39,326 Topics
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/** * A statement class that implements DB_IStatement_1 * NOTE: in most cases, you should be type-hinting for DB_IStatement_1 * @author Andrew Minerd <andrew.minerd@sellingsource.com> */ class DB_Statement_1 extends PDOStatement implements DB_IStatement_1 { } i am getting following error . Strict Standards: Declaration of DB_Statement_1::execute() should be compatible with PDOStatement::execute($bound_input_params = … | |
I want to make a script that changes pictures depending on the type . I am getting a error on Sql but i dont know what i am doing wrong this is the script function Pic($profilePic) { if($profilePic) { $profile_pic=BASE_URL.UPLOAD_PATH.$profilePic; } else { $sql = "SELECT type FROM messages WHERE … | |
Hello All, i have run into an issue with my little project that i cannot seem to find much on and im at a lose for resources to check through. I am trying to get and use data that is being pulled from a json echo to my other php … | |
Hey guys I need help because I am with difficulties on showing the arrays in my website screen. There is an attachment with my website screen so you can see what kind of error is. Here it is my **UserController.php** where I call the translation: <?php class UserController extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Controller … | |
Hi all im currently updating a script and repairing it after a page full or errors most ive done through searching but im stuck on this on if anyone can help be much appreciated jan PHP Notice: Only variables should be passed by reference on line 16 the piece of … | |
I am using the Ionic framwork for the mobile app and Bootstrap for the web app, this has been set by my University as what we have to use, so we can't change them, but is there a way to link the data base to both services? Thanks in advance … | |
Hi, Can someone guide me on how to have php code echoing inside javascript <script> var cc1 = '<?php $_GET['cc1'];'; </script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" > $(document).ready(function() { var dataTable = $('#employee-grid').DataTable( { "processing": true, "oLanguage" : { "sProcessing": "<img src='https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/disp/585d0331234507.564a1d239ac5e.gif'height='130' width='130'>", "sLengthMenu": "Show _MENU_ Records", "sZeroRecords": "No matching records found", … | |
Hey guys! Can you help me on how to generate Authorization Key and API Key from Infobip SMS API? | |
<?php $not_an_int = "sa';';';'sd12340asd"; $actual_int = "12341234"; var_dump(is_int((int)$not_an_int)); echo "<br />"; var_dump(is_int((int)$actual_int)); echo "<br />"; echo "<br />"; var_dump(is_int($not_an_int)); echo "<br />"; var_dump(is_int($actual_int)); ?> Returns: true true false false Without casting, real integer is seen as false. With casting, a non-integer is seen as true. What would be a real … | |
Hello guys, I am here to ask for help, which it is a very problematic (for me) question: I went to the phalconPHP references and put it inside the controller (I don't know if I had to create a new controller or not, maybe yes) but I put it inside … | |
i have a array like array(2) { [0]=> array(18) { [0]=> array(8) { ["attandance_id"]=> string(3) "162" ["entry_date_time"]=> string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00" ["attandance_date"]=> string(10) "2016-04-06" ["class_id"]=> string(5) "11232" ["user_id"]=> string(5) "53697" ["status"]=> string(1) "3" ["timestamp_key"]=> string(27) "99b2f75ac6de8a52_1460025757" ["create_by"]=> string(1) "0" } [1]=> array(8) { ["attandance_id"]=> string(3) "163" ["entry_date_time"]=> string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00" ["attandance_date"]=> … | |
dear friends, I have created Php form to store data in my mysql database. But i am facing problem in updating file data to store in database. Please check my code below $edate=$_POST['edate']; //$edate=date("d-m-y h:i:s a",time()); $ldate=$_POST['ldate']; //$ldate=date("d-m-y h:i:s a"); $cdetail=$_POST['cdetail']; $tenNo=$_POST['tenNo']; $tdetail=$_POST['tdetail']; $name = ($_FILES['uploaded_file']['name']); $mime = ($_FILES['uploaded_file']['type']); $data … | |
im attempting to add date of birth and age to a form and database the date of birth works fine and shows in database as it should be but the age is showing 0 in age column ive tried different things after searching and its staying the same heres the … | |
Hi All, I am stumped here. Perhaps I've been at it too long and am missing something elementary or it really is a missing link. I hope someone can point me in the right direction here. I have this piece of code for my new widget functions: function underslider_widgets_one_init() { … | |
hi all im trying to update a script and i have the following errors which ive googled and im lost if anyone can help be much appreciated ty jan x PHP Notice: Use of undefined constant prepare_insert - assumed 'prepare_insert' in /home/matureco/public_html/UPLOADIMAGE/config/db_connect.php on line 32 code for this error is … | |
