39,388 Topics
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I want to pass this string $string="reg_personal.personal_sex='Female' OR reg_personal.marital_status='Single'"; through the URL... Is it possible...I am not getting that... if the single quote is eliminated then there is no probs.. but i need that string in the exact way.... Is there any splitting and joining methods are available. Please help … | |
[code=php] $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cycles WHERE Upper(brand) LIKE '%$brandC%' AND type LIKE '%$typeC%'"); [/code] Above code not working, pls help. | |
Hi I am developing a database driven site. It will be about 4000 pages. Basically I will have a template for the Homepage, a contact page template, a main database item template for filtered results and then a database item detail tempalte. What cms would you suggest? I want keyword … | |
Hi all, I have been working on a PHP based application where a user would be allowed to print out specific, yet dynamic information. I am using a different style sheet for the print page, but I am having a slight issue. At times some of my stuff is chopped … | |
hi, i am trying to make a simple catalog website without checkout. the user clicks on a product he want and it's displaced on another page...simple. the first page (the one with the product list) has the following code... [code] <?php $sql = "SELECT * FROM products"; $result = mysql_query($sql); … | |
well guys i mange to get my vb forum istallation going but i run in to these problem Step 2) Connect to the database Attempting to attach to database Error description: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) /home/www/universal.mywebcommunity.org/forum/includes/class_core.php on line 274 The database has failed … | |
Hello, I moved my website from one server to another and want to use the mass mailing feature and it is not currently working. Here is the current script. The variables are pulled from the SQL database beforehand. open SENDMAIL, "|$sendmail -t"; print SENDMAIL "To: \"$toname\" \<$toemail\>\n"; print SENDMAIL "From: … | |
Hi, I'm having a problem where by when i type in e.g localhost/capat/tutors/forms it gives me what i want but the side menu which has the links directing to other pages isn't what is meant to be there. The link i have for all the tutor pages is showing links … | |
Ok PHP folks... Here's what's up... There's a site called [url]www.easykiss123.com[/url] (someone within this forum mentioned it to me...thank you!)...well, they feature this web-2-sms php code. The code was free as a download, so eventually I tinkered with it and got it to work so that a visitor can input … | |
Hi guys I just trying to do some string matching and I want to use boyer-moor algorithm. What I am doing is, read a file from fopen() and searching counting the word "table" in the file.Can any one let me know a palce where a php implementation of boyer-moor algorithm … | |
Hi all, Can anyone shed any light on this really simple problem please? I need to read a list of files in a directory on a server. I am using PHP to do something like this... [code="PHP"] $counter=0; if ($handle = opendir($dir)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { … | |
This must be one of the most annoying errors to get when working with php. This error occurs when PHP can't find the specified file in the include statement. This often occurs when a developer has built an application on their machine and uploaded the application to a shared hosting … | |
What on earth is wrong with it? <? Header("content-type: application/x-javascript"); $chatnames = file('http://client11.addonchat.com/scwho.pl?id=292747&plain=1'); $indx = count($chatnames); $indxcom = $indx - 1; if ($indx == 0){ echo "document.write(\"No one is in the chat room at the moment"\)"; } else{ echo "document.write(\"<b>Members Chatting:</b>"\)"; for($i = 0; $i < $indx; $i++) { $name … | |
hi Im sure this is an easy problem to resolve. Basicly for my log-in script, im retreiving the results from a database, storing them in variables but i would like the redirection to be in flash (better looking). Is there a way for me to load two variables called $username … | |
Does anyone here have programming experience with PHP and ColdFusion? I am looking for a comparison from someone who develops in both. Thanks | |
i am working on a file upload system and i need the user to be able to upload images onto the server with the page reloading. the page reloading causes all the other information to be lost and the user having a lot of unwanted windows open. what is the … | |
consider i have two forms: 1: this form will display(listing) all the names from the database table and beside to each name displayed i have view button 2: this will show the details of only selected names from the 1st page. tables will contain name_Id, name, age, address. give me … | |
Hi folks, If I found an interesting news site but can't find *.rss.php how can I create it? e.g. [url]http://www.ft.com/world/us[/url] How to search the news sites with *rss.php file available? TIA B.R. satimis | |
Iam problem with this : Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in c:\apache\htdocs\cd_shop\funkcie_s_databazou.php on line 1039 this is code: function zrataj_cenu($kosik) //funkcia pocitajuca vyslednu sumu vsetkych poloziek v nakupnom kosiku { $cena = 0.0; if(is_array($kosik)) { $conn = db_connect(); foreach($kosik as $EAN_kod => $qty) { // $query … | |
I am updating a site for a company. The site was at one time working, and has since been pulled offline. All the php, js and .sql files were sent to me and I should have just been able from the beginning to load and run the site. unfortunately this … | |
Anyone want to help me to show how make a search with multiple words and condition like or and not.. google search.. Thanks for read my thread.. Ardy Satria H >email address snipped< | |
I need help with parsing XML. I put an XML doc into a hidden input for an HTML FORM... -------------- <html> <head> <title>TEST TEST</title> </head> <body> <form method=POST action="http://nflnfl.com/mash.php"> <input type=SUBMIT> <input type=hidden name=xdoc value='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!--OPN 2001 Proof Of Concept--> <ScannerData> <Device>0000000000002561</Device> <UploadDate>3/6/2008 3:49:09 PM</UploadDate> <BarCode> <Symbol>8</Symbol> … | |
Hey I am working on an offline site. However for some reason i recently started getting pop ups when i attemtp to load my site. My site is not online, and I dont have any built in pop up, they are from other companies and websites. What is the cause … | |
hi i have attached a mail_attachment file which contains the mail function in my code i have used the below code [ICODE] <? include 'mail_attachment.php'; $sent = mail_attachment($from, $to, $subject1, $body1, $attachment);?> [/ICODE] when i tried printing the variable ..........all the values are getting printed but the mail function is … | |
I have a php script that is interacting with the database. It gets an array of the Characters that the user's account has. I get their account number using [CODE] $GetAccNum = "SELECT acct FROM accounts WHERE login = '$user'"; $AccNumResult = mysql_query($GetAccNum); while ($AccNumRow = mysql_fetch_array($AccNumResult, MYSQL_NUM)) { $AccNum … | |
I feel a little like an idiot for asking this but.... I have Apache 2.2 installed on my computer just to test my pages and scripts for my web engineering class. Whatever version of PHP that came with it is what I have installed. I can't even get a basic … | |
I am these 2 errors come up in my database and I cant figure out the problem with my code....can someone help please? here is the code. [code="PHP"] <body> <?php include("../misc.inc"); mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass); mysql_select_db($database); if($HTTP_GET_VARS['id']) { $query = "SELECT * FROM guestlist WHERE eventID = '".$HTTP_GET_VARS['id']."'"; $result = mysql_query($query); $nrows = … | |
Pls, I need a php script that will creat complete loging page on my web page and if password is forgotten it will retrieve and send it to the user by mail. e.g loging User Name:........ Password:.......... if you forget your password Enetr email Address........ | |
I want to enable visitors to send the url of the page they visitied to their freinds by filling out forms. I want the e-mail to contain the url address they visited as well. I tried to use two php scripts that are freely available on the web. The two … | |
Is it possible to make this operation? $musica = vyber_detaily_cd($EAN_kod); $ciste = vyber_detaily_media($EAN_kod); $cd=$musica.$ciste; How I join this variable? $ musica and $ ciste to one variable: $cd ? function vyber_detaily_cd and vyber_detaily_media($EAN_kod) select details of product which is in database and I need display this detail in shop basket … |
The End.