39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for ishlux

Hi everyone, Does anybody know, how to do the flash player...............

Member Avatar for ishlux
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

I'm not entirely sure if this is actually possible. Haven't found anything yet. What I'd like to do is have a page that lists numerous articles. Then when you click on the "Read more..." link I want to go through to a template page that would pull all the info …

Member Avatar for masala_curry
Member Avatar for rarin

First: I'm somewhat of a newbie to php. Just a forewarning. I've been playing around with this code for about 4 hours. It's almost 2 AM now, and I'm finally deciding to throw in the towel. That, and I have to work tomorrow and I'll sit here trying to figure …

Member Avatar for andyhoneycutt
Member Avatar for OmniX

I am using phpMyAdmin and as I delete a row, it stuffs up the auto increment once I insert a new row. Example: Delete - 21 Insert - 22 (should be 21) Thanks, Regards X

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for youngindia

hello i want php and joomla projects.i need information about how to get the projects. please email to me [email]young.india@ymail.com[/email] and my skype id is young.india

Member Avatar for Unrealx_
Member Avatar for Hampton

This might be a bit off-topic, but I've got a site with GoDaddy and when I'm working on PHP changes and try to upload pages on a constant basis, I keep getting timed out and it's basically impossible to get anything done. Anyone else have this issue - with GoDaddy …

Member Avatar for oneguysblog
Member Avatar for prashanth18

hi when i click the previous page button it was gng to logout page the sesion was not destroying when iwas using this code please help me [CODE]<?php session_start(); session_unset($_SESSION['uname']); session_destroy(); header ("Location: login.php"); ?>[/CODE]

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for rati

Hi All, Can anyone please tell me how can i get the socket.dll for writing socket programming in php. Thanks

Member Avatar for nikesh.yadav
Member Avatar for kwesiaryee

:S Hi, I am terribly stuck with this code. It is suposed to upload my images to the mysql database with the foreign key(property_id). At first it worked, then later started giving serious errors where the web page could not load. I am lost. Can any one help me, solve …

Member Avatar for nikesh.yadav
Member Avatar for vincan

Good day I want to write multiple response to my email, I get line 7 Please can anyone help please; My code [code]<?php $to = "info@apps4u.co.za"; $subject = "Contact Us"; $email = $_REQUEST['email'] ; $q1 = "Feed back text:\n"; [COLOR="Red"]$q1 .= "$_REQUEST['text']\n" ;[/COLOR] $q2 = "Who sent you:"; $q2 .= …

Member Avatar for nikesh.yadav
Member Avatar for skinbug

Do you need to validate a textarea against XSS injections? I have a textarea on a reg form and have tried entering data wrapped in h1 tags for a test, but when I look at the output in the admin area, the textarea displays <h1>test words</h1> I would have expected …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for wolfwood16

Hi there and Good day to all, I'm currently working a project. It's a custom made CMS for my website project. Currently i'm experiencing a hard time solving my problem since i'm a beginner. And so, help from you guys will be great smile for me :D Anyway here's my …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for krishnareddi

hi, i m having problems displaying values in a tree menu from the database. I ll try explaining wat i did so that that ll help to solve my problem. I have two tables in the database one with name 'addcourse' and the other with the name 'subcourse'. what i …

Member Avatar for langsor
Member Avatar for sarithak

Hi frnds.. i want to daisplay values in listbox from database table regarding selected item in first listbox? here i copied the code...in this i got values of first listbox frm db table..after i want 2nd listbox values from db table of 1st selected item.. plz help ma asap... i …

Member Avatar for langsor
Member Avatar for KoaMali

I would like to search a multidimensional associative array for a specific Link value, then return a subset of all of the arrays that contain the same Category of the Link value passed to it. How can array_search find the Link? Once I find the right Link value, how can …

Member Avatar for KoaMali
Member Avatar for Harora

Hi All, on my client's server in the php files JS script getting embedded. the site is built in Joomla. is it virus or some problem with the joomla?? can any body please help me how can i get rid of it. this is the script which gets embed function …

Member Avatar for Harora
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hello guys, I have Installed drupal for some time, though still newbie. I ca configure blocks menu etc. One thing I have failed; to hack the theme to make site look the way I want to look. I have a site already in my local server (WAMP), but I need …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for knarffrank

I'm looking for an MRTG program that will save all the incoming phone numbers and group them through their country code.

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for oldchic

Hello guys, Iam newbie to PHP and still learning. if u can please help me iam getting variety of errors Thanks

Member Avatar for Kavitha Butchi
Member Avatar for lubber123

I am trying to write some simple PHP script to MSWord but am having problems just getting Word enacted. Does anyone have any simple code to bring up Word? [code] <?php $msword = new COM("word.application") or die mysql_error("couldnt create an instance of word"); echo "loaded , word version{$word->version}"; //bring word …

Member Avatar for FlorianZ

Hi. I have a problem that I've been trying to solve over the last couple of days and I have had no success whatsoever. Basically, I'm RC4 encrypting a short string in a C program, which creates a connection to an url and sends the encrypted string as a parameter, …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for lubber123

I have a problem using the PHP mail function using a very simple form. I have been uploading the files to our webserver and the form works fine and redirects to the correct page, however, the test email I send never arrives. Can anyone help with this? [code] //This is …

Member Avatar for lubber123
Member Avatar for cosby

hi everyone i am uploading multiple files with different names,so sometimes i want to upload a single file within that form how do i handle that with php script.Can someone help me with php script that will allow you to upload name or picture ,or sometimes upload both at the …

Member Avatar for Unrealx_
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi there I have a form with a file input field on page 1 and a progress bar on page 2. What I'm trying to achieve is for a user to fill out the relevant fields of the form and once he/she hits submit, it takes the user through to …

Member Avatar for architact
Member Avatar for mrjoncrowe

I am eager to put a search tool on my site, however there is a slight problem.... I'm a PHP NOOB. :-O Can anybody point me to a easy, but sufficient tutorial on how to implement the search feature on your site? Or even give me steps on here? Anything …

Member Avatar for architact
Member Avatar for chinturaj
Member Avatar for omol
Member Avatar for designingamy

Hello all... How would I set up a href on something that needs to include information. For instance, when you click the link, I want the client to go to a certain page where the County is the County they picked and the State is the State they picked. How …

Member Avatar for designingamy
Member Avatar for architact

Why this code is not working. [CODE] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> <script language="javascript"> var http=""; if(navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer"){ http = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } else{ http = new XMLHttpRequest(); } function insert(){ document.getElementById('error').innerHTML = "Please …

Member Avatar for architact
Member Avatar for naian101

good day folkz! i'm really one of the newbies here and i badly need a help from you guyz. i've been working on this system. it's a running one, yet, i was told there are some features need to be added and that's what i'm supposed to do. i'm still …

Member Avatar for mrjoncrowe

I am a noob, I know ;) Anywho, I am trying to create a form validation and when it is successful, it says "Thank you. Success" or whatever. It's a basic form on a page that has an action of "POST". Here is the code on the processing FORM. Also, …

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The End.