39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I use a submit to POST a data to page1.php. When i am in page1.php, I go to another page. But when i want to come back, page1.php is not displayed. I know it is about POSTed data but How can i prevent this issue? Thanks

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for Kavitha Butchi

Hello all, I have this strange problem. During registration if user chooses to have '.' in his username, eg: sam.leo then i am getting this wierd problem . -respective tables with the given username are not getting created in the Database. Everything is working fine if usernames are having no …

Member Avatar for Kavitha Butchi
Member Avatar for kwesiaryee

I am trying to display image files stored in my mysql. It displays alright as a direct php echo, but when i put it in an <img.../> src attribute... I get a cross. The following is the code snippet; [CODE] ... $query = mysql_query("SELECT pid, imgdata FROM pix WHERE pid='2'"); …

Member Avatar for NormandP
Member Avatar for bdcd

So I want the code to allow the user to login and then direct them to their page, I'm just not sure how I can do that. Here's the table and code I have, is there a way to make "header("location:/instacp.htm");" pull the location from the table in the database? …

Member Avatar for bdcd
Member Avatar for farhan.foxtrot

i am using oracle 10g along with php 5. the problem is i cannot connect with oracle database from php with the function oci_connect. i can understand that this is because of the way php is configured. can anyone help me configure php to connect and manipulate oracle database?

Member Avatar for farhan.foxtrot
Member Avatar for jayapalchandran

i want to create feed for a specific thread in a forum. so every time that thread got a reply i want to update the rss file for that thread. is it good to create a seperate rss file for threads and if it so then there would be lots …

Member Avatar for rickya100

Hi. I need to create an RSS file from one table in my database. I'm using PHP5 and MySQL. I have searched on this and tried to do it myself but i'm not sure what path to take. Should I use SimpleXML to do it? I am hoping someone might …

Member Avatar for rickya100
Member Avatar for cpeeyush1

hi i am new in the web development field and some days ago i have completed my html ,css &XHTML studies now i want to learn php so please tell me any good ebook(free) for learning from the basices and if you have a download link then please send it …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for architact

Hello, Please tell me the way how can I turn on error reporting/php warnings in apache2triad.

Member Avatar for stephen84s
Member Avatar for god_1896

[QUOTE]hi; please help to check this code. i have a fucntion name to use in my select dropdown list, and I problem in calling the the function name; here is the whole code of my function.[/QUOTE] [ICODE]function getAllR($Region_id) { //returns an array with city info $query="SELECT * FROM cityinfo where …

Member Avatar for god_1896
Member Avatar for bin_asc

I`m trying to load the contents of a php file, change some variables through a replace, and save it again, but upon loading, the file_get_contents doesn`t parse the start of the file for some reason. I tried this on my server and on the local server. Example : filesample.php : …

Member Avatar for bin_asc
Member Avatar for gpdrums

I'm working on an if else statement that will display a custom link for everyone except Company A. Everything below works just fine, but it's imperative Company A not see the first link. I've tried something along the line of: [ICODE]<?php $nolink = "Company A"; if ($_SESSION['company'] != $nolink);{ //display …

Member Avatar for langsor
Member Avatar for max2me99

I have two forms - the first shows a list of advertisers, with the options to Add New (goes to the formsc.php) for a totally new advertiser, and edit or delete based on the advertiser id. When I click on add new and try to insert data I get the …

Member Avatar for langsor
Member Avatar for knrakesh

Hello friends, i copied a table from other database and using in other database, when iam using the same table in other database the primary key in the table is just auto increamenting from the past table only. i want it to start from 0 Rakesh

Member Avatar for langsor
Member Avatar for hno

hi i have wrien a php file and i use wampserver 2 to execute my files.now i have writen a php file that connect to database and use it and now i want to trasfer my files to website but i don't now how to do this.please help me about …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for TGMaverick

Hi guys, I am awfully sorry for yet anothr newbie post. I searched the forums in depth for somthing related to my situation but could not find anything. The situation is that I am in the final year of my degree and I have to do a final year project. …

Member Avatar for Dizdain
Member Avatar for Dizdain

Hello. I'm new to the community so hello everyone! I am having some difficulties with my php script. I am trying to generate a list of the latest 10 news topics in my site and code those topic titles to hyperlink to another page, news.php, which will show the entire …

Member Avatar for Dizdain
Member Avatar for ajie6673

hello to all, would somebosy help me creating a library system that consist of book inventory, barrower form, validation of user hope someone could be able to help. iam new in php/mysql and have no idea how to start please help me i will truely appreciate all your help. thanks

Member Avatar for ajie6673
Member Avatar for kmughal80

I am working on a web site where I have this requirement to convert audio files into mp3s. The following audio formats are to be converted into mp3: .wav, .wma, .aac, .vox, .aif, .amr, .ogg, .aiff I am using an audio converter called AudioCommander ([url]http://www.mystikmedia.com/audiocommander.asp)[/url], calling this tool on command …

Member Avatar for langsor
Member Avatar for assgar

Hi I am trying to get the number of hours and minutes between two time time stamps. The expected results should be 1:59 (h:mm) instead I am getting 1:58 (h:mm). What is wrong with my approach? Is it also possible to use a built in php function so I don't …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, How can i read the OUT parameter of a MySQL stored procedure in PHP with using mysql not the mysqli? Thanks

Member Avatar for Andrew Hucks

Well, I've been working on a tracking system for [URL="http://www.runescape.com"]RuneScape[/URL]. (It's a Java-Based, Browser MMORPG. You gain experience points in 24 separate skills, and they are all logged on a hi scores table.) Anyways, here's what I've got- [code] <html> <head> <title>The Test Page</title> <body> <?php // create a new …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for cwarn23

Hi and I am expanding one of my websites which requires me to write a script which has a language syntax highlighter (the gml/gamemaker language). So to do that I am using mainly preg replace and str replace. I have been working hard at it for the last 29 hours …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for Tess James

can i create dynamic array variable names in php? my requirement is... i want a no: of 1-d arrays like $c1[],$c2[],$c3[]. and i need to dynamically create the arrays like this.. for($i=1;$i<$var;$i++) $c.$i[]=$r; is there any way to do this?

Member Avatar for Pado
Member Avatar for hno

hi i need a script that make security image for forms.please give me an script to download . thanks

Member Avatar for PoA
Member Avatar for vicky.vignesh

in my project i am using multiple combo boxes in a single page.so can u help me how to get values from those comboboxes.here me used nearly 400 comboboxes.so it is very difficult to use 400 variables to retrive value from comboboxes.so me used array technology.bt here me not able …

Member Avatar for architact
Member Avatar for udaydesai

Hello Friends, i return a database connectivity like this. [code=php] function db_conn() { $mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "", "test"); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { printf("Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error()); exit(); } return $mysqli; } [/code] with this upto now i used to insert records successfully. but now i have an problem with …

Member Avatar for udaydesai
Member Avatar for rejisha

hi dear friendsss.... how we will sort two dimensional array in php? can u help me? anybody? plz... thanx in advance...

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I navigate throught the pages in my php project. When i click back button in Internet Explorer to go back to previous page, it displays common "The page cannot be displayed" error. What do i have to add into my php code to overcome this problem? Thanks

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for kavinda13

Can anybody help me to implement eway direct debit using php? [URL="http://www.eway.com.au/Support/Developer/DirectDebit.aspx"]http://www.eway.com.au/Support/Developer/DirectDebit.aspx[/URL] It is just a access soap web service using php. Please help


The End.