39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for Smudly

Having a few problems with my Admin Page that lists all registered users with some of their information. I have a Delete button (which deletes the user permanently) and a Ban button (which bans user until I unban them). Both of these buttons have their own javascript that asks for …

Member Avatar for Smudly
Member Avatar for fadi-ft

Hey there how are you doing? I have installed apache server, php, mysql, and phpmyadmin on my new Linux Ubuntu, and I want to start building my PHP projects using any platform such as Eclips. but the problem that I am facing is that I am a new linux user …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for madihaahmad

In my program,user selects a message via radio button and he can either reply,delete or forward that message. [CODE] <?php include("conpage.php"); $Id =$_POST['radiobutton']; echo "<input type='hidden' name='radiobutton' value='$Id'/>" ; $Option=$_REQUEST['Options']; if($Option=="Delete") { $query="DELETE FROM securityscheme WHERE Id='$Id'"; mysql_query($query); mysql_close($con); } elseif($Option=="Reply") { header("location:ReplyMessage.php"); } elseif($Option=="Forward") { header("location:ShowInbox.php"); } ?>[/CODE] Now,the …

Member Avatar for Hypalink
Member Avatar for xylude

I have a neat idea for an ajax/php rpg engine and want to get together with a small group of php developers with some free time and make this happen. I really think it could be fun to develop and also fun to see people enjoying the end result, but …

Member Avatar for xylude
Member Avatar for Hypalink

Hi all! I still consider myself to be a newbie at PHP, but i have managed to develop a good PHP application, thanks in a large part to daniweb members' help and advice. My problem now is, having coded a profile page (profile.php) which displays user information dependent on the …

Member Avatar for Hypalink
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hello... i am doing one concept.but i have no idea to do that concept. plz nybody give an idea for that.... actually there is a site which have the registered restaurents on that site at the same another side user registration is there. now user login then automatically display distinct …

Member Avatar for muralibobby2015
Member Avatar for zMastaa

One of our clients is using a webhost that blocks all emails sent from an unknown i.p. address....basically blocking any email forms being used on their server. The hosts have said for emails to be sent via their server the form needs to act as if the email was sent …

Member Avatar for zMastaa
Member Avatar for Aysa

hi guys i have to Write Square(n) function that prints a square of different sizes. The size of the square is given as input to the user. Please enter an integer value n: 10 *********************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * …

Member Avatar for arunmagar
Member Avatar for braveheart_sb

Hi, what i'm really trying to find out is how to run 2 queries and get the result of them in a single file. The code goes Below, the problem is that the printed result comes only from the first query the second query result is displayed as 1st query …

Member Avatar for braveheart_sb
Member Avatar for bimalnayak

Hi, I am trying to insert data to the database , but i could not successful . Please help me to find outh the error in my code. [CODE] <?php $action=$_REQUEST['action']; if($action=="insert") { $customer_name=$_POST['customer_name']; $plan_opted=$_POST['plan_opted']; $Payment_Mode=$_POST['Payment_Mode']; $customer_id=$_POST['customer_id']; $Plan_term=$_POST['Plan_term']; $cheque_no=$_POST['cheque_no']; $l_f_no=$_POST['l_f_no']; $payment_frequency=$_POST['payment_frequency']; $cheque_date=$_POST['cheque_date']; $agent_name=$_POST['agent_name']; $inst_amount=$_POST['inst_amount']; $agent_code=$_POST['agent_code']; $date_commencement=$_POST['date_commencement']; $late_fee=$_POST['late_fee']; $paid_till_date=$_POST['paid_till_date']; $instalment_no=$_POST['instalment_no']; $misc_charges=$_POST['misc_charges']; …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for xNZxAssAssiNx

Ok so i have gotten a script for a game (as a basis I'm hardly using any of it) and I was wondering if anyone wanted to help me to completely change it. Now I don't have a heap of money so I can't really give how ever helps me …

Member Avatar for xNZxAssAssiNx
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

can i get a txt file with INCLUDE function ? and how do the search ingines work ? and how to get a file that contain pictures like headers that contain pictures and javascript to my php page ?

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for joomphp

I have below out using print_r(); how can i display individual like i want to display [currency] => USD [rate] => 1.3000 how to use foreach Thanks [CODE]$xml = simplexml_load_file("http://www.ecb.int/stats/eurofxref/eurofxref-daily.xml"); echo $xml->getName() . "<br />"; foreach($xml->children() as $child) { echo $child->getName()->currency . ": " . $child . "<br />"; echo …

Member Avatar for arunmagar
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

guys . i need your help . I want you to suggest to me a project that i can do in php to see if what i know in php is enough or not . So please suggest to me

Member Avatar for omol
Member Avatar for ptara1

Basically I have a database and a form set up that enters information into the mysql database using php code. This works perfectly. The problem I'm having is writing a php sequence to send an email that confirms the user wanted to post the information. I would also like the …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for Dilnesaw

