39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for Brims

Hiya I just wanted to know if there are any php profile page templates, like that of myspace.com, where the user can upload an image of themselves and upload tracks to that page and also add profiles I would be much greatfull thanks

Member Avatar for heliumgas

Hello I´m trying to make a function that give-me data from a data base mysql at time there is no problem but i would like to now how i can make that funcion to be called from x hover x seconds, the ideia is just to se if there is …

Member Avatar for tavox
Member Avatar for hunkychop

ive never had this error before, could any one help me sort this out? here is the effected section of my script. thanks for any help [php] </span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> <?php //script end ?>[/php] ive also tryed... [html] </span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </blockquote></td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>[/html]

Member Avatar for GliderPilot
Member Avatar for Brims

hi there i am developing a website, where users can register to become members however, i have to write operations how the system will add a user, I have been told to do it in psuedo code, but i dnt know psuedo code. is there any other way this can …

Member Avatar for VanPetrol
Member Avatar for foxycutty

Hi all. I am currently a final year Multimedia design student and am creating a website for a band for my university project. I wanted to incorporate a 'Bebo' type comments page where the band members could log on and leave comments about where they are and what they are …

Member Avatar for justinm
Member Avatar for paddyboy

HI all, would really appreciate some help. PLease be gentle, this is my first attempt at programming since the 80's (and that was VB basic! :confused: ) I am using tikiwiki to set up a site. I have modified (butchered?) some existing code to create a new module. It should …

Member Avatar for spincycle
Member Avatar for philiptabraham

Can anybody help me in how to load the labels in the html page using javascript or php FROM XML IN linux OS.

Member Avatar for davec271

I have just put together a personal site and am trying to integrate a php guestbook. I obtained a free guestbook, called easyboard and have followed the instructions asto the installation but the html page that I've incorprated the board isn't actually working it displays all the deperate parts that …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for dcarrillo18

I have a folder called _secure in which I have a .htaccess file that denies all access to the _secure folder. Within the _secure folder I also have a swf file. I'm using PHP to retrieve the secured swf file and show it if the user is logged in. For …

Member Avatar for DanceInstructor
Member Avatar for anasta

Does anyone have an example to show a dynamic array of a db table that can be updated. table consists of 3 fields of which the team name is the only constant- points and percentage need to be changed weekly. Any help will be very much appreciated, i have tried …

Member Avatar for anasta
Member Avatar for Spycat

Hi, As the title would indicate, I know a lil about PHP, but zero about ASP. I was having problems with spam from one of my forms, and one solution I did was to have a form field I named "message" that is hidden. Humans can not see it, and …

Member Avatar for Spycat
Member Avatar for eldoc

Anyone tell me about patServer please. Does anyone know where I can find instructions on how to use patServer - spent ages on the net trying to find a 'how to'. Specifically, where to put each of the files in one of their examples (say, tictactoe) and whether I need …

Member Avatar for eldoc
Member Avatar for hunkychop

i am trying to export the results from a form into the script of another php in form of variables : ex. form proccess script (globalvar.php) [quote] $dbtype = $_POST['dbtype']; $dbhost = $_POST['dbhost']; $dbname = $_POST['dbname']; $dbpass = $_POST['dbpass']; $dbport = $_POST['dbport']; $dbtable = $_POST['dbtable'];[/quote] new php (varheader.php) [quote] $dbtype …

Member Avatar for hunkychop
Member Avatar for mohaydee

Hi, everybody, I'm new to PHP and I'm setting up a web page in which I want to include a subscribing box for the visitor to send me his email. I've found this code on the internet and adapted to my neccessity but I want to know if it's okay …

Member Avatar for UrbanSky
Member Avatar for tomhughes

Hey, I've just uploaded some stuff to server and it works fine but theres a big error message through the screen saying "undefined variable seacrh at line 15" Code: [php]if(isset($_GET['search'])) if(!isset($cmd)) { $search = $_GET['search']; } $keywords = explode(" ", $search); <--- line 15 [/php] Also is there any way …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for hunkychop

ive got a [B]Parse error[/B]: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE on this line: [code]$dboutput = "//database vars \n" "$dbtype = '".$dbtype."'; \n" "$dbhost = '".$dbhost."'; \n""$dbtype = '".$dbtype."'; \n""$dbname = '".$dbname."'; \n""$dbport = '".$dbport."'; \n""\n" "$database = array($dbtype, $dbhost, $dbname, $dbpass, $dbport);";[/code] any idea of whats wrong with it?

