39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for designingamy

Hello all! I was having a hard time trying to get my pagination to work. Now the following code throws up this error: Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource Any idea what could be the problem? Any help is much appreciated! [code] <?php include ("databaseinfo.php"); …

Member Avatar for death_oclock
Member Avatar for jedi_ralf

Hello, I have not had a huge amount of experience with regular expressions. Any help you can give is greatly appreciated. I have an input file like this: [CODE]Name: Bob, Age: 20, Details: Likes chocolate Hates lettuce, Location: London Name: James, Age: 42, Details: Sometimes goes swimming, Location: New York …

Member Avatar for jedi_ralf
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Good dat to everyone.! Ive just so tired just to finished my thesis. Ive got problem in php summing up while looping and filtering. here is my code: [code=php] mysql_select_db($database_enamysqldb, $enamysqldb); $query_recpayment = "SELECT amountpaid, username, SUM(amountpaid) FROM paymentsummary WHERE username = %s and foryear = %s and forlevel =%s", …

Member Avatar for PinoyDev
Member Avatar for progurammaar

[url]http://www.levelopacity.com/[/url] go to this site and chk out the footer.... its always there...i mean kinda sticky or fixed....how to do this.....

Member Avatar for progurammaar
Member Avatar for frostiecuk

Hi All I'm new here and have searched high and low for an answer to my problem, and have so far had no joy. I am trying to create a if/else statement depending on the outcome of a SQL command that should be extremely simple and basic, but for some …

Member Avatar for frostiecuk
Member Avatar for snadboy6371

i have created paypal sandbox account and while process i got message you will get confirmation mail click on the link to activate.. But issue is i have still not got mail since 1 week

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for rickarro

I'm having trouble figuring out how to display data from another indexed table. What I have is one table (assets) with a majority of my data in it. I use a simple select statement to display the data. Within that data is a field of "typeid" which is an indexed …

Member Avatar for rickarro
Member Avatar for RockNRoll

How would i go about making a music uploader / player or were could a get a script that does that? I want the user to be able to listen as well as contribute music to the site..

Member Avatar for uncle_smith
Member Avatar for shadiadiph

Hi I don't get this it works fine but any file i upload that is over 300kb doesn't get emailed or saved to the server but if i upload two files for example 260kb 290kb they both upload and are both saved to the server. here is what I am …

Member Avatar for shadiadiph
Member Avatar for ahmksssv

Hi fnds... i am doing polling system to a perticular topic. i want to display yes/ no results in progressbar, after submittimg user vote(yes/ no) from radio buttons.... everything i can do, but the only problem is display results in progress bar.... plz give me a suggetions....how can i do....

Member Avatar for ahmksssv
Member Avatar for shahab.burki

What this error means in PHP? Call to a member function getStrippedName() on a non-object

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for nawabsheriff

[code=php]</script> </head><body> <form action="naw1.php" onsubmit="return validate_form(this)" method="post"> contactgroups<br><br> <?php $instance=1; //$conn=new mysqli('','root','adm1ns','nagios'); $db=new mysqli('','root','adm1ns','aptus') or die ('Cannot connect to MySQL server'); $sql="select alias from aptus_contactgroups where instance_id=?"; $stmt=$db->stmt_init(); $stmt->prepare($sql); $stmt->bind_param("i",$instance); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($time); echo "<select multiple=\"contact_groups[]\" >"; while($stmt->fetch()) { echo "<option value=\"".$time."\">".$time."</option>"; } <input type="submit" value="Submit"> <?php $cg=count($_POST['contact_groups']); for($i=0;$i<$cg;$i++) { echo …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for rcasinillo_s

Good day! Could somebody help me with this problem: When i'm using [U]header() [/U] to redirect page it giving me error message like this: [U]Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /exxport/www/httdocs/waff/teng/HTML/Jobss/loginn_hrm.ph p:10) /exxport/www/httdocs/waff/teng/HTML/Jobss/loginn_hrm.phpon line 336[/U] Thanks... Roland (rcasinillo_s)

Member Avatar for clmirand
Member Avatar for rEhSi_123

Hello everybody, I am trying to implement a private message system into a website I am working on but I am not sure as how to do this. I know I can use phpBB to do this but not sure on this aswell:$ I was wondering if any body could …

Member Avatar for rEhSi_123
Member Avatar for ahmadjhoney

I m New To php , and gernate a signup form, that send an E-Mail at success of signup to the user, . But the problem is that in inbox it shows " ANONyomous" the link work fine, but th only problem is the above i mentioned. Here is my …

Member Avatar for fobos
Member Avatar for MSK 7

Hi to all , In a form what validation should be applied for the textbox of "Full Name" field , so that if anybody enters any Numeric value or invalid characters in the textbox an alert should be given as :- " Invalid value entered ! Please Enter Non- numeric …

Member Avatar for phper
Member Avatar for oskido2010

Hi Guys, I need to write a simple PHP for the following. Logged in as: Shabbaranks Last visited: 22 Hours Ago at 4:47 pm Private Messages: Unread 2, Total 2. Any ideas?

