39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for big_k105

i keep getting this error at the top of my page when i go to my forum index. i jst installed it and have never gotten this error before. [code]Warning: set_magic_quotes_runtime, set_time_limit, version_compare, zend_version, getmyinode, getmypid, getmyuid, getmygid, getopt, getrusage, assert_options, assert, extension_loaded, dl, mysql_pconnect() has been disabled for security …

Member Avatar for big_k105
Member Avatar for Ragnarok

I have created a function for a script I am doing for my website to help with manage navigation but something inside the function is causing the PHP Engine to stop running the script. I'm not to good with match expresions so I have a feeling it will have something …

Member Avatar for Ragnarok
Member Avatar for astm

please [B]iam ask about[/B] how can i delete and update from table ? :confused: please i want example to delete data from table and aother example to make update data from table please help me :o

Member Avatar for Killer_Typo
Member Avatar for zygomatic

I'm trying to make a manager that works with MySQL to create, delete and update classes in a database. I'm having trouble with the update/modify portion. I have a login page in HTML that has the action of manager.php, which shows a list of all the classes in the database …

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Member Avatar for nurscole

Here is my log. This started out as last week. I finally got CWShredder to work and could get on the web. Now about:blank I can't rid myself of. I used CWSHredder, Adware, Spybot and Norton Anti-Virus. Norton is NOT picking up anything. I have it on automatic. Last …

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for samergamer

I am trying to use the command foreach to create a drop down menu. That I can usually do, the problem is I am also adding some linking. Here is some my code: <?sql $sql2 = "SELECT mn.map, mn.route FROM maps m JOIN map_name mn ON (m.map_name = mn.map) WHERE …

Member Avatar for Roberdin
Member Avatar for marceta

how can you add quick reply to a phpbb board that hasnt already got it? Do you need to start all over or can you just insert a simple code, if the latter, can someone please show me the code i need? cheers

Member Avatar for marceta
Member Avatar for jcates23

It is: Parse error: parse error, unexpected ';' in Untitled-3 on line 93 Here is the code: <? include ("config.php"); include ("functii_mail.php"); db_connect($dbserver,$dbuser,$dbpass,$dbname); //variabile lang global $sign_up_title; include ($lang); if (is_banned($REMOTE_ADDR)) { echo "IP banned!"; exit(); } function inregistrare($nume,$password,$email,$sex,$sexuality,$personal_ad,$location,$country, $age ,$birth_date,$zodia,$marital_status,$icq,$msn ,$web,$eyes_colour="",$hair_colour="",$weight=0,$height=0, $music,$partner ,$question,$newsletter ) { $sql="insert into users values …

Member Avatar for Toba
Member Avatar for charter

I have a form in my search.php page and want to know how to search on more than one field in my Mysql Database to give me the result. This is my form for searching one field: <form action="results.php" method="post"> Search:&nbsp;<select name="searchtype"> <option value="date">Date</option> <option value="wk no.">Wk #</option> <option value="year">Year</option> …

Member Avatar for Ragnarok
Member Avatar for charter

I am new to PHP and MySQL so am in need of some help please. I am using MySQL through PHP MyAdmin. I have a results page to a MySQL search and formatted it so that they come up as an HTML table. This is it's code: <table border="0" align="center"> …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for Killer_Typo

ive been working on my login script, and ive come to a halt. i need some help with writing somthing that will check if the name has already been used like if ( $current_Username = $Database_username) echo "sorry user name taken"; else { continue with rest of functions } where …

Member Avatar for fEcAlMaTteR
Member Avatar for niemad

Right first of all i'm new to php and i know that this is simple, but i just can't figure it out... 1st, I set up a php site that on the first page it has a textbox, lets say its name is text1... I set up the sql so …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for sensoui

[size=2]I have recently fixed a coolwebsearch hijack that hijacks my start page. What I didn't realize is that it had also hijacked my address bar in IE. What I mean is that at times when I type a URL in the IE address bar, even though it is a legit …

Member Avatar for Killer_Typo
Member Avatar for TKSS

Does anyone here have any phpbb experience? I'm looking for a rss newsfeed display for my index page of the board. I've looked at phpbbhacks.com and the main site but haven't found anything to tell me how to do it. I know that IM Portal and Integramod and other portal …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Killer_Typo

