39,388 Topics
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Hi Guys i need help with media queries. I have 2 divs with class div : class1="flags-desktop" and class2="flags-mobile" in my website! one for mobile and one for desktop or normal screen big then 1000px. So for default the div class1="flags-desktop" is showing and class2 is hide. with css d … | |
I was looking forward to add a feature to my project which can tell us how many times the post has been viewed, but just can't get how is it done. I am not a programming expert but still have good knowledge of php, mysql so if anybody can just … | |
I am trying to fetch data from multiple table but i am getting this error `The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns` 4 tables will have different number of columns i am doing this because i have common edit profile page number filds may vary.So how can … | |
Hi, I am not familiar in google map. I want like this, My map page reloads after every 10 seconds. when I load map page it will just show the map with the given static latitude and longitude. after 10 seconds, it will plot the available vehicles from mysql table. … | |
I need to enable a disabled text box through php.Please inform me about the errors in the following code: [CODE] <input type= "text" name ="ch1" disabled = "true" <? if ( $_GET["e"] == 3 ) echo "disabled = 'false' "; ?> /> [/CODE] ![]() | |
Hello I have created an add to cart function but when I click on add to cart it replace the previously added products Here is my code Header Area details.php <?php require_once("includes/functions.php"); if(isset($_POST["addtocart"])) { $pid = $_POST["pid"]; $prod_name = $_POST["productname"]; $prod_price = $_POST["productprice"]; $category = $_POST["cat_name"]; if(isset($_POST['command']) == 'add' && … | |
Hello, I am currently running wordpress 3.5.1 and have been looking to implement media queries on my website to make it a responsive design. I currently have two key CSS files: wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/style.css?ver=3.5.1 wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/css/base.css The first CSS file ‘style.css?ver=3.5.1’ contains styling from wordpress and the second CSS file ‘base’ contains my … | |
In this code I am getting posts from database in table, table displays posts in three columns, now I want to add some jQuery to limit the number of rows and add a button which on clicking appends few rows to table I am not a professional programmer may be … | |
hello, I need domain check availability code for my website thanks | |
Hi! I'm having troubles with retrieving data without using a button. I want to retrieve the data from the database and wanted to use it in another textbox. I have a list of dropdown button and i want to use OnClickFunction to retrieve the data from another page or directly … | |
Hi, Am developing my website using codeigniter and got stuck when i tried to make the backend. Am using CMS backend that comes with its own folder with everything (.htaccess, its own MVC etc) so I put all my frontend folders into one folder called frontend withinn the application folder … ![]() | |
In my code below I am using javascript and php for building registration form. There are two files register.php that contains html code for form, javascript library and javascript code. Second file reghand.php handles php code for validation and inserting data. Data is inserted correctly into database after form validation … | |
I am trying to build a web application that can also run on mobile phones. Is the html code generated by imgmap_desktop can be run on both web and mobile? or rather web responsive type? | |
Hello, I have developed a form which containts to input type files option 1 is for downloadable file and second one is for features image but the problem is that image name is saving into the database but second file is not moving into the database <input type="file" name="ft_img" style="margin: … | |
[code=php]// display records page wise code starts: $adjacents = 3; $tbl_name="feedback"; // $display = "SELECT COUNT(*) as num FROM $tbl_name"; $display = "SELECT COUNT(*) as num FROM $tbl_name"; $total_pages = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($display)); $total_pages = $total_pages[num]; /* Setup vars for query. */ $targetpage = "dispfeed.php"; //your file name (the name of this … | |
There is no problem in my code it's running fine but i want some suggestion.I have edit profile page for user when user is login he can click on edit profile button to edit his profile but i have what i we generally see is when user click on edit … | |
Hi all , could you help me to create update function from these code: Controller: <?php class BooksController extends CI_Controller{ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // $this->load->helper('url'); // $this->load->helper('form'); // $this->load->library('form_validation'); // $this->load->helper('html'); // $this->load->model("BooksModel"); } function getAuthors(){ $config['base_url']=site_url("/BooksController/getAuthors/"); $config['total_rows']=$this->BooksModel->record_count(); $config['per_page']=3; $this->pagination->initialize($config); $data['Authors'] = $this->BooksModel->getAuthors(3,$this->uri->segment(3)); foreach ($data['Authors'] as &$row) { … ![]() | |
i am new to php development ,today i faced trouble to sent email from localhost using xampp kindly solve my problem plzzz if u need more info about it comment me soon really need of help ![]() | |
I'm working on certain PHP-skill-teaser. No background is really needed as error is purely PHP-based. The [PasteBin](http://pastebin.com/N8UKt1JW). I have double do-while in there, however I can't modify variables from within that loop, they simply don't affect the variable anyhow. I have tried a lot of solutions, including those about `$GLOBALS` … | |
Hi there, I want to make rest api in codeigniter .Already have created backend for web app.I need to fetch json data from third party(Request Response).Can you give me the idea how to integrate rest api in backend? | |
Hi there, I need to add a custom Breadcrumb to my WooCommerce product pages as the standard one links back to Category pages that I don't use. I need the breadcrumb to be: You are here: Home > Products > Product Name The code below displays the page/product title separately … | |
i need one form textbox value change, In that value pass into another form textbox in my website.... ![]() | |
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Hello, I have created a drag and drop file uploader acctually downloaded from the internet I am trying to save the uploaded files to the database but it's unable to do so can anyone help me out or find a way for me to do so as the files are … | |
Getting an unexpected error don't know what the hell is wrong as everything is perfect as far as I noticed Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=' in C:\wamp\www\dropbox-sdk\index.php on line 18 <?php session_start(); require_once "lib/Dropbox/autoload.php"; $_SESSION["user_id"] = 1; $dropboxKey = ''; $dropboxSecret = ''; $appName = 'puttiapp/1.0'; $appInfo = new … ![]() | |
This is the code to delete image in a folder... [CODE]<?php $path = "uploads"; if(isset($_POST['file']) && is_array($_POST['file'])) { foreach($_POST['file'] as $file) { unlink($path . "/" . $file) or die("Failed to <strong class='highlight'>delete</strong> file"); } header("location: " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); //redirect after deleting files so the user can refresh without that resending … | |
I have a software which demands this extensions on server , i tried by using xampp but failed. In the beginning it demands zend Guard Loader . I have tried to install on xampp but it can't be installed. I have already read this topic and follow and many topics … ![]() | |
Hi there, I am currently building a website using Wordpress, Woocommerce, and Woocommerce's Tab Manager plugin. On the product pages, you can see a tab called "IP Ratings..." which should have a little symbol next to it (which we creat using the sup html tags). However, the tags themselves are … | |
Hello recently I downloaded dropbox SDK and Ii's located in my downloads folder and it's dragging me to hell how do we install it no proper description provided nor a good details so we would be able to install it can anyone help me out there is no code to … |
The End.