39,326 Topics
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Hello; I using the following sql to get information from two tables --through join; /[CODE]/ this join works in sql, but can $res = "select ad.firstname, ad.lastname, ad.address, ad.city, ad.state, ad.zipcode, ad.dhtmlgoodies_category, ad.dhtmlgoodies_subcategory, ad.caryear, ad.customerid, ad.servicedesc, aj.email, aj.areacode, aj.phoneprefix, ad.clientID, aj.phonesufix, aj.cellareacode, aj.cellprefix, aj.cellsufix, aj.commentonclient from additional_cars as ad, ajax_client … | |
hi all, first i want to say I am new to php. I'm developing a blog where administrator can get all comments replied by the users. I can view it in a html table. But now what I need is dynamically delete , edit them. i tried this [CODE] include … | |
Hey everyone, I'm having an undefined variable error where I have marked in red. The variables i and f2 are defined in another method somewhere else in the code. Please tell me how to fix these errors. Thanks in advance!! function showDateBox() { $startDate = array(); $endDate = array(); $dayarray … | |
Hey guys, I was trying to implement a twitter feed script into my website to display my most recent tweet, and it works fine, but the links are broken. Go to [URL="http://sfrederick.com"]http://sfrederick.com[/URL] to see what I mean. Here is the script: [CODE] <? $username = "sfrederick1"; $prefix = "Latest Tweet: … | |
Hi, I am trying to redirect links through a php redirect. I am just about there but am having problems with the coding to pass the variable through from my page to the php script. For example link on my page is: [url]http://www.website.co.uk/redirect.php?m=196591.html[/url] This should display the page for HotelID … | |
Hi Friends i am facing problem in searching a words from database. Below is my Database details [CODE]CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `latest` ( `latest_id` int(25) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `latest_title` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `latest_short` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `latest_image` varchar(250) NOT … | |
I need to have a script that will help me save the same groups of fresh email and reply mails (suppose from gmail)to it into the database. My choice is IMAP. Right choice i think. 1) i know how to get the total number of unread emails . But how … | |
Hello people.. I have written a code that replaces IMG tags in a text with the HTML <img tag.. However, I faced a problem; Big images spoiled the layout of the page being viewed. Is there anyway to limit the size of the image only when it's more than 300 … | |
Hey guys, I'm kind of new to php. So my problem is that my code just doesn't work and I can't figure out why. I had it working when had the original code when all it did was search and display the results but now I'm trying to add page … | |
Hello all, While upload my resume i'm getting below error, Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/abc/public_html/site/resume2.php:1) in /home/abc/public_html/site/resume2.php on line 57 I have attached the code as well.... <? $subject = $_POST[subject]; $Comments = $_POST[Comments]; $name = $_POST[name]; $phone = $_POST[phone]; $mobile … | |
Dear All To conduct online exams we need to set timer for say 60 minutes or 90 minutes after this time the user should be logged of fiocrcefully Please help me for the code in php Can I use session for this ... | |
Please help on the multiple textbox as date in mysql [CODE] <input type="text" name="date" class="f_input input1" style="width:32px;" value="D" maxlength="1" onBlur="if(this.value=='') this.value='D'" onFocus="if(this.value =='D' ) this.value=''" > <input type="text" name="date" class="f_input input1" style="width:32px;" maxlength="1" value="D" onBlur="if(this.value=='') this.value='D'" onFocus="if(this.value =='D' ) this.value=''" > <input type="text" name="date" class="f_input input1" style="width:32px;" maxlength="1" value="M" onBlur="if(this.value=='') … | |
hey there i've opened the source code of PHPbb and i saw something real wired [CODE=php]<!-- INCLUDE overall_header.html --> <p class="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}<!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN --> rightside<!-- ENDIF -->"><!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN -->{LAST_VISIT_DATE}<!-- ELSE -->{CURRENT_TIME}<!-- ENDIF --></p> <!-- IF U_MCP --><p>{CURRENT_TIME} <br />[ <a href="{U_MCP}">{L_MCP}</a> ]</p><!-- ELSEIF S_USER_LOGGED_IN --><p>{CURRENT_TIME}</p><!-- ENDIF --> <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_SEARCH or … | |
