39,326 Topics
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Hello, I am trying to print a web address in $url_link, which is the instagram web address but it does not print a correct web address format. Any idea why? home.blade.php <label for="c7"> @if($user_setting->instagram_enable) <?php if(Auth::check()) { $url_link = Url('home/instagram'); } else { $domain = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $user = User::where('domain', $domain)->first(); … | |
While I'm just trying to pull up data from the db, as soon as the page shows up with the data it is already sending an email. How can I prevent it from sending the email right away. What I want to happen is I retrieved data from the db … | |
Hi guys... I want some help of how to call images from a folder.... Its like..v have a folder called images and it has many images in it.....but i need only 6 images to display in a php webpage...when the webpage is reloaded, it displays another images...its like its displaying … | |
Let say i have purchase 220 Bids for $30.80 , now i am going to place a bid for a product A, With each new bid the price goes up $0.01. is it meaning that i can place 1 to 220 any value during auction or in a deal when … | |
Hi guys, I have a form that have below condition: 1. when the "Printing Form" button is clicked,the form will popup and prompt user to fill in the required details 2. when the "Complete"button in the table is click,the same form will be popup and prompt user to fill in … | |
Hi all, I had created a function updateprintingqc() that work like this 1. user will click on a clickable button to update the data 2.when user click on OK,the dummy data will be create based on the main data shown in below image's link https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B46VQHVMeBTNMzVodDRxZEw3dGs/view?usp=sharing When the user click the … | |
Hi, Im new to data table, im using DataTables 1.10.5 and i try to put center my pagination since it looks kinda messy on my table. Here is my code : Html: <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="1" class="display example" id="example2" width="90%"> <thead align="center"> <th>a</th> <th>b </th> <th>c</th> <th>d</th> <th>e</th> <th>f</th> <th>g</th> … | |
I am working on a website and that website and want to display categories > sub-categories > sub-sub categories. Category is showing. But i wanna display sub-category too. Here is category code <select> <option>Select Category</option> <?php $query="select * from mydb"; $result=mysqli_query($connect,$query); while($r=mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $r['id']?>"><?php echo $r['title']?></option> … | |
I'm just starting to learn PHP and I'm trying to send my table via email. I am receiving the email but the body just says Array. I dont know where to go from here, please help. This is how my table is being displayed, and the send mail function in … | |
Hi all, I wanna use Payment Gateway integration with CodeIgniter, I am new to this thing, so I don't have any idea about that yet... can you guys help me with this ? | |
I am trying to retrieved data from database and update a single column. column1 | column2 | column3 value1 | value1 | ------- value2 | value2 | ------- <=== this column3 rows does not have value in database yet so it will be blank when I retrieved the data Now … | |
hi i m very interested to make a online music website, so i need Music player code in php. please help me. thanks in advance | |
echo "<head></head><div style='float:left; padding:30px'><h1>$k['Name']</h1></br><img src='sponsor/".$k['Pic'].'.jpeg'."' height='300' width='300'><br>.</hr></div>"; The error occured after i wanted to echo $k['Name']; This is the error that it shows Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '' (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE), expecting identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or number (T_NUM_STRING) | |
Hello, I am trying to manipulate a HTML content stored in a php variable. The logic is as follows: The variable should be checked if it contains an <img ... /> tag and if a tag is found it should be wraped in an <a> tag and some parametres of … | |
Hello, I am the owner of a celebrity blog and forum, I have seen that it’s possible to sell website on the internet so I was checking an online tool and I found the value of my site is around $75,000. I really would like to sell it as soon … | |
Hello, I am trying to create a checkbox in google chrome yet I receive a big checkbox. I wonder why? I only expect a normal size checkbox. <input type="checkbox" name="pic[{{$theme->pic_name}}]" value="{{$theme->pic_name}}"/> | |
