39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for bjeffries

If anyone is familiar with wordpress and the plugin shopp I am having an issue and no one on any other forum can seem to help me. I am running the plugin shopplugin which is a shopping cart. I want to the featured product to show up on the index …

Member Avatar for bjeffries
Member Avatar for knitex

So with my code below im really stumped on whats happening. I've looking on the internet and looked at a bunch of code and it seems to be similar to mine but i have no clue why mine isnt working. when you click on the next(or any page) link it …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for devindamenuka

hi all, I was developing a blog where I used classes. but I met a problem when I try to include config.php to my classes and use global variables in the methodes. Normally without classes it works pretty much well. here is the code [code]<?php /* * To change this …

Member Avatar for ddymacek
Member Avatar for mpw5013

Good Morning, I'm receiving a SOAP error when I try to pull all of my products (20k) into an array. So, I want to limit the script and only grab 1/3 of the database. How would I do that? Here is the code that is erroring: [CODE]$products = $client->call($session, 'catalog_product.list', …

Member Avatar for ddymacek
Member Avatar for trbograndnat

I have two tables.Each has an identical field titled vin. In both tables I've removed all primary keys. I've gone to the relationship view and made sure nothing was selected under the dropdown for foreign key. I've gone to the database designer view, and there are no relationships being shown …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for rinjin07

Hey all, I'm a total IT beginner and have been trying to figure out how to put raw html with css and javascript in the header on an article in Joomla 1.7? I heard about this JCE thing but no idea how it works. If someone could explain it to …

Member Avatar for Buppy

Hi, I have a form (using cake form helper) and it's validation rules. The problems is that the errors does not show. I can see it validates correctly - the data is not being saved, the fields has their .required class added, and also when i check the $this->Model->invalidFields(); it …

Member Avatar for mwenyenia07

Hi all, I want to create a horizontal and vertcal menus(sub-menus too) like those displayed on the home page of Daniweb site using PHP .can somebody help me sample code please.

Member Avatar for divyakrishnan
Member Avatar for ahasan_al_rabbi

<html> <head> <title>test page</title> </head> <body> <?php echo "<h1>hello there</h1>"; ?> </body> </html> or, <?php echo <<<EOT <html> <head> <title>test page</title> </head> <body> EOT; echo "<h1>hello there</h1>"; echo "</body></html>"; ?>

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for vaultdweller123

hey guys anyone know here how to browse image from server? currently the code <input type="file" name="file" id="file" /> is browsing from my computer. I want it to browse from the server, is it possible? thanks in advance

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for Ichcha

hi am beginner in php.. please help me.. rough explanation: user will select orgname and the following code will get the orgname and import data from mssql. i wanted to filter those data according to groupname and count number of users access to the system in month basis according to …

Member Avatar for Ichcha
Member Avatar for shamim0754

Hellow,I need to help for desinging a online based education website.what thing I considered of this site.I plan my site will be remain advanced login system,exam system,tutorial but I need more concept that i can do and how can i do this.thanks

Member Avatar for Nahiyan
Member Avatar for johndohmen1963

Hi i got the folowing code to delete files and directories [CODE] if(isset($_POST['wissen'])) { $albid5= $_POST['album_id1']; $albnam = $_POST['albumbeschrijv']; $error = "Es ist ein Problem mit der Datenverbindung aufgetreten,<br />probieren Sie es bitte später noch einmal<br />oder nehmen Sie Kontakt mit dem Webmaster auf."; $connect = mysql_connect("localhost","bla","bla1") or die ($error); …

Member Avatar for johndohmen1963
Member Avatar for luceduce

Hi all, I've written some code which seems to be working when isolated on testing pages, however, as soon as I integrate the codes within my site files, the code no longer works. [B]What the code does:[/B] currently, when the first page loads, you have an option of which template …

Member Avatar for ddymacek
Member Avatar for klemme

I have this script which works fine, and changes the password. Admin is logged in and has a session id. After admin has changed the password, i want to email the new changed password, but it doesnt send the email - can someone see why? The form inputs are: current …

Member Avatar for klemme
Member Avatar for airmvp23

I've been trying to use the php includes code instead using iframe, but I'm having some issues. I have 2 php platforms (Joomla & Shopping Cart) that I need to connect together somehow. Basically I need to "include" the shopping cart template within a Joomla Template (so basically like iframe). …