hey there i'm looking for a way to slice a website thru PHP. what that i'm looking for is to slice itunes store website to get app picture , app version , app size etc. example link:itunes.apple.com/il/app/free-music-download-free/id450378277?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D2 thanks in advance elibyy | |
Hi all, I have this mail which works fine: But how can I pass the html tags, as html tags so it shows bold in my inbox? As it is now, i recieve the tags as normal letters.. This is what I have: [CODE] if(empty($error_msg)) { // If validated -> … | |
hi all, know PHP basics want to learn php frameworks...can u please guide me... | |
Hi guys, I have the following code which works well. The code is to display all the data from the database in input text field format. User is able to edit and update the details by clicking the update button at the end of each row to update the specific … | |
[B]Hello, I recently installed a php job board script. The install and everything else went just fine.......Until......I click "Update" to update or edit an element of the site. Mostly, the problem happens when I'm in the Admin section of the site. However, it has happened on a few other pages … | |
| I have a form in account.php that is prefilled with the user's current info but can be changed and then when you submit, it updates the database. However, when returned to the page after the update, the prefilled text is not updated. It only updates if you re-log in. At … |
Ok so I want people to fill in a form and when they press submit it gets sent to my email address... Everything is working fine I just need to know how to make the checkbox appear in my email, the free script I used didn't have any checkbox and … | |
Ok so here's the deal... I have mostly French-speaking customers and they'll type-in their name with accents (such as é, à , è, etc.) in the following script [CODE]$string_exp = "/^[A-Za-z .'-]+$/"; if(!preg_match($string_exp,$prenom)) { $error_message .= 'Invalid name<br />';[/CODE] It will say "invalid name". I know that to fix this I … | |
View the full tutorial at [URL="http://www.effectivewebdesign.co.nz/tutorial.php"]http://www.effectivewebdesign.co.nz/tutorial.php[/URL] I have tested this many times and it works fine. Please don't complain unless you really can't get it working, Just PM me and I'll fill in the blanks Happy Coding :) | |
I found this code [url]http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/php/code/301902[/url] but when I run it I get several \n followed by Count item Name max(ts) then several a href="/testing.php?sort=max(ts)>"2011-07-08 00:00:00 can you tell me what I am doing wrong? [CODE]<?PHP //connect info $hostname = "localhost"; $database = "db"; $username = "user"; $password = "password"; $conn … | |
is there a way that i can check to see if a mysql table exists and if not add the table to the database with a session_id as a table name | |
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me in this aspect. Hope this is the right forum. I'm trying to implement a leave system in php. THe thing is, building one from scratch seems an uneccessary overload. WHat i'm trying to do, is find some sort of structured system … | |
hi, I have settup relative paths now work it on localhost properly.THank you for ur upport but I got another problem when I host it 000wbhost server. I configure the passwords and username and other stuff and run the site. then I got this error PHP Error Message Warning: include() … | |
| Warning: copy() [function.copy]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File() is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/oeaivcom:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) I am trying to create a form that someone can submit a file to an ftp location. I found a script online and it is giving me this error. Could anyone point me in the … |
[code=php]<?php //first you need to define db info define('mySQL_hostname', 'localhost'); //database IP define('mySQL_database', 's'); //database name define('mySQL_username', 's'); //database user define('mySQL_password', 's'); //database password //connects to mysql $db_link = mysql_pconnect( mySQL_hostname, mySQL_username, mySQL_password ) or die( 'Error connecting to mysql<br><br>'.mysql_error() ); //connects to Database $db_select = mysql_select_db( mySQL_database, $db_link ) … | |
Hi all, This has always confused me to no end and now that I really need a JOIN I need to get this. I am working with a small blogging section of my site here. In one table I have "blogs" and another table I have "comments". My comments table … | |
Hi members. I am working on a couple of pages that present me with the same problem. I have set up a log in that puts member data into a session variable. Then the logged in member proceeds to alter some of their own data using a form, and the … |
The End.