39,388 Topics
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This is sort of a generic question... I'm at a point where I need to do some report generation with various data from different tables i.e. commissions earned / transactions processed / etc... I was wondering if anyone happens to know of a script base that could be used for … | |
I got a simple problem here. what I want is when I recieve message from the user the links must be color blue, then if I read it it must change into a color red, then when they reply again, there message must turn into un-visited again or the message … | |
please help.. why I can't browse my website online even though it is already uploaded.? please help.. | |
i have 2 tables seo_footer_title and seo_title. i want to add title,description and keywords footer.php <li><a href="index.php?city=<? echo $city;?>">Home</a></li> <li><a href="about_us1.php?page=2" title="About Us" onclick="function changetab();">About Us</a></li> <li><a href="contact_us1.php?page=3" title="Contact Us">Contact Us</a></li> header.php $page = $_GET['page']; $sql1 = mysql_query("SELECT st.`id`,st.Catagory, st.`title`, st.`description`, st.`keywords`,sft.id,sft.titles FROM `seo_title` st JOIN seo_footer_title sft ON sft.id=st.Catagory … | |
I have created my own template and am able to list all the posts on the index page. I want to be able to have some space after each post. Like a blank height of 5px. I created a class in css called blank5 => .blank5 {height:5px;} but it doesn't … | |
Why when submit is pressed, and number of tickets is 3 or higher I am not geting displayed echo? echo "You choose $place and $tickets tickets, and you get discount 50%, total price is $totalprice"; Thanks in advance <?php $selection=$_POST['selection']; if(isset($selection) and $selection=="submit"){ $place=$_POST['place']; $tickets=$_POST['tickets']; $totalprice = $price * $tickets; … | |
Hi quite a simple question i hope, i want to include a couple of checkboxes in my form and if they are checked i'd like to set the appropriate db cell as true... should i be looking at something like? [quote] if(chkbox_name == 'checked') { $cdplayer = true; } ... … | |
![]() | Hi I have a flat array listed in the format below: id parent tag htmlcontent 2-0 null li |home| 1-0 2-0 ol 0-0 1-0 li |about| 6-0 null li |a| 5-0 6-0 ol 4-0 5-0 li |b| 3-0 4-0 ol 2-1 3-0 li |c| 1-1 2-1 ol 0-1 1-1 li … |
I am using **name** field to get the option in dropdown from database datas in my database id name 1 Resham 2 Rukshana 3 Resham 4 sindya how to write a php code for displaying the name only once in dropdown and if the option *Resham* is choosen then my … | |
I am php developer, my site have many sellers sell their item. When buyer going to purchase their item then buyer pay the amount to all multi seller using credit card details via paypal , i need the php script to implement the credit card parallel payment via paypal . … | |
Hey guys, so im wondering if theres a way to insert 2 input values into one column in PDO? coz in mysql_* i just did something like this and it worked: INSERT INTO tablename VALUES ('input1 input 2', 'input3'); pdo i tried : $event = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO event(event_name,start_event,end_event,event_venue) VALUES('$name', CONCAT_WS('$dstart', … | |
hey guys so im trying to display data into text boxes that are fetched from database according to checkbox with value id. php: <?php if(isset($_POST['edit_event']) && isset($_POST['check'])) { require "connection.php"; foreach($_POST['check'] as $del_id) { $del_id = (int)$del_id; $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM event WHERE event_id = '$id' ") or die(mysql_error()); … | |
![]() | I'm just wondering what the codeigniter caching library does and where it might be useful, or what problems people have encountered with it are. |
<?php /* @Author: Hannan_Mondul php() 2014 */ //use construct class Car { public $name; public $band; public $spreed; public function __construct($name="Unkown",$band="Unkwon",$spreed=40){ $this->name = $name; $this->band = $band; $this->spreed = $spreed; } function output (){ printf("<p> This car name is %s and its band is %s and its spreed is %d … ![]() | |
Hi, I am trying to display two or more images from a database and I cannot get them to display simultaneously. I have a database table called 'tbl_images' which has two fields 'id' and 'image' here is the code for the database creation: [code=mysql] CREATE TABLE tbl_images ( id tinyint(3) … | |
