier

I get the error "Warning: mysqli_close() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, null given in" and I can't find a problem. Can anyone help, here is my code. $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; $email = $_POST['email']; $CheckSQL = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email='$email'"; $check = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($con,$CheckSQL)); if(isset($check)){ echo …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for janicemurby

hi all im trying to place this piece of coding in a table that i iam echoing if anyone has any ideas as been trying for last god knows how long $fetch_img1 = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($conn,"select user_image from user_images where user_id = '".$show_id."' and main_image = '1' ")); $show_image = $fetch_img1['user_image']; ?> …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for SARDEN

Hi everyone hope you are ok i have mistake in my php and i cant find it. please help me I need to create 3 php . create table , insert_pdo ands select data. That is my html: ` <form action="" method="get"> <!-- Search box --> <input type="text" name="search_text" id="search_text" …

Member Avatar for AndrisP
Member Avatar for Latrell_vie

Hi ! I´m developing my first wordpress plugin. To create a shortcode according to tutorial i should duplicate following code. But why is it function form_creation(){ ?> instead of function form_creation(){} ?> I mean why is only a part of function form_creations curled bracket inside the php ending tag ? …

Member Avatar for Latrell_vie
Member Avatar for UI

Hiya Folks, Why is not mysql getting UPDATED, do you reckon ? <html> <head> <title> <?php $user?> Home Page </title> </head> <body> <body background=".png"> <?php session_start(); require "conn.php"; /*Check if user is logged-in or not by checking if session is set or not. If user is not logged-in then redirect …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for SimonIoa

Hello i want to make a script that allows the user to record audio from his device mic and then store it as a .mp3 or .wav file on my database. Does anyone knows any tutorials or scripts? I found this one `http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16413063/html5-record-audio-to-file` but i dont know to make it …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for McLaren

I am strugling to find my productivity bottlenecks. I decided I could record a video, so that someone could see how I work and my thinking process. I know one way to increase productivity is to have experience with something. But often there is tasks which are rarely or first …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Kunyepa

Hello, New to programming and have been trying to use PHP and jQuery or AJAX to accomplish the task listed in the title. I'm using an MVC type of approach and have a page to remove wines in the view directory, the controller for the remove wine page in the …

Member Avatar for The Diamonds
Member Avatar for surprino

I have a command which I run on linux terminal like below: curl –W “Authentication: Token r4r4xxxxx” “https://api.com/v1/results?display=true&format=image/jpeg&lang=en” –o image.jpg And this command will authenticate me from the server and download the image named image.jpg to my local machine from where I am calling this command… But I am looking …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for solomon_13000

I am attempting to create a simple project for the subject matter for learning and discovery purpose however it doesn't seem to work. My rest API works well but the integration of AngularJS with Laravel doesn't work. You can pull my mini project from [Click Here](https://github.com/solomon13000/angulara). Your help is kindly …

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Member Avatar for UI

Guys, After getting putoff from php.net to learn php 7 (because it is not beginner friendly) and raoming around youtube for 1.5mnth to learn php and failing to get proper tutorials there, I returned to php.net. Was reading the CONSTANT chapter and really got pissed-off. Read this page and tell …

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The End.