39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for HailttRedskins

I got the coding for uploading files to my website throug a simple browse option off a page. I choose the file upload size to be 150mb, but it wont allow anything under 10mb it seems. I am real good friends with my host, he told me something like, it …

Member Avatar for Dsiembab
Member Avatar for javan96

hi i want to integrate my gallery with my phpbb forum. i have some instructions that came with gallery1.5 but i don't know how to do some of the steps. here is the instructions. this a very little description what you have to do to make Gallery >=1.4.3 work with …

Member Avatar for javan96
Member Avatar for jay64

Ok, I thought I had gotten all the answers I needed and marked my thread as solved. But now I am having problems trying to put the code into use. I tried to insert the data from my form into my data base and got an error message. I obviously …

Member Avatar for jay64
Member Avatar for jay64

I have an html form from which I am trying to insert the data into a MySQL db. I have heard that the date needs to be in a specific format for inserting into the table, I believe it was YearDayMonth (20070612) Is this true? Because of that, I broke …

Member Avatar for TopDogger
Member Avatar for Charleslp2007

Hello !! Please, I have a question. I want to [U]create a form [/U]in which the person who fills this form can write: 1. His/her e-mail address 2. That person has [B]one drop menu [/B]in which there are 5 products to choose, he/she has to choose one. 3. There is …

Member Avatar for berlin

not sure if i'm using the right term... i'm having a prototype built and i found that the programmer I hired isn't using php to show form errors. he's using javascript. there are 20 different forms in this app, from user profiles to submitting photos and videos. the site is …

Member Avatar for berlin
Member Avatar for ruman_eee

hi everyone, I am in problem to get the array data from php to use it in js. $data[0]=88; $data[3]=44; $data[4]=2232; I want to use those data in js. Can anyone help me ??

Member Avatar for adorosh
Member Avatar for jay64

Ok, I am trying to insert the data from a form into a table on my MySQL database. I have been going through some tutorials on how to do this, and have found slightly different answers. I'm assuming that they both kind of do the same thing, but what would …

Member Avatar for jay64
Member Avatar for mortalex

Hey guys, I'm trying to write a peice of code that basically checks if the input field have been submitted, it is an update code so I have designed it so that when the user clicks "update" another page displays saying "well done object updated". However when i do this …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for vardhani

i am new to php.... please send me a code tat will help me create a form n direct it to my home page and send the information of the form to my email

Member Avatar for vardhani
Member Avatar for Dsiembab

Good morning, I am sure this has been asked before. So here it goes. I've been playing with these two php functions and was wondering if I have the logic right. let's say I wrote a function called crazy encrypt [CODE] <?php function crazyencrypt($password){ $is="isthis"; $overkill="overkill"; $pass = $password.$is; $pass1=md5($pass).$is; …

Member Avatar for Dsiembab
Member Avatar for Pro2000

Hi, I tried this code: [ICODE]<?php session_start(); $id=$_GET['fileid']; if($id=="1") { $dwnld = "File1.zip"; } else if($id=="2") { $dwnld = "File2.zip"; } else if($id=="3") { $dwnld= "File3.zip"; } if($id) { header("Content-type: application/download"); header("Content-disposition: filename=$dwnld"); readfile($dwnld); } ?>[/ICODE] I want the user to download those files from a folder named Archives... Example: …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for lydia21

html page <form method="get" action="sort2.php"> <table> <tr> <td>id</td><td><input type="text" name="id"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>From</td><td><input type="text" name="from"></td> <td>To</td><td><input type="text" name="to"></td> <td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"></td></tr> </table> </form> sort2.php <?php $id=$_REQUEST['id']; $to=$_REQUEST['to']; $from=$_REQUEST['from']; $link=mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password); mysql_select_db($dbid) or die("unable to connect"); $query="(select name,id from member where id=(select day,time from attend where day between '$from' …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for webguru07

I have a 2D array like this: [code]$cart = array(array("Item", 6.99), (array("Item 2", 13.99)); [/code] i am using this for a shopping cart i am making. I can add to it fine. What i need to be able to do is remove items from the array. I have been racking …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for eXceed69

