39,326 Topics
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hello people i basically i need some information ive got a booking website which allows users to book a hotel room but once they book the room i dont want that room available to anybody else, im using Mysql databse linked to php, in the database i got a colum … | |
Can anyone show me how i can view the images which i sent to msql database, i open the msql console, and type the folowing but nothing displayed: >SHOW DATABASES; >USE photos; >DESCRIBE image; >SELECT id,image FROM image; then the id displayed № 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9 numbers of images i sent to … | |
My code only inserts the last value of the array into the database column. Even though when it runs for the foreach loop it echo's each of the expected values out of the array. I'm pretty new to PHP so I'd be grateful for any help with this. Thanks NH … | |
hi the below code is used to read a uploaded file and print the first three lines in a document, it is working fine in a txt file .i have written the else part for doc file....it is working but junk values are also getting printed [CODE] <?php $lines=file('http://www.wb.com/judson.doc'); $lin … | |
the problem i am facing is that i need to set a page which has mysql in it to retrieve images from a database as a newsletter. i am at the stage where i have all the application set up and it works how it is meant; but it will … | |
What advantage does PHP have over Cold Fusion besides being free and Cold Fusion cost money. I see alot of examples of procedural scripts in PHP whereas Cold Fusion has MVC framework type Fusebox with its standard installation. Does PHP have anything like that with its standard installation? | |
Hello All, My name is Somwang any body have an idea about php voting script procedure with mysql database the voting scritp will not allow user to vote more than one time per day, with IP Recored Thanks | |
which is the best to use 'md5' or 'sha1'? Possible to give a small example also? Thanks Regards, X PS: Problem im having is getting the 'md5/sha1' function to work so I can upload the output into to my database | |
I am modifying an existing login page in Dreamweaver using Developers Toolbox. Everytime I go into Change Login Settings and change the database settings and user level, it comes up with an error: /includes/tng/ - error occurred - Unable to create remote folder /includes/tng/. Access denied. The file may not … | |
Good night folks, I have written this code a zillion times and tonight it is not working. I need a fresh pair of eyes to have a look and let me know what I am doing wrong. I am trying to create a link to result retrieved from a database. … | |
what is the problem with this code? <body bgcolor="#FFFF00"> <div align="center"> <table width="284" border="4" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td width="92">cat_id</td> <td width="79">cat_name</td> <td width="79">choose product </td> </tr> <?php $id=$_GET['id']; $con=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("niladri",$con); $sql="SELECT * FROM `subcategory`whare `cat_id`=`$id`"; $res=mysql_query("$sql",$con); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($res)) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $row[subcat_id];?></td> <td><?php echo $row[subcat_name];?></td> <td><a href="fetch3.php"?id=<?php echo $row[subcat_id]?>>click</a></td> … | |
[CODE]<html> <head> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" TYPE="TEXT/JAVASCRIPT"> <!-- function view(ss) { if(ss.options[ss.selectedIndex].value!='') { var a=document.getElementById('IndustryType'); var temp=a.value; var b='<?php echo $id; ?>'; parent.frameright.location = "http://www.web.com/webd.php?var=" + temp + "&vars=" + b; } } --> </script> </head> <body> $id=$_GET('id'); $hostname = "localhost"; $username = "car"; $password = "try"; $dbid = "car"; $link=mysql_connect($hostname, $username, … | |
hi, I need an example of building a shopping cart in php with paypal integration and master card. If any one could explain it to me that how it works in an easy simple way. Regards | |
Dear all,, I had done a mailing script in php ... Now how can i know wheather the mail send is delivered or not.. Please help me.. Thanks in advance | |
Hi All, I Have Some Problem with my PHP Searching Code... I Want to Create Hyperlink of Multipul Data for Ex. :- a user Found example if this query have maney data this show as hyperlink view.... i am using this code....... [code] <?php /************************************************************************************** * Main Search Page - … | |