Member Avatar for Andrieux
Member Avatar for diafol

I've had a good trawl through search and Google, but can't get to grips with a problem. I don't know if it is possible, but here goes: A friend asked me to install a few mods to his phpBB3 site. No problem. However, there were a few that required SQL …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for gangsta gama

Hello all, I played a game a few years ago that said if you didn't click on adds within a week you character would retire. There was a way to get your character back. I thought it was a good idea. I am a noob to php and i want …

Member Avatar for gangsta gama
Member Avatar for jcisml

Hi, I'm having the problem with this code, gives me "wrong datatype for second argument" error here is the code: [code]<? $page_to_show = 'second.php'; // array of days and hours $working_time = array( 1=>array(21,22,23,0,1),//monday hours 2=>array(21,22,23,0,1),//tuesday hours 3=>array(21,22,23,0,1),//and so on 4=>array(21,22,23,0,1), 5=>array(21,22,23,0,1), 6=>array(21,22,23,0,1), 7=>array(11,12,13,14,21,22,23,0,1), ); if (in_array(date('H')+1,$working_time[date('N')])) { [COLOR=red][B]<-- error …

Member Avatar for malusman
Member Avatar for swit

Hello every one, i am new here so i would appreciate any help wit this. i am trying to call a url using javascript in an html select statement as follows; echo "<select>"; for ($i = 0; $i < $pages; $i++) { ?> <option value='' onClick='javascript:window.location.href= "index.php?option=<?php echo $option; ?>&task=view&limit=<?php …

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Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Good day.! Im really sick of thinking every night and day on how to get the sum of all the value in such field. Assuming that ive already have a recorset which is filtered with a username "john", when john views his account, i want to sum up all the …

Member Avatar for PinoyDev
Member Avatar for progurammaar

Hi I've recently started studying cURL and am having problem with the following code that i've written, [CODE]<?php include("LIB_parse.php"); # Include parse library include("LIB_http.php"); # Include cURL library $web_page = http_get($target="http://rapidshare-search-engine.com/index-s_submit=Search&sformval=1&s_type=0&what=1&s=billu&start=0.html", $referer="http://rapidshare-search-engine.com/"); $meta_tag_array = parse_array($web_page['FILE'], "href=", ">"); for($xx=0; $xx<count($meta_tag_array); $xx++) { $tag= return_between($meta_tag_array[$xx],"href=\"","\">",EXL)."\n"; ?> <a href=<?php echo $tag ?> >hh</a> …

Member Avatar for Millit
Member Avatar for swit

Hello every one, am called swit and i am new here. i luv programming and i luv this site.

Member Avatar for shadiadiph

Hi I am having a problem can't seem to get my script working it was working fine with just one file before without the for and $x statements I have added can anyone see why it isn't working please ? html [code] <form name="iapply3" method="post" action="ionline4.php"> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="300000" …

Member Avatar for shadiadiph
Member Avatar for Nollyvenon

how to display formatted text, images and flash those url stored in mysql database in php?

Member Avatar for fernandodonster

I have web site and want to find the total time each visitor spent(after login) on my site's specific php page eg.[URL="http://www.mysite/profile.php"]www.mysite/profile.php[/URL]. How i do it ? thanz in advance

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Member Avatar for Narayan15

Hi, I have created a database, a table and stored 3 questions in the table. I need to show the questions one by one to users. when first question is visible then while loop should wait until user click on submit button. My Code is: include("dbconnect.php"); $result=mysql_query("select * from English") …

Member Avatar for Narayan15
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

I have been learning PHP for sometimes and it is interesting. Can anyone point me to good PHP/MySQL tutorials for newbie :) So far I have been playing with simple PHP scripts like Forms etc. Thanks all

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for suddenhit

I was reading through the forum and still cant get this code to work. I have a saved cart for different users. Each cart linked to different table. with list of items in the cart for retreval. But i cant get the admin function to work to delete saved carts. …

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The End.