39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for fakemew

I am storing the images in a folder on my webserver and adding the location/details of the image to the database. But I have problems retrieving them, please help! Is this the code I should be using? [code=php]<?php echo "<img src='/images/". $filename ."'>" ?>[/code] then $filename is supposed to be …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for cristi08

IT NOT WORKING :(( [CODE] $igletuire="INSERT INTO valoare_lucrari (id_ofertant, id_manopera, id_camera Denumire_camera, um, Cantitate, Pret_manopera, Total )VALUES( '" . $row['id_ofertant']. "', '" . $row['id_manopera'] . "', '" . $row['id_camera'] . "', '" . $row['Denumire_camera'] . "', '" . $row['um'] . "', '" . $row['Sgletuire'] . "', '" . $row['Pret_manopera'] . …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for phphit

Hello Everyone, I have table name schedule in my database. There is field sch_time in that. sch_time stores time in GMT. I also have timestmp field which stores data in unix format. The time stored in sch_time is of future date i.e. schedule of some event. This events are displayed …

Member Avatar for phphit
Member Avatar for Smudly

I'm creating a daily drawing system. The users have a chance to win every day. Once a user wins, they will not be able to win again for 30 days. I need to select all rows inside my mysql database that have dates over 30 days ago, or are still …

Member Avatar for aquilax
Member Avatar for Mike516

Is there any way to search with a variable that is an array. ie) [code=php] mysql_query("Select * FROM table_name WHERE `id` = '$var'"); [/code] where $var is an array. Is this possible?

Member Avatar for Mike516
Member Avatar for ahmadjhoney

Hello Great developers, i am working on an application, where i am trying to implement the multiple users chat, Basically the users send message to mobile and then get back the reply , then it shows like normal chatting. all everything is working and GREAT :icon_wink: But Except the multiple …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for vidyaputra

iam trying to install phpmydirectory to my localhost server (i have testing it using xampp and wamp)...but there is a problem; when iam using wamp, the installation of mhpmydirectory working just fine, but then i cannot login as administrator. If i check on mysql there is administrator username and password, …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for phpl0v3r

hey, as i said, i am phpl0v3r ( if you can't read phplover :p ) i love to code php, js i love debugging problems i love neat web design i love learning new stuff i love my friends and family and i truly love good nature in the world …

Member Avatar for maceman
Member Avatar for thom22

Hi, i have been struggling for a while now trying to finish this, i am new to a lot of this and although i have had some tips i think i am getting myself more lost. So i have stripped the code to a point where it almost works. DEMO …

Member Avatar for Indirect

Hey all. First post ;) and since i've used this site a lot for help i think its about time i registered and joined up. Im not new to programming but i am new with php + database manipulation. [CODE] $app = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM applicant_classinfo WHERE appid='".$_GET['id']."' AND '".$_GET['cname']."'"); …

Member Avatar for Indirect
Member Avatar for kirtan_thakkar

I want to set all the permission in one specific folder with htaccess. What to code in htaccess for that? Please help..

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for helloworl

Hi Guys, I am using xlsStream class by Ignatius Teo to generate an excel. It working fine in english but not in chinese. Pls help

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for braveheart_sb

Hi, I'm Having a Problem with populating a combo box with more than one result from a query. until this stage i have managed to get the first Row Curso_name,but i still find difficulty in displaying the second row and also adding a "-"between both the rows. Thank You! [CODE=php] …

Member Avatar for braveheart_sb
Member Avatar for asahmed

Hello Does anyone know how to effectively search for a string in a Mysql table? Here's the problem: Let's say I have a table(id,song) and I want to search for a specific song (ex: One Love) Using the following query returns the exact song when the user enters it exactly …

Member Avatar for asahmed
Member Avatar for peck3277

Hi guys, I have a form where users update a posts information. One of the sections is the following : [CODE]<td><input type="text" name="author" size="30" value="<?php poem_info($pid,author); ?>"></td>[/CODE] as you can see I'm using php to populate the field. Here is the function poem_info(): [CODE]function poem_info($pid,$record){ require_once '../classes.db_connect.php'; $db = new …

