39,326 Topics
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Hi, for some weeks now, i have been trying to develop an [B]attendance system with php and mysql. [/B] I HAVE LOOKED EVERYWHERE!! what i have done is this: user select date (calendar). date is processed in php page. if attendance has not been filled,then new attendance sheet is provided. … | |
Ok so problem is that I'm using an XML generated intro for my website. My intro(index.html) is in the root directory with website home(index2.html). Issue is that I want the website to be loaded directly after intro in the same browser tab/window/page instead of a new one. Intro is using … | |
I'm saving queries in my DB as strings here's my code: [CODE] $SQLcode="SELECT * FROM ... WHERE field="blah blah" HAVING field2<$x"; $query = "INSERT INTO tblQ (qId, qName, description, SQLcode) VALUES (NULL, '$qName', '$description', '$SQLcode');"; [/CODE] the problem is inserting a string into the $SQLcode, if I do it this … | |
How will create multiple https in an array using PHP? eg: $html = file_get_html('http://google.com'); I want the same contents from this http and to store in database. Please help me.Thanks in advance. | |
hi , i just want to know if there are codes that will add image into php css? | |
hi frds if anyone knows how to import and export table details from db in the form of excel sheet please guide me.note it should cum as xls sheet | |
Hi, I have used this code to make a php file with php code in it: [CODE]<?php $fn = 'connect.inc.php'; $string = "<?php $mysql_host = 'localhost'; $mysql_user = 'root'; $mysql_password = ''; $mysql_database = 'main'; @mysql_connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_password) or die("There was an error connecting to the server"); @mysql_select_db($mysql_database) or die("There … | |
Hello everyone, i had a question on how to pull certain content from a website using PHP and cURL and dislay it on a page? So far from the web, this is all i was able to find out, but this just saves the coding into a text document. Lets … | |
Hi guys, I have a problem on my php code and url passing. [B]What it should do:[/B] There are 3 forms of the php file, the [B]"email"[/B], [B]"item1"[/B] and [B]"item2"[/B]. The [B]email form[/B] is hidden by default on page load, it will only be visible if any of the [B]item1[/B] … | |
I have created these 2 pages to generate reports. [B][U]teller_reports.php[/U][/B] [CODE] <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="daily_transactions_report.php"> <label>DailyTransaction Reports<br /> <br /> DATE </label> <input type="text" id="demo3" name="date" maxlength="25" size="25"/> <img src="../images/cal.gif" onclick="javascript:NewCssCal('demo3','yyyyMMdd')" style="cursor:pointer"/> <p> <label></label> <label> <a href="tcpdf/examples/daily_transactions_report.php"> <input type="submit" name="button" id="button" value="Generate" /> </a> </label> </p> </form> [/CODE] [B][U]daily_transactions.php[/U][/B] … | |
Pls help me find the problem. All input fields work except for the upload. It doesnt take the file to directory I want. I have error scripts in case there's an error but alert errors are not popping, I dont know why... Help... [CODE] if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $upload_errors = array( UPLOAD_ERR_OK … | |
hi friends, i want to search the data from the mysql database in html form and display that searched data in html form...can u give script for this... | |
I am facing a strange error when I execute a php mail script. Its related to server could not verify the sender. I see following error: Failed to add recipient [email]email@domain.com[/email] [SMTP: Invalid response code received from server (code:550, response: Verification failed for unrouteable address Sendor verify failed)] Would you … | |
Hi .. How can i display data from database base on a specific date and time... im thankful if someone help me | |
Hi guys., I have trapped in a very critic situation. I need to upload files without any restriction of file size. I have a uploader developed using Flash and PHP. I have changed the settings in php.ini as follows upload_max_filesize = 100M post_max_size = 128M memory_limit = 512M max_execution_time = … | |
Hello evryone :) By saying disable bots to my site i meen: That no one can do "file_get_contnst","cURL","get_meta_tags" or things like that to my site .. How can i disable that for others? Thanks, and sory for bad english . | |
hello there. i was just wondering.is it possible to get the text display of your div and place it in a variable? if so, how should i do it? i've been searching for a solution in this problem but i can't find anything.thanks in advance. | |
