39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for hbmarar

Hi , Wishes. I have developed a commenting system and it work as follows. first comment would be X. All reply to this would be X.X and reply to X.X would eb as X.X.X likewise. I keep each level's maximum filename used using a count file. [PHP] I use the …

Member Avatar for Ashjenius

Hi everyone i am new to php and have recently adapted a php email form and would like someone to validate it for me to make sure that it is correct. [code]<?php if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST'){ $me = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> <form name="form1" method="post" action="<?php echo $me;?>"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> …

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for balagod

Hi, I want to know how to find the site no.of visitors maximum allowed , for example i want to develop a site ,but i don't know how many no.of users can acess the site maximum. Is it possible to know and improve this visiting users capacity through PHP code. …

Member Avatar for balagod
Member Avatar for wavyaquaeyes

HI Can someone please help me. the book sucks, teacher will not help me (says I will not learn), I am trying to calculate Pay check. Just hours worked, pay, and overtime. :rolleyes: [B]Script is as follows:[/B] [code=php]<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>Calculate Your PayCheck</title> …

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for mwa

I'm involved in the development of this script. I'd be curious to know what some SEO literate people think about it. There are likely hundreds of sites running some prior version of it, since its based on PHPLinks but we have added some features like... session ID supression on detected …

Member Avatar for mwa
Member Avatar for tech291083

Hi, I was wondering whether PHP being a server side and kind of scripting languages, can be or being used for application/software development just like any other regular programming languages such as c/c++ or java. As far as I understand it is meant for web use only and thus can …

Member Avatar for tech291083
Member Avatar for Mr.Money

Hello all i posted in the job offers section and surely there has to be an 'expert' in vbulletin somewhere on this site. Below is what i posted. Not sure if this is against the board but i hope a few ppl will come forward and help me with my …

Member Avatar for gruebz

I am currently in the process of having a website made and I need some help working out which programming language is best to be the most cost effective solution ongoing between PHP and ASP. The website is a fantasy sports one that will interact strongly with its database and …

Member Avatar for mbacon
Member Avatar for jonathan.jbkt

We are moving a site developed and working on another server to a Ubuntu Linux Server. I compiled the cgiemail function and put the output into the websites cgi folder. When I try to test it nothing sends. This is the error I get Any help would be greatly appreciated. …

Member Avatar for ob5cured

How can i hide a 2checkout payment gatway page using CURL thnks

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for adaykin

Hey I have tried to search for a few but there aren't many tutorials on how to use phpnuke 7.9. I have set up a database so far with phpMyAdmin, and have populated it with the fields from my nuke.sql file. I have edited my php.config file I assumed I …

Member Avatar for ethen_th

Going from a java background Learning php I decided to use what i considered a good script to learn from for a connection cclass. [URL]http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet289.html[/URL] It works great for a single databsae but it is in mutliple database use I am having a few issues I am writing a class …

Member Avatar for ethen_th
Member Avatar for JRM

Hello all, I had this PHP script running fine on a FC4 linux box (using localhost). However when I transferred it over to a linux box running SME7.1 server, the $_POST function works incorrectly. It writes Resource ID #3 to all fields that get posted in the Insert query (MYSQL). …

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for joezyz

Hello everyone, I have a MSSQL db with PHP front end. The data in the table is similiar to: "Two spaces" with 2 white spaces in the middle. When I use this code: [code] $sql = "select Name FROM Name_TBL WHERE Number = '$Num"; $rs = mssql_query($sql); $RT = mssql_fetch_array($rs); …

Member Avatar for joezyz
Member Avatar for gagowen

Hi Firstly I would like to say a quick Hullo to everyone on this Forum and apologize for my first post being a cry for help, I am a very keen though non professional website designer with a very limited knowledge of PHP. Recently a pal took over the running …

Member Avatar for gagowen
Member Avatar for joezyz

Hello everyone, This was posted in the PHP section also... I have a MSSQL [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/thread70770.html#"]db[/URL] with PHP front end. The [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/thread70770.html#"]data[/URL] in the table is similiar to: "Two spaces" with 2 white spaces in the middle. When I use this [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/thread70770.html#"]code[/URL]: [code] $sql = "select Name FROM Name_TBL WHERE Number …