When I use `select indicator...`in my select statement below I can't use `$row[indicator]` when I use `select indicator as indicator` I can use `$row[indicator]`. Why is this? $stmt=$mysqli->prepare("select indicator as indicator, count(status)as 'ok', (select count(status) from viewindicatoren where status ='niet ok' and afdelingid=? group by IND_id ) as 'nietOk' from … | |
Aplication developed in PHP is more stronger than Codeigniter Aplication ? ![]() | |
$headers .= 'From: <donotreply@maysite.com>' . "\r\n"; $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Return-Path:<donotreply@maysite.com>\r\n'; mail($to, $subject, $messageEmail, $headers); _____ what i need to add to (recieved my email generated, php mail() fuction) in inbox, because it always landed to spam | |
Hi Everyone, I haven't started coding or anything but I need to know if it's possible to read a file from last read position? I want to read a file and dump the content into a MySQL database but don't want to read the entire file from start to end … | |
I am chosing an option from database using the field named as "name". since i have the name "supriya" 3 times in my database, it displays 3 times in my dropdown. How do i restrict it by displaying the name only one time and once it is choosen, then it … | |
How to find visitor's exact operatingsystem? How to find visitor's exact computer name? How to find visitor's exact computer user name? getenv('username') is not working. gethostname() is not working to get local machines name | |
![]() | I have a table that extracts data from a mysql database, I want the table to be centerd on the screen. I have used text-align: center; but obviously it only centers the text inside the div. here is my css .tableOuter { text-align: center; } .tableInner { text-align: center; margin-left: … ![]() |
Hello all, I need to validate google oauth2 access token... I found one script online but it is stuck on cURL function... I suppose JSON to ARRAY conversion or something similar.. but I dont know how to solve it.... can anyone show me? PLEASE!!! when I run it... it gives … | |
i need to integrate a available domain checker in my php email form. but this seems to be complex for me as i am a beginner in PHP coding. i want to integrate it in a text field, like this: <input type="text" name="domainname" /> so, a user can check for … | |
![]() | I have a php/mysql project. When the admin deletes a customer from the database on the form I need the confirm box to display the customer row that they want to delete as well as the message. Here is current confirm box with a message <script type = text/javascript> function … |
i have 3 selectlists selectlist1 ---> option1,option2,option3 when user selects option2 , other 2 selectlist should show up for option2 only, selectlist2 ---> male,female selectlist3 ---> city1,city2,city3. does anyone has the idea how can i do that ? | |
Im using the following query with LOAD DATA INFILE: "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'file.csv' INTO table mgap_export FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '\"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' IGNORE 3 LINES (@dummy,@dummy,@dummy,@dummy,Full_Name,gt_accountMgrID,Email_Address,mgap_ska_id,@gtdashboardLink, @gt_rankingLink, @gt_analyticsLink) SET gtdashboardLink=CONCAT('http://www.url.com/logind.php?id=',gt_accountMgrID), SET gt_rankingLink=CONCAT('http://www.url.com/logind.php?id=',gt_accountMgrID)"; If I remove the last variable the query works just fine, … | |
Hello EveryOne I confuse of bellow code <?php if($True == 0){ ?> <a href="/#"> Apply </a> <?php}else{?> <a href="/#"> Aleary applied </a> <?php }?> **Given Me Error** `Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}'` **BUT Solved It**: When i replace '<?php' **else** to '<?' it could be solved. But why it … | |
Hi, I have a very complex query that is using mysql functions and complex logic. I have done indexing of important fields that needs to be done but I am having issue that the records keep on duplicating and I am using group by to remove this issue but my … | |
I have this database and I need to display data from koncerti (koncertnaziv,karte,mesto,datum) based on what grupanaziv is sleceted before, and grupanaziv is in different table called grupe, grupa_id from koncerti has same id as id from grupe, so that is connected in that way, so I need to match … |
The End.