Member Avatar for airmvp23
Member Avatar for RazorRamon

I built a quick date time test page. The coding is below followed by its results. I'm entering the raw timestamp into table time because i want to be able to manipulate it once i show it (say if i want to show time and date using the same timestamp). …

Member Avatar for RazorRamon
Member Avatar for keskor

Hey guys i jst wanna ask about how to put categories in php in such a that i write a function that will take a specific surname as a parameter and check in which category of letters it falls to and return the name of the person e.g muller category: …

Member Avatar for ddymacek
Member Avatar for arsala211

how we select data from database in drapdowlist and then delete the date(thrugh php cod)

Member Avatar for klemme
Member Avatar for mbarandao

Hello; I using the following sql to get information from two tables --through join; /[CODE]/ this join works in sql, but can $res = "select ad.firstname, ad.lastname, ad.address, ad.city, ad.state, ad.zipcode, ad.dhtmlgoodies_category, ad.dhtmlgoodies_subcategory, ad.caryear, ad.customerid, ad.servicedesc, aj.email, aj.areacode, aj.phoneprefix, ad.clientID, aj.phonesufix, aj.cellareacode, aj.cellprefix, aj.cellsufix, aj.commentonclient from additional_cars as ad, ajax_client …

Member Avatar for ddymacek
Member Avatar for devindamenuka

hi all, first i want to say I am new to php. I'm developing a blog where administrator can get all comments replied by the users. I can view it in a html table. But now what I need is dynamically delete , edit them. i tried this [CODE] include …

Member Avatar for leakbali
Member Avatar for Rahul1996

Hey everyone, I'm having an undefined variable error where I have marked in red. The variables i and f2 are defined in another method somewhere else in the code. Please tell me how to fix these errors. Thanks in advance!! function showDateBox() { $startDate = array(); $endDate = array(); $dayarray …

Member Avatar for Rahul1996
Member Avatar for sfrederick1

Hey guys, I was trying to implement a twitter feed script into my website to display my most recent tweet, and it works fine, but the links are broken. Go to [URL="http://sfrederick.com"]http://sfrederick.com[/URL] to see what I mean. Here is the script: [CODE] <? $username = "sfrederick1"; $prefix = "Latest Tweet: …

Member Avatar for atrueresistance
Member Avatar for gordo58

Hi, I am trying to redirect links through a php redirect. I am just about there but am having problems with the coding to pass the variable through from my page to the php script. For example link on my page is: [url]http://www.website.co.uk/redirect.php?m=196591.html[/url] This should display the page for HotelID …

Member Avatar for gordo58
Member Avatar for rpv_sen

Hi Friends i am facing problem in searching a words from database. Below is my Database details [CODE]CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `latest` ( `latest_id` int(25) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `latest_title` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `latest_short` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `latest_image` varchar(250) NOT …

Member Avatar for shaams
Member Avatar for dw_user

I need to have a script that will help me save the same groups of fresh email and reply mails (suppose from gmail)to it into the database. My choice is IMAP. Right choice i think. 1) i know how to get the total number of unread emails . But how …

Member Avatar for Paaat

Hello people.. I have written a code that replaces IMG tags in a text with the HTML <img tag.. However, I faced a problem; Big images spoiled the layout of the page being viewed. Is there anyway to limit the size of the image only when it's more than 300 …

Member Avatar for Pro2000
Member Avatar for knitex

Hey guys, I'm kind of new to php. So my problem is that my code just doesn't work and I can't figure out why. I had it working when had the original code when all it did was search and display the results but now I'm trying to add page …

Member Avatar for upmuthukumar

Hello all, While upload my resume i'm getting below error, Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/abc/public_html/site/resume2.php:1) in /home/abc/public_html/site/resume2.php on line 57 I have attached the code as well.... <? $subject = $_POST[subject]; $Comments = $_POST[Comments]; $name = $_POST[name]; $phone = $_POST[phone]; $mobile …

Member Avatar for elibyy
Member Avatar for vikaspa

Dear All To conduct online exams we need to set timer for say 60 minutes or 90 minutes after this time the user should be logged of fiocrcefully Please help me for the code in php Can I use session for this ...

Member Avatar for urtrivedi

The End.