I've Install this script to my site but It won't function that well Here's the code, which logs client side IP in a flat file or *.txt [code] <?php $filename = "uniqueLogs.txt"; $file = file($filename); $file = array_unique($file); $hits = count($file); echo $hits; $fd = fopen ($filename , "r"); $fstring …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for natep

I have a checkbox form where different check boxes need to send the form to different email addresses. Right now, no matter the check box, it goes to the same emails. <span class="clients"> <input type="checkbox" name="blah" value="checkbox" /> Blah</span></p> <p> <span class="clients"> going here: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="php"> $email = $HTTP_POST_VARS[email]; $mailto …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for ericjw316

I am new to this PHP thing. I have programmed in VS 2003 and VB and C# for web site. I am working for this new company and all their forms are sent via send mail. My problem is that i am trying to send multiple variables to send mail …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for jay64

I don't really know how to explain this easily. I guess I will layout the project I am trying to do, and the problem I am having with it, and maybe someone could explain it better to me. I am trying to build an online food journal for a fitness/nutrition …

Member Avatar for jay64
Member Avatar for ruman_eee

hi everyone, I have some problem about simplifying my php code. At first I want to load my form and then load my information from database if their are any data exists according to the user name. Actually the problem is,I want to load the js while the information is …

Member Avatar for scru
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi everyone I'm looking for a script that uploads and resizes images onto a server. I've been tormenting myself with the one from [url]http://blazonry.com/scripting/upload-size.php[/url] The reason I think that it's not working is because the server I'm working on doesn't have the libjpeg and libgr-progs library packages. And I'm not …

Member Avatar for Venom Rush
Member Avatar for drsmith

I want to create a dynamic link to a file...basically the info is displayed in a .php template read in from MySQL db. I want to also have a link to the saved text file. Here is some of what I have: [code] $date=$_POST[Date_Entered]; $shift=$_POST[shift]; $shift_table=$shift."_shift_duties"; $fileDir="TOP".$shift."Shiftlog" $fileID=.$date."_".$shift."shift.rtf"; [/code] and …

Member Avatar for drsmith
Member Avatar for paranjyoti

Dear All, I have two files, usr_profile.php and edit_profile.php. The former is for displaying the user's info viz 'Name', 'Email' etc while the latter is for editing the info available in the former. After editing the info in the edit_profile.php and submitting it, it gets redirected to the usr_profile.php. The …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for DaitoTsu

Hi there guys & gals, this is my first post here will try to be as accurate as possible. The problem i have seems to me to be quite basic but i cannot for the life of me work out how i can do it, am hoping you good folks …

Member Avatar for DaitoTsu
Member Avatar for lydia21

hi i have two different table,i want to select the name and id(primary key) from the first table..based on the id..i want to select the rest of the data in the second table... the below query is showing error,plz do tell me the bug. $query="select id,name from table1 where id='$id' …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for dreamerdevos

I have tried a lot of things. The lines of code; $file_name1=$_FILES["image"]["name"]; $ext = strtolower(end(explode('.', $file_name1))); if($ext!="jpg"&&$ext!="jpeg"&&$ext!="png"&&$ext!="tif"&&$ext!="gif") The middle line being the line that is in "error" gets this error when trying to upload a picture, Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference $ext = strtolower(end(explode('.', $file_name1))); My …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for jfhow

I developed an online store catalog using PHP & MYSQL on Windows. It imports tab delimited data for new products from text files in a folder. While it worked fine on Wndows, when I run it in the MAMP installation on my iMac with Mac OSX it is not working. …

Member Avatar for moyles
Member Avatar for jencinas69

Hello I need to do a form that writes to a database I know how to do that What I dont now how to do is how I dump my data from the db as XML I want the data to come out like this on the xml <jobs> <job …

Member Avatar for martin5211
Member Avatar for gotmick

I have a form page on a public webserver that needs to send queries to a different internal server on our network, and have the results sent back to our public server. The internal server is an AS400 i5 running Zend Core php and querying a DB2 database. Making this …

Member Avatar for martin5211
Member Avatar for moyles

[B]hello i would like to add a training function to my online texted based game could someone help me ??? is there any websites or scrips whihc help u ?? thanks moyles[/B]

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The End.