Member Avatar for peck3277
Member Avatar for aneeka

hey guys, i have this code in php i don't know if this works but there is no error at all. i am trying to get the value from a database and assign it as the value of the combo box. [CODE]echo "<td align=left><font size = '2'><select name='status' id='status' selecteditem='$status'><option>Active</option><option>Resigned</option></select>"; …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for tanha

Hello everybody, firstly I am new in PHP, and I use the WAMP5 tools which has the following features: i) Apache 2.2.4 (SERVER) ii) PHP 5.2.3 + PECL iii) SQLitemanager iv) MySQL 5.0.41 v) Phpmyadmin I have a table named 'tblStudent' with four fields as follow properties: 1. stID int …

Member Avatar for JimiTster
Member Avatar for aMOEBa

Hey guys I am trying to write this application to display members who are celebrating the birthday in a particular week, month. I want the app also to be able to display those who will be celebrating their birthdays in abt 2months. I want to do something like how Facebooks …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for rahul8590

I have a couple of input boxes where the user will be entering his/her data . for example: Name:------------- Fathers name:----------- mothers name:------------ when the user enters the data , i need the xml to be generated something like this <family> <name> users name </name> <fname> fathers name </fname> <mname> …

Member Avatar for rahul8590
Member Avatar for commando_chandu

i m getting subscription id at the time of recurring profile creation but not getting at the time of recurring payment in the ipn response

Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

some times i am getting this appache error. i dont know why it is comming? [CODE]Apache HTTP Server has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.[/CODE]tell me what to do?

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for nick3592

hi i have a bunch of files that i need to make undetectable to search engines and from people viewing it because it is very dangerous to show these files to the outside world. I was wondering how i can completely make them unviewable to anyone but me and a …

Member Avatar for keval_hack
Member Avatar for wish02

i need to print this as a report, how do i export it to word or pdf with seeing exactly what is seen on the browser? because sometimes the format is disorganized. please help! thanks! [code=php] <?php session_start(); if(!session_is_registered(myusername)){ header("Location:main_login.php"); } $userId = $_SESSION['userId']; include "../../../_functions.php"; ?> <html> <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for nwalker78

hi, not sure if im posting in the correct section but im working on a site registration for a mate this bit has been completed, however i am wanting to extend this and display a plethora of info but i have hit a bit of a wall. iam wanting to …

Member Avatar for alicem

I just want to scan through a directory containing several subdirectories, each containing several text files, and display the name/word count/character count of each text file in each subdirectory. All I'm looking for is a quick and simple way to do the scanning through all subdirectories finding each file. thanks …

Member Avatar for HavocAngel
Member Avatar for reza.adinata

Hi, I have a snippet code below [CODE] <?php //get value of $new from other codes //$new will provide outputs of a new number every time it is executed echo "$new<br/>"; $strFile = "1.txt"; file_put_contents($strFile, $new); [/CODE] The idea is that I want to put a new line of number …

Member Avatar for reza.adinata
Member Avatar for fumnimda

hi all, i am searching about a secure captcha for my search form and find: - 'Ajax Fancy Captcha' - reCaptcha and also a paper from google research center which talk about rotating picture as captcha. which one is better and more secure?

Member Avatar for ahmadjhoney
Member Avatar for spetruska

Freebsd 8, PHP5, MySql 5, and Apache 22 I have a file upload program that I'm trying to use to load .zip files to my server. During initial testing worked as planned, unzipping works and proper file created in proper folders... However... in BETA, sometimes, when "Browse"ing to select filename …

Member Avatar for levsha

I am able to attach a file using SwiftMailer with its name hardcoded. But what if the file is uploaded by a user from an HTML form's 'file' input type control and has to be sent with an email by a PHP script? How do I specify the file name …

Member Avatar for levsha
Member Avatar for Muazam

Does openable get ignored? if not what does it do? [CODE] function openSomething(openable $obj) { $obj->open(); }[/CODE] openable is a class btw. taken from a book.

Member Avatar for Muazam

The End.