39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for BooBooCat

As I am quite new at this web world, can anyone please be so kind and let me know what/how to use PHP so as to find the word of say bananas across ALL web pages on the internet? So I ultimately want at the end of the day, a …

Member Avatar for MVied
Member Avatar for CoolGamer48

Does mysql_real_escape_string() escape HTML character entities? I want people on my comment board to be able to post quotes in their comments, but they get escaped as raw ascii, so I run them through htmlentities() first, but it doesn't help. I only get it to work when I remove mysql_real_escape_string(), …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for StNick

Hi all, This is the first of what I hope to be many contributions to Daniweb. Unfortunately, my first "contribution" is a question, one which will surely highlight my lack of experience with this issue. I have written a PHP "Back Office" application which talks to our hardware via a …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for tonyledenko

Hello, I am trying to pass multiple values, via an implode function. However, it isnt working. Here is the code from the first page, then the second page. [code=php] <?php if(isset($_POST['numItems'])) { $checkboxes = $_POST['numItems']; $string = implode($value,"^"); echo $string; } ?> <form name='CartItem' action='https://www.ram-mount.com/RamCart/CartPutItem.php' method='POST'> <input type='checkbox' name='numItems[]' value='RAM-VB-162'> …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for php2sheik

hai have one combo box and text box and one submit button in(page1.php). i want to search from DB for some records based one combo box item and text typed in textbox by clicking search button. i select one item from combo box, and type text in text box and …

Member Avatar for MVied
Member Avatar for praveen_dusari

hi all, i want to develop a shopping cart which uses only sessions to store products their id and prices etc. so, i thought of an idea to store products details in a multidimensional arrays and then into session my idea is like this [code]array( [productid1]=>array( [0]=>product name [1]=>productprice [2]=>product …

Member Avatar for MVied
Member Avatar for loligator

I'm pretty much a newb when it comes to PHP and MYSQL (taught myself, so I make a lot of mistakes :confused: ) So here's the code... [code] $query = "SELECT DISTINCT(t_tag) FROM tags ORDER BY t_tag desc LIMIT 50"; $results = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) { …

Member Avatar for MVied
Member Avatar for khsater

Hey. I'm trying to make an activation script for a website, but for some reason my sql query is giving me errors. [CODE] $sql = 'UPDATE user SET active = 1 WHERE (password = "$_GET['hash']") AND (timestamp = ".base64_decode($_GET['stamp'].")'; $result = mysql_query ($sql) or die (mysql_error()); if( mysql_num_rows($result)==1 ) { …

Member Avatar for MVied
Member Avatar for websurfer

Hello, all: Wandering if anybody can help me with this: can I have more than one htaccess file in a site? as in having htaccess files in subdirectories to control or specify how files in that directory refer to "include" files? so that if I have a mini-site within a …

Member Avatar for websurfer
Member Avatar for selvam543

how to get print dialog box through php. that's mean when i click the submit button named as print . then it will show the print dialog box.

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for rjrasmussen

I created a list and detail page using Developers Toolbox and from the detail page, I want to be able to get to a series of other pages, all using the ID from the detail page. So...here's my example. You login and search the mbrlist.php page for your user. Based …

Member Avatar for rjrasmussen
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I have 2 tables in each page. when i have more than 1 page, tables are breaking into other pages. Like, end of the one table appear in next page. How can i do it stable. Because, when i print, i want each page have 2 tables without any …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for sherest

Hi! I'm a web designer and have a little bit knowledge of action scripting (both as2 and as3). Now these days, I'm working on a new flash project regarding multi-user poker game. I've never worked before on these kind of projects, but when I was searching on google about multi-user …

Member Avatar for rahejapreeti

If anybody could let me know how to create a bullet in an xml file using php. This piece of knowledge will be highly appreciated. Thanks

Member Avatar for rahejapreeti
Member Avatar for punithapary

Hi I created one website with login form.In that form after login with username and password i entered into welcome page after that i clicked logout then my page gets logout then i clicked back option in my browser that time it shows well come page i want to avoid …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for MVied

In this management software I'm working on, I've built a messenger for the employees to use to IM each other. Recently we moved to a brand new server and upgraded from PHP4 to PHP5. Now the instant messenger won't work. I've opened port 7357, which is the port it uses …

Member Avatar for MVied
Member Avatar for selvam543

i am new for php and mysql. i am using three textbox and one submit button. it consider as userid , firstname, lastname and add button. and i am using mysql data base. when i give the input and click the add button it will store to mysql database. and …

Member Avatar for MVied
Member Avatar for mark1993

Hello is there anyone here that is agreat forum creater I need your help please!! I just cant seem to make a great forum can someone help me create a forum?