I am developing a project for a client with a single table in the database for users which includes information about each user, including a field for the userID of a user who referred them. What I need to do is query the "referrer" field of each user record and … | |
hi guys, i have a site which is built using php/mysql with some jquery etc in it. is there an easy way to create an offline installation package of this which syncs to the online version? what is the easiest way to do this? thanks again for the help | |
i downloaded cronjob bootstrapper and edited as shown: #!/usr/bin/php [CODE] <?php /* |-------------------------------------------------------------- | CRON JOB BOOTSTRAPPER |-------------------------------------------------------------- | | By Jonathon Hill (http://jonathonhill.net) | CodeIgniter forum member "compwright" (http://codeigniter.com/forums/member/60942/) | | Created 08/19/2008 | Version 1.2 (last updated 12/25/2008) | | | PURPOSE | ------------------------------------------------------------- | This script is … | |
The implode function is not worked! I want to show the string as follows; id-101-102-103-104-105 [code] $handle = fopen($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], "r"); while(!feof($handle)) { $data = fgets($handle); $listing = explode(",", $data); $id = $listing[0]; $name=$listing[1]; // this is second column data. $telephone = $listing[2]; $email = $listing[3]; $id1 = implode("-,$id); echo "id … | |
What is the error below, i cannot use it ? The result is blank page! Thanks! [code] <h2>Search</h2> <form name="search" method="post" action="search.php"> Seach for: <input type="text" name="find" /> in <Select NAME="field"> <Option VALUE="fname">First Name</option> <Option VALUE="lname">Last Name</option> <Option VALUE="info">Profile</option> </Select> <input type="hidden" name="searching" value="yes" /> <input type="submit" name="search" value="Search" /> … | |
Hey, I have all pages in my site, coming from the DB, and I get urls like this: [B]enkeltwebdesign/index.php?sid=1&titel=FORSIDE[/B] The name of my site: [I]enkelt-webdesign.dk[/I] Does someone know how to write the correct mod_rewrite, so I can change the urls to: enkelt-webdesign.dk/forside (forside = home) enkelt-webdesign.dk/webdesign (...) [I]etc etc[/I] So … | |
I'm trying to use a for loop to convert a number into star images. My program reads from an SQL database to take a rating, which that works fine, but when I try to use a for loop it's a problem due to it being inside a table. Here's my … | |
Ok, probably quite a basic question, but here goes: I'm creating a string that will hold the contents of an xml file that is being created dynamically. here's an example: $new_xml = "<?xml version='1.0'?>-<params>-<param><key>[COLOR="Green"]$clubName[/COLOR]</key><textValue>" [COLOR="Red"].$club_name[/COLOR]; Having looked at this, I've suddenly realised that the string part is still going to … | |
Hi there, I'm a .net developer and I've inherited a partially complete php project. I'm trying get part of it running on my pc and am running into some issues due to my fairly limited knowledge with php/apache web server. I'm using Windows Vista, I have Apache HTTP server 2.2 … | |
Hi, I have a question about htaccess. I have the following code: [CODE]RewriteRule ^([0-9a-zA-Z\-\_]+)$ ./profil.php?user=$1 [/CODE] This of course suports numbers, letters, capital letters, dash and underscore. If I add a \. for it to support a dot, it gives me an error. How to add dot ? Also, how … | |
Please can some help me with the error in the code below. thank you in anticipation. [CODE]<?php $obj = new Unit(); { global $database; $Unit = $obj->select_row_query ("SELECT `reservation_extras` FROM `".$obj->get_table_name()."` WHERE `id` = '".$_GET['PropertyId']."' AND `published` = 1", 1); $rexzz=explode(",", $Unit->reservation_extras); $i=0; $total_ext=0; if(!empty($Unit->reservation_extras)||$Unit->reservation_extras=='[end]'); } foreach($rexzz as $rexz) { … | |
i installed ubuntu 10.04 and had an application supposed to regularly send mails. initially it was workin but after updates, it stopped. i have tried to re-configure php.ini but still the problem persists. i have also restarted sendmail but in vain. help get out of this problem please. | |
Hi, I'm having an issue with session storing. I have installed cakePHP and it has a default table created in the database for sessions (cake_sessions) and 3 fields: id, data, expires. Is there any way to change the session domain? For example, i want to pass the session data to … |
The End.