39,323 Topics

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Member Avatar for rtx

Hi, I am trying to code to put a PayPal logo in a page. Here is the code: [ICODE]<?php // ----------------------------------- // PAYPAL ACCEPTED ITEM // ----------------------------------- // test if box should be displayed $show_MYK_PAYPAL = true; if ($show_MYK_PAYPAL == true) { ?> <div align="center" style="padding:5px;"> [COLOR="Red"]<!-- PayPal Logo --><table …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for gym_shorts

Hello all, I have a problem and after searching for hours was hoping someone would have some information that would greatly help me out. I am developing a website locally on my development machine, (Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11, Apache 1.3.33, and PHP 5.2.2). The site is based on a …

Member Avatar for gym_shorts
Member Avatar for ybn1197

Hi all - I'm hoping someone here can help me with this as I have been trying to figure it out for the past 48 hours and have made little progress. I have two table in my database. The Primary Key (Serial) in tblTitles is the Foreign Key(Serial) in tblQuotes. …

Member Avatar for ybn1197
Member Avatar for nathanpacker

Quick question here. I wanted a way to quickly change the URL of an image that is place on my page, so I came up with the following little script: [code=php] <?php echo "Status: $status"; if ($status == 'Online'){ rename('status.bmp', 'offline.bmp'); rename('online.bmp', 'status.bmp'); } elseif ($status == 'Offline'){ rename('status.bmp', 'online.bmp'); …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for drsmith

I posted this in the html section but I am not sure if it will be that simple. I have a .php form that populates from info in a MySQL DB. Anyway, I want to have the ability to email the form(whatever happens to be displayed at the moment) to …

Member Avatar for drsmith
Member Avatar for rime

I am trying to write a code to get IP of a computer. I have written the following code : <?php $ip=@$REMOTE_ADDR; echo "<font face='Verdana' size='3'><b>IP Address= $ip</b>"; ?> But the output I am getting is : IP Address= i.e the common IP for all machines, what is the …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for kings

hi i am not able to update my table.plz do tell me the bug in my code..... when update link is clicked in the first page..the table should get updated [B][COLOR="Green"]page 1[/COLOR][/B] $link=mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password); mysql_select_db($dbid) or die("unable to connect"); $x = $_GET['name']; $result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table1 where name='$x'") or …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for bjg5858

Hi I am new to php and most other things, I am trying to make a form on my website to take users details for membership purposes. This data will be stored in a mysql database. What I have at the moment is a plain html form that posts the …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for Pro2000

Hello everybody, I want to write an email to some one by php function... I mean Mail(....) What may I write in the headers to send this message safety to another one... I mean by using the ([COLOR="red"]Cc[/COLOR]) Or ([COLOR="red"]BCc[/COLOR]). So that is a querstion.... I have another question: Can …

Member Avatar for Pro2000
Member Avatar for EmpireZ

Hello, I am trying to figure out how to have the data pulled from a input text box field so it displays as columns. Right now, when I hit enter to add a new line in the text box and look at it where it suppose to be displayed, it …

Member Avatar for EmpireZ
Member Avatar for kings

hi i have a table which has uname,pss,type fields now i want to check the login (ie is username and password) and if the type is administrator then redirect to a different page... if the type is a user then redirect him to another page... in this apllication there are …

Member Avatar for ryan_vietnow
Member Avatar for AYYAD

where do i download a php program from??? so i can start programming, or whats a programs name... any sites for tutorials, coz im thinking of doing a website

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for m_farhan

Hi everybody, I m a new developer in PHP. I m working and making a e-shoping site in php. will somebody help me and advice me how to manage everything. thx

Member Avatar for black_ip82
Member Avatar for palsomas

Anyone knows PHP plz help me coze I don't PHP I just know HTML only n others.... Thnx......

Member Avatar for black_ip82
Member Avatar for learningPHP

I am a pre-beginner at web programming. I have a project that I would like to implement on a web page and would like to find out how I can program it, if I can program it, how difficult it would be, and where I can learn it. Basically I …

Member Avatar for steven509
Member Avatar for jamescarvin

I really don't have the patience for this but I'm trying to learn php/mysql and really could use some tutors. The online tutorials are a fair introduction. But I've got a big project I need to make progress on quickly. If anyone here would be willing to give me some …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for pupu14

how to make an auto reply to an email like in friendster using php

Member Avatar for assgar

I am having problem with my loping. I don't know if I have chosen the correct approach. GOAL: I need to insert into a table event types for a specific date range. The calendar the event type is displayed on is divided into 15 minutes time intervals A group consist …

Member Avatar for FireNet

Example: Navigate: PHP Code Library > PHP > Sub1 > Title V Any ideas, tutorials no how to do that using php & mysql ? each category should be able to have items and more categories under it. It should use a single table to store all the category titles. …

Member Avatar for innovativeatul

I just decided to share the simple but the first step towards the php, that is the syntax <? yourphpcode goes here ?> [B]Display what you want on browser[/B] <? echo("MY FIRST Php Page"); ?> I hope it will surely help newbie's in PHP like me. thnx,

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for microtekblue

Hello. I don't know what I did or what has happened, but all of a sudden when I try to click my RSS feed link on my Wordpress blog, I get this error: [inlinecode] XML Parsing Error: xml declaration not at start of external entity Location: [url]http://www.justwantaquote.com/blog/feed/[/url] Line Number 2, …

Member Avatar for ritgrad83
Member Avatar for Labby77

Hello all master coders, I have been doing my site exclusivley in html. What is the big differences bewteen php and html? What are the advantages/disadvantages? What, if any would be the penalty from going from an html site to a php site? Would this hurt the PR I have …

Member Avatar for TopDogger
Member Avatar for jamescarvin

I have a cgi/perl site and would like to convert everything over to php/mysql, then start customizing it, that or just integrate the two. I'd really like someone to hold my hand as I learn these languages and attempt to improve my web site. Even CSS gives me problems. Basically, …

Member Avatar for jay64

Hi, I am very new to PHP, teaching myself at the moment. I am using online tutorials to teach myself, so I am at their mercy of what information they provide. I have found some decent scripts, but they don't show me how to link them together. I am trying …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for world_weapon

Working on a function that prints out all database rows that end with _n where n is single digit number 1 - 9 first and then prints rows that do not end in _n. So far I have been trying to use this code [CODE=php] $theQuery="SELECT * FROM tableContent" while($row=mysql_query($theQuery)) …

Member Avatar for world_weapon
Member Avatar for nitin.vnk

Hi Every1.. i m new to PHP, can anyone tell me how is carrer in PHP. thanks & regards Nitin

Member Avatar for riskbling
Member Avatar for jencinas69

Hello I am trying to add a 7, 14 or 30 day to our job posting online form. Right know I just have a start and end date drop down. What I have in mind is to do 3 radio buttons with 7 day, 14 day, and 30 day, the …

Member Avatar for jencinas69
Member Avatar for daver40

I'm a bit of a beginning to PHP, so I hope that this question isn't too terribly simple. I'm trying to write a flexible query that will use data from an HTML form to create a SELECT statement for a MSSQL database. I've tried writing a sample query, but I …

Member Avatar for mandragora
Member Avatar for daver40

I'm working on several scripts that form a small, custom build appointment scheduling application. I'm having some trouble with a function that I'm using to check whether appointments for individual times during a given day exist in the database. The function: 1) creates a table 2) uses the date function …

Member Avatar for Inny

Hello, Im trying To create A code In php That Does the Following: A. detects visiting users real ip address B. detects city and country C. detects browser type and version D. detects referrer url E. detects landing page F. appends this information to a txt file Im using the …

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The End.