Member Avatar for MVied
Member Avatar for punithapary

Hi, I am creating website for e-shopping.In that e-shopping i want to sell some products in online can anyone tell me how to do this using paypal or anything. Thanks in advance Punitha Pary

Member Avatar for MVied
Member Avatar for prashanth18

hi , PHP Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\Domains\eazygurus.com\wwwroot\courses.php on line 45 im getting this error please help me out from this. im attaching the php file and copying my database values........ Table structure for table `course` -- [code=sql]CREATE TABLE `course` ( `id` …

Member Avatar for saikishore
Member Avatar for ruby123

hi, i need help how to handle php error in my site.. i have created some pages. it is showing some warning... so i want to error handling in php...

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for CFJU

Hi, I need some help to enable a contact form I've been using to handle Japanese input. I'm not a PHP programmer or developer and really appreciate any feedback. The form was a download from a free resource. I have inserted some statements into the code, but have not been …

Member Avatar for CFJU
Member Avatar for ocbphoto

Guys i am going crazy here I dont know what I am doing wrong here, it renders in blank the page. I apreciatte very much your help. Oma [code] <?php //include("functions.php"); //dbConnect(); //ADD YOUR OWN DB CONNECTION HERE ?> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="generator" content="Adobe GoLive" /> …

Member Avatar for MVied
Member Avatar for websurfer

Hello, all: I have this issue with my includes files; I have this code in my htaccess file so that files that use any of these includes automatically read the includes from root folder. php_value include_path ".:/home/server/domains/mysite.com/html" they seem to work OK, but for some reason the images inside those …

Member Avatar for MVied
Member Avatar for noeinstein

Hi all, I am trying to build a web-page with Joomla 1.0.xx, Fireboard and Coppermine photo gallery. I am a newbie with joomla and php-scripting. What i am trying to archieve is to get checkboxes for users to use when they upload photos instead of the pooibility to write their …

Member Avatar for php2sheik

hai i have two combo boxes in one php page. i have some items in first combo box they are populated from DB. i want to load items from DB dependent on item selected from first box. now i met one problem, i use javascript coding for this function. if …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for lonestar23

Hello, I am having problems retrieving correct values from two radio buttons in my AJAX script below. The radio button values are either a 1 or 0 and always produces 0 regardless of which button is selected. Once in AJAX, I can not have the script retreive a 1 or …

Member Avatar for lonestar23
Member Avatar for RobertCJohnson

Hi all. Just installed WAMP Server 2 (I first unistalled WAMP5 as instructed) and after launching I received a series of errors regarding missing 12 .dll files. For example OCI.dll, LIBPQ.dll, SQLITE.dll OCIW32.dll and others. They seem to be related to PHP and MySQL as far as I can tell. …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for chaom79

Hi guys, I've developed a virus scanning program using php. Well, it seems my program worked fine--- it can detected the infected files. The problem is how can I make the program to delete the infected files. It seems when I tried to developed the coding, it didn't work. Below …

Member Avatar for sndpbohra
Member Avatar for jencinas69

I have this code [CODE] <?php error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); ini_set("display_errors", true); $file = "pets_feed_" . date("Ymd") . ".txt";// - for yyyymmdd if (!file_exists($file)) touch($file); $fh = fopen($file, "r"); $fcontent = @fread($fh, filesize($file)); $towrite = "ID Category Description"."\n"; $fh22 = fopen($file, 'w+'); fwrite($fh22, $towrite . $fcontent ); fclose($fh); fclose($fh22); ?> [/CODE] …


The End.