39,388 Topics
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hi Drag the image flexible through mouse(expanding the image). could u plz send the code for this. | |
Hey everyone, I want to use mysql to list all of the makes of vehicles and I want the user to be able to click a make and the years that make were made pop up. Is there a way to do this using PHP? I've got the makes to … | |
Please i need someone who can help me Display Date from Mysql which is in format YYYY/MM/DD to DD/MM/YYYY the code below sends data to mysql but when i`m displaying date it comes in YYYY/MM/DD. [code] <?php include"config.php"; $comment=$_POST['comment']; $news_id=$_POST['news_id']; $name=$_POST['name']; //$rece_user=$_POST['rece_user']; $query="INSERT INTO newscomment (name,news_id,time,comment,date) VALUES('$name','$news_id',CURTIME(),'$comment',CURDATE())"; $result=mysql_query($query); if($result){ //echo"<i><b><font … | |
Hi everyone and thanks for reading! I've been handed a freelance job to make a purchase order system for an interior designer. Currently whenever they run out of stock they use a spreadsheet to generate a fax like page, print it and then fax it off. She now wants this … | |
Posting this for a friend here is his question... Thanks in Advance. hey, this is my first post on these forums, i have just started learning php after doing no coding whatsoever for a while. i have to successfully get past this first, so here goes. i have a site, … | |
Dear All, [B]I have problem with two value search, Please kindly see my code below:[/B] [code=php] <? require("../Dbconnect/db_connect.php");?> <form action="./" method="get"> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="center"> <tr><td width="91%" align="right"> <select name="Catid"> <option value="0" selected>All Categories</option> <? $cats="select * from tbljobcat order by Catname asc"; $catre=mysql_query($cats); while($catr=mysql_fetch_array($catre)){ ?> <option value="<?=$catr['Catid']?>"><?=$catr['Catname']; … | |
Hi all, I am writing a PHP script that executes shell commands on a linux machine. When I run this script on Linux system, it waits while it executes the command and store the result in a PHP variable. But when I run it on a web browser, the browser … | |
Hey guys, sorry if i posted this in the wrong forum. My question is, say if you have a PHP Shell used via the internet. How would you go about of uploading a file and deleting a file? Thanks, Clipper34. | |
Dear php developer, I am a student of computing doing non commercial research into how php developers create web sites. Would you please take 5 mins to answer 6 questions on your approach to php web developing located at [url]http://webdeveloper.active.ws/[/url] Many thanks for your help [email]surveyx9@yahoo.co.uk[/email] | |
[code] order table orderid orderdate cust_name address itemno itemname qty price totalprice 54 12/09/2008 xxx yyy 5 cake 5 5 25 54 12/09/2008 xxx yyy 3 choclate 5 3 15 55 13/09/2008 www uuu 7 rice 6 6 36 55 13/09/2008 www uuu 8 biscut 1 10 10 55 13/09/2008 … | |
Hi I am having problems with sessions. When using Internet Explorer I can pass sessions to other pages. I cannot pass sessions when I use Mozilla Firefox. //at the top of the page session_start(); //value passed $last_login = $_SESSION['s_last_login'];//last user login history PHP.ini: //This is my PHP.ini file session configuration … | |
Hello, I've got a problem with get data. To display a form I use GET data, visiting the url: [icode]page.php?a=b[/icode]. When entering the page there is a form with POST method: [icode]<form method="post">[/icode] The problem is, that when I submit this form, the get data [icode]a=b[/icode] still remains in the … | |
Hi all and thanks for reading. I came accross a function on the internet for creating a <select> box out of an array. I understand all of the code except for a few things: [CODE] <?php function dropdown($name, array $options, $selected=null) { // Begin the select tag. $dropdown = "<select … | |
Hi I hava a small application on oracles forms 6i and I run it over windows terminal service I am looking for an easy way to translate from forms to PHP does anyone knows any tool for this purpose?? thanks in advance | |
I want know more about session and cookies. How it maintain and what is it use using php. where all session variables are stored in differnet web server. How session is maintained in Apache server and ISS server. All depth information about server with example. Please give me some url … | |
im tryin to open a pop up calendar in tab window using php but on normal pages calendar pops up but when i try to use that in tab window it doesnt why cant anybody tell me | |
[B]This is the verification code i put in my webpage [/B] [ICODE]<?php if ($use_verification_image): ?> <label for="commentform_verification">Image verification:</label><br /> <input name="verification" type="text" id="commentform_verification" class="comment_form_text_box"/> <br /> <img src="<?php echo $commentsystemfolder; ?>comments_verificationimage.php?r=<?php echo md5(uniqid(time())); ?>" alt="image verification" name="commentform_verificationimage" width="70" height="10" id="commentform_verificationimage"/><br /><br /> <?php endif; ?>[/ICODE] [B] the above code is … | |
i need help in my project, i need to get the mous focus on the username text field in the admin page but the problem is the body & head of the page is in another page so when i use onload="focus();" and get the element by id e cant … | |
Hi all, I have a question about mysql_real_escape_string. Is it just used for login scripts or is it also used for inserting data to a database. My problem is this: [CODE] $connection = mysql_connect("*****", "*****", "*****"); $database_select = mysql_select_db("*****", $connection); $firstname = $_POST['firstname']; $lastname = $_POST['lastname']; $firstname = stripslashes($firstname); $firstname … | |
Not sure the title I gave this was appropriate, but I will try to describe my problem as best as possible. Basically, I'm trying to find the correct url reference for the mkdir() function. Let me type up a FTP Structure diagram to help: [code]{ROOT} -inventory -FF -<I am here>[/code] … | |
echo "<meta http-equiv=Refresh content=0;url=login.php?nflag=".$nflag.">"; Here i pass PHP variable nflag. Can any body tell me where this variable(nflag) is store. So when i use the statement ; $nflag=$_GET['nflag']; and get that value. Where the value of 'nflag is stored', ans from where _GET[] array is formed. What are the default … | |
In php file I write ; echo "<meta http-equiv=Refresh content=0;url=login.html>"; Here i load a login.html file. Along this i want to pass a php variable(suppose $nflag) content to login.html file, so that i can use it in javascript within login.html file. Please Help me. | |
hi there, i have a program in which a student will check his failed subjects on the previous semester and see the result on the next page. The next page will provide him the next semester's set of subjects and will tell him if there were subjects he need to … | |
I have a form where I am using an image as the submit button. When I click on the button the form submits however when I press 'enter' the page simply refreshes. In my PHP code I use the submitok_x value to check the x co-ordinate value - if it … | |
hai when converting a data from excel to mysql....how to preserve the new line character and the white space.? any suggestions? | |
Hello, Thanks for checking this out. Basically I have a form that uploads an image and stores it in a folder. I then run a thumbnail function on it and store a thumbnail version of it in a sub folder. That all works but the bit I'm getting stuck on … | |
[B]Hello Friends[/B], plz anybody help in finding out this, i need help in webservices with php using nusoap method. iam new working on this webservices, plz anybody help me. here is the code written, [code=php]<?php /* * This gets the list of methods */ $client = new SoapClient("", array('trace'=>1)); $func_list … | |
Hi, I am a newbie here. I have some wondering thing. Can all friends give me your comment, what do you think about the programmer who keep all their backup files on the server? For example: We use osCommerce to make our shop but every time when make a change … |
The End.