39,388 Topics
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Hello all! I was having a hard time trying to get my pagination to work. Now the following code throws up this error: Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource Any idea what could be the problem? Any help is much appreciated! [code] <?php include ("databaseinfo.php"); … | |
Hello, I have not had a huge amount of experience with regular expressions. Any help you can give is greatly appreciated. I have an input file like this: [CODE]Name: Bob, Age: 20, Details: Likes chocolate Hates lettuce, Location: London Name: James, Age: 42, Details: Sometimes goes swimming, Location: New York … | |
Good dat to everyone.! Ive just so tired just to finished my thesis. Ive got problem in php summing up while looping and filtering. here is my code: [code=php] mysql_select_db($database_enamysqldb, $enamysqldb); $query_recpayment = "SELECT amountpaid, username, SUM(amountpaid) FROM paymentsummary WHERE username = %s and foryear = %s and forlevel =%s", … | |
[url]http://www.levelopacity.com/[/url] go to this site and chk out the footer.... its always there...i mean kinda sticky or fixed....how to do this..... | |
Hi All I'm new here and have searched high and low for an answer to my problem, and have so far had no joy. I am trying to create a if/else statement depending on the outcome of a SQL command that should be extremely simple and basic, but for some … | |
i have created paypal sandbox account and while process i got message you will get confirmation mail click on the link to activate.. But issue is i have still not got mail since 1 week | |
I'm having trouble figuring out how to display data from another indexed table. What I have is one table (assets) with a majority of my data in it. I use a simple select statement to display the data. Within that data is a field of "typeid" which is an indexed … | |
How would i go about making a music uploader / player or were could a get a script that does that? I want the user to be able to listen as well as contribute music to the site.. | |
Hi I don't get this it works fine but any file i upload that is over 300kb doesn't get emailed or saved to the server but if i upload two files for example 260kb 290kb they both upload and are both saved to the server. here is what I am … | |
Hi fnds... i am doing polling system to a perticular topic. i want to display yes/ no results in progressbar, after submittimg user vote(yes/ no) from radio buttons.... everything i can do, but the only problem is display results in progress bar.... plz give me a suggetions....how can i do.... | |
What this error means in PHP? Call to a member function getStrippedName() on a non-object | |
[code=php]</script> </head><body> <form action="naw1.php" onsubmit="return validate_form(this)" method="post"> contactgroups<br><br> <?php $instance=1; //$conn=new mysqli('','root','adm1ns','nagios'); $db=new mysqli('','root','adm1ns','aptus') or die ('Cannot connect to MySQL server'); $sql="select alias from aptus_contactgroups where instance_id=?"; $stmt=$db->stmt_init(); $stmt->prepare($sql); $stmt->bind_param("i",$instance); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($time); echo "<select multiple=\"contact_groups[]\" >"; while($stmt->fetch()) { echo "<option value=\"".$time."\">".$time."</option>"; } <input type="submit" value="Submit"> <?php $cg=count($_POST['contact_groups']); for($i=0;$i<$cg;$i++) { echo … | |
Good day! Could somebody help me with this problem: When i'm using [U]header() [/U] to redirect page it giving me error message like this: [U]Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /exxport/www/httdocs/waff/teng/HTML/Jobss/loginn_hrm.ph p:10) /exxport/www/httdocs/waff/teng/HTML/Jobss/loginn_hrm.phpon line 336[/U] Thanks... Roland (rcasinillo_s) | |
Hello everybody, I am trying to implement a private message system into a website I am working on but I am not sure as how to do this. I know I can use phpBB to do this but not sure on this aswell:$ I was wondering if any body could … | |
I m New To php , and gernate a signup form, that send an E-Mail at success of signup to the user, . But the problem is that in inbox it shows " ANONyomous" the link work fine, but th only problem is the above i mentioned. Here is my … | |
Hi to all , In a form what validation should be applied for the textbox of "Full Name" field , so that if anybody enters any Numeric value or invalid characters in the textbox an alert should be given as :- " Invalid value entered ! Please Enter Non- numeric … | |
Hi Guys, I need to write a simple PHP for the following. Logged in as: Shabbaranks Last visited: 22 Hours Ago at 4:47 pm Private Messages: Unread 2, Total 2. Any ideas? | |
![]() | I've had a good trawl through search and Google, but can't get to grips with a problem. I don't know if it is possible, but here goes: A friend asked me to install a few mods to his phpBB3 site. No problem. However, there were a few that required SQL … ![]() |
Hello all, I played a game a few years ago that said if you didn't click on adds within a week you character would retire. There was a way to get your character back. I thought it was a good idea. I am a noob to php and i want … | |
Hi, I'm having the problem with this code, gives me "wrong datatype for second argument" error here is the code: [code]<? $page_to_show = 'second.php'; // array of days and hours $working_time = array( 1=>array(21,22,23,0,1),//monday hours 2=>array(21,22,23,0,1),//tuesday hours 3=>array(21,22,23,0,1),//and so on 4=>array(21,22,23,0,1), 5=>array(21,22,23,0,1), 6=>array(21,22,23,0,1), 7=>array(11,12,13,14,21,22,23,0,1), ); if (in_array(date('H')+1,$working_time[date('N')])) { [COLOR=red][B]<-- error … | |
Hello every one, i am new here so i would appreciate any help wit this. i am trying to call a url using javascript in an html select statement as follows; echo "<select>"; for ($i = 0; $i < $pages; $i++) { ?> <option value='' onClick='javascript:window.location.href= "index.php?option=<?php echo $option; ?>&task=view&limit=<?php … | |
Good day.! Im really sick of thinking every night and day on how to get the sum of all the value in such field. Assuming that ive already have a recorset which is filtered with a username "john", when john views his account, i want to sum up all the … | |
Hi I've recently started studying cURL and am having problem with the following code that i've written, [CODE]<?php include("LIB_parse.php"); # Include parse library include("LIB_http.php"); # Include cURL library $web_page = http_get($target="http://rapidshare-search-engine.com/index-s_submit=Search&sformval=1&s_type=0&what=1&s=billu&start=0.html", $referer="http://rapidshare-search-engine.com/"); $meta_tag_array = parse_array($web_page['FILE'], "href=", ">"); for($xx=0; $xx<count($meta_tag_array); $xx++) { $tag= return_between($meta_tag_array[$xx],"href=\"","\">",EXL)."\n"; ?> <a href=<?php echo $tag ?> >hh</a> … | |
Hello every one, am called swit and i am new here. i luv programming and i luv this site. | |
Hi I am having a problem can't seem to get my script working it was working fine with just one file before without the for and $x statements I have added can anyone see why it isn't working please ? html [code] <form name="iapply3" method="post" action="ionline4.php"> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="300000" … | |
how to display formatted text, images and flash those url stored in mysql database in php? | |
I have web site and want to find the total time each visitor spent(after login) on my site's specific php page eg.[URL="http://www.mysite/profile.php"]www.mysite/profile.php[/URL]. How i do it ? thanz in advance | |
Hi, I have created a database, a table and stored 3 questions in the table. I need to show the questions one by one to users. when first question is visible then while loop should wait until user click on submit button. My Code is: include("dbconnect.php"); $result=mysql_query("select * from English") … | |
I have been learning PHP for sometimes and it is interesting. Can anyone point me to good PHP/MySQL tutorials for newbie :) So far I have been playing with simple PHP scripts like Forms etc. Thanks all | |
I was reading through the forum and still cant get this code to work. I have a saved cart for different users. Each cart linked to different table. with list of items in the cart for retreval. But i cant get the admin function to work to delete saved carts. … |
The End.