39,388 Topics
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Hi i have an email script in php send emails to client automatically with attachement ..the problem with gmail i can get the pdf attachment no problem.. with outlook there ie a problem that the attachement is not openning said pdf not readable with thunderbird the attachment is empty size … | |
I'm working on an app and I am having some trouble getting the login and registration to work. Here is the code I have for my registration. public class RegisterActivity extends Activity { Button btnRegister; Button btnLinkToLogin; EditText inputFullName; EditText inputEmail; EditText inputPassword; TextView registerErrorMsg; //JSON Response node names private … | |
I want to get the only server name with directory in php.. can someone help me ..? # Heading Here # for example :- i hava a page which url is **www.demo.com/123/page.php** I want only :- **www.demo.com/123/** can some one tell me how can i get the only server name … | |
I need a ajax way of updating the mysql table. Following is my code that gets the data from mysql table plus ajax function that will send data to processing file. Problem is it is sending every time only the data of the top row ( form). How can send … | |
Hi I am very new php propgramming. But I have done classic asp. I have a string request, eg www.xyz.com?test=1 In my php page, I would like to read test value. On my index.php, I have this code. <? $y=$_GET["test"]; ?> But I am getting error, Undefined index: test in … | |
ok first off I know how to make a update page with usernames and user info no problem.. I know how to do stock with the stock=stock -%d as a interger but what I am having a hard time with is I have no clue how to say for example … | |
Hi, I am trying to do true false quetions in php. How do I score the result. Please help. ------- <form action="result.php" method="post"> <p>List of True or False questions. </p> <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"> <input value="1" name="Question1" id="Question1" type="hidden"> <input value="2" name="NoOfResponse1" id="NoOfResponse1" type="hidden"> <tr height="35px"> <td id="quest1" style=" … | |
Hi, I have a problem in creating a pdf document. I am using tcpdf for displaying the pdf file. I want to display 10 records on a page and if the records exceeds than 10 then we will be adding another page and displaying it on the next page. The … | |
i have so many categories and each category have so many items. like a food website. ok now i want to use fancy box. when burger category was click . i want to show different fancy box. and when kebabas category was clicked i want to show another fancybox.. The … | |
Hello i want to send bulk sms.In developer API this code is given. where should i use that code. WAITING FOR HELP. A sample HTTP API Call for Single Recipient would be: [url]http://www.abulksms.com/pushsms.php?username=acs&password=your_password[/url] &sender=mysenderid&cdmasender=mycdmasenderid&to=myrecipient&message=Hello A sample HTTP API Call for Single Recipient with Scheduling (4th January 2009 at 3:30 PM) … | |
Hi All.... I have developed a portal in mvc and i am having problem in making the links SEF... right now if i need to access controller and method i am following www.xxxxxxxx.com/index.php?rt=CONTROLLER_NAME/METHOD_NAME i want to make the above link SEF like www.xxxxxxxx.com/CONTROLLER_NAME/METHOD_NAME Below code i have it in my … | |
hello, i'm having trouble getting my delete selected checkbox working for a code I'm writing: the trouble is really just in the bottom half of the code after i make the while loop...i made this off of an example that i found on a site but like it was pretty … | |
Dear Sir I am using PHP Mailer for SMTP Authentication, Everything is working fine [url]http://phpmailer.worxware.com/index.php?pg=methods[/url] But AddCC is not working , I am using Windows 2003 Server, and it says this function works with SMTP Mailer , not with the Mail Mailer. [quote]AddCC($address, $name = "") string $address string $name … | |
So I'm writing a script that must do certain things daily and I could set a cron job but I want to also share the script as a free download, and I want the script to just work for my users, no set-up, so I'm trying to find a way … | |
Hello I am trying to add two records to an array so I can identify which record has a priority 1 or priority 2. This is not working, how do get this to work? <? //get data from database $query = "SELECT a.street, a.city, a.province, b.dob, b.id1_name, b.id1_value, b.id1_priority, b.id2_name, … | |
Hello guys! I'd a problem here. Is there any way that I can download a sheet from an excel file by php? For example,I have this excel file named test.xls,and it have several sheets in it. What i want is to download only a sheet from it. Any suggestion or … | |
We are using digital persona for our biometrics. We can already save employee ID, employee name and assigned finger .Our problem is that we dont know how to save a fingerprint template to a database and retrieve it so that it can still be read and verified by the biometric … | |
