39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for karl.goddard

I’d like to have a php page that will retrieve the 10 most recent articles submitted to a database and create a static html page with the results from the query. The idea is to reduce the load on my mysql db by only hitting the db once instead of …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for eparse

hi for all the expert here, i am now facing a minor problem on retrieving data here. MySQL do contain all the variables defined with data inside it. However, i juz need to know how to loop through the array to get all the data in a row? Below is …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for kevin wood

I have created a image upload for the site i am working on i now want the uer to be able to click on a preview button and this takes them to a separate page where they can see the images that have been uploaded. for this to happen would …

Member Avatar for kevin wood
Member Avatar for anasta

Hi, thanks to Petr.pavel I managed to get my array to have checkboxes but my problem is that the form uses php_self and so where do i use the insert query to insert to DB. I dont want page refreshes. I usually put the insert query in a php file …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for iketunde

Hello, I created this site on my local machine using PHP 5.0.4 and mysql 4.1 and it works perfectly fine. I then ftp it to my webhost but the code to retrieve values give me this error. Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/www/laterallinks/ApplicantInformation.php …

Member Avatar for visagar
Member Avatar for soultrav

i have a textbox and a button,like this: [code=php] <form method='post' action=<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?> > <input type='text' name='write'> </input> <input type='submit' name='push'> </input> </form> [/code] , and i want that everytime that i push the button the content to be listed on the page without the previous content being …

Member Avatar for soultrav
Member Avatar for avmaza

Dear Friends, I would like to buy community software. the community software, which includes forum, chat, files sharing. with using the technologies php and MySql. please suggest me which will be best. thanking you, maza

Member Avatar for leroytrolley

Hi I've just got a nice php form done and I now need my visitors to be able to upload pics and have them sent with the form data. Is that possible in a php form, if so, can anybody point me in the right direction. Many thanks. LEE

Member Avatar for mike4
Member Avatar for mikki2

hi, i am trying to display a random product from my database along with its description, price and image. but i am having a little trouble. i can display a random product and its info by directly inputting it into an array, but i can't call it from the database …

Member Avatar for mikki2
Member Avatar for frenchi1966

Hi, has anyone a clue where to get the statistic for PHPLD? Example: Categorys 27 Subcategorys 124 Links 177 Pending 0 Today 0 Online now: thanks

Member Avatar for dvduval
Member Avatar for Auzzie

Hi, i was running a script on my server (Latest apache and mysql and PHP 5.1.6) and i am getting the following PHP error: PHP Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated - argument passed by value; If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of [runtime …

Member Avatar for Designer_101

hi Im doing a website at the moment, basicly its like; bebo, myspace sort of style style (but franticly reduced in users). I would like to know how to hold the time in which users have signed on so i can include a "last active" box for other users to …

Member Avatar for Designer_101
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

Ok So right now I am using a script called MicroCalendar to setup a client calendar where A client can add an appointment to it but I need to put something into place that makes sure that they cannot overlap appointments..right Now im just saving appointments to txt files with …

Member Avatar for mikeandike22
Member Avatar for anasta

I have a script (below) that consists of a form using javascript that shows an array in a table below it once a number is chosen. What i would like to know is can i turn the array into a form as well with the same data but include a …

Member Avatar for petr.pavel
Member Avatar for davebr71

I am using xmlhttp via VBscript to upload files to a sharepoint directory. I know there are much better ways to do this but I have several constraints that have forced this solution. I have been able to decode a base 64 file properly, write it to a file (i.e. …

Member Avatar for amit6sharma86

please give me an idea what worg with this file ,whan i mail through then the html working in also sending with the content ,what is the error in this file <?php $msg="<TABLE align=center bgColor=#990000 border=0 cellPadding=4 cellSpacing=1 width=\"95%\"> <TBODY> <TR bgColor=#ffffff> <TD class=txt width=\"25%\">Name </TD> <TD class=txt width=\"4%\">::</TD> <TD …

Member Avatar for Suomedia
Member Avatar for SHINOJ
Member Avatar for amit6sharma86

I have some problem in running this page whan i running three pages have same error on the last line of the page i could not find any solution ,can someone tell me the procedure how can i run this page