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for SoLost

Ok. here's the problem. I bought a game site script thinking that I would just be able to put it directly onto my website.. haha.. I have no experience in building websites and am completely lost. It's in PHP and what I've done so far is created a mysql acct …

Member Avatar for SoLost
Member Avatar for sam1

hi, it is giving me headache to write data from a php file to mysql( i can read from the table but cant write) here is my connect.php which connects to mysql: [CODE]<?php $mysql_host = "localhost"; $mysql_user = "sam"; $mysql_pass = "123456"; $mysql_data = "website"; $mysql_table = "shoutbox"; mysql_connect($mysql_host,$mysql_user,$mysql_pass) or …

Member Avatar for niceboy
Member Avatar for beihkya
Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for sam1

hi, I am trying a login page for my website. the login page works fine and i can take the username using sessions to the welcome page. now my question: would i be able to retrieve(show) data from mysql according to the username that i have in session? thanks

Member Avatar for yogeshsinghal
Member Avatar for jbennet

Ok here is my code: [code] <html> <head> <title> PHP Test Page </title> </head> <body> <?php echo date("H:i"); echo gmdate("M d Y"); $counter_file = "count.dat"; if(!($fp = fopen($counter_file, "r"))) die ("Cannot open $counter_file."); $counter = (int) fread($fp, 20); fclose($fp); $counter++; echo "You're visitor No. $counter."; $fp = fopen($counter_file, "w"); fwrite($fp, …

Member Avatar for JEofVB
Member Avatar for eldoc

What will a flash xml client socket connect to? I have a working php TCP/IP server socket bound to a port >1023 and the flash client will not even connect to it. I can connect to it with non-xml client. Can anyone explain this to me - it has been …

Member Avatar for eldoc
Member Avatar for dangre

Hi peeps. My main reason for coming here is to ask for a little help, coding wise. Now i`m not sure what specific rules you have for requesting help so please don`t get on my back if i do something wrong. With that said, I`ve been trying to code a …

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for sam1

hi, is there a way to delete data in mysql using the 'date' column, i have a table with name message and date. if the date is say yesterday then delete the row.... it is for the shoutbox i am implementing, so i need to delete one messages from yesterday. …

Member Avatar for sam1
Member Avatar for php_coder

Hi buddies I want to implement VSS(Visual Source Safe) and am having XAMP. I have searched for the info and it says JRE is a must for VSS to work and it come by default if we work on IIS server. But mine is XAMP:sad: What should i do? :?:Please …

Member Avatar for php_coder
Member Avatar for desiguru

I am trying to build a website that will provide visitors an option to view almost all of the pages in multiple language. Is there any PHP CMS that will allow me to do that?

Member Avatar for julian2003
Member Avatar for hbmarar

Hi, I have created a commenting system which could be used for commenting articles posted. The trouble is that after doing all the development I am stuck with pagination.The architecture to store comments is to hold in filesystem in the following way. Article {Folder 1} Reply 1 Reply to 1 …

Member Avatar for hbmarar
Member Avatar for petzoldt01

Hello, I am attempting to create a session class. I want it to be able to store all kinds of data about the current session, such as member information, authentication, application data, or any other structures that would be unique to any given user. If I were to create a …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for mahe4us

Hi, I have confused in the terms of www and www2. For what purpose really www and www2 are used in webservers. I have searched but Iam not found a good result. Can anyone tell why the term www, www2 and www1 are used in webservers and for what purpose? …

Member Avatar for DimaYasny
Member Avatar for Dominicc2003

Hi guys, I need some help with setting up and using joomla on my site. If you wish to help me, this is some stuff you should know: I want someone to help me for free but I will still pay every now and then if they do something for …

Member Avatar for Sierrapat

The End.