[Click Here](http://www.acchajob.com) if (isset($_POST['createresume'])) { $university = $_POST['university']; $frommon = $_POST['frommon']; $tomon = $_POST['tomon']; $lavel = $_POST['lavel']; $courtitle = $_POST['courtitle']; $eduinfo = $_POST['eduinfo']; $typeskill = $_POST['typeskill']; $lavelskill = $_POST['lavelskill']; $skilldetails = $_POST['skilldetails']; $langskill_1 = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['langskill_1']); $langskill_2 = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['langskill_2']); $langskill_3 = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['langskill_3']); $langskill_4 = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['langskill_4']); $langskill_5 = … | |
**USE SELECT...WHERE FOR TEXT FIELDS IMPOSSIBLE** I use SELECT search with WHERE fieldsname by VARCHAR imposible. But good use with INT fields. Why's that. Please tell me about it . My code as : <?php mysqli_select_db($connect ,'simple_login'); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM table where username= hai ' ; $retval = … | |
my page ain't loading.. i think it its from the my comment querires .. pls some one help out <?php require_once 'dbconnect.php'; //select full thread from thread table $selFull = "SELECT * FROM frthreads WHERE threadId=".$_GET['threadId']; $selFullChck = mysqli_query($con, $selFull); $commentquery = "SELECT * FROM frcomments WHERE threadId =3"; $commentQuery … | |
Hello all, I have this code in laravel. I wonder how to keep the tab theme selected even after pressing purchase button (on the bottom) or refresh pages. Usually it changes to profile tab being selected after refresh page. Any clue? <section id="content-desc"> <a class="plus-minus-toggeler"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-minus"></span></a> <div class="backend-box backend-box-email"> … | |
I have php url link which is like this shop/category_list.php?category=1 and want to convert it to shop/category. I used this htaccess but not working, any help. This is my previous htaccess code. Any help please on how to use it. RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ … | |
as seen in the pic a table. I have the following im trying to fill the boxes based on rows. So line one will fill by the correct ordergoing left to right then down. here is my code. $results = mysqli_query($con, " SELECT * FROM PMAsset Order by Linenum, LineOrder") … | |
I want to display records from my database in div and in a grid format using php. I want to set it to display 3 items in a row and then create another row and then display another 3 items continuously until the set limit but unfortunately only one item … | |
I know this title is rather confusing, but here it goes. I have a PHP cURL request and the return is in a string. Normally i can easily echo specific objects from the JSON response, but i have never dealt with string returns. Here is my php <?php $url = … | |
AM new to php, but i included my php header to all page of my website, but thay are all showing the same html meta tags and I want them to show display meta tags per page, like showing meta title For Home and Meta title for our services. I … | |
i am building an ecommerce website what i am having trouble with is that for example you login, then it goes to admin.php, then if i copy the admin.php page's url and paste it on other browser then you still can go through admin.php without login..it means that my website … | |
if click second link the url pass value but then i click next the url value will empty. any one healp me ...! this is my controllere public function search() { $this->load->library('pagination'); $prdictive= $this->input->post('printable_name'); $category=$this->input->post('category'); $area=$this->input->post('area'); $this->load->library("pagination"); $config = array(); $config["base_url"] = base_url() . "Main_control/search/".$area.'/'.$category; $area2 = $this->uri->segment(3); $category2 = … | |
Hello, i want to cache embedded urls -YouTube, Vimeo- photos and videos so that i could reduce bandwidth usage and server load for my website. How can i help my website to do that? I know that browsers cache information `https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_cache`. Is there something i can to do to make … | |
Hello i have a problem. Locally (xampp local server) the image uploads just fine but it doesn't when i try it on my webiste. The GD library is activated. So thats not the issue. html <video id="player" width="480px" height="240px" autoplay></video> <button id="takeSnap" class="startbutton messageButton" style="display:none;">Take Snap</button> <div id="webcam"> <input type="hidden" … | |
********* problem====can't insert into my table but when i ver_dump it it shows all record needed to be insert==== Here is my sample code. ********* for ($col = 0; $col <= $highestColumnIndex; $col++) { //assigning all data to one variable $allcolrowdata =$columnNames = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $worksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($col, $row)->getValue()); //echo $allcolrowdata.'<br>'; $allcolrowdataexplode=explode(",",$allcolrowdata); var_dump( … |
The End.