Member Avatar for jcisml

Hi, I have a webpage that displays different info at different times of day, it worked fine until i put flash on my page, i used tutorial on how to remove "click to activate" in updated IE. here: [URL]http://www.gerozahn.de/click-workaround/[/URL] then I tried to use my code to display different info …

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for ob5cured

i want to code an pop3 email webmail that i can fetch pop email from the diffrent accounts

Member Avatar for sinkrideutan
Member Avatar for bhoom205

Let me know,how can i pick randomly six numbers in between 6 to 49 output like this :23 44 3 11 21 in php only etc..........

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for tomhughes

Hi all, I'm just learning how to delete records from a test table but I'm having some problems with it. I'm not sure exactly but it looks like it is deleting the last row from the table no matter which record is clicked on. It also appears that it is …

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for bhavna_816

i want to make a PHP page which have username and password and this username and password should be saved in MySql table and the page should redirect to another page. i want to use ODBC and PHP. i am very new to PHP. Can anybody having any clue for …

Member Avatar for Rhyan
Member Avatar for muralidhar6972

:eek: Hi friends, i am facing a problem now in php programming, that is i have to list some contents. 10 per each page and there should be checkboxes ex sno item_id ck_box description this information is in 4 pages i want to get the item_id information that are checked …

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for ¤| battousai |¤

Hi I'm working on a site that involves alot of date references. I have already implemented some PHP scripting and includes to make the site more dynamic, but would like to do the same with the date references. I have read about the [color=red]date[/color]() funtion but I'm still a newbie …

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for Anonymusius

I'm learning Object Orïented PHP (or whatever you like to call it) and I ran into a problem. I made this query class: [php]class query { var $query; var $result; var $free; function query($query) { $this->query = $query; $this->free = false; $this->result = @mysql_query($this->query) or die('Error in mysql query:<br />\n' …

Member Avatar for Anonymusius
Member Avatar for blackpheonix

Just wondered if anyone could help me, what am i doing wrong here im trying to cant seem to get $email, $betakey or $userid to show any data i know im missing something but for teh life of me cant think tried everything i could think of fetch etc but …

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for jaikar

Hi, i want to upload a video file (mpeg, mpg, wmv) and wanted to display the first frame of the video as a thumbnail. so video will start to play in a enlarged mode when user clicks the thumbnail view of the video like the google videos. is it possible …

Member Avatar for yakoo
Member Avatar for nina26

Hello all, I run simply php scripts on my site that allows people to leave comments, for example here on my [URL="http://www.lifeofamodel.com/america_next_top_model_8.html"]ANTM[/URL] page. I have been trying to incorporate a captcha which works well speperately but I just cannot get it into the comment.php file. The captcha works if I …

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for woofytalk

The following VBScript below displays a user's Active Directory Display Name. It first finds the user's LDAP path and then querys the path to display the username. Unfortunately I'm a total newb when it comes to PHP. I'm looking for the PHP code that will do this exact same thing. …

Member Avatar for EnderX

I am currently responsible for a set of server units. Recently, the group of users working with one of these units informed me that they were having problems with a php-based report generating program. I did not write the program; my predecessor did. I did manage to track down the …

Member Avatar for EnderX
Member Avatar for mstemmer

Hello all, I'd like to embed a javascript code into this part of the php/html [code]?> <a href="<?=$images[$k][0]?>" target="blank"> <img src="<?=$thumbdir."/".$images[$k][0]?>" border="0"><br /> <?=$images[$k][0]?> </a><br /> <?=round($images[$k][2]/1024)?>Kb, <?=date("d-m-y",$images[$k][1])?> <?[/code] I'd like to add this javascript to it: [code] <script language=JavaScript> <!-- //Disable right mouse click Script //By Maximus ([EMAIL="maximus@nsimail.com"]maximus@nsimail.com[/EMAIL]) w/ …


The End.