[php]<? $DBhost = "localhost";//location of mySQL on server/site $DBuser = "michael";//User name for logging onto mySQL $DBpass = "";//Password for logging onto mySQL $DBName = "user_login_info";//Name of the databse for logging into $table = "login_info";//Name of the Table to be used steps to create are included $name = "$_POST[name]";//Name that …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for rwieren

Does anybody have any insight into using PHP Sessions on an IIS based web server? The problem I am having is that I am using PHP sessions in my counter to make sure that a user is only counted once per visit. It is supposed to ignore them as they …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for jani

Hello. I have installed PHP4 and MySQL (.dmg) on Mac OSX v3 client. Everything is up and running. I have created tables in my DB, established user privileges, etc through the 'terminal' app. I have turned on web sharing through the 'preferences' panel and dragged my .php files to the …

Member Avatar for jani
Member Avatar for Licker

Anyone know any FREE software and tuts that will teach me how to make an Auction site? My current site is. [url]www.FireStreak.com[/url] :twisted:

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for xc_xtc

Hi all! Yet another great PHP board. (i think, right?) hehehe, needless to say, i have no clue. I used to program from BASICA to Turbo Pascal 7. Havent ever really touched HTML or PHP. Now, i need to setup a small, basic message board and would like some help. …

Member Avatar for Killer_Typo
Member Avatar for Killer_Typo

heres the code to send the info [code]<html> <HEAD> <title> form Handling with PHP </title> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <center> <form method=post action="submittedinfo.php"> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="NULL"> <table> <tr> <td colspan="2"><font SIZE="+0" face="verdana"> Lets see if we cant get this form to work! </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for Sideshow Bob

Hi, I'm creating an administration area for a little web-app and I've come across a problem that I've never encountered before. The form that I'm working on is used for the maintenance of a table that has several properties. One of these properties can be selected with checkboxes, and then …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for noojam55

hi guys newbie here trying to create my own webmail pop3 checker for my site but cant find a tutorial. any chance any of u know the basic commands or know atutorial cheers, noojam55 :cry:

Member Avatar for tcyong81
Member Avatar for Syneticus

Hey, I've written a script in PHP that writes data into a MySQL database upon request, but what I'd also like to include is a script that will go in after the request is made, and check to make sure that the same entry does not already exist... and I …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for SMterminator

I own a cpanel account, i want to know if i can resell that to people for free. kinda like: Admin Username: USERNAME Admin Email: EMAIL Admin Password: PASSWORD Desired Url: http//forum-support.net/YOURNAME once filled in it creates a db and gives them 5 mb of space

Member Avatar for Syneticus
Member Avatar for marktmp87342

I am using PHP 4.3.5. I am having a problem in which my script is crashing when it is using a large array. I have simplified the problem down to the following example: [php] <? set_time_limit(0); echo("<html><body>test<br>"); $array1 = array(); $value1 = 1; for ($index = 0; $index < 160000; …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for neonet

Hello !I come from taiwan ! I just study php over 6 month Sorry,my english is not good,i just can use very simple english.. HOW can I use php function get this webpage . [URL=!tb&view=items&ri=1&staffonly=&term=9572011324&index=ISBN&uindex=&aspect=basic_search&menu=search&ri=1#focus]Click here[/URL] and i want get some string beacuse i need transport into Database! ex.I want …

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for rkmarketing

Hi, I'm trying to figure this php stuff out, but, i'm too right brained or something (or is it left?). Here's what I'm trying to do: When someone lands on my site I want them to enter a code (which they will get from one of my ads). I want …

Member Avatar for Arizona Web
Member Avatar for Ragnarok

I'm trying to make a BB Code script, setting the Bold, Italic, URL etc is easy enought but how do you make it scan for rogue links that aren't placed in a URL tag and same goes for email because I just can't get it to work.

Member Avatar for Ragnarok
Member Avatar for possumfire

Hi, On my website, I have links to different pages like the following: [site_url]/email_req.php?email=[email]&ps=[ps]&refid=[refid] But, it is not inserting the correct things such as referral id, site url and the others too. It just stays like that. Any help would be great! Thanks! Matt :)

Member Avatar for Ragnarok
Member Avatar for monicao

Hy, I have a PHP raport and I'm using a MySQL database. That raport have to show me information from database. These information from database I only can see them with Internet Explorer (I'm using it to show me the output from my PHP program). If I want to see …

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The End.