hello guys its been a while since my last question here :P am working right now on PHP script to upload and convert video files to several resolutions ( 360 - 720 ), here a piece of my php code to convert move_uploaded_file($file_tmp, 'upload/'.$fileName); add_to_queue($time,"360-".$fileName,$status="pending"); //where add_to_queue is simple function … | |
User gives me a `$_POST`, I want to check whether keys (not the values) are there. `$_POST` keys need to be `newemail`, `firstPassword` and `secondPassword`. What I have tried: `if (in_array(array_keys($_POST), array("newemail", "firstPassword", "secondPassword"))) echo "Everything in order".`. How to make it actually work? | |
Can someone help me on debugging this code `<?php include "../template/php/myconnection.php"; include "../template/php/sessionChecker.php"; include "functions.php"; include "ext.php"; $date = date("Y-m-d"); $breakdown = ""; $transkey = ""; $isFound = false; $file_value = file("header.txt"); if(!empty($_GET['tn'])){ foreach($file_value as $line){ if(strpos($line,$_GET['tn']) !== false){ $isFound = true; $breakdown = explode(" | ",$line); $transkey = $breakdown[3]; … | |
An online tool embeded vim editor into web to debug your php code. It also helps you to practice vim online. Website: [phpio.net](http://phpio.net) // Press F11 to toggle full screen editting (Ctrl+⌘+F on Mac OS). // Press Ctrl+Shift+F to format code. echo 'Welcome to PHPIO.NET!'; | |
Hi, Is there any way to do multiple drilldown chart( 6 clicks)? Give me some examples. | |
i have problem and i am new to this i have a domain like kk.com there were many products on it when user clicks on buy now here will be redirected to subdomain like subdomainname.kk.com/product-1 or subdomainname.kk.com/product-2 based on product clicked my question is how can show details on this … | |
Hi Friends. i am working on my internal work. i am having n dynamic rows, Each and every row contain total. i want to sum all the rows total. i have attached the screen shot for the reference | |
Hi, Please I have a problem inserting record to mysql database, it always shows this error " Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, null given in C:\wamp\www" here is my code <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ $member_dat1=$_POST['member_first']; $member_dat2=$_POST['member_lastname']; $member_dat3=$_POST['sex']; $member_dat4=$_POST['member_type']; $member_dat5=$_POST['m_email1']; $member_dat6=$_POST['m_phone1']; $member_dat7=$_POST['m_address1']; $member_dat8=$_POST['m_address2']; $member_dat9=$_POST['city']; $member_dat10=$_POST['state']; $member_dat11=$_POST['added_by']; $member_insert= "INSERT INTO members(member_first,member_lastname,sex,member_type,m_address1,m_address2,city,state,m_phone1,m_email1,added_by)" … | |
hello all, i want to create dynamacially this thing and want to populate data alternatively on green,red,gray li and so on but i can't able to do it plz help i am weak in js :( <li class="green"> <div class="metro_tmtime" datetime="2013-04-10 18:30"> <span class="date">1/4/13</span> <span class="time">17:20</span> </div> <div class="metro_tmicon"> <i … | |
When I use pagination for custom post type 'product' its working fine but its not working for the categories of custom post type. for ex. pagination working for this **'http://localhost/wordpress/products/page/2/'** and not for this **'http://localhost/wordpress/products/landscape/page/2/'** its always showing the first page content. How to solve this? given below is my … | |
Hi, I am looking for some example code that can help me to generate unique random string of numeric numbers in PHP Applications. I am hoping to resolve this issue with the help of tech developers working around & for this I have researched for many php questions & answers … | |
###Simple Advice This is just a reminder. When setting environment variables through **.htaccess**, **CLI** or **dotenv** use `filter_var()` to evaluate a boolean. For example, start the built-in PHP server with these variables: DEBUG=FALSE LOG=TRUE SMS=1 SMTP=0 CONNECT=yes BACKUP=no php -d variables_order=EGPCS -S localhost:8000 And then test through `boolval()`: if you … | |
i have been rearrange the code for whole day still cannt make the datepicker search filter working only the dropdown select filter is working.. previously is datepicker search filter is working and dropdown options is not working, but i working it and it turns around where the datepicker is not … | |
Sir, I am using wamp 3.0 having php 5.6.15 SQLSERVER 2008 is installed on Windows 7 32bit. I want to connect sqlserver with php, So I put required drives in Bin folder as ![aa.png](/attachments/large/4/b763141a1fb510782c174e1fab41066b.png "align-center") and made some necessary changes in php.ini as ![bb.png](/attachments/small/4/a50b010fafa6dc4b615bc2abd06ce0df.png "align-left") Finally I have this connection … | |
Hi, by passing city name, I take all hotels reviews among on the requested city groupin by hotel id and user id that reviews should be greater than 0, The query works correctly, but taking values using while loop it combines all the hotel review values together. How to take … |
The End.