39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for ryy705

Hello, I can run php scripts on my computer from the command prompt but I can't open it through my web browser. My assumption is that this happens because apache is not configured to use php. Does anyone know what lines(s) I should add to apache's httpd.conf file? I found …

Member Avatar for WebManiac
Member Avatar for sasken20k

Here is our requirement. We use Php Scripting & Mysql as a back end. We need to add multiple (detail) records for a single invoice in a html page. First time, the end user should see only only one blank record. when he wants to add one more record, he …

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Member Avatar for atplerry

Hello to you all! In the website design for my school it happen that for a couple of weeks student were unable to get connected to the website and the website was design with php as a computer programming from the school we want to know what was the real …

Member Avatar for rahulroy
Member Avatar for ryy705

Hello, I recently the following code on an online tutorial [CODE] <ol> <?php foreach($todo as $item): ?> <li><?=$item?> </li> <?php endforeach;?> </ol> [/CODE] Could someone tell me why the list printed even though the whole thing is not contained within a single php bracket : <?php .... ?>. Thank you.

Member Avatar for ryy705
Member Avatar for andy5000_uk15

Hi everyone, i am a newbie to PHP and i am struggling with the following error. i am trying to follow this [URL="http://www.roscripts.com/PHP_login_script-143.html"]link[/URL]l tutorial but its not working. Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/functions.php on line 73 Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not …

Member Avatar for silviuks
Member Avatar for mcx76

Hi, First i would like to thanks for everyone who helped here to me and everyone. I installed script on site.All features works fine. but after few hours image-code verification is not working?i didnt understand.Please be advice.[URL="http://www.dateorfling.com/date/profile.php?user=akeating"]Link for image-code verfication working and now not working[/URL]Thanks

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for kained

I am making a website to show Londoners where the nearest toilet to them is. I am having problems getting the data into the google maps application. It was working yesterday and now it isn't. Im confused to say the least any help would be much appreciated. [code=php] var markers …

Member Avatar for kained
Member Avatar for mcx76

I am not programmer.I am designer. I want to make website.Where i can update text and image from admin panel. Is there any script or any software avaliable.which i can use to update website.I have attached the image.how i want to do. Thanks a lot

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for naju

i have a function lets say function myfunc() { echo 'hi'; } now the code may call the function [B]myfunc[/B] more than a time but there should be only one time echo of 'hi' pliz help anything could work .... but all my effort in vain static variable ???? global …

Member Avatar for naju
Member Avatar for kings

Is it possible to pass the javascript varible from one php page to another php page. what is the syntax we use.

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Member Avatar for BenWill

Hey all, first post here and im also very new to PHP, but been having major headaches over one query. The query simply inserts some data into a table, which i've done in myphpadmin, the myphpadmin looks like this: Registration_ID int(10) No auto_increment Registration_Date date No Academic_Year int(2) No Year_of_Study …

Member Avatar for BenWill
Member Avatar for forzadraco

Anyone can help me to tell me what the best accounting,payroll,inventory,andPOS open source software web based with php-mysql ? Thanks 4ll

Member Avatar for Free_Man
Member Avatar for littlegreen

Hi all, I would like to know how to assign and get the form value when I using it in a [COLOR="Red"]loop[/COLOR]. I cannot get all the input that I inserted in '[COLOR="red"]Desc[/COLOR]' part and it is from[URL="http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex16/richtexteditor/index.htm"] [COLOR="red"]this site[/COLOR][/URL]. May I know to get this work when I do …

Member Avatar for Free_Man
Member Avatar for maydhyam

Hi There, Can anyone explain to me this line of code? What is it used for? etc.. [ICODE]$HTTP_POST_VARS['command'][/ICODE] The text that I saw it in doesn't explain it...

