39,326 Topics
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hello... i need help from you all.. i am still new in php.. i hope you all can help me.. i am desperate. i can't delete delete data(delete multiple row from mysql using check box). this is my coding.. the cooperation is greatly appreciated. i have 2 file this is … | |
Dear All, I have function where I read from a mysql table a set of value. Part of my codes is like this [CODE]echo "<tr id='gridRow'> <td >$count</td> <td> <input type='checkbox' onClick=selectAndUpdate('$row1[size]')></td> <td> {$row1[SerialNo]}</td> <td> {$row1[InHouseBranding]}</td> <td> {$row1[BrandCode]}</td> <td> {$row1[size]}</td> <td> {$row1[Pattern]}</td> <td> {$row1[EntryStatus]}</td> </tr>";[/CODE] A sample row generated is … | |
hi everybody i have a question : I am writing a website and i havee a drop down menu. when the user is logged out he can see part of the menu and when hi is logged he see the other part. i hide the menu with <?php if(isset($logged)){ ?> … | |
Hi All, Im in the middle of making a dynamic multi part email and have come accross a snag. The function receives a file, and depending on the content of that file it then processes the relevant headers and mixed parts, however, rather than echoing the items i need to … | |
I need a bit of help to make a connection to a mysql DB with a function and then create an admin table. I got this far: [CODE] function dbconn($db_host, $db_username, $db_pass, $db_name) { /* Global research function */ global $researchDbLink; if($researchDbLink) { return $researchDbLink; } /* Connect to DB … | |
anyone kno of any good php video chat scripts or downloads? | |
i have tried to create a function to send Email and this is the code: $this->load->library('email'); $this->email->from('gbagbo@presidency.com', 'elhaji'); $this->email->to('abdjan@ivoycoast.com'); $this->email->cc('another@another-example.com'); $this->email->bcc('them@their-example.com'); $this->email->subject('Email Test'); $this->email->message('Testing the email class.'); $this->email->send(); echo $this->email->print_debugger(); it displayed the following error: Severity: Notice Message: Undefined index: Subject Filename: libraries/Email.php Line Number: 969 i tried to add … | |
I need to know how to pass the data's from database to a constructor like this "Jungle Book" => new Book("Jungle Book", "R. Kipling", "A classic book."), "Moonwalker" => new Book("Moonwalker", "J. Walker", ""), "PHP for Dummies" => new Book("PHP for Dummies", "Some Smart Guy", "") my coding is [CODE]$data … | |
Do anyone see what im doing wrong with the update query? i get this mysql_error message; You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-xxx WHERE id = '616' AND userid = '15'' … | |
good morning. i am new still new in php. I need help from you all. why i cannot delete multiple rows from mysql with checkbox in my database... this is my coding.. <?php $host="localhost"; // Host name $username="root"; // Mysql username $password=""; // Mysql password $db_name="cek"; // Database name $tbl_name="del"; … | |
hi ... i is it possible in php: updating/refreshing a page once per 30seconds (1/30 secs) and it can be set for 2x,3x times and so on.... and also the seconds (the 30 seconds ) can be set also.... | |
[B]**Disclaimer: It's been a while since I last wrote any code. The quality of my code is likely to be sub-par. You've been warned.**[/B] I have a basic form that's meant to search flat files on our server. The "search engine" I created as two select lists: one for the … | |
I need to write code that will copy files from one folder to another please help | |
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hi,im using registration form for registering users to the new account.i have 2 tables in one database.database name is test and table name is student and member.in student table which contain the register no of student which is already stored in the database.in member table,it has 4 fields which is … | |
Hello all, first post here. I'm a newbie in php code, but declaring a simple variable I thought I could do, but apparently not. I cannot figure out which rule I broke, but I keep getting an error message in line 4 of the following code for an unexpected t … | |
Hi guys, I am new here in the community. I need help on how to pass a javascript variable value to a php variable.. I am using jquery to hide form1 when the page loads. My first javascript is working fine. my code is like this: [CODE] <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ … | |
Greetings! Recently I've been updating an image resize class I found on the internet. What I needed to have was a script that would crop an image in order to fit in a defined with a fixed width an height. However, after the image is redimensioned, (keeping the aspect ratio), … | |
I created a Javascript application that collects user data to calculate a moving quote. ([url]http://economymoving.net/get_an_online_moving_quote.php[/url]) When submitted, it inserts a new record into the database then it displays a personalized moving quote on a new page. The application also collects personal info (name, phone number, email, address, etc.) How can … | |
Hi I get my data posted from another form.html page i receive it just fine and decode the json just fine, and the validation works just fine, the only problem is the part where i have to insert the values into the database.. any suggestions.. [CODE] <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> … | |
My code count and display total number of messages on index page. I want to show only number of new messages. How to skip old messages or mark old messages as read? CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `message` ( `id` bigint(50) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` tinytext NOT NULL, `message` text … | |
Hello house, Can anyone help me with a joomla plugin for alphauserpoints, i want users' points to be deducted if video is watched. Thank you | |
I'm making personal MVC framework skeleton I plan to build all sites on it (reserve your question pls on why not CI or CakePHP et al). Now Thinking of session security, one option is database. I was wondering whether storing session data in root_app/tmp/sessions/ would be better as/more than database! … | |
I download simplehtmldom_1_5 for fetching the data from website. But I want to insert this data into database. If I put any URL I want to get the information(For eg. name,email,phone etc)and stored it into database. What is the solution?Please help me. Thanks in advance. | |
I created a Javascript application that creates a moving quote.([url]http://economymoving.net/get_an_online_moving_quote.php[/url]) The quote page should insert a record in the db, display the record on a new page called viewquote.php and send an alert email to the company. Currently, the phpmyadmin database receives the record but viewquote.php doesn't display the correct … | |
| here is my stored procedure [code=sql] begin select indexes.IndexID, languages.LanguageID, languages.LanguageName, indexes.OrderID, indexes.IndexName FROM indexes, languages where indexes.LanguageID = languages.LanguageID and languages.LanguageID = Language order by indexes.OrderID asc; end [/code] here is my php code [code=php] <?php $Server = ""; $Port = ":"."3306"; $DataBase = "abc"; $UserName = "def"; $PassWord … |
i am using mail() function to send email with php. the following is the sending script. <?php $to = "bonjourcava@gmail.com"; $subject = "Contact Us"; $email = "bonjour" ; $message = "jee tres bien" ; $headers = "Billing information"; $sent = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers) ; ?> it displays a success … | |
Hi I am doing an API application now. I sent the request using soap. I received the response back in xml format. For simple example i sent the request as <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:fram="http://framework.zend.com"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <fram:getVersion/> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> Received Response as <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAPENV=" http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns1="http://framework.zend.com"> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <ns1:getVersionResponse> <return>0.1</return> </ns1:getVersionResponse> </SOAP-ENV:Body> … | |
I have create a web page in php. I am retrieving the values from mysql database and showing as grid view on page. I want to take a print on paper upto only datagrid. What to do..? Please help anyone with code.... | |
Difference between require() and require_once(): require() includes and evaluates a specific file, while require_once() does that only if it has not been included before (on the same page). So, require_once() is recommended to use when you want to include a file where you have a lot of functions for example. … |
The End.