39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for levsha

I use SwiftMailer in my PHP script to send emails upon HTML form submission. On the test server it all works fine. On the production server (different host) it gives me this error message: [QUOTE]Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CLASS in /home/alkal5/public_html/html/swift-mailer/lib/classes/Swift.php on line 18[/QUOTE] The two machines use different …

Member Avatar for levsha
Member Avatar for iorgobus1

Hi, I am Iorgobus and i need some help with php captchas. Because spammers are more an more, I want to put on my site a php captcha script to stop they. If you have any recomandations where I found a good Captcha PHP script, free or not free ,please …

Member Avatar for marius2008
Member Avatar for RalphAllan

I have WAMP server installed, and have clicked "Start all services." However it does not let me run Php scripts in my browser (ie7). Even the scripts clled from the wamp menu to not execute. I have uninstalled then reinstalled a new download to no avail. Suggestions anyone? Ralph

Member Avatar for braveheart_sb
Member Avatar for genux

I am just been watching this course and it just sets the picture so well for me, [URL="http://www.cs75.net/"]http://www.cs75.net/[/URL] it is a Harvard online course as such, you do not get marked !!.. but you can watch the videos and also do the course work :). Just thought that I would …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ

I have one link in my webpage where user can call to other skype user. [CODE] <a href="skype:skype_username?call">Call me</a> [/CODE] But when user have not skype installed in their pc one notification popup is coming. Is there any way in any manner i can detect is skype is installed or …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for edup_pt

Hi, Im having problems when using the header("Location: filename?args") function to act as a swf file. It works with firefox but not with Internet Explorer. [CODE] <object id="flashfile_obj" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="get_file.php?name=<?=urlencode("test.swf?&test_to_swf=1")?>" width="900" height="500"> <param name="movie" value="get_file.php?name=<?=urlencode("test.swf?&test_to_swf=1")?>"/> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> <param name="base" value="_dir" /> </object> [/CODE] The …

Member Avatar for edup_pt
Member Avatar for yusufmiko

Ok, i am quite new to php and i am trying to create an application that allow two clients to access a server simultaneously. i have manged to write the code below but i keep getting errors and i think its probably because i have two form actions on the …

Member Avatar for smthakur
Member Avatar for anony

This is my code for multiple file upload. When the user clicks on attach more files link $max_no_img should be incremented but i am not able to figure out how to do it. <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2//en"> <html> <head> <title></title> <script type="text/javascript"> function increment(){ max_no_img++; return max_no_img; } …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for thenanox

Hello everybody: This is my first thread in here. I readed a lot of good problems and solutions in this webpage. Right now im having troubles with one form submit in IE. Here's the thing. I'm trying to generate a PDF in PHP, i'm using mPDF to show the html …

Member Avatar for thenanox
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi All, the following code is used to get an update from a database. My question is how can I use this more than once on a page to call two different queries (from different php files)? [code] <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function showHint(str) { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) xmlhttp = new …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for nsandberg

Ok I have been working on this for a long time and I am just plain stuck. What I am developing is an online application for a school to keep track of missing assignments that students have. I have a table that lists the students first name, last name, homeroom, …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for phaedrusGhost

Hi all, Still struggling a bit with PHP here. I wrote a script a while back that performs a display of various files from a folder. In this script, I have a piece of code that determines whether or not the signed in user is an admin or a user. …

Member Avatar for sandeepji1
Member Avatar for jaycastr

Hello all, My question is how would you query (insert into table) a variables that can vary from few to many in quantity depending on the user input. The code looks like this. [CODE] $chkbox = $_POST['chk']; $imp=$_POST['imp']; $step= $_POST['step']; $start=$_POST['start']; $finish = $_POST['finish']; $duration = $_POST['dur']; $status= $_POST['status']; foreach($imp …

Member Avatar for sandeepji1
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

guys i am new to php and all what i know is html .so please tell me how to create a commenting box that allow people to comment on my website or my post .

Member Avatar for sandeepji1
Member Avatar for LRNPHP

Hi Everyone. Can some please assist me. I'm trying to create a login script. This is what I've done so far. This works if user's input is correct. But when the user input is incorrect I get a blank screen. I think my problem lies in the $SQLPASS statments. Any …

Member Avatar for LRNPHP
Member Avatar for lil_jacy

Hello. I'm new here. I'm just started learning PHP SOAP. I am trying to to create a simple user registeration and login form. The login and register function works well. My idea is to make the soap persistence. After login for the 1st time, I would like to set my …

Member Avatar for haribo83

I have a list that passes values to an sql statement to show relevant results. I have three options (All, Option One, Option Two) and cannot get the query to work. If I choose option one or option two then the results are fine but I cannot find a way …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for kartik69

i want to create login form having password and username and validate the username and password inserted by user with data stored in sql data base .please can you help me with the coding how to validate?

Member Avatar for Ankit_Parmar
Member Avatar for LRNPHP

Hi Everyone. I have a quick question. I have 2 checkboxes. One yes and other no. I want only one to be checked at a time. Example : if yes = checked uncheck no. if no = checked uncheck yes [LIST=1] [*]Is it possible with PHP or should I try …

Member Avatar for Ankit_Parmar
Member Avatar for kingofkya

[url]http://php.net/manual/en/function.preg-replace.php[/url] [url]http://phpro.org/tutorials/Introduction-to-PHP-Regex.html#1[/url] I have been reading up on php regular expressions. Honestly I don't get it. I think i need to use the above. Here is my problem I am reading a page via php-curl and sending it to a string variable. Now before I send the html code back …

Member Avatar for fobos

Hello all, so im kinda stumped. Im a real big O'Riellys fan, so i came across one of tuts in PHP Cookbook. So basically i wanna display files in a folder or a directory using this code. The only problem is that when i load it in a page, it …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for niths

hi all, i need to display the images that are saved in the back end. so can any one help me please....[CODE]$sql="select * from images"; mysql_error(); $result=mysql_query($sql);[/CODE] after this wat should be done to display the result obtained images.

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for mahe4us

Hi all, Onceagain I come back with a query about paypal. I have been developing a site with subscription module. If the user might subscription into the site then they will access all the privileges of the site. Rest of the subscription members have not get their privileges while surf …

Member Avatar for razalakhan
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

Hello guys . I have installed php on my laptop but i dont know what i can do next . So please tell me how to complete my PHP insulation

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for Robertsjames
Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for toydiaz

hi guys, i wanto to know how i do, to print reports in php, in pdf file!! thanks.

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for idkgood

Hello guys, I'm new here, and i have this question without an answer till now. So, what i want when people click on submit button on contact page, is that when e-mail is sended the Subject just update like... "Contact #00001"... when another people click it... it'll be sended like …

Member Avatar for idkgood
Member Avatar for vijaykseo

Hi members, I need a form mail but for free. Something like a form : [CODE] <FORM action=http://www.xxx.nl/cgi-bin/mailto method=post><INPUT type=hidden value=myemail@yahoo.com name=sendmail_to><FONT face=arial size=2> </FONT><INPUT type=hidden value=http://www.xxx.com/ name=next_url><FONT face=arial size=2> </FONT> <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0> <TBODY> <TR>[/CODE] I hope that now you understand my example. Please help !

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for JameB

I've implemented changing src of an image using javascript but I don't want any javascript in my website now. So I need help to do that in PHP! :) What am I doing: In the main index.php file, [code=xhtml] <body onload="load_images();"> [/code] Then I include a random file [code=php] include("content_to_display.php"); …

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Member Avatar for gondola
Member Avatar for tunde011

The End.