39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for SimonIoa

Hello i want to sort the returning data from my MySql database. i want to sort them by their type (1,2,3) This is what i ve done so far. PHP works fine returns all records $somevariable represents the AND to sort the records function all() { $type = $data->type; if($type …

Member Avatar for Bachu
Member Avatar for rayearth_1

i have creating a feedback devices system, and already done with only the radio button. but the people wants more, then i added some roll over image, and having dificulties to connect between them. people wants to, when they click the image, and the radio button show the indocator, that …

Member Avatar for gentlemedia
Member Avatar for James_63

I got two dropdowns in each product in my cart. When i select my both option my class on success is not updating the cost. It only updates when i refresh the page, i dont want to refresh my page to get the cost. this is my script... $(document).ready(function() { …

Member Avatar for ericko10kip

<?php $host="localhost"; // Host name $username="root"; // Mysql username $password=""; // Mysql password $db_name="relaxinn"; // Database name $con=mysqli_connect("$host","$username","$password","$db_name"); if (mysqli_connect_errno($con)) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } //Get number of rows $categories = array(); $sql="SELECT * FROM books "; $result=mysqli_query($con, $sql); while($row=mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $categories[$row['language']][] = $row['code']; …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for James_62

I have two dropdowns where ajax gets the value from it and send to my page calculates.php and then i will get a result based on both dropdown selection. But its not working well. The problem is that im getting a error that is saying **Notice: Undefined index: icms in …

Member Avatar for ryantroop
Member Avatar for Rishi_3

I'm trying to get the text value from a select dropdown menu that is populated by a database using the following function: <?php function searchintspokenlang() { require ('../../../connect_db.php'); $queryintspoken="SELECT Language FROM languages"; $result=mysqli_query($dbc, $queryintspoken); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<option value='" . $row['Language'] . "'>" . $row['Language'] . "</option>"; …

Member Avatar for James_62
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan

Hi, I have a column "statustime" in a table , which has values( like,10:24:10 PM,12:04:00 AM) with mixed of AM and PM . I want to display the other values by "statustime" in ASC . How to do?

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for James_62

Guys i'm trying to get data joined from two tables. I have a select options dropdowns with Fabrics names the other has sizes. I am wondering how i will make my dropdown changes the values for each fabric in each size and multiply for the amount of fabric selected. this …

Member Avatar for Waqas_4

i am getting error Not Found The requested URL /home was not found on this server. please overview my code here . specially main functions are servePage and displayPage . <?php /** * Copyright 2009 - 2011 Color Shift, Inc. * * @package Luminance v4.0 * * This class handles …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Stefce

Hello i would like to invite all who like to take risks and like to build something new, i'm building a project and i can say its complete about 90% BUT i'm not experienced too much to finish the project by my self, so i need HELP from someone who …

Member Avatar for Stefce
Member Avatar for amaz4u

i am able to populate data in chain select drop down list but the problem is when page is refreshing selected data is lost how to fix that .. here is the code.. <?php require_once 'include/config.php'; require_once 'include/opendb.php'; ?> <?php if(isset($_POST['model'])){ //This is for the third and final drop down …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for hell hansen

Hi Guys! i need some help, with recurring invoices or payments. I have Application which i developed recently to my customer. And inside of App i got a module to invoice clients, for a product, which this product is valid only for one year starting may for each year and …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for hrushi9

I have created template for user to user chat module. Need help to complete realtime chat. Need some validations like highlight chat window on message received if it is inactive. `to_id` is collected in script (`var userid`). how to collect `from_id` , if user is logged in via php. currently …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for wikit

Hi I'm trying to find a script that will allow me to set multiple options eg. option 1 = 40, option 2 = 15, option 3 = 30 etc where the user can select any number of the options and it will total the numbers up for them example there …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for Mario A._1

I´m in disgrace with the framework Codeigniter version 2.2.0, it only displays the json response, no errors, no chart... Code **Model** function get_pata() { $this->db->select('theyear, cantidad_alumnos, rawkw, rawkwxgei'); $this->db->from('pdc_factor_gei'); $query = $this->db->get(); return $query->result(); } **Controller to handle data from Model and display in view;** function data_fik() { $data = …

Member Avatar for Mario A._1
Member Avatar for eternalcreator

I have a database to manage students 1. I want to Select students that are in level 1 fom the students table 2. Select the subjects from the subjects table 3. and echo the matching results on am html table any help?

