39,388 Topics
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I want to be able to enter an employee number from my system and have it delete. I have a form that prompts the user to enter an employee number. That seems to be working fine. <html><TD WIDTH="29%" HEIGHT="60"><DIV ALIGN="LEFT"><BR>Input the Reference, to make sure we have the right one:<BR><BR><FONT … | |
Hi My hosting company no longer permits connection to any port other than standard ones and I am in the middle of a project that is best solved via sockets (I think). I use a mysql database and connect to it via php. I need 4 people to use client … | |
Hi, In symfony , if i have two modules. module A has functino to get the details and corresponding template has a list of comments to show from filesystem. But comments i want to keep as a seperate module and this asks me to skip from one action to another. … | |
Here is my code I need help with: [code] mysql_connect[B]($host,$username,$password);[/B] [B]@[/B]mysql_select_db[B]($database)[/B] [B]or[/B] die[B]([/B] [COLOR=#008000]"Unable to select database"[/COLOR][B]);[/B] [B]$query[/B] [B]=[/B] [COLOR=#008000]"SELECT DISTINCT info647_crse . crsdesc , info647_crse . crsprice FROM info647_emp JOIN info647_reg USING ( empno ) JOIN info647_off USING ( offerno ) JOIN info647_crse USING ( crsno ) WHERE empno … | |
Hi again. I've been tackling another tutorial which isn't working fully, basically it lists records in a table and an insert link sends the data to a text field which can then be modified. The data is displayed fine but when selected the form does not recieve the information. Its … | |
Hiya i am designing an online music video library apllication where users can access their music via a mobile phone. I already know i can use WML or j2me for this however because its a project i need to knw what environments they use etc | |
hi guys i've this problem with a page having [code]copy()[/code] to copy a file from a website well it works on apche and winxp but when i put on the server (running win2000 and IIS)the page does not load i anyone hav an idea wht the heck is the problem | |
Hi I have a website that can search for journal article and display it page by page. when you search, the results are displayed with check boxes and people can select items by ticking the check boxes. I am using PHP session to store checked items until they display selected … | |
can anybody tell me how i can upload file without browsing if the file name and path is known to me.there will be a upload button when user hit tat the file at particular location wil be uploaded to specific place. | |
I have a question about how to manipulate php string. For example, I have a text string: $text=" ---<updated:12/20/06>--- this is 2nd entry ---<updated:12/19/06>--- this is 1st entry "; Now if I want to remove "---<updated:XX/XX/XX>---" and only display: this is 2nd entry this is 1st entry how can I … | |
hi all i want to open and work on a .pdf file from php script. i hv installed pdflib and copied it in C:\Program Files\xampp\php\extras\pdf-related still the script( from PHP manual) din't work :sad: plz help thanks in advance Prati | |
Hi, This is my first ever "real" php script, so excuse any stupid code. Unfortunately the thing always return english, even if i'm on a chinese computer. [PHP] /*Get the language that should be used. First check cookies, as this may be set from a previous session. Then check browser … | |
Hi, After letting it go a few months ago, I'm back to learning PHP. At the moment I use it on WindowsXP with Apache and MySql. I dont want to reinstall my computer but want to go the whole LAMP way by using Linux. So got myself a cheapish laptop … | |
hi, I am creating a contact us page with php and html. everything works except for the actual receiving of the email. I am using php and apache on localhost but i am connected to internet. What i am trying to ask is: is it possible to send email using … | |
i have just aquired a site [URL="http://upithere.com"]http://upithere.com[/URL] .... im looking to give it a face lift. what i want todo is at least make boxes on the left and right sides for ads. here is how hosted images look...[URL="http://www.upithere.com/view/9607.html"]http://www.upithere.com/view/9607.html[/URL] i think it would look nice to have some ads on … | |
hey guys i need some help on rss integration in php code anyone hav an idea how to do that | |
Hello, I have a new website, article directory about student loan consolidation , when I post a new article it creates a new page called articlexx.html , is there an easy way to make the name of the new page to be more SEO freindly, like the title or a … | |
Hi, I'm having a classic 'doesn't work in IE but works in FF' problem. I have a site [URL="http://learn-croatian.com/"]http://learn-croatian.com/apdejt[/URL] and I wanted to make it easier for me to update metas in all pages with help from php. I'd change the php variables in a central file which is included … | |
1. at index.php, <head ></head> <body > menu part <iframe frameborder="0" id="aaa" src="./body_load_in.php" onload="resizeIframe(this)" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" border="0"></iframe> 2. body_load_in.php put links into records for opening parent pages $result = sql_query($sql); for ($i=0; $row = sql_fetch_array($result); $i++, $k++) { $list[$i][href] = "javascript:void(0)" onclick="javascript:parent.location('/club/club_main.php?botable=1&cb_id=$row[bo_table]&wr_id=$row2[wr_id]&sca=$row2[ca_name]')"; The result is … | |
Hi, Can anybody guide me to solve this proble. I have to upload the zip file to the webserver. The php script should read the name of the zipfile and print it and also it should read the name of the text files that are zipped and the contents in … ![]() | |
Hello once again... I have the sidebar and the header common in all the pages which are made in PHP.. The sidebar and the header are in an html.. But when i include them in my current pages(the one made in PHP) than the style sheets of both clash and … | |
Hi friends I am install the third party dll (libpdf_php.dll) in my machine to edit the pdf file.But when i unable to edit the large size pdf file and embadded fornt pdf file. Please help me How to solve the issue. Please send me any alternate solution. Thanks Vssp | |
Hi all, I am doing a Conversion rate program. The outcome is always O instead of the rate. I have arrays... I think the problem is in the echo line with my variables. can someon take a look and let me know? code is <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 … | |
Hey everyone, I need some advice. I have a simple user form. Name, email, comments, blah blah blah. Currently for error checking, in my code, if the user inputs something invalid or doesn't fill out a required field, I redirect them to another page that tells them the error, then … ![]() | |
**When I try to upload an image to my website I get this error message. If anybody can help please put replies in easy to follow, step by step 1,2,3 answers as I am Computer illiterate and don't want to damage any other part of the script. Thanks in advance!!** … | |
hi,I see a site when I click the game image,it's to a url: [url]http://www.site.com/skill-games/12-many.html[/url] when I click the second image,the url changes to: [url]http://www.site.com/play/1400.html[/url] how this can be done?thanks in advance:eek: | |
Hi, Wishes. I am not comfortable with shell scripting though know a bit here and there. I believe the listing of a directory using php logic alone would not give appreciable performance if i have lots of nested directories. I really believe a shell commands would solve this and would … | |
how can i retrive data from database (mysql)and make it a drop down menu on a html form using php .and also if an iteam is selected from a fist dropdown before the next well become active. | |
hey I am trying to do a postnuke installation now, I gave up with phpnuke since it sucks, and I am trying to install postnuke but I got an error when I was going through the install process and I'm not sure what it means. Any thoughts would be greatly … | |
Hi, Newbie here with couple of generic questions. 1: Is it possible to write a script where I can goto SITEA (a mashup), enter my login info and from within that site grab or pull data from SITEB to show on SITEA presuming that I have stored my login info … |
The End.