39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for nadiam

hello. im not sure if this is the right forum because it is about php echo AND js but since it is about echoing i thought this forum will be better. sorry if i asked in the wrong forum. Anyway, so i want to know if echoing a js script …

Member Avatar for DJBirdi
Member Avatar for jKidz

Hi Friends, I am developing a Music download system. I thought to have two database tables. One for songs and other one is for artists because some songs have two or more artists. Then I created two tables call `songs` and `songartists`. Following are the structures of that tables. `songs` …

Member Avatar for ms061210
Member Avatar for bolfescu
Member Avatar for ravi142

Hello I want to import combination of csv that look like bellow attach image. ![aa52fba6db0049c40f21ad6daaa65a98](/attachments/large/4/aa52fba6db0049c40f21ad6daaa65a98.png "aa52fba6db0049c40f21ad6daaa65a98") OR look like *Combination:* **Attributes:** Color - Metal, Disk space - Optional 64GB solid-state drive, ICU - 1.60GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Any One can suggest me how i can format my csv.. Thank …

Member Avatar for jasmine_1234

Hi all, I hope this is the right place to ask I've been searching high and low for a script that I cannot seem to find. I'm looking for a script that will allow me to make a list of items with about 6 columns for each item (sortable by …

Member Avatar for DJBirdi
Member Avatar for developer707

Hello to everyone, I am trying to create a .php file that delete database rows with a popup window that confirmates the action. I know that are a dozen of examples, but after meany tries do to that I was not able do that, because I haven't knowledge about javacript. …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for abhishek_planet

Any one can help me, i have to create a webservice in PHP with help of SOAP or REST for anoriod.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for SimonIoa

Does anyone sees any error in this? I tried everything, google it and still getting the same results, even when i replace the $uid with the number of the id still the same. I have two columns friend_one and friend_two and i want to show results where neither column has …

Member Avatar for SimonIoa
Member Avatar for ravi142

Hello Everyone. I have make Form with use of set_value('Name'); in codeigniter but In Input type Textarea not given value. **Code:** <?php $last_goals = ''; if($this->session->userdata('user_from') == 'log') //After login value come From db { $last_goals = $getdesired[0]->ds_goals; } else { $last_goals = set_value('career_goals'); // without login this value come …

Member Avatar for ravi142
Member Avatar for baig772

Hi all, I want to implement a page flip effect on y uploaded pdf file. like [Click Here](http://www.pressmo.com). I am uploading a pdf file and while viewing it, i want a page flip effect in it. Any help will be appriciated

Member Avatar for swan.may.9
Member Avatar for hriti

hello everyone i have a problem when i upload a song it will not save to a folder if i upload image then its working well but for song upload its working not well my code is: <?php include("include/commonfunction.php"); checkLogin(); $mode=$_REQUEST['mode']; $tableName="songs "; $idFieldName ="id"; $pid=$_GET['pid']; $song_url=$_REQUEST["song_url"]; $thumbnail=$_REQUEST["thumbnail"]; include("include/tophead.php"); include("fckeditor/fckeditor.php"); …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for stokie-rich

Hi Guys, I'm having a few issues, I have managed yo let users register this works fine. But When the registerd user tries to log into the site I'm getting the following error message Warning: mysqli_query() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given in C:\xampp\htdocs\login.php on line 16 Warning: mysqli_error() …

Member Avatar for Sammys.Man
Member Avatar for Sammys.Man

hi guys, i wonder if someone could help, i am teaching myself with tutorials and online books etc PHP, ive played around in it before, but due to time i couldn't get into it. now im going headlong into it. anyway moving on, the problem i have is, i have …

Member Avatar for Sammys.Man
Member Avatar for developer707

Hello to everyone, I am trying to get a some values from the database. My issue is that I want some results stored into a variable to be exactly 25 caracteres long. When the result($title) is > 25 caracters long there is no problem with this substr($title, 0, 24), but …

Member Avatar for developer707
Member Avatar for Jake2025

Greetings guys, I am barely new to php and i have incoming presentation from a company and they asked me to build some basic website using sublime text 2. here's my problem i don't have any clue on how to display result from php to a web browser. In notepad++ …

Member Avatar for Jake2025
Member Avatar for Priti_P

due to something fishy , one of filenames has entered as Abhishek�_xyz.docx and it is not opening now. It says no file found. When I try to do rename it using 'mv'command, then it do not allow me by stating cp: cannot stat `Abhishek �_xyz.docx': No such file or directory …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for zabi77

i am new to the PHP and i building a website which is mostly copied from diff sources and i want the user who had logged in to be displayed but it does not. here is my HTML for the page <?PHP session_start(); if (!(isset($_SESSION['username']) && $_SESSION['username'] != '')) { …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for lloydsbackyard

I have a date in a textbox .. $myDate ='06/30/2014' how do i convert it into this format..since this is the date format in the database.. $myDate ='2014-06-30' thanks..

Member Avatar for lloydsbackyard
Member Avatar for lloydsbackyard

please help ..the date format in my datase is Y-m-d.. now i want to search by date..so in my textbox i need only to type example: data in the database: 2014-06-19 in the textbox search i will only type EITHER of the following : 06-19-2014 OR 06192014 (without the - …

Member Avatar for Sammys.Man
Member Avatar for hafizfarooq

Hi, I am unable to check the checkboxes with database values. My table stores the data in below format. I want that when i load the form "useraccess.php" it check the access allowed ealier to the logged user and check the check boxes accordingly. uid = 1 allowaccess = New …

Member Avatar for hafizfarooq
Member Avatar for jKidz

Hi all, I going to create a php web site in English. I want to have a another language in my site which not in Google Translator. How can I do this in PHP.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for dwlamb

I have the following snippet of function and call to another function for returning tabs to format code. public function makelinks ($urls_data) { ...code... $i = 5; $tabs = $this->echo_tabs($i); $output = "$tabs<ul class=\"url_list\">\n"; ...code... } public function echo_tabs($i){ $x = 0; $o = ''; for ($x;$x<$i;$x++) { $o .= …

Member Avatar for dwlamb
Member Avatar for SimonIoa

I want to be able to show some .php files before the user logs in I know that the reason we do the session is for ones who are users to see the files but is it possible. I have included the file that connects to teh database session_start(); $session_uid=$_SESSION['uid']; …

Member Avatar for SimonIoa
Member Avatar for BrickZ28

Ok so this has me a little stumped. I have a WHERE clause that produces results in phpmyadmin but not on the web page. Here is what I have $sqlCur = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM currency WHERE airframe = '$acft'"); This produces a blank result on the webpage. $acft has been …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for uselessninja
Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for davnlou

Hi there, I am struggling with a bit of code and need a bit of help please.. I have information in a database that I want to display in a table, then allow users to choose a number of items and click 'add to cart'. It works fine if I …

Member Avatar for DJBirdi
Member Avatar for jaspertan
Member Avatar for jaspertan
Member Avatar for david.roun.7

Ok, so this is cool. On my site, I learned how to create a simplified "wall" like facebook has... sort of. It's great for me to have done that because I am self taught with all of this. There is a problem, however. My <option> is not displaying the names …

Member Avatar for david.roun.7
Member Avatar for prash21m

I have a table with two columns "storename" and "discription". id---- Storename ---- Description 1 ---- Myntra ---- 20% of on all product 2 ---- Flipkart ---- 40% of on all product for search i am using 'like' query like this : select * from table_name where description like %search_terms%; …

Member Avatar for Borzoi
Member Avatar for jaspertan

The End.