39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for sam1

Hi, I am using redirect on my index.php to redirect to a directory in server. I havent used any html tags etc just <?php redirect ?> i want to use html meta data and tags as well. as i am a newbie i need your help on this. because google …

Member Avatar for death_oclock
Member Avatar for eawade

Hey Guys, I'm having a very difficult time. I'm not sure exactly what to do. I have a form that contains fields for HEX, DEC value. I'm using a color picker (RGB ColorPicker 1.1) along with php5 and MySQL. All I want to do is be able to save the …

Member Avatar for eawade
Member Avatar for Vesperto

Hi, I'm building 3 sites, nothing fancy or big. I'm basing them on PHP, so i'm also trying to use PEAR(/PECL) - seems like a logical choice. I'm using two different webservers, one is Apache, the other is Nginx, so i need the code [b]not[/b] to be server-specific. Both machines …

Member Avatar for jprahst32

Hello All, So I have set up a php form that takes user information and is suppose to send to the selected email address, but it is not sending to the email address. When I tested the form on my local server it sent to the correct email address, but …

Member Avatar for jprahst32
Member Avatar for maydhyam

Hello, Quick question...For the email code in the PHP script to work, do I have to make any server settings? or make any accomodation for the type of server it is being run on? If so, then please guide me... The application is located on a Linux server.

Member Avatar for jprahst32
Member Avatar for masterOFwww

Hello. I'm trying to select users from database that were last active today or yesterday...but there is a problem... When a user logs in, it stores both date and the exact time. So when i want to select user from db that logged in today or yesterday i must use …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for forzadraco
Member Avatar for remshad

Please Will Anybody Help me to make a php script using that i can save files to my server folder from the given submitted url [COLOR="Red"]eg: if i put a file url to a text box and when i enter submit it should save the root folder or any specific …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for l00pylou

Hi folks I have set up an form that when submitted sends an email, however I want to suppress the information in the email if it is left blank in the form. an example of the existing PHP code I have is [code]?php $to_email_address = "someone@someone.com"; $from_email_address = "$email"; $replay_email_address …

Member Avatar for l00pylou
Member Avatar for l00pylou

Hello - I have a form that is running a PHP script and don't want it to send information to the email for fields unless they have been completed so, ONLY if the text filled has an input do I want it to show and for it to show the …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for queenc

[CODE] function countsearch($id){ $db = NULL; $db = new MyDBHandler; $db -> init(); $db -> OpenConnection(); $sql="select id,count(keywords) from seeker where userid=".$id; $result = $db->Select($sql); $db -> CloseConnection(); return $result; }[/CODE] $nos=$db->countsearch($id); if it is a ordinary field i will print it as echo $nos[0]["id"] can anybody tell how to …

Member Avatar for queenc
Member Avatar for nawabsheriff

hi to all pls help me to store whatever the user enters in text box in a table and then get the records from the table and use it in drop down list. Any idea or tutorial to do like tat....

Member Avatar for Will Gresham
Member Avatar for ahmksssv

Hi frnds... i need to select only fixed no.of records from my db table... table having 100 records... i need to select recent 10 records based on id .... plz tell me whats the logic in this....

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Good day.! I thought ive already solve the problem regarding to disable a button. When a variable totalbill is equal to zero the button will be disable, otherwise it will disable if totalbill is not equal to zero.! If totalbill is zero then it will be enable otherwise disable. Whats …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for Dsiembab

This isn't really a question I just noticed on the php manual under control structures that they are going to be using goto. I don't know how old any one is in this forum, but when I saw that it brought me back to the days of when a cd-burner …

Member Avatar for death_oclock
Member Avatar for ahmksssv

Hi frnds... I have some doubts regarding this PHP... 1)i need to display an add in between two pages.....i.e. when i post data from 1st page to 2nd page than, i want to display an add before redirecting the 2nd page...by using PHP or JavaScript... 2)Can we pass input value …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Good day. I was able to take a nightmare of my code regarding to disable a button. This code derive from a member post in this site. it will retun errror.! [code=php] <?php if($totalbill==0) { $disabled="disabled=true"; } else { $disabled="disabled=false"; } echo "<input name="enrlclick" type="submit" class="style18" id="enrlclick" value="Enroll Now" ".$disabled">"; …

Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Good day.! Thank you for all your support to all my thread. By the way Ive got some error regarding of mysql query. I want to load all data from the table depending on the table name on the variable.!I dont know whats wrong with my query below.! [code=php] $coursesubject=$row_reclog['tablename']; …

Member Avatar for PinoyDev
Member Avatar for localp

i am new to PHP, i typed in a hello world php program and opened it using the web browser, but the end tag "?>" is also getting displayed, could any one correct my code ... [code=syntax] <html> <head> <title>My First PHP Page</title> </head> <body> <?php echo <b>Hello World! </b> …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for gangsta gama

Ok guys, I have a problem. I am a total noob coming to php so was was going to set it up. I was following this tutorial: [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSN34q47BXY&feature=related[/url] I got XAMPP all set up. But one problem, my computer can save .php files. How do I get this to work? …

Member Avatar for gangsta gama
Member Avatar for puk

Im doing a login facility for my website iv connected it to the database but when i try to enter some values for login name and password i get the following message: Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/www/milkitshakeit.freehostia.com/log.php on line 16 Here is …

Member Avatar for Andrieux
Member Avatar for ahmksssv

Hi frnds.... i am working on file handling.. I need to display text from my file... here i got everything, but the alighnment is totally looks like notepad...i want to display same clarity(styles) which my original file having... plz give me any solutions asap.. Thanks & Regards..

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for progurammaar

Hi i'm used to working with Visual studio IDE and C#.NET and have just started studying PHP. These are my queries: 1. Is there any IDE like the visual studio for PHP, i mean it was a lot easier dargging and dropping controls in VS. Suggest me one. 2. Is …

Member Avatar for progurammaar
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Good day.! I am having problem with passing the parameter value. I have a page called index.php. This page has a textbox named "username" when the user login and type his/her user name in the textbox named "username" i want the data of that user to be displayed in the …

Member Avatar for PinoyDev
Member Avatar for designingamy

Hello all! Sorry in advance if this seem like a really dumb question. I have one page where a client posts their personal info. One way I check the post is to use htmlspecialchars and then store it in a session. For example... [code] <?php session_start(); include ("databaseinfo.php"); //Form validation: …

Member Avatar for Will Gresham
Member Avatar for giguere18

Hi- I am having difficulty working with an array in php and would appreciate any help...thanks in advance! I have queried my database to return all product ids with type 'book' and id base 'brd'. The product id is a string that is formatted as follows: <base><3 or 4 digits><no …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for shadiadiph

Is there anywhere I can find a list of dangerous MIME types I have tried Yahoo and Google not much on there?

Member Avatar for uncle_smith
Member Avatar for shadiadiph

i have got this done so far but it still isn't working properly its really doing my head in it sends the message fine subject file attachment but cuts the html message off halfway down and doesn't send the disclaimer if i change $message which is being passed to $messagemain …

Member Avatar for shadiadiph
Member Avatar for mrcniceguy

I`ve created a social network website in PHP,actually this is my first website. now i need to know how i`m i going to benefit using my website. Please i need somebody to advice me,beacuse i know nothing about website marketing.

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I’ll use a txt file to store locations in it. When I user click on button, the locations will be read from txt file and stored in an array. If more than 1 user run this script, will it cause problem like “File is already open”? It this reliable. …

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The End.