39,388 Topics

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Hello. I have the following errors: Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/winnie/public_html/pqQuiz/lib/templates.php on line 13 Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/winnie/public_html/pqQuiz/lib/templates.php on line 13 Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in …

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Member Avatar for ridhimasatam

Hi, Please guide me on brief details of HTML,PHP,CGI(Common Gateway Interface) and the difference between them.

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Member Avatar for StandardsDT

hello im having twoo issues as stated in the topic name. one of them being the page not being able to load in Opera and the second one being a warning that pops up on the page if you are using IE because my website is Standards Compliant and is …

Member Avatar for Lafinboy
Member Avatar for seh1

Hi, I have text files/notes/pdfs etc in a folder that I want the names of to appear on one of my php pages and then I want the doc/pdf to appear in a seperate browser window (or the same window) when the user clicks on the name. Is this possible …

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Member Avatar for yiannos

[size=3][font=Times New Roman]Help!!![/font][/size] [font=Times New Roman][size=3] [/size][/font] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]I have written the following php for a feedback form. the problem i am facing is the following:[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]When the [/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]$mailto = 'yiannos@mydomain.com' ; [/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]is written the script works perfect and the email …

Member Avatar for AsXeToUaZ
Member Avatar for ridhimasatam
Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for ridhimasatam

HI, i want to know what is server scripting ,and how does php relates to server scripting.

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for puddin

Hi I am so Desperate! I use a server internic.ca which host my website and offers me MySQL with phpMyAdmin 2.5.5-p\1 I seem to be able to make the table fine beyond that I cannot understand… How do I use this phpMyAdmin 2.5.5-p\1 I am trying to setup a Membership …

Member Avatar for chrisranjana
Member Avatar for laxy_m

Hello!! Please guide me. How do I install Apache, MySQL, PHP on Linux? Thanks Laxy [URL=http://www.funspot.com]www.funspot.com[/URL]

Member Avatar for ashwinperti
Member Avatar for acl

I am the webmaster for a site hosted by ipowerweb.com. Among the applications they offer is a survey tool, but it must in a file with .php extension. I have no idea what that means. The site's tech support said I would have to use an external html editor such …

Member Avatar for StandardsDT
Member Avatar for cjblue

I'm running a query through XML from the local database which uses PHPMyAdmin to a remote one which uses MSSQL. Unfortunately I have no way of checking syntax against MSSQL so all I know is that this works in PHPMyAdmin. So the query gets as far as running, but is …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for Ababo

Hi everyone. I've only really just started using php and I've been trying to use it in conjunction with mysql. I keep getting an error though when trying to access the result set returned by performing a query on the database. I've performed queries on the database outwith php, and …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for ammcom

hi I have this problem using "system" function : I am using "system" function to run a program form php script , this program is supposed to run another program , but that doesn't happen at all , the program is functioning when it's run form outside php but it's …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for rakoon13

Hello. I need some help with a site. There are some minor PHP/MySQL issues to fix.. a good php guy wll have no problem with that... I think it will take about one or two days of work. Please PM me if interested. Thanks.

Member Avatar for puddin

Hi I am so Desperate! I am using a server internic.ca to host my website my package includes MySQL with phpMyAdmin 2.5.5-p\1 I seem to be able to make the table fine beyond that I cannot understand… How do I use this phpMyAdmin 2.5.5-p\1 I am trying to setup a …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for Geoffers

Hi: I run or help run a few web-sites dedicated to musicians John Barry, Matt Monro, Adam Faith & Ron Grainer. Naturally, like everybody else, I want them to appear near the top in searches. This is not a problem as far as MSN goes, as all four appear in …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for soulman

on the index.php page under create new database listed is no Priviligies. How can i correct this. it seem to be working fine but then i think i played around with priviligies to get mamboserver working. after that all my databases were gone and i can't seem to add new …

Member Avatar for puddin
Member Avatar for 3265002918

I am learning the PHP language but I can't figure out how to see what i am doing. I need a program to see the result of my coding. Can someone help? thanx

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for varuna1

Hi Everyone, I am having two sites. I am presently using a registration form at my new site to register a user at my second site(old one). For this i am passing all the required form values to old site at the submit of form via post method (like username,password …

Member Avatar for varuna1
Member Avatar for paradox814

so I have somewhere between 15-300 images in a folder and I want to know which would faster: loading all the image (file) names into an array and then randomly picking 3 distinct files using $file = opendir($folder_name) -- OR -- loading all the image file names into the mysql …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for dsureesh

hi all, iam sureesh, iam doing a online project in php, i want know how we can use sessions in php....... how to make session end when the user click the logout button

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for bwest

Ok, I am putting my users text onto the screen. I need it to represent what they typed so I use the <pre></pre> tags to preserve the hard returns and other white space. The problem comes when they type a long paragraph (such as the one Im typing now) and …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for Dactyl

Hello everyone I am learning how to parse XML files with PHP. And I cant figure out how to do something. Any help is greatly appreciated :) Here is a sample XML file that I am trying to parse: [quote] <?xml version="1.0"?> <emailsList> <email no="1"> <from> [email]whatever@yahoo.com[/email] </from> <to> [email]yyy@yahoo.com[/email] …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for php4ever

Here is a question I've yet to find an answer to. I have some javascript I'd like to be dynamically inserted into a page when its called. The set up is this. I have an <iframe> in my site and the pages that get linked to externally to go into …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for hinde

My background is primarily C++, but I am working on an independent study project to get some experience in web design. Anyway, my project involves my own little area in the Database, but for some reason my employer doesn't want me using stored procedures. I am going to write a …

Member Avatar for hinde
Member Avatar for Khishin

Two questions here, the first is whether the following error refers to the command exceeding 60 seconds or the whole page taking over 60 seconds to execute. "Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in /***/panel.php on line 35" The code is as follows. [PHP] <html> <head>Text</head> <body> …

Member Avatar for pc2forum
Member Avatar for mlong2001

Im getting this error... Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /hsphere/local/home/mlongcos/cosdonline.org/conferences/register_05.php on line 155 Cant figure out why this isnt working... somebody please help! The file is attached

Member Avatar for paradox814
Member Avatar for GAZZAD123

I Saved A Attatced Flie And I Dont Know How To Run It Can Anyone Help Me Please I Am A Begginer I Was Told I Need To Run This Programe For It To Work When I Go On The File Its A Load Of Writing I Dont Understand How …

Member Avatar for Lafinboy
Member Avatar for php4ever

Has anyone see an error like "Undefined Offset" before. Every where I look I see that it referrs to an undefined var which doesnt seem right. [B]Undefined Offset on line 20[/B] Code is as follows: [PHP] <?php include('sql_connect.php'); $truncsql = "TRUNCATE TABLE allproperty"; mysql_query($truncsql) or die(mysql_error()); function parselistings($thefile, $thetable) { …

Member Avatar for sarahk
Member Avatar for Steel Rat

Hello All, I've been dabbling with PHP for a couple years now, nothing serious, but something has really been bugging me. I see -> and => being used all the time, almost as assignment operators but can't find squat about them in any operator list, either on php.net, or in …

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The End.