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Member Avatar for billah_norm

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]WEB ADDRESS FOR FREE DOWNLOADING OF PDF COPY OF A PHP BOOK[/FONT] Hello? I am a new learner of PHP. I have interested about it. I want to know any web address for downloading a free pdf copy of a good well known introductory book.

Member Avatar for avmaza
Member Avatar for kings

hi i have a table where dates and other info are getting inserted... i have a form where the user can select a start date end date.. based on the start date and end date ..i want to retrieve all the content stored between these dates.....

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for SamWinters

I'm trying to learn php/mysql Read "php and mysql for dummies" and keep getting stuck. Can you get me through this? Regards, Kris [email]m31342@hotmail.com[/email]

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for kusal

Hi, hope this is the right place, Here is my problem <h4 Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla </h4> I want the content between <h4> tags in a variable, using only one expressions thnx Kusal

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for kings

hi i want to insert the textbox content to database....wen i give disabled="true" data is not getting inserted in database....when there is no disabled attribute it is getting inserted..... <form name="fm3"> <table> <tr> <td>splendor Id</td><td><input type="text" name="id3" size="20" disabled="true" value=<?php print "$_SESSION[uname]";?>></td> </tr> <tr> </table> </form>

Member Avatar for kings
Member Avatar for rtx

Hi, I am trying to code to put a PayPal logo in a page. Here is the code: [ICODE]<?php // ----------------------------------- // PAYPAL ACCEPTED ITEM // ----------------------------------- // test if box should be displayed $show_MYK_PAYPAL = true; if ($show_MYK_PAYPAL == true) { ?> <div align="center" style="padding:5px;"> [COLOR="Red"]<!-- PayPal Logo --><table …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for gym_shorts

Hello all, I have a problem and after searching for hours was hoping someone would have some information that would greatly help me out. I am developing a website locally on my development machine, (Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11, Apache 1.3.33, and PHP 5.2.2). The site is based on a …

Member Avatar for gym_shorts
Member Avatar for ybn1197

Hi all - I'm hoping someone here can help me with this as I have been trying to figure it out for the past 48 hours and have made little progress. I have two table in my database. The Primary Key (Serial) in tblTitles is the Foreign Key(Serial) in tblQuotes. …

Member Avatar for ybn1197
Member Avatar for nathanpacker

Quick question here. I wanted a way to quickly change the URL of an image that is place on my page, so I came up with the following little script: [code=php] <?php echo "Status: $status"; if ($status == 'Online'){ rename('status.bmp', 'offline.bmp'); rename('online.bmp', 'status.bmp'); } elseif ($status == 'Offline'){ rename('status.bmp', 'online.bmp'); …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for drsmith

I posted this in the html section but I am not sure if it will be that simple. I have a .php form that populates from info in a MySQL DB. Anyway, I want to have the ability to email the form(whatever happens to be displayed at the moment) to …

Member Avatar for drsmith
Member Avatar for rime

I am trying to write a code to get IP of a computer. I have written the following code : <?php $ip=@$REMOTE_ADDR; echo "<font face='Verdana' size='3'><b>IP Address= $ip</b>"; ?> But the output I am getting is : IP Address= i.e the common IP for all machines, what is the …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for kings

hi i am not able to update my table.plz do tell me the bug in my code..... when update link is clicked in the first page..the table should get updated [B][COLOR="Green"]page 1[/COLOR][/B] $link=mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password); mysql_select_db($dbid) or die("unable to connect"); $x = $_GET['name']; $result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table1 where name='$x'") or …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for bjg5858

Hi I am new to php and most other things, I am trying to make a form on my website to take users details for membership purposes. This data will be stored in a mysql database. What I have at the moment is a plain html form that posts the …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for Pro2000

Hello everybody, I want to write an email to some one by php function... I mean Mail(....) What may I write in the headers to send this message safety to another one... I mean by using the ([COLOR="red"]Cc[/COLOR]) Or ([COLOR="red"]BCc[/COLOR]). So that is a querstion.... I have another question: Can …

Member Avatar for Pro2000
Member Avatar for EmpireZ

Hello, I am trying to figure out how to have the data pulled from a input text box field so it displays as columns. Right now, when I hit enter to add a new line in the text box and look at it where it suppose to be displayed, it …

Member Avatar for EmpireZ
Member Avatar for kings

hi i have a table which has uname,pss,type fields now i want to check the login (ie is username and password) and if the type is administrator then redirect to a different page... if the type is a user then redirect him to another page... in this apllication there are …

Member Avatar for ryan_vietnow
Member Avatar for AYYAD

where do i download a php program from??? so i can start programming, or whats a programs name... any sites for tutorials, coz im thinking of doing a website

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for m_farhan

Hi everybody, I m a new developer in PHP. I m working and making a e-shoping site in php. will somebody help me and advice me how to manage everything. thx

Member Avatar for black_ip82
Member Avatar for palsomas

Anyone knows PHP plz help me coze I don't PHP I just know HTML only n others.... Thnx......

Member Avatar for black_ip82
Member Avatar for learningPHP

I am a pre-beginner at web programming. I have a project that I would like to implement on a web page and would like to find out how I can program it, if I can program it, how difficult it would be, and where I can learn it. Basically I …

Member Avatar for steven509
Member Avatar for jamescarvin

I really don't have the patience for this but I'm trying to learn php/mysql and really could use some tutors. The online tutorials are a fair introduction. But I've got a big project I need to make progress on quickly. If anyone here would be willing to give me some …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for pupu14

how to make an auto reply to an email like in friendster using php

Member Avatar for assgar

I am having problem with my loping. I don't know if I have chosen the correct approach. GOAL: I need to insert into a table event types for a specific date range. The calendar the event type is displayed on is divided into 15 minutes time intervals A group consist …

Member Avatar for FireNet

Example: Navigate: PHP Code Library > PHP > Sub1 > Title V Any ideas, tutorials no how to do that using php & mysql ? each category should be able to have items and more categories under it. It should use a single table to store all the category titles. …

Member Avatar for innovativeatul

I just decided to share the simple but the first step towards the php, that is the syntax <? yourphpcode goes here ?> [B]Display what you want on browser[/B] <? echo("MY FIRST Php Page"); ?> I hope it will surely help newbie's in PHP like me. thnx,

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for microtekblue

Hello. I don't know what I did or what has happened, but all of a sudden when I try to click my RSS feed link on my Wordpress blog, I get this error: [inlinecode] XML Parsing Error: xml declaration not at start of external entity Location: [url]http://www.justwantaquote.com/blog/feed/[/url] Line Number 2, …

Member Avatar for ritgrad83
Member Avatar for Labby77

Hello all master coders, I have been doing my site exclusivley in html. What is the big differences bewteen php and html? What are the advantages/disadvantages? What, if any would be the penalty from going from an html site to a php site? Would this hurt the PR I have …

Member Avatar for TopDogger
Member Avatar for jamescarvin

I have a cgi/perl site and would like to convert everything over to php/mysql, then start customizing it, that or just integrate the two. I'd really like someone to hold my hand as I learn these languages and attempt to improve my web site. Even CSS gives me problems. Basically, …

Member Avatar for jay64

Hi, I am very new to PHP, teaching myself at the moment. I am using online tutorials to teach myself, so I am at their mercy of what information they provide. I have found some decent scripts, but they don't show me how to link them together. I am trying …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for world_weapon

Working on a function that prints out all database rows that end with _n where n is single digit number 1 - 9 first and then prints rows that do not end in _n. So far I have been trying to use this code [CODE=php] $theQuery="SELECT * FROM tableContent" while($row=mysql_query($theQuery)) …

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The End.