39,326 Topics
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Hi all i have a form as follows: ** file1.php** <form action="<?php echo $editFormAction; ?>" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="tblMovment" id="tblMovment"> <input name="MovDate" type="text" /> <input name="MovAmount" type="text" /> <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="add invoice" /> </form> 1. **I want to pass the Auto increment ID of the table above to another … | |
Hi Developers, I'm a beginner on php/mysql and I would like some help on my LOGIN FORM. I created a database called user, table called users, and I inserted two users with two passwords. The passwords have not been encrypted yet. hen I run my login form, If I enter … | |
Hi there, I'm dynamically pulling my sidebar image from a database, the image is resized to fit based on which dimension is smaller. Then I'm using a jquery script to reposition the image so that any overflow on the width overflows both sides rather than just on the right using … | |
| Hi I recently created a `JQuery Gallery Script` in the `Javascript` section with some help from **pritaeas** & **JJenZz**: Here is the link to the script: http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/javascript-dhtml-ajax/threads/434987/havent-issue-with-seeing-alt-with-image-in-jquery The `JQuery` code works you can check the link and test it out. Since the script is in `JQuery`. I want to add … |
Can anyone please help me with this one? i have successfully save data in my form but i can only do it in a single row.. please help me how to add rows automatically, how to auto number the Item No., how to auto-total the Quantity column and the Unit … | |
iam thinking if theres a possibilities that i can put a time in time out on my PHP if you log in thats the time you time in and if you log out thats the time out is that possible?? if yes how?? anyone can help me?? THANKS IN ADVANCE | |
| Hi All. Have been messing around with PDO for a while, but have come across a bit of a quandry. I like the prepare - execute method for fetching data, but I needed to check if an update query actually did update or not. Now not having mysql_affected_rows() to hand, … |
Hi, I want to check query execution time. I used microtime(),time() but not getting accurate result. I also read about mysql slow_query_log but not able to find how to change settings in PHPmyadmin. Need suggestions | |
how can i send mail with working .gif, .png and background color using mail()function. what i need to set? i have $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; pls help what i need to do :( | |
Hi i want to know, how to display the datas simultaniously in twitter and in my webpage. Example: If i am posting one article in my cms, it will also post in my twitter account. Please can any one help me to solve this issue. | |
Hey everyone, So I have another admin redirect problem. I have a file for user functions and login check/if exists..ect so the other redirect set of PHP paramaters won't work and all I want to do is redirect a user to access a page based on user_level. Whether the user_level … | |
My requirement is, when i press on button 1)it should check whether the textbox is blank it should show alertbox to enter value and stay on that page. 2)if value is correct than check value and display message on next page. i have developed two files they are as following. … | |
Well I know how to upload image (.gif, .jpg, etc) resized, resample, add link to database fetch link and display images on webpage. But now I need to be able to upload documents on server, add link in the database and be able to display those documents on the web, … | |
Hello When I click on Register button I get this error - Message: Object expected Line: 20 Char: 1 Code: 0 URI: http://localhost/goodlogin/registerform.php This is my registerform.php code - <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <title>register</title> <script type="forms.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="sha512.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </head> <body bgcolor="black" style="color:white;"> <FORM ACTION="register.php" METHOD="POST"> <h1>welcome … | |
Hey all, I have a folder called 'templates' in my root dir (../templates/). When a PHP form is submitted I want to copy a folder out of 'templates' called 'template1' (../templates/template1) and paste it into the root directory but with the new name of 'username123'. How can I copy, rename … | |
Hello, I have a lot of files uploaded with wp-admin in uploads folder. I don't have access to FTP, however, I need to download those files stored in uploads directory. Is there a way of doing it? Like - a wp plugin or something. Thanks | |
I am just trying to submit two input fields, username and password. I am not able to do that because my code won't submit my data to the PHP database. The code is below, also please note I am trying to use ajax: getData.php <?php $db = mysql_connect('localhost', 'wont tell', … | |
hi everybody i just need to know what is the function of preg_split and that which is inside of brackets: $keywords = preg_split ('/[\s]+/',$keywords); | |
| Hi I want to know the if `GD2` run the same as `JQuery`? For example for `JQuery` you need this: `<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js"></script>` for the code to run. But for `GD2` you need a package but I haven't download it yet. I just want to know the **Pro** and **Cons** between … |
I'm hoping not to post much code (to do this myself) but I'm having issues in figuring out why a mysql_query isn't be executed. This is the mysql_query: mysql_query("UPDATE `servers` SET `status` = 'online.png', `cur_players` = '".$online_count."', `max_players` = '".$max_slots."', `software` = '".$software."', `plugins` = '".$plugins2."', `players` = '".$players2."', `version` … | |
when i submitted the form i get this error on my site but i am sure of the config You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 <?php mysql_connect('localhost','ali_root','kingstone2012')or … | |
Hi all, hope you are having a better day than I am... I am trying to write the results of a search of text using preg_match_all to a database... First thing I need to do is write the results of the search to an array (which preg_match_all does)... It writes … | |
Hi, After two weeks of not touching my web codings. PHP just gave me tons of surprises. I'm confused. I don't know what happened but I have this page entering a new category: <form name="new_category" action="savenewcategory.php" method="post"> <input type="text" name="category" size="30"><input type="submit" value="Add"> </form> savenewcategory.php <?php $con=mysql_connect("localhost","root"); mysql_select_db("cart0902",$con); $category=$_POST['category']; $sql="insert … | |
im trying to understand to create a form that process in php but shows the erros in ajax. heres a sample of something i want [Click Here](http://php4every1.com/demos/ajaxSubmit/), i already understand some jquery but not everything , like when i create a form in html do i had to create a … | |
Hello, I can't use CURL, $ch = curl_init(); I get the error > Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init() I've used `phpinfo()` and found the php.ini directory, > Loaded Configuration File D:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.2.22\bin\php.ini I've then edited the php.ini file from that directory and removed the semi-colon in-front of extension=php_curl.dll Restarted … | |
I'm a noob, I know very little about php. Anyway, my page won't load at all, browser says its redirecting in a way that is not loading. As the title suggests I think the issue is with one of the php files I include with require_once(). Let me just show … | |
Hi Friends <script type="text/javascript"> $(window).ready(function(){ $("#calendar").smoothPhpCalendar({minimumDate : new Date('01-12-2016')}); }); </script> can can i set min and max on this calander. please advise | |
| What is the best and fun way to learn Web Service that can apply to real production environment? Any web site or sample projects are always welcome. I would always like to learn quick too so any videos are also welcome |
I have 3 file : 1. index.php 2. form.php 3. validasi form i have a problem if I include file form.php into index.php, why if I included form.php into index.php all field that I fill is inserted to database, but why only field picture is not inserted to database. but … | |
Hello to all! please help me to my project. how to make a auto reply using php code and what exactly i need to do? i have simple php code and i think the code is working but theres no receive mail.. auto reply is not working. pls help :( |
The End.