Can somebody just drop me a code that I can use to forward a web page to some body's e-mail ? I am still a beginner for PHP. If you are not able to give the codes, I appreciate if I can get the general direction. Thank you very much. …

Member Avatar for elmerthomas
Member Avatar for swi2

hi pl z suggest me some best j-query calender plug-in which can restricted the year like i want to see only years between 2000-2010 then it will not display me the year2011 calender

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for Sucesso

Here's the situation: I have a dictionary database. I use special characters in the pronunciation (like this: 'hÉ™.lÉ™.ba.lu). However, when I use a PHP script to output this data, the special characters get replaced with question marks. Like this: 'h?.l?.ba.lu I've read a lot on this topic, but I'm not …

Member Avatar for Sucesso
Member Avatar for daneuchar

[ATTACH]15899[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]15900[/ATTACH] Hello, i need to explode ( first img ) and put it in a table ( just like second output ) but i S*ck at exploding. kindly help me out in this Thanks in advance Regards Daniel Euchar

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for philip.s

Hi Guys I want to write a program that extracts links from a url and then adds them to a mysql database. I have found some nice examples ie [CODE=php]<? function getlinks($url) { $data=file_get_contents($url); preg_match_all('/(href|src)\=(\"|')[^\"'\>]+/i',$data,$media); unset($data); $data=preg_replace('/(href|src)(\"|'|\=\"|\=')(.*)/i',"$3",$media[0]); return $data; } //now to use the function echo "<xmp>"; var_dump(getlinks('http://www.google.com.au')); echo "</xmp>"; …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for keval_hack

Hi, I want to make a php validation for textbox which limit user to enter only character. i using following code [CODE]function validate_alpha($val) { return eregi("[^0-9]",$val); } [/CODE] if i type 123 it will give error. that is ok. but when i type keval123 it doesn't produce error. how to …

Member Avatar for swi2
Member Avatar for ritesh0104

am showing a report in a table, after fetching data from mysql. my client wishes to have this html report into an excel file too.. Suggestions required.. Either * button click call another php page and save to a predefined location * create xls file everytime i generate report. plz …

Member Avatar for swi2
Member Avatar for Xufyan

How to store password in MYSQL ? i created the new page, [B]index.html[/B] [CODE]<form action="calc.php" method="POST"> Username: <input type="text" name="username"> Password: <input type="password" name="password"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"> </form> [/CODE] and clac.php, [CODE]<?php $username = $_POST['username']; $pass = $_POST['password']; if ($username == "a" && $pass =="abc") /* here i set …

Member Avatar for keval_hack
Member Avatar for jaikanth123

Hi, I have tried Microsoft webmatrix, It is very good. Is there any way to debug the PHP script ? If debugging PHP script is supported, then it will be a great IDE for PHP. If you don't know about Web Matrix, Check it here. [url]http://www.microsoft.com/web/webmatrix[/url]

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for doctorphp

Hi All I am trying to create script which will update the database every 24 hours to reset a row back to 0. My web host cron job panel does not work so that is why i am asking you for help. I will be very grateful for any help. …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for Shaswat

consider form . id,username,age,etc if i enter id all other field should get filled automatically. can anyone tell php code . as i dont know asp.net. suggest some sites please

Member Avatar for Shaswat
Member Avatar for zougou

Hi everybody, I have built a website: ivoiresearch.net. in php. I have problem getting Internet Explorer read all charset. For example I write "Liberté, Abidjan, Ivory Coast" in the texbox FROM and "Cité Fairmont, Abidjan, Ivory Coast" in the textbox TO. I can get relevant information from the navigation "Destination" …

Member Avatar for Mukt@R

Hello,i want to hide my actual download link from my website. when anyone click the contents they got direct download link. here is my code [CODE] $get_path=explode("/downloads/",$path[0]); $filename=$get_path[1]; $download=$get_path[0]."/downloads/".$filename; echo "<a href=\"".$download."\">Get File</a>"; [/CODE] they got direct link like this [QUOTE][url]http://localhost/downloads/cpanel.gif[/url][/QUOTE] i want to make it like [url]http://localhost/downloads/6885a6c38d6e9bcc201326902269658a[/url] (its md5) …

Member Avatar for Mukt@R
Member Avatar for griffith

Is this possible, and if so, how do I get this working? If datetime from table is greater than another datetime from table, then run query. so pretend its: $date1 = $row["date1"]; (june 19th) (i have a query on the page were it updates the day everytime you visit, NOW()) …

Member Avatar for Zagga
Member Avatar for Chosen13

Help please, I want to make a system so that when a thread hasn't been viewed by you, or if there are new posts in a thread that you haven't read, it will show "Unread", but when you view the new posts, or view the thread, it will show "Read" …

Member Avatar for eddimondson

The End.