39,388 Topics
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hello I am asking if someone can be kind and make who is next live scipit for me please I will be greatfully with any ideas or tips a friend of my owner of a radio station called liverbird radio | |
ok i got a assignment to do for college, i gotta create a form, a simple form with just 2 textboxes for input of title & password, this is simple & i know how to do this, the next part of my assignment is to create a page with the … | |
Hello, Does anyone know about a good tutorial for a user login system? I searched the net for a day and a half now, downloaded few scripts, tutorials and classes, but each one had a problem in it. I need a simple and secure user login script. Any help? Thanks | |
Why is it saying "Notice: Undefined variable: cnt in C:\Wamp\www\librarie\cos.php on line 24". Here is the code: [CODE]<?php session_start(); include("conectare.php"); include("page_top.php"); include("meniu.php"); if (isset($_GET['actiune']) && ($_GET['actiune'] == "adauga")) { if (!isset($_SESSION['cnt']) || !$_SESSION['cnt']) $_SESSION['cnt'] = '0'; $cnt = $_SESSION['cnt']; $cnt++; $_SESSION['cnt'] = $cnt; $_SESSION['nr_buc'][] = 1; $_SESSION['pret'][] = $_POST['pret']; $_SESSION['titlu'][] … | |
I couldn't decide where would be the right place to post this, so I decided to try php since Wordpress is at least built in php. I need to find a way to duplicate my Wordpress installation on a subdomain. I want to create a mobile version of my site … | |
This script will display a previous next script that will look like this: << prev 1 2 [b]3[/b] 4 5 next >> It is clean, and avoids large numbers of pages in the prev/next links [code=php] $server = "localhost"; $user = "username"; $pass = "password"; $databasename = "yourDBname"; $db = … | |
am asked to do a project work on 'embedded web server for remote access' i really want to know which program best suits its development. i was thinking of using apache,php and mysql for the project. how do i go about the development? | |
I want to calculate the age of a person, when he/she inputted his/her brthdy on the form, it will shows his/her bday in year/month/day format Example, the user chooses February 11 1994 on the drop down list. when he/she click submit, it will display his/her age Output must be like … ![]() | |
I want to add rss to my site that checks information about the url the user has posted then returns the image from the site, and brief describtion of what the site does.....just like the way facebook does it when user posts a url. Any ideas how it's done or … | |
[CODE]<html> <head> <title>Web Development</title> </head> <body> <h2 style="text-align: center">Personal Information</h2> <?php // FOR PERSONAL INFORMATION PHP //text area First name if(empty($_POST['name'])) { echo "<p>You didn't enter your name.</p>\n"; } else { echo "Your Name: <b>" . $_POST['name'] . "</b><br />\n"; } // function get_Age_difference($start_date,$end_date){ list($start_year,$start_month,$start_date) = explode(‘-’, $start_date); list($current_year,$current_month,$current_date) = … | |
Hi Guys, Can't seem to get my head around this one. I need to send a bunch of variables to php so that i can store the values in a database, but i just can't figure out a way to do that. Pls help. here's a little code [code] $( … | |
[url]http://ouraubie.com[/url] please check out my site. the link is located at the first line of my post. that's my error. and then the line 44 contains: [CODE]include ("/view/login.php");[/CODE] it worked here using xampp but after uploading it, that warnings comes out. i figured out some RULES that a "session_start();" must … | |
hi. I'm working with php-oracle and I need to do a query that I know will return a unique string, but when I execute the query all that I recieve is a number. Why? this is my code: [CODE] $nombre=oci_parse($conexion, "select nombre_cliente from cliente where cod_cliente=$codigo_de_cliente"); $nombre_de_cliente=oci_execute($nombre); [/CODE] nombre_cliente is … | |
Hi to everyone I’m wondering how to make some simple checkbox for multiple data delete from mysql I found some tutorial on net but don’t work. I tested it without changing anything and doesn’t work. I’m wondering did programmer test it before he posted that tutorial ? Here is a … | |
Hi all, I want to create an application to send an sms message to multiple clients. can somebody help how to go about it or send a php code that can do so. | |
Can someone please help with some coding. I'm not terribly familiar with PHP but I can't figure out why it won't take. I'm making a contact form and this is what I get when I press the submit button. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in D:\Hosting\8304515\html\contact\contactformprocess.php on line 52\ … | |
Hi, *I need to randomize a multidimensional array so that the order of questions in a questionnaire is different for each participant. I have limited php skills, and am modifying an old script someone else wrote. Currently, questions are presented in the same order that they are listed in the … | |
how to change the value of a button? for example "Add" then change to "Edit"? tnx. | |
Good day, I am getting an error on a log-in script: mysql_query(): 4 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource I've done some research on this and followed such advice as: [LIST] [*]ensuring the mysql connection is closed after the results have been returned [*]testing any sql strings I define in … | |
I have a webpage that builds an html table if there is any data in a mySQL table. That works fine, the html table is populated with data from the mySQL table. My problem is when there is data it populates the html table but lists the first mySQL table … | |
If someone click on my link 5 times sent success message... can anyone make that script??? [B][U]THX in advance![/U][/B] ![]() | |
hi, i just want to know if there are codes : 1. that will create list box? please give me sample codes. 2. that will hide the helpful link when you click HOME for example; i just want to appear first the login before the others ![]() | |
Hey guys complete noob/novice here, Looking to join multiple tables identical in structure. It's meant for a search box in my school project. [COLOR="Red"]If I have table 1 and table 2 identical in structure, when the user searches for "keyword" it will search through both table 1 and table 2 … ![]() | |
Hi, I am trying to plot some images on the browser. I used CSS div id using the below command: #image { position: absolqute; top: 200px; left: 200px; } Now, this works perfectly fine, but when I try to use right, bottom tags for offset. The offset is still from … ![]() | |
Hi, I am currently trying to plan the Explorer layout for adding some GIF images. I am able to query the height and width of the explorer using JS, below commands: [B]HEIGHT:[/B] [CODE]$height = '<script type="text/javascript"> if (window.innerHeight) //if browser supports window.innerWidth document.write(window.innerHeight) else if (document.all) //else if browser supports … | |
Hi! I am currently building a "social" website where people can send messages to eachother. When they are on their profile page they have this menu, one of the items are "Inbox". This is where the user can send personal messages to other users by typing the other users name, … | |
Hi, I cant get my around this.. I want to store some config details in config.php like so.. [CODE] $conf['audio'] = "play"; $conf['email'] = "send"; .. .. .. [/CODE] how can i use a form to edit the variables by writing to the file. The form will have the option … ![]() | |
I've got a variable which contains a string which can contain html. I'm trying to find a way to check the string if it contains a <img>-tag, and if so..validate that it has a valid file.exstension. (jpg | png | gif). If an img tag is located and HAS a … ![]() | |
I am not getting how to display stored database in MLM format? I have attached problem and desired answer images Database fields are : id new_id, name I want to display all members under member 1 all or one of that may be having member under itself. | |
OK, first off let me say that I know that javascript is a client side language and that php is a server side language. I've read that you can't assign javascript variables to php variables too. But I'm still absolutely stumped as to WHY my code below doesn't work. Perhaps … |
The End.