39,388 Topics
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i have the following: sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/posting/posting"sometext... I want to get the string up to the: `"` char, after the 'g' and before the 's'. Note- the string has no spaces. Thanks in advance. | |
[code] ... mysql_select_db(".... database name....", $con); $sql="UPDATE INTO Picks (Day, Month, Number, Competition, Sport, Country, ..... [/code] Working: [code] ... mysql_select_db(".... database name....", $con); $sql="INSERT INTO Picks (Day, Month, Number, Competition, Sport, Country, ..... [/code] ---------------- 2. I can't make work the output of the database data, anything I try … | |
I hate to bother you guys but I have a problem that has me stumped. When I test it on my local server it works fine, but then I uploaded the files to the web server and it doesn't work and I get the following errors: Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument … | |
i have to date options in my tab but when i click calendar button on tab it doesnt open the pop calendar but it redirects it to other page why it is not working wel same thing im using on normal page wid two dates but they r working well … | |
Hey people .... I am trying to dynamically load data into combo boxes on selection of the first combo box items... I am Using MySql and PHP .... i really just don't know what to do anymore ... please please please help me ... PS - i am actually a … | |
I am currently working on a program that should update mysql database online at an interval of an hour automatically. The user on the other side should be able to download the information in the database for use in his/her local machine. I am stuck in the process, I now … | |
Not quite sure if I'm putting this in the right forum, but I wrote this site entirely in PHP so it seems somewhat appropriate.... here's the problem, and hopefully someone out there's run into a similar issue and might possible save me several hours of headaches.. :) the site I'm … | |
i am designing website with bluevoda i want to know how can i make login script in this other thing is How to make customer details form whree customer can filled all his details and sent to server. One more thing is that how my server sent him automatically a … | |
I have a problem with my project. The project search through the database and displays the results. The problem is that I get question marks instead of GREEK letters (i do not mean rubbish, i mean Greek). Suppose that the problem is not about encoding. I have to find the … | |
Hello, I have set up a photo gallery and would like to resize the width for each photo displayed! However, I cant seem to get the coding right! Here is the snippet of code: [CODE] //Outputs the image and other data Echo "<img src=/photos/".$info['photo'] 'width=200' . "> <br>"; Echo "<b>Description:</b> … | |
[code=php]<?php $subject="testmail"; $message="this is test mail from php"; $to="****@****.com";//for an example $status=mail($to,$subject,$message); if ($status) { echo "Mail successfully Send"; } ?>[/code] when i execute this script, it displays the following error., why this error? [B]mail() [function.mail]: "sendmail_from" not set in php.ini or custom "From:" header missing[/B] | |
Hi all, I am currently doing on this project and i am struck at this section - which is deleting multiple rows from mysql with checkbox. The code i am using is [CODE]<?php $host="localhost"; // Host name $username="root"; // Mysql username $password="root"; // Mysql password $db_name="advert"; // Database name $tbl_name="test_mysql"; … | |
Hello, I have forms on my website for user profiles where they can update their information. I would like to limit this so users cannot insert HTML or other coding into some of the text boxes as this would cause significant problems. Is there a way I can either make … | |
Hi everyone, Simple query. I have a RSS.php file in my includes folder and in this I write out an XML file to a feeds folder. It has been working fine except when I changed the relative link used in the file_put_contents function to a root relative one. I want … | |
I have the following script for my Guestbook and it works fine. But I came across a captcha script I would like to incorporate into the already existing Guestbook. I have attached the captcha files here. Please, can anyone help me to readjust the Guestbook codes to accommodate the Captcha? … | |
I have created a site which has JPEG files. For some reason they load very, veerrrrrry sloooowwwwwllllly. I am using the standard HTML img src code. Is there anything I can do to speed the process? | |
i want to assign the value of a java script variable to a php variable ???? can any one help me plz | |
Hi I have a site that I am struggling to get it to do what I need it to! I have managed to add how many photos appear but I cannot add A HREF links around these thumbnails to get a larger picture to appear in browser window. Code is … | |
Hi, I m new in this field. Actually I face a problem, I call a php file from a html file using javascript. I declare a variable in php file,I want to use this variable in the same html file after execution of php file.Please help. | |
window.location.href = "updateReg.php?idValue=" + idValue; in the above code, I pass just one value "idValue", can i Pass more than one value like this? | |
new in coding..... i have a login page.when user enter his name and password he transfer to second page and URL of Browers is [url]http://localhost/PS/GPWDP/add/add_ps2.php?name=abc.i[/url] pass his name in URL so that i can access it to second page.in second page i have two combobox after selecting one combobox value … | |
An overnight delivery service is there? Is 'overnight delivery service" really a delivery service happening at night-time? Or does it mean just 'in-a-flash delivery'? | |
Okay. I'm a php newbie. I have a form where the user enters their name. I then on the next form I want it to access the database and add 1 to the row named 'number' that matches the persons name that they previously entered. If the name does not … | |
take a look on image this is image u can find in every daniweb member's profile now i want the code to create this image can anybody have. thank in advance | |
Hi, I'm putting together a social networking site. One web developer is recommending going with them and using ASP.NET 3.0 and another is wanting to use PHP. I'm trying to find out which is better and what the difference is. For example, will one affect the ease of use by … | |
Hello, Im a little bit confused with this piece of coding I have! Im basically trying to add a script I have converted to a web page! The original code was using echo statements which was fine on a separate page but now I want it to be apart of … | |
i want to design a database for cricket game where players will be selecting their players and while live cricket is goin on i want all user data base to get updated when the specefic player in his team hits.so i just want to know how to do this updation … | |
I have two file one called show.php and one is show.tpl. On show.php it has this code //----------------------------------------- // Fetch Media //----------------------------------------- $db->query("SELECT files.*, categories.*, users.id, users.username FROM categories, files LEFT JOIN users ON files.mid=users.id WHERE $search_addon files.category_id=categories.category_id AND files.type != 'plug' AND $v $ss ORDER BY files.featured DESC, files.$sort … | |
Hi all I'm trying to get a jquery progress bar working. What I'd like to know is if there is a specific command I need to include in my php or something I need to add to my php.ini file in order to report back to the progress bar. The … | |
[CODE]<?php /************************************************* * Max's File Uploader * * Version: 1.0 * Date: 2007-11-26 * ****************************************************/ class maxUpload{ var $uploadLocation; /** * Constructor to initialize class varaibles * The uploadLocation will be set to the actual * working directory * * @return maxUpload */ function maxUpload(){ $this->uploadLocation = getcwd().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } /** … |
The End.