Member Avatar for Suomedia
Member Avatar for AstroNox

Hi everyone, I've just installed the latest versions of the aforementioned programs in a bid to get started with PHP (yes, I'm new to it). Here are the specific versions: [LIST] [*]Eclipse 3.3.2 M20080221-1800 [*]PDT 1.0.2.v20080102 (plugin installed via Software Updates) [*]WampServer 2.0 (March 7 2008) [*]ZendDebugger for PHP 5.2.x, …

Member Avatar for amit6sharma86

I am new in php line ,iI have made some pages which i change from aspto php but i dont better understand the method to connect if with my sql database,like objrs to $row and much more,can someone tell the procedure to connect php page to database

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for Inny

Is there any way to count users in my chatroom and display whos chatting using javascript or ajax? code in php below has issues, but this is what it should do. <?php $chatnames = file('http://client11.addonchat.com/scwho.pl?id=292747&plain=1'); $indx = count($chatnames); $indxcom = $indx - 1; if ($indx == 0) { echo "<b>No …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for smartness

hi, im getting these 4 (or 5) errors when i validate my page at w3.org [URL="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fhome.sprit.org%2Fdonrow%2Fforum%2F&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0"]click here to see the errors![/URL] what can the problem be?! plz help...

Member Avatar for smartness
Member Avatar for artashh

Hi there, i hope someone can help me with my problem...... I have designed a web site and developed it already, i am on my Contact page and i am trying to write a php script for the user to send me email..........i have the code, and i followed several …

Member Avatar for artashh
Member Avatar for JRSofty

Hi everyone, I'm a lazy programmer and when I want to create an array that I can store serialized in a database I don't feel like typing out all the array stuff rather I want to use a delimited string something like this: [code]access.read=1,2,3:: access.write=1,2:: access.modify=1,2:: access.manage=1:: somethingelse=10101[/code] So I …

Member Avatar for JRSofty
Member Avatar for stalk

Please, where is the problem? Unable to jump to row 0 on MySQL result index 3 in c:\apache\htdocs\cd_shop\funkcie_s_databazou.php on line 1041 function zrataj_cenu($kosik) //funkcia pocitajuca vyslednu sumu vsetkych poloziek v nakupnom kosiku { $cena = 0.0; if(is_array($kosik)) { $conn = db_connect(); foreach($kosik as $EAN_kod => $qty) { $query = "select …

Member Avatar for JRSofty
Member Avatar for dwlamb_001

What would fundamentally change with MySQL between using XAMP or WAMPserver so as to render MySQL inaccessible, triggering a MySQL 2003 error code? Last Sunday I was comparing XAMPP with Wampserver. I used the same MySQL database. I approached the experiment from the analogous point of view of using the …

Member Avatar for petr.pavel
Member Avatar for avmaza

Dear Friends, I would like to develop the community software, which may have forum, chat, video chat facilities. to develop this community software, what are all the modules should I have to design. so please direction me to develop. using PHP and MySQL. Thanking you, Regards, maza.

Member Avatar for Auzzie
Member Avatar for vijukumar

here is my table CREATE TABLE `invoice` ( `invoice_id` tinyint(4) NOT NULL auto_increment, `company_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `issue_date` int(11) NOT NULL, `invoice_title` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `country` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `invoice_number` int(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `payment_method` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `payment_due_date` int(11) NOT NULL, `payment_plan` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `paid` int(5) unsigned NOT …

Member Avatar for petr.pavel
Member Avatar for joker40

[B]Hello all of you . I just wana know to return to same id when we delete it from the database for exmaple when we delete the user_id that equal to 1 the next when we enter the new record the user_id will became 2 i want to make it …

Member Avatar for JRSofty
Member Avatar for wandie

Could some please help me. I am following a tutorial from "http://www.devarticles.com/c/a/MySQL/Building-A-Persistent-Shopping-Cart-With-PHP-and-MySQL/2/" I keep getting a " Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in C:\xampp\htdocs\cart1\products.php on line 59" My db connection is fine but I am trying bring a result from the diagram shown in the url. Please help. This …

Member Avatar for Auzzie

The End.