39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for dks1383

Hi I have a problem with session_start when I click Back key in browser: First I Run Az1.php then I press the "ok" key and I go to az2.php then I click "az3" Link and I go to az3.php but when I click Back in my browser for back to …

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Member Avatar for R.S.Chourasia

I am tring to use HTML tags checkbox and textbox along with PHP. When the checkbox is not checked,the textbox is disable.But when I checked the check box,the textbox should become enabled. How can i do this? Here is My code:- [code=html]<html> <head> THIS IS TEST <title> TEST </title> </head> …

Member Avatar for R.S.Chourasia
Member Avatar for DarrenC

Hi everyone, I'm new to PHP and I am trying to get to grips with the PHP scripts that have been created for my website. One of my pages is a list of destinations and one of the places is Cote d'Azur. When it publishes the destination on the dynamic …

Member Avatar for DarrenC
Member Avatar for scottmansell

Hi Everyone, Just so you know where i am, I am a decent site builder but i need some help in the following areas as I have not had much experience here. I wish to add a user review option to my ecommerce site. So that members can post opinions …

Member Avatar for Rhyan
Member Avatar for crestaldin

Hello All, I am a PHP newbie and have all my resources set up( by that I mean PHP,Apache server etc all working fine) I have an html file and a PHP script to handle the inputs from the html form. However when I hit submit to send the data …

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for melefire

Hello, i am creating a simple website for a friend. There is a download page that waits 3 seconds bafore redirecting the user directly to the file. I dont want to make a redirect page for each file. so i figured i could put this in the url: [HTML]download.php?dlurl=URL OF …

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for crazynp

Hi, I am building three websites. The first site has a mysql database with necessary contents for two other sites. The two websites should show the content stored in the first site's database, is it possible without using xml? or is xml the best way or is there any other …

Member Avatar for Rhyan
Member Avatar for mindfrost82

I have a script that has the code similar to the following: [code] if((isset($_POST['somefile'])) { header("Location: http://www.url.com/somefile.pdf" ); } [/code] This evaluates the selections of a form and will open the pdf file if the 'somefile' option is checked. Now what I'm needing is basically two seperate IF statements to …

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for jaikar

Hi, The code below is to copy the files from one dir to another. here in the function dircopy $verbose is set to false. and later a action is done when the $verbose is true. in between there are no actions that are setting the $verbose to true... when do …

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for slacke

I am creating a login sessin in php. In first part index.html takes in text for AUTH_NAME and password in AUTH_PASSWD. In the login.php I set these variables as global with session_register("AUTH_NAME") and session_register("AUTH_PASSWD"). code: index.html [PHP] <html> <center><h2>Login</h2> <form action=login.php method="post"> <table align=center> <tr><td>User</td> <td><input type=text name=AUTH_NAME size="20"></td></tr> <tr><td>Password</td><td><input …

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for yakoo

Hi Friends, I have one strange problem the if conditions are not working, it is not supporting at all. Any idea why ? iam using ODBC_CONNECT() with MSSQL and PHP. Regards

Member Avatar for mbacon
Member Avatar for ¤| battousai |¤

lately I have been experimenting a bit with [color=blue]print[/color] and came up with this: [code=php] $var1 = 'x' print $var1; $var2 = 'y'; print "when you calculate:" . $var1 "-" . $var2 . "=" . ($var1 - $var2); [/code] where you can see a calculation while still in the function …

Member Avatar for nathanpacker

Hey everyone, I'm using the php function [URL="http://us2.php.net/nl2br"][COLOR="Blue"]nl2br[/COLOR][COLOR="SeaGreen"]()[/COLOR][/URL] to display some characters on a page from a textarea. I'm storing the text into the database exactly as it is entered, and then only using the [URL="http://us2.php.net/nl2br"][COLOR="blue"]nl2br[/COLOR][COLOR="seagreen"]()[/COLOR][/URL] when displaying it on a page. Should I do it the other way around? …

Member Avatar for nathanpacker
Member Avatar for MeeraKotecha

Hello.. I am having two php pages the 1st page is the registration and in the 2nd page i need to use the ID associated with registration (stored in databae) I think we need to maintain sessions for this.. But I am not clear with its implementations.. Plz kindly help..