I have a PDF Form that uses php to send the completed form to a file on my server. That way, I can see the completed form and not just the code in an e-mail. I want to php code to take care of sending the form to the server … | |
Hi, I am trying to build a multipage php form using mysql as the backend much like the ones in monster.com. First page with the personal details Second page with educational details Third page with work experience details Can some one please give me a thread or a link or … | |
hello i think my problem solution here so guide me which script use this web site [url]http://www.deshsewak.com[/url] thanks in advance upinder | |
I am having issues with soap once I try the soap call with the array I get the following error what does this mean and how can I fix it? [CODE] Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [HTT] Could not connect to host in /home/eye123/public_html/track.php:33 Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: SoapClient->__doRequest('<?xml … | |
I know there are many posts on this subject, however after reading them I am still not seeing what the problem is in my code. I have run the SQL Query in phpmyadmin and it works fine, calling up the correct entry from the database. The error is being raised … | |
Hi I am a newbie to PHP. i am having serious problems trying to pass the id to the next page via a hyperlink. i am creating a real estate website and after searching for a property the code below is displayed. this code basically should list all the properties. … | |
[code=php] <?php if (isset ($_POST['chk8'])) { $req1 = "Service Protection Plan (SPP)\n"; } else { $req1 = "None\n"; } if (isset ($_POST['chk9'])) { $req2 = "Three Product Welcome Kit (Scientific Atlanta)\n"; } else { $req2 = "None\n"; } if (isset ($_POST['chk10'])) { $req3 = "Three Product Welcome Kit (Motorola)\n"; } … | |
Hi, I'm trying to insert a php page into my webpage. I succeeded inserting plaincart [shop.php](http://www.michton.com/shop.php) but now I have come to upgrade to zencart I can’t seem to do it. I have attempted it using an inline frame [shoptest.php](http://www.michton.com/shoptest.php) it worked in firefox but not IE. I haven't bothered … | |
hi, [CODE]$lines = file('http://www.website.com/jd.rtf'); foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line) { print "<table width='30%'>"; print "<tr><td><a href='http://www.website.com/jd.rtf'>". htmlspecialchars($line) . "<br />\n</a></td></tr>"; print "</table>"; }[/CODE] the above code uses array,i want all the array data to get stored in a string...it is not working.[U]Error:page cannot be displayed[/U].But the is there the … | |
Hi all, this may be a simple one (hopefully). I am new to Dreamweaver 8 (I miss dreamweaver 4, but Vista seems to hate it) and have just defined my site. The code all looks right, but the display looks ... well, just wrong. I can write in code, but … | |
i have configured virtual host for apache in my window os. i am having a site named lead capture in my c://appserv/www/ normally i will type in browser as [url]http://localhost:81/leadcapture[/url] after setting up the vhost i typed the url as [url]http://leadcapture[/url] which must work normally and show my website. But … | |
Hi all, I am new to php..I want to do a project regarding NEWS. Can anyone help me to give an example module of news program..or site urls from where i can download the example codes of news module.. Thanks in advance.. Jino.. | |
[CODE]<html> <head></head> <body> <?php $id=$_GET['id']; $hostname = "localhost"; $username = "jesus"; $password = "jesus"; $dbid = "jesus_jesus"; $link=mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password); mysql_select_db($dbid) or die("unable to connect"); $result=mysql_query("select * from jobs where owns='$id'"); while($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { print "<option value='$myrow[0]' selected>$myrow[1]</option>"; } ?> </body> </html>[/CODE] In this code i need first value … | |
Ok im trying to upload an image and a .zip file to 2 different loactions at once aswell as put their links on my mysql database, heres my script, at the moment it displays nothing, does nothing and seriously needs fixing. [CODE=php]<?php $username="my_username"; $password="my_password"; $database="my_database"; $font_name = ucfirst($_POST['font_name']); $letter = … | |
It's probably OBVIOUS to most of you (I'm a self-taught PHP novice) but I can't, for the LIFE of me, figure out what's wrong with this code! I'm getting a parse error that points to the open curly quotes (in red) in the first line of this code: "...parse error, … |
The End.