Member Avatar for dgreenhouse
Member Avatar for zidaine

hi!.. I'm a newbie with this, pls help me!! every time I install apche 2.2 in my windows xp, I alway get an error. "could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name" and "only one usage of each socket address"

Member Avatar for hawisme000
Member Avatar for trashed

Hi guys. I have a DB table looking like this: #DATE #NAME #C1 #C2 2007-08-27 user 1250 2294 2007-08-28 user 1816 3096 2007-08-29 user 89 3153 2007-08-30 user 71 2986 [..] I started collecting data in late August 2007 and it's being updated every day. I want to fetch the …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Free_Man

Hi, I try to take data from mysql and insert into xls. I achieve that but I cannot sort out the char problem. Turkish characters are displayed in a weird shape in the file but everything seems fine when i display them in a web page. I tried ISO-8859-9(which is …

Member Avatar for Free_Man
Member Avatar for sDJh

Hi everyone, I'm now fiddling over a week to fix a problem on my linux-webserver. I have the following code: [CODE] ... $bool=mkdir(trim($semname), 0777, TRUE); //chmod(trim($semname),0777); $f2=fopen(trim($semname)."/index.php","w"); ... [/CODE] it works perfectly when working on my home server under windows but as soon as loaded up on my linux-webserver it …

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Member Avatar for scorpionz

Hi This is ScorpionZ I have Created a window that holds an Id of Particular Product having code this: <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function poponload() { testwindow= window.open ('image_viewer_window.php?images=<?=$prod_id?>', "Image","location=1,status=1,scrollbars=3,width=452,height=218"); testwindow.moveTo(215,350); } </head> <body> <td bgcolor="#F8F8FF"><a href="#" onclick="return poponload()">View Images</a></td> </body> // Talking about $prod_id it is an Id already in …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for lydia21

hi i have a html page when the user clicks a button in the parent window a popup window will be opened which will contain the login page.if the user is a valid user then i want the parent window to get refreshed so that i can show him the …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for cancer10

Hi, I came up with this problem last night. I have a URL [url]http://www.mysite.com[/url] How do I fetch the folder name that was supplied in the URL. For example: [url]http://www.mysite.com/xyz[/url] or [url]http://mysite.com/myfolder[/url] or [url]http://www.mysite.com/xxx[/url] Please note that I can either use www or [url]http://www[/url] or just http:// in my domain …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for irfani

from my query sql get result like this : btsname------date------dcr aaaa---------jan01------0.2 aaaa---------jan02------0.3 aaaa---------jan03------0.4 aaaa --------jan04------0.5 . . bbbb---------jan01------1.1 bbbb---------jan02------1.2 bbbb---------jan03------1.3 bbbb---------jan04------1.4 . . i try to change result below btsname ----jan01-----jan02-----jan03----jan04-- aaaa--------0.2-------0.3-------0.4-------0.5 bbbb--------1.1-------1.2-------1.3-------1.4 . . i try to make php like this $resulthw=mysql_query($rs); $n = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($resulthw)){ if(!isset($n[$row['btsname'][date]])){ …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for spiderling

I was wondering if it is possible to download/copy a zipped file with images from one server to another and then unzip the file to a folder with PHP? If so, any suggestions of how or where to read up on it? By the way, the zip file requires a …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for evios

just wanna ask..if session cant be use, i try setcookies() to get the variable pass through the pages, however i get this error message: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\Program Files\VertrigoServ\www\logincheck.php:2) in C:\Program Files\VertrigoServ\www\logincheck.php on line 3 i put setcookie($username, time()+3600); right …

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Member Avatar for NickRoss

Hallo members, I have been trying to learn PHP/MYSQL but I have been disappointed all the time. I have installed PHP DEV package that has MYSQL and PHP. Then I tried writing code via Macromedia Dreamweaver ... but when I save the dot php (.php)files and try viewing my pages, …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for evios

hi...i am doing form for bill redemption, and juz wanna ask is there any function in php used to check for expired date? like current month is march, if user enter due month to be january, then it will be invalid. Any function to detect current date? By the way, …

Member Avatar for JRSofty
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Member Avatar for silviuks
Member Avatar for naju

i need to embed text with different fonts to an image it will be cool if i could use the .ttf font files for writing text Thanks in Advance

Member Avatar for naju
Member Avatar for CzechRock3

Im writing a website, but when one goes to login it is not detecting the username/password the code i used follows(I just started learning yesterday... so im kinda lost as to why its not working). [code=php] <?php session_start(); $errorMessage = ''; if (isset($_POST['txtUserId']) && isset($_POST['txtPassword'])) { $host="localhost"; $username="falconnest_forumuser"; $password="qazasdedc"; $db_name="falconnest_forum"; …

Member Avatar for CzechRock3
Member Avatar for cancer10

I have a timestamp column in a mysql table. Using PHP, how do I convert the timestamp format which is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" into a format like "March 16 2008, 08:41 am" ? Please help Thanx

Member Avatar for sDJh

The End.