Member Avatar for Rhyan
Member Avatar for phpmember

I want to provide text formatting optins and smileys to my website using PHP. Can someone tell me how to do this? Can I get some open source third party tool for this? Please help me.

Member Avatar for kanaku

I'm using an html form to add to a list, specifically a flatfile database called demo3.txt. The add.php file is this: [CODE] <?php $name = $_POST['name']; $nickname = $_POST['nickname']; $motto = $_POST['motto']; $fp = fopen("demo3.txt","a"); if(!$fp) { echo 'Error: Cannot open file.'; exit; } fwrite($fp, "\r\n".$name."|".$nickname."|".$motto); echo 'The data has …

Member Avatar for kanaku
Member Avatar for ¤| battousai |¤

sorry to post another problem so soon after my first one, but this has been bothering me for some time now. Sometimes I can't get the [color=blue]echo[/color] funtion to work I already use the [color=plum]$root[/color] succesfully in all the [color=gray]href[/color] and [color=gray]src[/color] attributes last week I wanted to echo a …

Member Avatar for ¤| battousai |¤
Member Avatar for brainbox

Hi I have an if statement within which i have to implement the redirection to another form or index.php, when i implement that it gives me an error that it already have the "Header", to solve this if i add the die(); it dies and does not call the next …

Member Avatar for deni
Member Avatar for sarita.t

I want to know the solution for creating a link in php page by making a directory in unix.?if somebody knows the answer kindly reply. Thank you

Member Avatar for hradek
Member Avatar for Beshur

Hi! I'm a newbie and have some silly questions. PHP: 1. I want to inlude a txt file in array. I have an associative array. What format does the data in txt file must be? e.g. array I want to have: [code] $m["foo"] = "text 1"; $m["foo foo"] = "text …

Member Avatar for hradek
Member Avatar for hkBattousai

Hello, I want to embed a mail server on my computer. For that purpose I've installed MDaemon v9.5.3 on my computer. Now what else do I have to do in order to send/recieve mail from different people? Should I have to change configuration settings in "PHP.ini" and/or "httpd.conf"? I always …

Member Avatar for Rhyan
Member Avatar for jeffry

hi, Could any one please tell me How to disable a hyperlink or a textbox or a command button which is in page 2 from page 1? Suppose i have an admin page and a userpage.I have a details page which holds add,delete,view and search links or buttons or textboxes. …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for LPlayhouse

Hello, Sorry if this is not the correct spot to post this, move if needed. After spending (More like being ripped off) thousands of dollars for a php scripter to work on a website for a children's educational television show, after craig's list listings and local newspaper advertisements, we've found …

Member Avatar for jaikar

Hi !, I have some questions on session variables, when a user logs in to a site, then opens a link in a different browser will the same session continue for the second browser ?..... i hope so... and if the session continues with the second browser and the user …

Member Avatar for jaikar
Member Avatar for sarita.t
Member Avatar for Dani

I currently use Zend PHP Studio because I like it's syntax highlighting, its keyboard shortcuts, its autocomplete, and its integrated php documentation. What I don't like about it is the interface or the feel of the software. It feels like it's been written in Java - eww. Can anyone recommend …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for crazynp

Hi, Can anyone guide me to the best resouce or learning materials for web scraping? Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Gary King
Member Avatar for nathanpacker

Hey, just need a little help on this one. I have a script allows a user to choose from a list of files in a directory for a form. When they submit the form, it adds the files name and url to a couple fields in the database for that …

Member Avatar for nathanpacker
Member Avatar for sandbox

I've been sitting at my PC atleast 2 hours now trying to figure this out.. so here it goes... IM relatively new to PHP and im struggling to learn it. I want to create a standard upload form, but i would like to make it so i can choose the …

Member Avatar for vssp
Member Avatar for DGStudios

I have a fully written forum and I would like to add some code to identify all the active users that are logged on. Their names are stored in session variables. I would like to retrieve and process this data using php, for ALL active sessions. Not just the person …

Member Avatar for jaikar

The End.