How can I input coding for this table contact form that I created in dreamweaver to have dropdown option values? Here is my code: <form action="" method="post"> <table width="600" border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <th width="170" scope="col"><label for="name">Name:</label></th> <th width="428" scope="col"><div align="left"> <input type="text" name="name" id="name" required="required"/> </div></th> </tr> <tr> <th … | |
How can I create a table contact form in Dreamweaver using dropdown options? I have searched everywhere and I have found hmtl coding that does not work for the insert table contact form. Here is my code: <form action="" method="post"> <table width="600" border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <th width="170" scope="col"><label for="name">Name:</label></th> … | |
i am working in php a year ago ,i am workjing in custom php ,but now i want to switch on php oop , tell me best toturial of oop , | |
![]() | I'm trying to generate a raceform site, with the results page displaying the horse, jockey and trainer as links which lead to their individual pages. I have the right effect, but it's taking a long time to load the page, which I'm assuming is due to the number of joined … ![]() |
Hi, I've been searching now for the better part of the weekend but I can't get this to work :-/ I want to use Highcharts pie chart to display data from my mysql table. I want to count the column 'Types' occurences of the different Types in that column. Each … | |
Hi everyone, I have been trying to update a mysql database with the shortend url I get from bit.ly I have the shortend url displayed on the page, but everytime I try and update mysql with the variable $bitlylink.. instead of http://bit.ly/123abc the database is updated with http://the.full.website.url/directory/link.html How can … | |
Hello guys, have a nice day... I've created function to test if the user is admin or not and return true or false depending on user function isitadmin($userid) { $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = '". $userid ."' AND level = 1"); if (mysql_num_rows($query) > 0) { … | |
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function ShowFile(sFilePath){ var oFileSystem = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); frmEditHTML.tarHTMLText.value = oFileSystem.OpenTextFile(sFilePath.value).ReadAll(); } function SaveAfterEditing(sFilePath){ var oFileSystem = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var oFile = oFileSystem.CreateTextFile(frmEditHTML.filPath.value,1); oFile.WriteLine(sFilePath.value); oFile.Close(); } </script> </head> <body> <form name="frmEditHTML"> Select the HTML File you want to Edit <input type=file name="filPath" onchange="ShowFile(this)"> <textarea name="tarHTMLText" … ![]() | |
HI I seem to have a problem with a drop down menu, the code seems to work fine and the values are showing in source code but do not show on the page???? Another issue is I dont know how to move forward after this to make a combo drop … | |
how to get the data from the following `xml`: <HostipLookupResultSet version="1.0.1" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://www.hostip.info/api/hostip-1.0.1.xsd"> <gml:description>This is the Hostip Lookup Service</gml:description> <gml:name>hostip</gml:name> <gml:boundedBy> <gml:Null>inapplicable</gml:Null> </gml:boundedBy> <gml:featureMember> <Hostip> <ip></ip> <gml:name>Private</gml:name> <countryName>Private</countryName> <countryAbbrev>PR</countryAbbrev> <!-- Co-ordinates are available as lng,lat --> <ipLocation> <gml:pointProperty><gml:Point srsName="http://www.abc.net/xyz/srs/epsg.xml#4326"> <gml:coordinates>68.7833,30.4</gml:coordinates> </gml:Point></gml:pointProperty> </ipLocation> </Hostip> </gml:featureMember> </HostipLookupResultSet> following is what i was trying: … ![]() | |
I know I could parse the files name for the extension, but that can be faked. I know I can get the mime type, but they can also be faked. I know I could use Magic Numbers, but on some files, they are not at the top of the file. … | |
This code reads a.txt file <?php $file_path = 'a.txt'; $file_handle = fopen($file_path, 'r'); $text_data = fread($file_handle, filesize($file_path)); print $text_data; fclose($file_handle); ?> I want to upload this text file using the code given below and want to read the uploaded file when I hit submit button. I know there is a … | |
these 3 line store image in folder. //place image in the folder $ext = pathinfo($_FILES['image_file']['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); //return png,jpg,etc $image_folder_name = $user_user_name_s . '_' . time() . '.' . $ext; //create unife image name move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image_file']['tmp_name'], "IMAGE/ITEMS/$image_folder_name"); //place image in folder what is i want to print the image now. how can … |
The End.