39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for daveg8

Hi- I'm tyring to ensure that malicious files are not uploaded to my server along with user videos. I have the videos uploading fine and I'm already checking to see if the extension is either .avi, .mpg, or .mov. However, I am not currently able to prevent someone from renaming …

Member Avatar for shaikh_mshariq

I have Installed apache http server 2.2.4 [COLOR="red"][B]on[/B][B] Windows [/B][/COLOR]and configure the doc_root to my htdocs directory and its working fine. But when is add these lines in httpd.conf file it gives error. [COLOR="green"]LoadModule php5_module "C:/php/php5apache2.dll" PHPIniDir "C:/php" AddType application/x-httpd-php .php AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps[/COLOR] It gives error like"[B][COLOR="Green"]server cant load …

Member Avatar for abinash.b
Member Avatar for motterj

Hi. I'm trying to modify some PHP code (actually, the HTML section inside it) to set the background as transparent, so the displayed text shows the website's template's background beneath the text. It works great in Firefox, Safari and even Chrome, but in IE7 the background is solid white no …

Member Avatar for motterj
Member Avatar for ocbphoto

Hello there, I am trying to pass the result of a list menu to another one - Have one first list menu and the data will be dynamically from my db ---> DONE--/ - Make the result from that list menu pass it to another list menu so when the …

Member Avatar for mangel.murti

i have two combox in my page.first is for division and second for gp.when user selecte division corresponding value shoud me fill from mysql in second combox with out submit my form data.any help.. from rohit

Member Avatar for langsor
Member Avatar for srilakshmitr7

Hello friends, Can anyone help me regarding how to rewrite a static page with the help of url

Member Avatar for langsor
Member Avatar for kevintfranck

Just that really. I am walking into an already developed basic html page pointing to a php login that branches out to info rich php pages used to order business stationery. I am relativley new to the game. I started my own business and just figured out what I needed …

Member Avatar for ChintuChowdary

hi, modify the code or content in any webpage with out any backend and permissions if it is possible how?

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for praveen_dusari

hi all, i want a shopping cart which runs on sessions ie adding items to basket, updating them using sessions without using tables any ideas iam confused :confused: and stucked please help

Member Avatar for praveen_dusari
Member Avatar for nrvuppula

Hi Can any one help me I have the data in the database and i retrive it using mysql_fetch_assoc using while loop and i am trying to display it it on HTML form it is not displayed can any one help me U can find my script [code=php] <?php global …

Member Avatar for nrvuppula
Member Avatar for silntj101

Hi does anyone know how to create a script that allows a user to upload an image to a website that shows as a thumbnail which when clicked allows user to view image at it's original size. I've found some code (php) that allows user to upload image to server …

Member Avatar for silntj101
Member Avatar for e_velkova

Hi! I have three questions: 1) How much approximately costs an implementation of a shopping cart module. 2) How long it would take, approximately. 3) Could you, please, give me some... let's say... advice on how to do it, some useful links.., or what basically I have to read in …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for hbmarar

Hi, Singleton classess concept , i believe i understand. I played a bit with more use but i do not know how to modify a normal context singleton for a multithreaded environment in PHP. I do understand that multithreading is not possible in PHP or could be faked only but …

Member Avatar for justted

Hello, I was wondering if anyone can help me sort this problem! I basically have a member profile feature on my site that has an update page! Members can update information such as their date of birth, location etc! I currently have a text box in which members have to …

Member Avatar for enim213
Member Avatar for fortiz147

hi please help me, i want to know how to enable smtp in php mysql, i have the code right so no worries there. please help

Member Avatar for fortiz147
Member Avatar for magikman

Hello, I need to select information from two different databases and join them into one web page. I am unsure how to go about doing this. I am not a PHP programmer, any help would be appreciated.

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for marvinkamote14

hello guys, just want to ask some newbie questions. i have a table named "students" in my database, the field names are "Lastname", "Firstname" and "Highschool". i want to sort my query by highschool field. i want to show that query results in table form. how can i sort by …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for naju

I am using Dreamweaver CS3 my keys went wrong .. i dont know why .. my ctrl +z, F4 .. etc are not respnding... and sometimes it shows the message as: "[B]The DynTextField script does not define the findServerBehaviours function.[/B]" I know its not completely PHP issue .. but the …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for farhan.foxtrot

In my oracle, there is a table : locations( city varchar2(10), country varchar2(10)); executing the following script results the desired column. [code=php]<?php $link = oci_connect('SYSTEM', 'abracdabra', 'orcl'); $s = oci_parse($link, 'select city from locations'); if(! $s) { $e = oci_error(); var_dump($e ); } oci_execute($s); $res = oci_fetch_row($s); while($res) { echo …

Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I use a submit to POST a data to page1.php. When i am in page1.php, I go to another page. But when i want to come back, page1.php is not displayed. I know it is about POSTed data but How can i prevent this issue? Thanks

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for Kavitha Butchi

Hello all, I have this strange problem. During registration if user chooses to have '.' in his username, eg: sam.leo then i am getting this wierd problem . -respective tables with the given username are not getting created in the Database. Everything is working fine if usernames are having no …

Member Avatar for Kavitha Butchi
Member Avatar for kwesiaryee

I am trying to display image files stored in my mysql. It displays alright as a direct php echo, but when i put it in an <img.../> src attribute... I get a cross. The following is the code snippet; [CODE] ... $query = mysql_query("SELECT pid, imgdata FROM pix WHERE pid='2'"); …

Member Avatar for NormandP
Member Avatar for bdcd

So I want the code to allow the user to login and then direct them to their page, I'm just not sure how I can do that. Here's the table and code I have, is there a way to make "header("location:/instacp.htm");" pull the location from the table in the database? …

Member Avatar for bdcd
Member Avatar for farhan.foxtrot

i am using oracle 10g along with php 5. the problem is i cannot connect with oracle database from php with the function oci_connect. i can understand that this is because of the way php is configured. can anyone help me configure php to connect and manipulate oracle database?

Member Avatar for farhan.foxtrot
Member Avatar for jayapalchandran

i want to create feed for a specific thread in a forum. so every time that thread got a reply i want to update the rss file for that thread. is it good to create a seperate rss file for threads and if it so then there would be lots …

Member Avatar for rickya100

Hi. I need to create an RSS file from one table in my database. I'm using PHP5 and MySQL. I have searched on this and tried to do it myself but i'm not sure what path to take. Should I use SimpleXML to do it? I am hoping someone might …

Member Avatar for rickya100
Member Avatar for cpeeyush1

hi i am new in the web development field and some days ago i have completed my html ,css &XHTML studies now i want to learn php so please tell me any good ebook(free) for learning from the basices and if you have a download link then please send it …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for architact

Hello, Please tell me the way how can I turn on error reporting/php warnings in apache2triad.

Member Avatar for stephen84s
Member Avatar for god_1896

[QUOTE]hi; please help to check this code. i have a fucntion name to use in my select dropdown list, and I problem in calling the the function name; here is the whole code of my function.[/QUOTE] [ICODE]function getAllR($Region_id) { //returns an array with city info $query="SELECT * FROM cityinfo where …

Member Avatar for god_1896
Member Avatar for bin_asc

I`m trying to load the contents of a php file, change some variables through a replace, and save it again, but upon loading, the file_get_contents doesn`t parse the start of the file for some reason. I tried this on my server and on the local server. Example : filesample.php : …

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The End.