Member Avatar for eternalcreator
Member Avatar for hrushi9

Working on law firm website. Different Lawyers have assigned different cases ( in same law firm). For that purpose it needs Family Tree implementation to collect clients history. There is main table `persons` personID primary key AUTO INCREMENT firstName lastName sex birthDate birthPlace deathDate deathPlace parents, spouse, childre all are …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Rahul_56

I have problem while calling jquery functions it generates double output while when we do highlight questions and crossout on html content sometimes highlight and crossout also not working with selecting using Ctrl+A or select all. highlight and crossout values i am storing to database so, we can remain next …

Member Avatar for INSPIREDNZ

I need to create a form with five dropdown select lists. Making a selection in any list will cause the other lists to repopulate. It's fine if the page refreshes in order to repopulate the lists, although eventually I'd love to have it happen dynamically (using Ajax or JQerry). The …

Member Avatar for Amaina

My question is related to an [answered question](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/web-development/threads/506078/parsing-xml-to-extract-attributes) that was asked here on the ever reliable forum - Daniweb. I have been trying to insert the parsed data as a string into mysql table in vain. This is what i am trying to do..... From the solution in the link …

Member Avatar for Amaina
Member Avatar for Joe_10

currently I have a survey with 10 questions on a html/ php form. I use post data and then have a long insert statment. My code looks something like this. <php? $surveyid = $_POST['surveyid']; $q1 = $_POST['q1']; $q1comments = $_POST['q1comments']; $q2 = $_POST['q2']; $q2comments = $_POST['q2comments']; $q3 = $_POST['q3']; $q3comments …

Member Avatar for ryantroop
Member Avatar for Amaina

I have an xml file that looks like this <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <dates> <date> <Item Name="History" Type="List"> <Item Name="received" Type="Date">2015/12/18 00:00</Item> <Item Name="accepted" Type="Date">2016/03/31 00:00</Item> <Item Name="aheadofprint" Type="Date">2016/04/14 00:00</Item> <Item Name="entrez" Type="Date">2016/04/15 06:00</Item> <Item Name="pubmed" Type="Date">2016/04/15 06:00</Item> <Item Name="medline" Type="Date">2016/04/15 06:00</Item> </Item> </date> <date> <Item Name="History" Type="List"> <Item Name="epublish" …

Member Avatar for Amaina
Member Avatar for gyno

Hi everyone, i'm having problem on what PHP code that is appropriate for me to search for a specific data from mysql database, help me with how to go about please

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for zebnoon1

Dear Friends, I made login form in php ... when i login .... URL shows form Name in URL Bar.... that means i can open the from without username and password. for example. http://www.nig-bh.com/registration1/login.php this is login form when i enter username and password it opens http://www.nig-bh.com/registration1/enqrep.php ...after correct username …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for mohammad shadab hussain
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Ventech_IT

Hi guys just a quick question...when you upload a file to the database and the file name is saved and encrypted in codeigniter how do i make a link that when clicked will download the file associated with the id of the table entry? for instance this is my view …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Joe_10

I am trying to follow the steps in an example on fpdfmakes webiste. However I am using sql server instead of mysql. Could someone give me some pointers so I can get this to work correctly? thanks <?php require('fpdf.php'); //Connect to your database $serverName = "myserver"; $connectionOptions = array("Database"=>"mydb"); $conn …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Brett_2

I was trying to tweak some html headers due to change in content type and facing a weird issue When I execute the below code it doesn't gets email delivered at all $htmlheader = "From: $emailad\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n"; But when I add extra slash ( \ ) and double quotes …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for Sohil_2

This is my soap code try{ $client = new SoapClient( "https://www.tntexpress.com.au/webservices/booking.svc?Wsdl" , array('username' => "xxx",'password' => "yyy") ); $params = array( "SenderAccount" => 30017823, "SenderDetails" => "ROSEHILL 2142 NSW EAST", "CollectionDetails" => "ROSEHILL 2142 NSW EAST", "ReceiverDetails" => "MELBOURNE 3002 VIC", "ItemCount" => 1, "TotalWeight" => 10, "MaxLength" => 10, …

Member Avatar for Sohil_2
Member Avatar for cereal

Hello, on Hotmail/Outlook webmail, when I receive an email message in the spam folder (formally Junk), I can mark the message as **Not Junk**. The server will then start to deliver the messages from that source, directly into the Inbox, working like a whitelist. Is it possible to do the …

Member Avatar for cereal

The End.